
knomebluesabre, is its depends something we can realistically get in xenial though?08:04
bluesabreknome: I don't know... if I had a solution, I would have made it happen ;)10:50
knomei guess so10:50
flocculantit's been a bit of an issue for a while now I suppose11:05
knomei'm seeing it myself as well11:05
knomeand it's annoying11:05
knomenot as annoying as the mousepad crashes11:05
knomebecause those mean loss of work sometimes11:05
flocculantI guess I've been lucky - not really seeing these issues11:05
flocculantyea - not good11:05
knomein the case of thunar, you just have to open again 11:06
flocculantmaybe so - I only actually saaw a thunar issue when I renamed something a *lot* of times - which isn't really something that anyone would likely do in the real world - one or two typo's when renaming possibly - but it must have been getting on for 30 till I saw it11:07
knomeactually, that's a false assumption; i rename many files often11:07
knomeat least many enough to get that crash11:08
flocculantmy biggest headache has been the usb3 remounting thing - but that's not actually thunar as all managers are affected by it11:08
knomei don't know if it's related (could be) but sometimes the rendering after renaming isn't correct11:08
knomeeg. some file names appear twice11:08
flocculantknome: mmm 11:08
flocculantdefinitely not something I've seen11:08
knomein some cases a filename that should exist (most prominently, the name that you just renamed to) doesn't exist11:08
knomebut then it gets rendered correctly when you select all11:09
knomeor scroll through the files by arrow keys11:09
knomeor refresh the directory (obviously)11:09
flocculantnot sure I've seen that reported at either LP or bugzilla11:09
knomei know, i should report it, but i'd like to figure out when it happens - because it doesn't every time11:09
flocculantbut I didn't spend ages looking yesterday at them11:10
flocculantand the bug report titles from apport don't make life very easy either - 'some crash in some thing that isn't particularly human readable'11:11
knomeat least one thing that happens relatively often is that when you rename, the wront file is selected11:11
knomeif i have time after lunch, i'll try to make a bug report out of it - or maybe a screencast11:12
flocculantscreencast might be helpful - unless the report is specific - which I'd expect it to be11:12
flocculantI'm happy enough to at least try and confirm things11:13
flocculantthe other thing being - thunar might be fine - it's just showing us the issue - eg the usb3 thing in my case 11:13
flocculantI did see a few 'glib previous version were' fine comments yesterday11:14
flocculantbut it doesn't mean a lot to me :(11:14
flocculantbluesabre: just got a few clutter updates - parole works with clutter11:21
knomeit's not related to USB for me11:26
knomei hit the crash bug11:28
knomenot when recording11:28
knomelet's see if i can reproduve11:28
knomeok, i can reproduce reliably11:30
knomeflocculant, you ready for a quick test?11:30
jjfrv8knome, I have five minutes for a quick test11:31
knomelet me write the instructions in a pad to let you test...11:31
knomesure, i'll post the pad when i'm ready11:36
knomeflocculant, jjfrv8: http://pad.ubuntu.com/thunar-bug11:44
jjfrv8knome, I could not get it to crash but I did get the dupe file names11:57
jjfrv8I'm using the version from staging that bluesabre said might improve things.11:58
jjfrv8sorry, got to run now.11:58
akxwi-daveI've not had the Thunar crash problem eith no matter hat i tried either in VM or hardware12:08
knomeweird, i'm hitting it semi-regularly12:08
akxwi-davei'm running 16.04 on my Lenovo lappy as my daily and to be honest its been very very stable.. for me much more than 15.1012:10
* knome doesn't have horses, thus doesn't need a stable12:11
* knome grins12:11
knomepleia2, ping me when you wake up or sth and let's publish todays article12:54
knomebluesabre, ochosi: i think we should bind Super+S to Settings Manager12:54
knomepleia2, also, feel free to review these two: https://xubuntu.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=3770&action=edit (today's article) and https://xubuntu.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=3850&action=edit (wednesday's article)13:02
knomepleia2, err, maybe the previews are better anyway: https://xubuntu.org/?p=3770&preview=true and https://xubuntu.org/?p=3850&preview=true13:02
knomebluesabre, want to come up with screenshots for those?13:02
akxwi-daveoh yes... todays iso image installed and ran with no problems at all ( if you dont inclued the duplicate imagemagick shortcuts)14:33
PaulW2UHi team, devs and testers - just confirming that I'm still seeing the thunar crash with today's 64-bit ISO. Whether the crash occurs seems to depend on where the file being renamed is located.15:32
akxwi-daveHi PaulW2U , I can't seem to replicate that crash.. how exactly are you getting it to do it..15:37
PaulW2UI create a file in /home/user/Documents. Rename it and crash! All documented in the bug report #151212015:39
akxwi-davereally wierd... I have never been able to get it to happen for me.. even though I know it happens to others..  Even tried mass renaming 128 files at once on todays iso, and successfull did it 20 time with no crash.. 15:42
PaulW2UIf the file is in ~/ then no matter how many times I rename the file thunar doesn't crash.15:43
akxwi-davehopefully they will find whats causing it..15:44
flocculantknome: re pad instructions - you've got somefile.txt and 2 and anotherfile15:46
flocculantthen you want to rename somefil.txt to somefile2.txt - is that what you mean - that just refuses :)15:48
flocculantPaulW2U: yup - immediate crash in ~/Docs15:50
PaulW2Uflocculant: and in any other directory that is not /home/user I think15:50
flocculantnow it's not15:51
flocculantthis is patched thunar here btw 15:52
PaulW2UI'm using today's ISO right now but last night I saw the same with the patched build15:54
flocculantPaulW2U: not been home long enough to have got to the daily :)15:54
PaulW2USome of us work reduced hours because of our age :)15:55
akxwi-davelol and some of us do it while working..:-)15:57
flocculantwould be a touch hard for me - I'd likely crash the van - much worse situation than a filemanager crash ;)15:57
akxwi-davethis is alread after 20 renames.. 15:57
akxwi-davei owuldn't suggest doing while driving15:58
PaulW2Uakxwi-dave: very strange15:58
akxwi-davePaulW2U, exactly15:58
flocculantthis is a real pita16:00
flocculantyes I can confirm it16:00
flocculantno I can't16:00
flocculantad infinitum 16:00
flocculanthow can anyone triage this :p16:00
flocculantnice to see clutter updates though - could possibly revert to that for parole16:03
akxwi-davetime to go.. bbl16:06
flocculantcya 16:07
knomeflocculant, have somefile.txt intact and anotherfile.txt intact16:34
knomeflocculant, then just rename somefil.txt to somefile2.txt and back and forth and back and forth16:34
flocculantoh right16:36
flocculantthat was my end assumption and what I did 16:37
flocculantcouldn't confirm it 16:37
knomeweird then16:37
flocculantyea for sure16:38
knomewere you able to reproduce the other one then?16:38
flocculantthe 'same file' listed one - nope16:38
knomehmm, again weird16:38
knomedid you use the mouse or the keyboard to navigate?16:38
knomebecause if it matters, my operations were purely kb-driven16:39
flocculantcould be - I can certainly have a go at doing it that way16:39
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 12264 in core "Crash when renaming single file in folder" [Major,New]16:41
flocculantcomment 32 for a simple test renaming a bunch of files16:47
knomelet's see..16:47
knomebut that expects the problem is in thunar not being able to refresh the view correctly16:48
knomewhich might indeed be the case16:48
knomebut otoh, it might not be the case :)16:48
flocculantso I fiddled with the sleep - changed from 1 to 5 and to 0.5 and 0.0516:50
flocculantok - so that's sometimes looking wrong locally (not vm)16:52
flocculantwhich points to view refresh perhaps16:53
knomethough i don't know if that says anything about the bug16:53
flocculantwell it's not crashing on rename that way16:53
flocculantif nothing else :)16:54
flocculantand I'm seeing your second issue I think - unknown filetype16:55
knomehmm? :)16:55
flocculantand .txt mixed with .txt.txt16:56
flocculantand odd ordering16:56
knomehmm, there shouldn't be no .txt.txt though16:56
flocculantfrom the test at comment 32 there should be16:56
flocculantmv "$i.txt" "$i.txt.txt" 16:57
flocculantthen back to .txt16:57
flocculantanyway biab - got to start sorting grub out16:58
knomeah, right16:58
flocculantand http://i.imgur.com/KDRZJmw.png17:04
flocculantso those 3 don't actually exist for it to delete17:04
flocculantand then they do when I close that message17:05
flocculantwith 7 ... 17:05
flocculantso got a 3 minute screencast of odditied17:24
knomeon another note, since i returned to the desktop machine, i didn't really notice anything "fishy" - what could have been that is that i'm using noto sans 9 instead of droid, so i'd say this is a fairly unobtrusive change after the first shock17:50
knome(still have droid 10 on laptop)17:50
flocculantknome: and now confirming it (at least until the next time I can't) 19:34
knomepleia2, ping again?23:12
knomepleia2, since i'm going to bed next, i've published and tweeted https://xubuntu.org/news/small-details-shortcut-keys/23:21
knomepleia2, if you could g+ and fb, that'd be great :)23:21
knome(whenever you have time)23:21
bluesabreflocculant: huh, clutter coming back to life is rather unexpected23:26

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