
EOBeavso, do I understand correctly that lubuntu will upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04 through a normal apt-get upgrade?  Whenever it's released, of course.02:31
tewardyou misunderstand how upgrades work02:31
tewardEOBeav: the automatic update system will notify you there's an update, but it's not `apt-get upgrade` that does it behind the scenes02:31
tewardit's 'do-release-upgrade'02:32
teward(if you're upgrading via command line)02:32
tewardhowever, you should back up your stuff first, and it will only be easier to do once released ;P02:32
tewardotherwise it's evil painful right now02:32
EOBeavThanks teward, I don't plan on upgrading until they bless the release. :-)02:40
EOBeavI'll definitely keep an eye out for it...thanks again for the heads up.02:40
Bayesian_CoffeeHas anyone noticed that the lxpanel will freeze after a while?03:19
Bayesian_Coffeethe start button just won't wor03:20
EOBeavI haven't, under what circumstances does it happen?03:31
ianorlynBayesian_Coffee, also what version03:43
Bayesian_Coffeejust a few minutes after boot, it just stops responding04:08
Guest001When is 16.04 ready the next 2 weeks ?12:49
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capitanocrunchhow can i disable lightdm from starting at boot?14:02
capitanocrunchis there any /etc/init/lightdm.conf to edit?14:06
james1138Hello all. Question... what backup software is there for Ubuntu with few or no dependiences??14:44
krytarikjames1138: rsync. :P15:01
lolusuxHi I messed up my grub and now when I'm using boot repair to fix it it's stuck at "purge kernels then reinstall last kernel sda....., please help17:30
n-iCeis lubuntu 14.04 using dropbox?17:38
krytarikn-iCe: Yep, as usual.18:20
n-iCeis not lxde?18:20
krytarikLXDE is a desktop environment, Openbox is a window manager.18:21
n-iCese it uses both18:22
n-iCekrytarik, still here?21:26
n-iCeanyone active?21:41
krytarikn-iCe: Nope.21:41
n-iCeanyone active?21:41
n-iCelol, thought was an robot answer fot that.21:41
n-iCekrytarik, I'm downloading lubuntu21:41
n-iCekrytarik, why do you use lubuntu?21:41
krytarikI do? :P21:41
n-iCeoh, don't you?21:41
n-iCewhat do you use?21:41
n-iCeis it lightweight?21:42
n-iCeI mean, more than lubuntu?21:42
n-iCeOh ok,21:42
n-iCebut you have used lubuntu, right21:42
krytarikBut my computer is only 15 years old, so I can live with that. :P21:43
krytarikI check out Lubuntu rather regularly, yes.21:43
n-iCeGonna reboot in lubuntu.21:44
n-iCeIm back in lubuntu21:48
n-iCelook a little like gnome221:49
n-iCedont you thin21:49
krytarikNot quite, no.21:49
n-iCedont know why i thought that21:50
n-iCekrytarik: why did you prefer xubuntu over lubuntu?21:51
krytarikAs I said, I don't need extra lightweight, and I like the extra features of Xubuntu.21:52
n-iCewhat are the extra features you use21:53
krytarikn-iCe: There are some - but generally it fits my taste better too.22:03
n-iCelubuntu installed22:16

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