
Kilosmorning Cryterion inetpro dlPhreak magespawn Private_User and all others05:47
mazalMore oom05:48
Kiloshi mazal 05:48
mazalMin dae oom , 16 na Ubu 16.04 toe06:05
mazalI will have to find a way to iso on it , can't install at home without internet.06:06
mazalMust do at work and iso for home06:06
Kilosthat easy man06:06
mazalI doubt remaster will still work06:06
mazalI hope this new tool will work06:07
Kilosget the iso then use unetbootin to put it on a stick06:07
mazalI can't do the install oom06:07
mazalLots of apt-gets needed06:07
Kilosoh you mean in place of remastersys06:07
mazalI must install on work pc , then make iso of complete one to take home06:08
Kilosyou can use just apt now06:08
Kilosapt update/upgrade/intall etc06:08
mazalI will try this systemback thingy06:08
Kiloskeep record06:08
mazalCan't do that at home , that's the point06:09
Kilossigh 06:09
Kilosthey still have fixed to connection?06:09
mazalNo , I live in SA , no such thing as client service06:09
mazalNo routers for mobile yet either06:10
thatgraemeguyI upgraded last week already06:19
Kilosonline upgrade thatgraemeguy ?06:32
thatgraemeguyyes of course06:32
magespawnmazal there is a way to mark the packages you want to install in the software center then get them from a computer connected to the net06:32
mazalHeaches ai. Struggling without connectivity06:39
mazalCan't do anything on a pc these days without inet06:39
mazalheadaches also06:40
mazalOom Kilos bad luck continues , my geyser broke also06:40
mazalDon't ahve hot water since last week06:40
mazalMy only external drive broke also06:41
Kilossort your dongle06:41
Kilosoh my06:41
mazalToo expensive that oom06:41
Kilosthere was a great afrihost offer last week06:41
Kilosdont you get mybroadband mails06:42
mazalFor my dongle I must buy prepaid data , too expensive06:42
mazalI can't apply for another contract now , it both gets approved then I have problems06:43
Kilosthe afrihost thing came with router and tablet iirc06:43
mazalLike I say , can't apply for another contract06:43
mazalAlready applied for one , the one that's waiting for router06:43
Kilosrev them man, they must have one at one of their shops/outlets06:58
magespawnmazal afrihost is month to month, so you could get one then cancel as soon as the other arrives07:02
thatgraemeguystay away from contracts :-o07:07
inetprogood afternoon 07:14
Kiloshi inetpro 07:17
mazalmagespawn: But how do I get a router ?07:23
mazalI will have to buy one then yes ?07:24
mazaland on witch signal does afrihost work ?07:25
thatgraemeguyafrihost uses MTN for their mobile stuff. you can buy a router cash or pay it off over 12 months07:29
thatgraemeguybut going on a 2-year contract for mobile data isn't all that great unless it's an INSANELY good price. if you look how prices have changed over the last 2 years, it would suck to be stuck on a contract at the same high rate every time a better deal surfaces07:30
mazalOk , that won't work. Vodacom , Cell C and MTN no signal where I live07:30
mazalThe only signal I have is Telkom unfortunately :(07:30
thatgraemeguyoi :-/07:31
mazalI tested with friends routers , and all is useless except Telkom signal runs about the same as 4mb line07:31
mazalThat's why I am so badly stuck. I don't really have options07:31
thatgraemeguyin this day an age that would be enough to make me move, lol07:32
thatgraemeguycan't be living offline :-O07:32
mazalAnd unfortunately the only data that is not crazy expensive is on crantract :(07:32
mazalthatgraemeguy: I can't tell you how gatvol I am already. Is about 6 weeks now that I can't do anything at home07:33
mazalI have to drive to work just to go make a EFT payment07:34
magespawnai mazal, harsh07:34
mazalGranted it's not far but it's a schlep. Installs and updates I can't do at all07:34
magespawnyou must also be about the only person in sa who gets telkom but not the rest07:35
mazalAnd they are so useless they haven't even started with my cancellation which is also a month ago ordered already07:35
mazalThis country suck07:35
mazalmagespawn: Is cos Telkom is the only one with a tower close by07:36
thatgraemeguythe country is pretty ok, it sounds like that little piece where you live does suck pretty badly though07:36
mazalWell their head office that does the admin is certainly not here and thet can't even do their work07:37
mazalThe managers that must do purchase planning is also not here and they can also not do their work07:37
mazalPathetic incompetance07:38
chesedomorning all08:55
chesedoand wb magespawn08:55
Kiloshi che08:56
chesedoalo los08:56
Kiloschesedo 08:58
Kilosthats better08:58
chesedolol, thought you missed the tab Kilos :D08:59
Kilosdunno what happened to that tab complete08:59
magespawnapparently a sub station exploded at 3am in empangeni, so my batteries have just died, so no adsl until that is fixed09:00
magespawnth chesedo 09:00
magespawnrunning the office off a 3g connection now09:12
mazalWhat is koeksister in english ?10:41
mazalmaaz translate koeksister10:41
Maazmazal: I couldn't translate that: Please use Translate v2.  See http://code.google.com/apis/language/translate/overview.html.10:41
Kiloskoeksister i think10:42
Kilosno english name for it10:42
mazalTrying to explain a road to someone and part if it we call die koeksister kruising10:42
mazalNow I don't know what to call that lol10:42
pavlushkamaaz define koeksister10:47
Maazpavlushka: I don't have a definition for that. Is it even a word?10:47
mazalI'll just call it " that big crossing where kfc is "10:48
mazalEveryone knows kfc10:48
pavlushkayeah you can laugh, take maaz with you.10:48
mazalmaaz I'll take a picture for you10:49
Maazmazal: *blink*10:49
pavlushkais that the local definition of koeksister?10:49
mazalI don't think an english word exists for it10:50
pavlushkayou tell me what koeksister means?10:51
pavlushkaI am a self claimed translator , I'll translate the whole English for you in English.10:52
mazalIt's a sweet dish10:52
pavlushkathen it falls in the category of proper noun.10:53
mazalWe have a crossing in PTA named after it due to it's shape10:53
mazalSo I was trying to explain to an english persion that I will meet him there , but didn't know what to call it in english10:54
pavlushkait should be koeksister point then.10:56
magespawnmazal: england english?10:57
mazalI wonder if the PTa peeps even still call it that , I doubt it. Anybody here close to Hatfield ?10:57
mazalmagespawn: Any english. I decided to rather go with " the crossing at kfc " and he knew where that is hehehe10:59
chesedomazal: how about the twirl crossing11:20
mazalchesedo: Interesting11:30
mazalI would actually like to know what the peeps there call it these days11:30
mazalHere is a good one " spaghetti junction " bwahahaha11:34
pavlushkawill there be some meatballs too?11:36
pavlushkaping: Cryterion !12:15
pavlushkaCryterion, where's the rabbit now?12:18
Kilosworking pavlushka 12:48
pavlushkaKilos, alright!12:51
Kiloshere if you dont work you dont eat12:51
Kiloshehe another good saying13:11
KilosIf it isn't broken yet, then you've not fixed it enough.  ;)13:11
* chesedo likes this one better than the other one13:12
Kilosim trying to put different wallpapers on different workspaces13:12
Kilosi did it a year ago and thought it was easy13:13
Kilosmust be 14.04 kde thats more difficult, cant be i got more dumberer13:14
chesedomore dumberer.... such a thing does not exist so no worries Kilos13:21
KilosMaaz define cruller15:52
MaazKilos: Cruller \Crul"ler\ (kr[u^]l"l[~e]r), n. [Cf. {Curl}.] A kind of sweet cake cut in strips and curled or twisted, and fried crisp in boiling fat. [Also written {kruller}.] [1913 Webster], cruller n 1: small friedcake formed into twisted strips and fried; richer than doughnuts [syn: {cruller}, {twister}]15:52
KilosMaaz tell mazal koeksister=cruller15:52
MaazKilos: Righto, I'll tell mazal on freenode15:52
Kilosreen kom inetpro 15:58
Kilosen winter15:58
Kiloshi pavlushka 16:30
Kilosa koeksister is a cruller16:30
pavlushkaHeya Kilos !16:31
pavlushkaI see16:32
pavlushkaI love sweet16:32
pavlushkaSo, problem solved16:33
Kilosfirst time i ever heard that word16:33
pavlushkagot the translation16:33
pavlushkawhich word?16:34
KilosMaaz define cruller16:34
MaazKilos: Cruller \Crul"ler\ (kr[u^]l"l[~e]r), n. [Cf. {Curl}.] A kind of sweet cake cut in strips and curled or twisted, and fried crisp in boiling fat. [Also written {kruller}.] [1913 Webster], cruller n 1: small friedcake formed into twisted strips and fried; richer than doughnuts [syn: {cruller}, {twister}]16:34
inetprotwister would be more apropriate Kilos16:34
Kilosthats the official translation in an old eng/afr dikpensmerrie16:35
Kilosoh is that what started it all16:37
pavlushkainetpro, but is that item appropriate for you?16:38
pavlushkaand Kilos, what abt you?16:40
pavlushkayou like koeksister?16:40
inetpropavlushka: they're very sweet and tasty16:40
Kilosyeah they are lekker16:40
Kiloslekker=very tasty16:41
inetproalmost too sweet for me16:41
pavlushkainetpro, you like too sweet or not?16:42
Kilosyeah, you aet 4 or 6 then your are bilious afterwards16:42
Kilosvery very sweet16:42
Kilosbut yummy16:42
inetprono, no... I'll take salty any day over sweet16:42
inetprobut a koeksister once in a while is ok16:43
Kilosbacon kips16:43
Kilosand salty cracks16:43
Kiloswith some cheese16:43
inetpropavlushka: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koeksister16:43
Kilosstop it now16:43
Kilosforget about food16:43
pavlushkaKilos, dont make me drool!16:44
* chesedo sees inetpro also has good taste... can never get people that like sweet stuff16:47
* Kilos loves chocolate and sweet stuffs but love salty stuff as well16:51
Kilosand raw mince with salt rocks16:51
* Kilos waits for it16:51
chesedoKilos: if you had one of both in front of you which would you pick?16:52
Kilosone what16:52
Kilossweet and salty16:52
Kilossalty first of course16:52
Kilossweet is pudding16:52
chesedosomething sweet or salty?16:52
chesedoKilos: you can only pick one?16:53
Kilosif i have the choice to buy a box of bacon kips or a chocolate the bacon kips wins16:53
chesedolol, ok16:53
Kilosand raw seafood16:54
* chesedo can comment there16:54
Kilosi used to eat mussels off the rocks16:55
chesedoyou mean on the rocks :P16:55
Kilosno man you pick them off then eat them16:55
Kilosbut yes i used to sit on the rocks and eat16:56
Kilosand dive for crayfish16:56
chesedoyeah know... don't people who drink cocktails say "on the rocks"16:56
Kilosthat i dont do. not even water out the fridge16:57
Kilospeeps put those white stones in drinks16:57
Kilosi go eat16:59
Kilossalty food16:59
chesedolol, remeber the pudding16:59
magespawngood evening17:00
chesedoevening magespawn17:01
pavlushka-Link down.  :\17:05
pavlushka-Night guys!17:18
Kiloswb magespawn 17:21
magespawnlooks like a whole load of people bombing out17:30
magespawnso whats up Kilos ?17:38
Kilosnot much magespawn temps down17:41
Kiloswinter here17:46
Kilosmaybe aven snow coming on the burg17:46
Kilosbombing out where???17:46
Kiloswhat am i missing17:50
magespawnKilos peope dropping out the room17:51
magespawnpeople too17:51
Kilosonly a few17:52
Kilosinetpro winter is here17:52
Kilos14/18°c tonight and tomorrow17:52
Kiloscold there superfly ??18:00
Kiloscold front just went over you today18:00
superflyKilos: not really18:00
Kilosyou also learning to enjoy the cold18:00
Kilosmust be putting on weight18:01
magespawnwho?  superfly?18:09
superflyKilos: I've got a jersey on18:10
Kilosyeah he says its not really cold18:10
Kiloswhat about your ears and nose18:10
KilosMaaz forecast capetown18:10
MaazKilos: The tubes are clogged!18:10
KilosMaaz weather in capetown18:10
MaazKilos: That site seems to be down18:10
magespawnlol Maaz is also feeling the cold18:13
* inetpro not feeling no cold18:14
Kilostomorrow night 9°c18:14
inetprominimum Kilos, minimum18:15
Kiloswell the minimum is when you get the coldest18:16
Kilosand rain tomorrow so wet and cold18:16
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:36
Cryterionevening everyone18:41
magespawnhi Cryterion 18:56
magespawntime for bed, good night 19:47
=== jellie is now known as zipper

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