
TheMariuskubuntu! 15.10 .. very good, some bugs related to widgets but nothing bad00:49
TheMariusits become my new desktop os after win 10 decided to quit on me00:49
TheMariusonly software you have to pay for i use now is an old version of dreamweaver ... kompozer isnt quite up to do what it does.. other than that i have everything00:50
TheMariuseven games.. steam00:50
TheMariusso thumbs up!00:50
TheMariuswhen i like this setup over what multibillion dollar companies do, it says alot doesnt it00:53
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benvantendehey people, amarok does not seem to work with 16.04. i get this message when trying to install manually:11:16
benvantende amarok : Depends: amarok-common (= 2:2.8.0-0ubuntu6) but 2:2.8.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa2 is to be installed11:16
benvantendeE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.11:16
benvantendeany idea where the error lies?11:18
soeebenvantende: hiho11:29
soeetry: apt remove amarok-common11:30
soeeand than: apt install --reinstall amarok11:30
tahaan /msg NickServ identify thisisme11:35
tahaanIs there 'n Widget to show the National Geographic daily image?11:37
tahaanEg: http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/photography/photo-of-the-day/11:37
lordievaderbenvantende: Sounds like you have a Utopic ppa enabled.11:40
lordievaderOn Xenial.11:40
benvantendehey soee, brilliant!11:40
benvantendehey lordievader, let me clean that ppa up. thanks!!11:41
BluesKajHi all11:50
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shane__Does anyone know how to share clipboard content from kdeconnect on laptop to their phone?  Mine is paired and kde connect installed on phone, however, there's no option to do anything from the system tray icon except open remote folders13:41
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n0ydAnyone on kubuntu+1? Just curious if there is a known problem with the desktop widgets like I am  experiencing? they do not display correctly. Any workarounds?14:25
rattkingHi, I have been evaluating kubuntu again and I am noticing that all my konsoles disappear when I plug the external monitor to my laptop, I dont see anything related in .xsession-errors.. does anyone know what might be causing that or how to fix it? or even anywhere else to look for logs?14:55
mattfly Oh, it seens that there are so many kubuntu fans14:57
mattflyI cant wait for 16.04 anymore14:57
mattflykde 5 is really magnific!14:57
oparozHow do I re-install all the QT plugins loaded at startup time? One, related to libnettle is making the whole thing crash14:59
rattkingkde 5 looks nice, but it doesnt seem too stable yet..14:59
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yossarianukrunning kubuntu 15.10 with little stability issues15:08
rattkingyou dont have konsole crashes when you plug in a external monitor?15:12
yossarianukrattking: not personally....15:14
yossarianukthere were multiple monitior fixes in plasma 5.4.x i believe...15:15
mattfly actually, for me, when plugging a monitor is a hell15:19
rattkingI found a few bug reports for my issue, it sounds like a qt issue that was suppose to be patched now.15:20
mattflythe widgets on desktop seens to adjust in the new screen, even if it is mirroned15:20
shane__running kubuntu 16.04 beta and this is the ONLY distro I've every run that locks up when you connect an external monitor. Complete freeze.  Where do I start in solving this problem?15:41
mattflyit freezes?15:41
shane__yes, freezes. Sits for more than 10 minutes and I have to hard reboot it15:42
shane__I believe it's a particular scenario in which this happens and not all scenarios15:42
shane__suspend. connect external monitor. wake up. power on external monitor. Locks up after 1-2 seconds of moving mouse15:43
BluesKajshane__, ask in #ubunru+1 for 16.04 support15:43
mattflythat's really concerning for a beta release15:43
rattkingthats the reason I stopped using kubuntu a few months ago, that I am revisiting now :(15:44
mattflyi'll hope they will fix it15:44
shane__ive read it's a QT5 issue, probably, but not sure how to solve it15:44
* rattking has loved kde since 0.9.615:44
shane__BluesKaj - is that the correct channel name? #ubunru+1?15:44
BluesKajsorry my mistake, it's #ubuntu+115:45
shane__ok, thanks15:45
BluesKajmy eyes aren't so great today ..think I'm going to need new specs soon15:46
sriramHello everyone17:23
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=== valorie changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | Kubuntu 15.10 https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-15-10/
telegram<athoneycutt>: Plasma 5 mattfly20:13
quicocomo  estan20:31
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HetroErectusthe silence here must bear withness to kubuntu running great22:36
saigelI'm pretty happy with it.22:37
HetroErectusits been the least buggy linux distro ive ran for a long while22:37
HetroErectusonly bugs have been a few crashes when i play with plasma widgets22:37
saigelThat's probably not a problem with the OS, per se, right?22:38
HetroErectusno .. i think thats KDE .. plasma 5 is fresh so you'd expect it22:38
HetroErectus15.10 which i run is allmost like a beta for the big one this month22:38
saigelI'm still happily running 14.0422:39
saigelLooking forward to 16.0422:39
HetroErectusits LTS so im certainly doing the move up22:39
HetroErectusdoubt there will be many changes from 15.10 however22:39
HetroErectusdidnt seem so on reviews .. probably bugfixes etc mostly22:40
saigelMe too. Although I've learned my lessons in the past. i will be doing a full backup before I do the update!22:40
HetroErectusok :)22:40
HetroErectusi sort of lack a rolling release type.. opensuse is kubuntus only worthy contender but it wont install22:41
HetroErectuslack.. miss rather22:41
HetroErectusi was positively surpriced it found EVERYTHING ... keyboards, soundcard, printers etc22:42
saigelThat's a good feeling!22:42
HetroErectusdidnt even have to go trough the routines connecting network printers that i have to in wondows.. found it on the network and ran it right away22:42
HetroErectusstill though its lagging behind win 10 etc more now than it used to i think22:44
saigelHow so?22:44
HetroErectusin terms of use... doesnt matter though22:44
saigelIn general, I'm not too happy with Windows 1022:45
HetroErectuswin 10 died on me22:45
saigelThe last Windows I was able to tolerate was 7.22:45
HetroErectusthats why i switched22:45
HetroErectusone day i rebooted and it was like the entire OS was stuck in quicksand.. took 5 min to open the web browser.. happened after i installed openshot for windows22:46
HetroErectuswasnt able to fix it .. so i gave up and deleted the crap22:46
saigelIf I were to buy a new computer with Windows 10 on it, I would first back it up (in case I ever decided to sell the computer), and then immediately install Ubuntu on it!22:47
HetroErectusi use a surface pro 3 to chat on now, on this one win 10 makes sense22:48
HetroErectuslinux cant beat onenote and toutch functionality of this by far22:48
saigelCool. Hope it doesn't get stuck in the quicksand like the other one!22:48
HetroErectuson an older desktop or regular laptop however......22:49
HetroErectuswith modest specs22:49
HetroErectusthen im all in on linux22:49
saigelWhat is it about OneNote that you like? I've never used it.22:49
HetroErectusthe fact i can press a button and start writing, by hand22:49
HetroErectuswith a pen that ships with surface pro 322:50
HetroErectusits like having a block of papers with you22:50
HetroErectusand you can transfer it to mobile phones etc22:50
saigelOk.I have an app that sounds similar on my iPad.22:50
HetroErectusdraw, record and put in video or sound etc on the "paper" in onenote22:50
saigelEr, I meant "Nifty!"22:51
HetroErectusid say surface pro thanks to onenote is the ultimate student computer22:51
saigelI'm all for "the right tool for the job!"22:51
HetroErectusyou can tape the class, make notes beside the video and play it back home22:51
HetroErectussince its aimed at specs of surface pro, it doesnt make sense to make this in linux anyway.. not yet atleast22:52
HetroErectushowever maybe libreoffice could look at something like this in the future22:56
saigelThat would be cool.22:56
HetroErectusmade a habbit using open source apps for win, so for me switching was easy.. problem for most are they've gotten used to ms office etc22:57
saigelThere is an app that I use sometimes, although probably not as sophisticated as OneNote, called xournal. It lets me hand-draw notes. It can do it on top of pdf files, too, which makes it kind of like an annotation tool.22:58
HetroErectusheard of it22:58
HetroErectushavent tried it but the brilliance of onenote can only be understood by seeing it22:58
saigelMaybe I will see it someday... ;-)22:59
HetroErectuswork with development of kubuntu or just a user?23:00
saigelActually, I use straight Ubuntu. I used KDE when I was on PC-BSD.23:01
HetroErectusok =)23:01
saigelI do web development mostly, so not so much in the OS development lab.23:01
HetroErectusso you are in the ubuntu team? well creds for creating this os23:02
HetroErectusor helping with it23:02
saigelAh, no, I didn't mean to imply that. I'm not associated with Canonical...23:02
HetroErectusi can picture $20 raspberri pi clones in a few years running ubuntu and used for editing video etc in a few years time23:03
saigelI have Ubuntu runnign on a Pi.23:04
HetroErectusits slow though23:04
saigelJust for play, of course.23:04
saigelYeah, a bit slow.23:04
saigelAlthough I have heard of people building a massively parallel system with Raspberry Pi computers to achieve a really high-speed, low-cose machine.23:05
HetroErectusraspberry has a competitor that cost $20 and is even faster.. kickstart project.. dont recall the name of it23:06
HetroErectusanyway 3-4 more years and they'll probably run ubuntu at that cost with kdenlive doing 1080p video editing without hickups23:07
saigelThere is getting to be several competitors in that field. One offers a $5 machine (simpler), and another offers a $100-$200 machine with much more power.23:07
HetroErectusdoing some manual windows updates here.. slow :/23:11
saigelAh. Sorry for you!23:11
saigelI'm doing some studying and writing about the Bible.23:12
HetroErectuswhat sort of project?23:12
HetroErectusim a christian :)23:12
saigelCouple years ago, I took a class in Digital Cryptography. As you may know, cryptography not only allows encryption and decryption, but also message authentication.23:13
HetroErectusi was far from that until this autumn when crazy things happened ... proved i was wrong about everything23:13
HetroErectusits sort of happened before... i paid for the way i used to think basically23:14
saigelI'm discovering that the first five books of the Bible also have a sort of digital signature in them.23:14
HetroErectusits real23:14
HetroErectusim not surpriced23:14
HetroErectusgod speaks to us trough the bible.. idk if you're religious or not, but thats how it works for me.. if you arent christian you get nothing out of reading it23:16
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!23:16
HetroErectusit even says so23:16
saigelubottu: Oops. You're right. Sorry.23:17
ubottusaigel: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:17
HetroErectusone thing though that sucks in linux .. thats lack of compatibility with DRM.. i fixed netflix installing chrome (wouldnt run in chromium) ... but thats not linux fault23:20
HetroErectusbut i think it'll only play in 720p23:20
HetroErectuschrome packs some closed source DRM-plugins23:21
saigelChrome is a pretty decent solution. LOL, I only have an old 480i TV. Even 720 doesn't do anything for me!23:21
HetroErectuschromium is only open source23:21
HetroErectuswhere from, saigel?23:21
saigelMe, geographically?23:22
saigelNear Portland Oregon23:22
HetroErectusmurrican, and still use old CRT TV?23:22
saigelMostly, I don't have time for TV.23:22
HetroErectuseven people in third world countries have dumped CRT's a long time ago23:22
saigelSo not a priority.23:22
krytarikSeriously guys, consider switching channels - it's not that bad over there! :P23:23
saigelSorry, again. I'll stop!23:23
HetroErectusamazing ... keep it a little longer and maybe you could sell it to a museum ... commodore 64 got sold for a good price a decade ago23:23
HetroErectusidk about today.. probably even more23:23
HetroErectushttps://deals.fossbytes.com/sales/vocore-dock-a-coin-sized-linux-computer/?utm_source=fossbytes.com&utm_medium=above-comments-deals&utm_campaign=fossbytes-deals <-- probably on topic enough... reg what we chatted about earlier.23:27
HetroErectusmicro linux computer23:27
HetroErectuslook at the usb port.. lol23:29

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