[08:08] hello! I have just opened the sd-card install image in gparted [08:08] it finds 10 partitions === shuduo_ is now known as shuduo [08:10] will there be a new image for the Dragonboard 410c (which I forgot to write) === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [10:32] Is there a minimum kernel version for Ubuntu versions? [10:33] I want to run 16.04 on a Odroid-XU kit I have, but there is no newer kernel than 3.4.5 for it === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [12:26] sveinse, I've ran Xenial on older kernels then that [12:27] zzarr, perfect. I was fearing dependencies between kernel and user space (linux) tools [12:27] are there an emulator for the Dragonboard 410c? [12:27] sveinse, glad I could help :-) [12:28] sveinse: some of the ubuntu touch devices run with the 3.4 kernel too. [12:32] you wuill need all the apparmor patches and need to make sure to have all the required config options enabled [12:32] else it wont work [12:32] (for touch that is) [12:33] ah, pfeww. Patching a custom kernel with ubuntu patches is not necessarily the most straight path ahead [12:34] one that I hoped to avoid if I can [12:34] to just run a headless ubuntu install thats not necessary indeed [12:35] thanks === chihchunl is now known as chihchun === akaWolf1 is now known as akaWolf === shuduo is now known as shuduo-afk === wendar_ is now known as wendar [18:49] Hello, im connected via ssh with with my ubuntu-arm device, i see that the systemd service console-setup fails to execute, any ideas on how to fix this ? [19:32] exalt: File a bug report, or ask cyphermox in #ubuntu-devel [19:53] Wasn't as easy to boostrap this odroid-xu machine to 16.04, as it was with 14.04 apparently.... It boots and starts init, but complains about "Timed out waiting for device dev-ttySAC2" which is my only console to the device. Any pointers in what to do to get access? [21:42] How can I enable debugging if my machine ends up in initrd rescue? I got it up and running if I skip initrd, but if I use it, it stops in initramfs. No output that sais why either.... [21:43] I've been told ubuntu isn't too fond of being run without initramfs [22:00] got it. I had to have a non-empty /etc/fstab [22:01] Nice! Now my system seems to be up and running 16.04... On odroidxu 3.4.104 kernel.