[07:46] jsalisbury: great job on figuring out the last good and first bad kernel [07:47] now i am really wondering what the cause of the read-only problem is... especially because it could be non-storage related, right? === lan3y is now known as Laney === Laney is now known as Guest76158 === Guest76158 is now known as Laney [17:52] any idea when the new 4.4.0-18 kernel will be released for 16.04? [18:06] leitao, it won't be until next week at the earliest (-17 just landed in -proposed a few days ago, and -18 hasn't been constructed yet) [18:06] kamal, hmm, so maybe I want -17. If the bug is "fix commited", I understand that it is being considered in -17, correct? [18:07] leitao, not necessarily --- there are a bunch of fixes committed on top of -17 too. which bug or commit are you looking for? [18:08] kamal, 1546439 [18:10] leitao, that fix is not in -17, sorry (I do see it in the Xenial repo -- it'll be in -18 when that gets constructed) [18:10] e7f2f51 UBUNTU: SAUCE: block: partition: initialize percpuref before sending out KOBJ_ADD [18:11] kamal, thanks [18:18] kamal, now I understand how you guys manage it. You have a -next branch, and creates a commit for each release.. I just need to check if the commit is below or above a certain commits (as -17). [18:18] Thank you [18:19] leitao, ah yes -- master-next is the thing to look at. glad I could help. [18:20] leitao, and yes, "Fix committed" specifically means, "we committed it to our master-next branch"