[07:29] tsdgeos: some Unity 8 Qt 5.6 love needed, bug #1565632 [07:29] bug 1565632 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 FTBFS against Qt 5.6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1565632 [07:30] I managed to get past UITK and webbrowser-app issues so u8 is next [07:37] Mirv: i so yeah [07:38] i'll fix it [07:40] tsdgeos: so yeah! [07:54] mzanetti: Mirv: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/qt56/+merge/290854 [08:00] tsdgeos, this is the only thing we need to change? [08:00] yeah, seems so [08:01] at least compile wise [08:01] I'm a bit surprised, but ok :) [08:01] tsdgeos: that was fast! trying out. [08:06] tsdgeos, did they drop that method or what? [08:07] mzanetti: that method never existed [08:07] why am i away [08:07] mzanetti: you can't connect to a signal without an object [08:07] mzanetti: i.e. it may have compiled, but what did it do? [08:07] fair point :D [08:07] mzanetti: what they did was make it actually fail [08:08] yeah... I get it now [08:08] https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/122234/ [08:08] oh wait there's another thing that seems doesn't compile [08:08] somehow i didn't see it the first run :D [08:13] mzanetti: Mirv: just pushed the other needed fix, sorry [08:38] tsdgeos: thanks, retrying === seb128_ is now known as seb128 === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch [12:05] jeez, do we really already have 25 branches to land... [12:09] tsdgeos hey albert, I wanted to test silo 22, which scope shall I test? [12:11] cimi: store [12:20] Saviq, yup, but nothing big iirc, shouldn't conflict much :) [12:20] yeah except for surface-based WM ;) [12:20] Saviq, approved already? :o [12:20] well, getting there [12:21] Saviq, ok, that will conflict with everything [12:21] and we might wanna land it before we land everything else and create conflicts again [12:21] yup [12:28] tsdgeos, so basically screenshots wont refresh anymore when performing an action? [12:28] like install [12:28] the whole thing, not only screenshots, yes [12:29] tsdgeos, yeah works great [12:30] Mirv: lol, such weird offset [12:30] tsdgeos, unfortunately if app is fast to install we jump from 0 to installed - it is a different bug though [12:30] yes, nothing to do [12:31] tsdgeos, maybe we can have a dummy animation from o to 100? [12:31] tsdgeos, if we proxy the progressbar data [12:31] possible i guess [12:32] Saviq: seems we have a sometimes infinite test in genericscopeview [12:33] tsdgeos, yeah we already control the value, we get some data from DownloadTracker - we can definitely do something if we want [12:34] tsdgeos, from using an animation/behavior for the value [12:34] sure, totally unrelated though [12:34] tsdgeos, to delay "onFinished" signal until we show 100%) [12:34] tsdgeos, yeah I said is unrelated :) [12:35] tsdgeos, but since you fixed the annoying flickering, this comes next as annoying bug :) [12:35] i didn't fix anything :D [12:35] pstolowski did [12:35] tsdgeos, I fixed it then! :D [12:35] tsdgeos, I am like reviewing a branch of yours so take some credit at least for unity8 :P [12:35] yeah we fixed a bug \o/ [12:36] whohoho [12:36] tsdgeos, it's not fixed until it lands (boooooooo) [12:36] :D [12:56] tsdgeos, what did i do? :/ [12:57] pstolowski: fix the preview model reloading [12:58] tsdgeos, ah ok. were you also talking about install progress for apps? [12:58] tangentially [12:58] hehe [13:01] anyone has any idea other than "bug" why list1 would not update and the other list does update? [13:01] http://paste.ubuntu.com/15612139/ [13:01] mzanetti: ltinkl: cimi: Saviq: ↑ [13:02] confirmed [13:03] ok. the modelData is suspicious [13:04] I think modelData is special. /me reads docs [13:04] docu says [13:04] hmm, no idea [13:04] "The modelData role is also provided for models that have only one role. In this case the modelData role contains the same data as the named role." [13:04] which would be the case for my model [13:04] well it's just a role name [13:04] but a generated one [13:05] differntly than the other role names [13:05] sure, but why it would not update? [13:05] it does show [13:05] tsdgeos, I'd check the Qt source of this model [13:05] so if it does show it knows how to generate it [13:05] I suspect in the Qt 4 -> Qt 5 transition they optimized dataChanged() to include the rolename [13:05] if it does not update, it must be a bug [13:05] which happens not to be RoleNameModelData [13:06] tsdgeos, woboq is your friend [13:06] yeah, but, I agree [13:06] bug [13:08] tsdgeos, yeah, as I said [13:08] https://code.woboq.org/qt5/qtdeclarative/src/qml/types/qqmllistmodel.cpp.html#_ZN13QQmlListModel11setPropertyEiRK7QStringRK8QVariant [13:08] it collects the changed roles === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [13:09] mzanetti: sure but that code knows nothing about modeldata [13:09] and is missing something like "if (totalRoleCount == 1) roles.append(RoleModelData)" [13:09] so whatever is injecting the modeldata to make the !setProperty work should incerpect the roles changed too [13:10] yeah... something like that... [13:12] cimi: if you can review https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/previewIconActionsModelChange/+merge/290748 and https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/previewZoomableImageModelChange/+merge/290856 , they're less urgent though since almost no scope uses them and they are a bit of corner case [13:12] tsdgeos I am [13:12] Saviq: mzanetti: I tried to run unity8-desktop-session-mir yesterday, and Unity would load but the dash wouldn't display and kept stealing focus [13:13] http://paste.ubuntu.com/15612375/ is the unity8-dash.lgo [13:14] mhall119, looks like your installation was not in sync or something [13:14] undefined references in libunity-scopes... [13:15] mhall119, in any case, the dash was crashing because of this but it gets respawned by upstart all the time [13:15] dandrader: hey, I'm getting a merge conflict with unity8/surfaceListModel: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-013-1-build/50/consoleFull [13:18] greyback, it's amazing how easy it is for surface-wm to conflict with anything coming from trunk :) [13:18] dandrader: :( [13:20] greyback, I'll have to rebase it and its prereqs [13:20] ok [13:20] ltinkl: mzanetti: any idea why my fix to make compile wtih qt5.6 would break the wizard test? https://unity8-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/test-0-autopkgtest/label=amd64,release=vivid+overlay,testname=qmluitests.sh/516/ [13:20] maybe the signal being emitted actaully changes the tesT? [13:23] tsdgeos, I think it's not your fault, ppl in #sdk were seeing this failure with their recent changes in [13:24] can't see how this would be related [13:45] greyback, done [13:46] dandrader: thanks [13:47] mzanetti: I'm on an up to date xenial [13:47] made sure to apt-get dist-upgrade before I tried [13:52] tsdgeos, seen this before? unity8-dash: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libunity-scopes.so.1.0: undefined symbol: _ZN5zmqpp6socket7connectERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE [13:52] nope [13:53] seems something broke on the backend [13:53] pstolowski: ↑ ?? [14:13] mzanetti, is this xenial? [14:13] yes [14:15] mzanetti, there was a zmq upgrade in xenial and afair a libstdc++ change; i think they did no change rebuild of scopes-api. is everything up-to-dat on your box? [14:17] mhall119, ^+ [14:17] he said, yes, up to date. that was the first thing I asked too [14:20] pstolowski: did you see my unity8-dash.log pastebin? [14:21] mhall119, nope, mind pasting it again? [14:21] http://paste.ubuntu.com/15612375/http://paste.ubuntu.com/15612375/ [14:21] bah, only half of that :) [14:22] mhall119, mzanetti i need to try to recreate it in my chroot; i'm pretty positive it's due to an upgrade without rebuild. we didn't change anything in scoeps api that explains such problem [14:22] * mhall119 checks again for updates [14:29] mhall119, if update doesn't help, can you check if silo 6 fixes it? it has a fresh rebuild of scopes api [14:31] hmmm, how do I add silos on my laptop? I've done it for my phone, but not laptop [14:32] * mhall119 has some packages to update, but nothing scopes or zmq or unity related [14:33] mhall119, ah, don't do that if that's your working desktop machine, that's not supported in general (if you're curious - you just add the ppa of the silo and upgrade) [14:36] pstolowski: but if it breaks I don't have to do work and it's somebody else's fault :) [14:36] :) === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk === francisco is now known as Guest9390 [14:56] mhall119, can you pastebin the output of apt-cache policy libzmq3 libzmq5 libstdc++6 ? [15:00] pstolowski: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15614060/ [15:11] yeah it's broken! [15:15] mhall119, one more pls - apt cache policy libzmqpp3 [15:22] pstolowski: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15614720/ [15:23] mhall119, aha! [15:23] mhall119, what is that? :) [15:24] mhall119, you need 3.2.0-0ubuntu4 from xenial archiv [15:39] hmm, not sure when I got that other thing... [15:39] * mhall119 "downgrades" [15:39] cimi: does my answer here make sense to you? https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/previewIconActionsModelChange/+merge/290748/comments/744711 [15:40] tsdgeos you're clear enough [15:55] mhall119, about to eod. if that didn't help (but i believe that was it), please ping marcustomlinson or michi tomorrow (i'm off tomorrow) [16:01] pstolowski: will try it later and let you/them know, thanks [16:01] you can probably ping michi later today even ;) [16:01] pstolowski, mhall119, FWIW it works here on a "clean" xenial install [16:01] * mhall119 has some other things to do before logging out of Unity 7 [16:02] Saviq: yeah, it seems I have some old cruft hanging around from previous experimentations with PPAs [16:02] * mhall119 needs to nuke his install from orbit and start over [16:02] mhall119, create a second user to test u8, you can then ctrl+alt+f? to switch between them === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [16:35] mzanetti, should all autopilot tests pass with current trunk? [16:36] dandrader, I don't think so [16:40] dandrader, mzanetti, there's a wizard one that's b0rked [16:40] Saviq, ok [16:41] TBH looks like autopilot testing is broken in jenkins atm [16:41] the phone doesn't boot [16:46] dandrader: I'm still seeing a conflict: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-013-1-build/50/console [16:49] wtf [16:52] greyback, it must have used an old version of ~dandrader/unity8/surfaceListModel [16:53] dandrader: did you change the MP/branch? [16:53] greyback, same MP and branch name [16:54] greyback, "Merging https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/surfaceListModel at r2317" is r2317 the top revision number of that branch? [16:54] greyback, if so, that's a clear sign it used the old version of that branch [16:55] greyback, it's top revision number currently is 2335 [16:55] dandrader: Ack. I've no idea what the train is doing so === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [17:14] dandrader_: train finding that qtmir tests have a segv: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/251691277/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-amd64.qtmir_0.4.8+15.04.20160404-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz === dandrader_ is now known as dandrader [17:17] greyback, I'm getting an abort() due to assertion failure. should be the same problem though [17:17] ack === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk