
pleia2knome: sorry, been sick, I'll post and try to review00:19
bluesabreknome: typos in the window manager keyboard shortcuts, had horizontal and vertical reversed... fixed03:04
bluesabreknome: screenshots don't work too well with keyboard shortcut posts, but I put together a demo video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCfZ8XPDPOk -- its taking forever to process, and I'm going to bed, but here's the link at least :)03:33
bluesabrenighty all03:35
flocculantbluesabre: yes - must say I was surprised ... 06:31
knomepleia2, np :)08:47
knomebluesabre, lol, k08:47
knomepleia2, we also have the status tracker article mostly ready since september; i tweaked it a bit now and am fine with publishing it too after a quick review from somebody09:48
knomedkessel, Unit193: the plugin tells me you both have one submissions left unvoted12:24
knomeflocculant, ^ and you have 212:24
knomeif this is intentional, dismiss12:25
Unit193You sure?12:25
knomeof course it might be a bug too, but that's what i'm seeing here12:25
knomejjfrv8, hey! what's the state of th xfce power manager settings 1.4.4 docs?15:22
knomebluesabre, do we have a shortlist of the xubuntu-related packages that need appstream updating?15:23
jjfrv8knome, xfpm is just waiting for review.15:39
jjfrv8knome, I don't seem to be able to vote on the contest site.15:40
knomejjfrv8, when you logged in, did you allow it to see that you're on ~xubuntu-team ?15:42
jjfrv8what do you mean "allow it to see"?15:43
knomewhen you log in, you should see the ubuntu one confirmation screen that tells you the site is requiring some information15:44
knomefrom that list you need to check the checkbox next to xubuntu-team15:44
jjfrv8oic, the checkbox.15:44
jjfrv8ok, I'll try to complete my votes later this evening.15:45
knomeno hurry :)15:45
knomeby wednesday midnight i mean the midnight after wednesday15:46
knomei think the midnight deadline is always a bit ambiguous15:46
knomehttps://xubuntu.org/news/my-media-manager-gmusicbrowser/ is published18:19
pleia2g+ and fb done18:20
Unit193mhall119: Thanks for the email, dropped it to the rest of the core team.20:09
mhall119pleia2: did you tell me that Xubuntu is going to use Gnome Software?20:09
Unit193Already is.20:10
knomeyep, and should be for the release too20:10
knomeunless it blows up in 1000 little pieces20:10
mhall119cool, thanks20:10
Unit193We're not thrilled with it, but there it is.20:10
knomewe weren't thrilled with USC either, but there it was ;)20:11
mhall119Unit193: it's faster than USC was at least :)20:11
Unit193mhall119: It just can't find things well. :P20:11
Unit193knome: Truth20:11
knomemhall119, nope.20:11
Unit193mhall119: It's designed to only find graphical programs, can be a bit of a pain.20:12
knomemhall119, try to install a library!20:12
mhall119oh, well USC had the same problem didn't it? being application-centric20:12
Unit193Pretty sure you could find screen in it though, no?20:13
mhall119but using Gnome Software from the archives means you get the Snappy Store automatically too20:13
flocculantmhall119: it leaves dependencies behind too20:15
mhall119flocculant: ?20:16
mhall119Gnome Software does?20:16
flocculantunless it's been fixed - pretty sure not - or not read that in changelog20:16
flocculantas far as usc not seeing the same things as g-s > https://launchpadlibrarian.net/249956293/missing%20package.png20:17
flocculantI guess not the case for everything 20:17
flocculantbug 1552792 for dependencies20:18
ubottubug 1552792 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "gnome software leaves dependencies installed" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155279220:18
mhall119yeah, I think usc would find non-app packages during a search, but not browsing20:18
mhall119but GS is built around the AppStream spec, which is application only20:18
flocculantwouldn't be able to give a definitive answer - didn't much like USC either :)20:19
flocculantyea I understand that - pretty much a case of making sure everyone knows that if they want to be able to install anything from the repos then g-s isn't the tool for them ;)20:19
flocculantworks for most people - like USC did - I would expect 20:22
Unit193Exactly, I can't comment on it too much as I like apt, a lot.20:22
flocculantwell I tend to use ye olde worlde synaptic a lot 20:23
flocculantbluesabre: I guess that this late - the best we're going to be able to do with thunar is make sure as many of the real issues are properly highlighted in the notes21:25
flocculantand sru/backport fixes when they eventually surface21:25
flocculantrc next week21:27
knomeand hello!21:27
flocculantbluesabre: so unless I hear different I'll get that rolling before next week21:28
flocculantknome: hi and night ... 21:28
knomeha, nighty :)21:28
bluesabreknome: packages that have appstream errors are:23:05
bluesabrefrom http://appstream.ubuntu.com/xenial/universe/issues/23:06
bluesabre"icon-not-found" errors are usually because there is no 64px or higher icon in the package or humanity icon theme23:07
knomenight everybody23:16
jjfrv8knome, my wallpaper votes are in.23:59

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