
=== mappps is now known as mapps
knightwisehey mapps06:34
knightwisehow are you mate06:34
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:19
knightwisehey brobostigon how are you today07:41
brobostigonhi knightwise, not bad overall and you?07:42
davmor2Morning all08:10
knightwisehey davmor208:10
davmor2knightwise: hey dude how's it going?08:11
knightwiseDoing ok davmor2 :) Just released a new podcast08:57
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Tuesday, and happy Go For Broke Day! 😃  ðŸŽ°09:12
SuperMattJamesTait: go for broke? I do that every time I say "yes, ok, we'll buy that if you stop bugging me" to my girlfriend09:13
JamesTaitSuperMatt, wait until you have kids!09:14
SuperMattI'm hoping to be sterile before that happens09:15
* SuperMatt stands in front of the microwave for long periods of time09:15
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx2u5uUu3DE09:19
TwistedLuciditySuperMatt: Wear tight pants and wrap your cheese in cling-film09:20
TwistedLucidityAnd no, "cheese" is not a euphamism09:20
SuperMattwait, what?09:28
SuperMattWhy does wrapping cheese in clingfilm reduce sperm?09:28
SuperMattok, even the guardian says it (as does the daily fail), so it may be credible09:30
TwistedLucidityIt's the PVC. Acts like a female hormone.09:30
TwistedLucidityBasically, don't wrap high-fat foods in cling-film. Or use PVC-free if you do.09:32
TwistedLucidityInteresting, Wiki says "myth" but cites no source. Probably a shill for "Big Wrap"! :-P https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plastic_wrap#Materials_used09:33
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
knightWorkawefully quiet here this afternoon i must say12:24
* brobostigon has been doing job search.12:25
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
zmoylan-piIS THIS BETTER? :-P13:14
AzelphurFigure this might interest people, I've been speedtesting my internet connection (70mbit openreach fiber) every 15 minutes since September 2015. 11,422 speedtests. Generated some fun data http://home.azelphur.com/speedtest-results/13:16
=== xnox_ is now known as xnox
diddledanAzelphur: you should make a graph for the whole duration in addition to daily ones :-p13:47
Azelphurdiddledan: a chart with that many points would likely destroy the universe, if I reduced the number of points it probably wouldn't have the resolution required to see the dips13:49
knightWorkbrobostigon: any luck finding something you like ,13:51
brobostigonknightWork: a couple yes.13:52
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
AuroraAvenueCould we make a Made In Italy Ubuntu App for Amazon ? http://www.amazon.co.uk/b?ie=UTF8&node=716587303118:08
AuroraAvenueSuperEngineer: Hiya o/19:04
SuperEngineerAnyone ever wondered how many / how fast those freenode disks must be spinning... & doing it for free!19:21
SuperEngineerand then compared that to their employer?  ;-)19:22
daftykinsdisks? tape you mean ;)19:22
diddledanfreenode disks?19:22
SuperEngineertape, of course... or the punch card operator even!19:22
AuroraAvenueNote really; as they are a split network-in one spinning disk from 1998.19:23
AuroraAvenueAnything good on the Beeb, lately ?19:23
daftykinsAuroraAvenue: i think your humour detector is off19:23
AuroraAvenuedaftykins: Not really, I'm just qoting from an interview with the founder from www.hope.net19:24
diddledanIRC doesn't use much disk activity...19:24
AuroraAvenueLets have a look If I'm off though : http://strawpoll.me/728796419:25
AuroraAvenueI guess this isn't a polling booth :-)19:40
AuroraAvenueHi mapps :)19:42
AuroraAvenueHere too.19:44
AuroraAvenuegetting allot of animosity over microsoft on that post ;)19:45
daftykinswell it is reddit, where the foaming-at-the-mouth and echo chamber types reside19:46
AuroraAvenuehey stop that - I love Mister_Splashy_Pants19:47
* SuperEngineer bets AuroraAvenue gets allot of smiles over the use of allot ;)19:48
AuroraAvenueits American19:48
* AuroraAvenue says hello to our Trump-overlords.19:49
AuroraAvenueAmerica is so broke ;)19:49
* daftykins looks at the channel name19:49
daftykinsah yes it's our favourite nick hopping IoM-ite19:50
AuroraAvenueAny UK news, then ?19:50
daftykinsbam, ignored and the trouble is gone19:51
AuroraAvenuepeople change.19:52
diddledandaftykins: who dat?20:01
diddledanany git-lovers? git-merge conference is currently live: http://git-merge.com/20:02
daftykinsdid they merge all the attendees?20:06
daftykinsthanks i'm here all week20:06
i1545!Pondering Katerina Diamond - The Teacher (epub).rar20:47
lubotu3`i1545: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:47
daftykinsi hope that's creative commons20:47
i1545!Pondering Katerina Diamond - The Teacher (epub).rar20:48
lubotu3`i1545: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:48
daftykinsi1545: can you stop that...20:48
popeyhow odd20:57
ali1234is bash on windows out yet?21:04
daftykinshmm i never even went back to my VM to see if i'd get offered the new build21:06
ali1234there was a new build last night21:06
diddledanali1234: I heard tomorrow was the plan21:06
diddledanthat's been around for a while21:07
ali1234it wasn't available when i installed21:09
ali1234not to me anyway21:10
diddledanyeah it takes a while for the system to offer a build the first-time21:10
daftykinsi was surprised the site didn't have a newer image21:12
directhex_ali1234: soon.21:30
diddledanI'm wondering what is gonna happen to the ui-related mono stuff21:38
daftykinsAzelphur: any news on the NHS fun?22:09
Azelphurdaftykins: nah, I asked for a callback on Monday but haven't been called back yet, will call again tomorrow22:09
daftykinsah har22:11

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