
Kiloshi svij06:10
Kilosand dholbach06:11
dholbachhi Kilos06:11
dholbachhi svij06:11
svijhi Kilos and dholbach06:20
dpmgood morning all06:42
Kiloshi dpm06:43
dpmhi Kilos06:43
svijhey dpm06:47
dholbachhey dpm06:49
dpmhi dholbach, svij06:50
davidcalleMorning o/07:26
knomepopey, did you have a plan to use the new community wordpress theme for some site? if you didn't catch it yet, the first (actually second) public release is out already12:32
knomepopey, also, if you need help setting it up, i'll happily help12:32
czajkowskiknome: think he's on leave this week12:37
popeyI am, but I am about :)12:37
knomeczajkowski, yes, i observed his idle time...12:37
* knome da sneaky12:37
popeyWe were looking at the theme when we kicked off the new year of Ubuntu Podcast, but as the theme wasn't ready we rolled our own12:39
popeyknome: I have another site i may use it for though. So if you have a link I'd be interested in trying it again12:39
knomesure :) --> https://github.com/knomepasi/ubuntu-community-wordpress-theme12:39
* popey makes notes12:40
knomein case you see anything wonky or a feature missing when you test it, feel free to poke me about it and i'll see if it's sensible to land that to the theme itself (eg. not a child theme)12:41
knomestill in the stage where any feedback is welcome so i can make sure the theme is something people are actually willing to use12:41
svijdpm: call?13:31
dpmsvij, dholbach, I won't be joining this week and the next one, but I should be back in the calls after that. Please feel free to go ahead without me and I'll follow up on e-mail13:34
svijdpm: ok13:35
czajkowskihmm running updates today and keep getting E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)13:45
czajkowskiE: Unable to lock directory /var/cache/apt/archives/13:45
czajkowskiwhich seems odd, anyone else having any weirdness today ?13:45
dholbachany other process using apt?13:46
dholbachlike update-manager checking apt or something?13:46
svijdpm: ok, send you a mail with one thing which I should know in the next days13:47
dpmthanks a lot svij13:48
svijdpm: besides that, assigned all the tasks to you as always. ;)13:48
dpmargh, I can't believe I did that beginner mistake! :-)13:49
dholbachjcastro, do you think you can get marcoceppi to help us out with https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubucon-site/ucucon-layer-add-lxml-builddeps/+merge/290990?14:02
dholbachooh, he's already responding in the MP!14:04
dholbachmhall119, ^14:04
jcastro_does someone need me to make marco do something?14:04
dholbachsvij, ^14:04
marcoceppijcastro_: I already did it14:04
dholbachgo go go!14:04
dholbach<3 <3 <314:04
marcoceppidholbach: you uploaded it 45 seconds ago ;)14:04
jcastro_too slow marco, too slow.14:05
dholbachmarcoceppi, yeah, and I sent a couple of mails a couple of days ago :-P14:05
marcoceppidholbach: I'm much mor responsive on irc since we're sprinting14:05
dholbachmhall119 just helped me figure out what else might be required :-)14:05
dholbachgood to know14:05
dholbachthanks a lot marcoceppiĀ°!14:05
marcoceppidholbach: I did just read them this morning, I've added a task to my sprint to sweep through the layer again, I made some fixes to the django layer to improve ubucon14:06
czajkowskidholbach: nope:(14:06
czajkowskishall run it again14:06
czajkowskimost odd14:06
czajkowski4th time is the charm :)14:06
jcastro_dholbach, say hi to us today: https://appear.in/marcoceppi-juju-charm-community-sprint-20160414:07
dholbach^ maybe we should start using appear.in too - the unicorn is a must-have14:12
dholbachmarcoceppi, thanks a lot for looking into it!14:14
jcastro_appear.in is great because it's webrtc, no plugins needed, it's just a URL.14:23
dholbachhum... the page asked me if it could use flash14:24
jcastro_huh, weird14:24
svijit doesn't ask for flash for me ;)14:34
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!15:53
* davidcalle drives home o/16:28
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm

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