
kgbugh o/ hi guys, just a little help pls: to install Java (WHAT is, even, the latest version - JRE 9?!), which one of the CMDs do i run, 1) sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre, 2) sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer, 3) sudo apt-get install default-jre ?? Sun Java isn't needed with OPEN, right?.. but, what is the "default-jre" all about? o.002:21
Unit193It's a dep package to pull in the recommended version.02:22
kgbUnit193: yes, ty!.. bt, is running the 'default' _somehow_ different o.002:28
kgb*im so ignorant, omg. (sorz, it's mad-late, 4:30am)02:29
kgb& NO which won 2 run: openjdk-8-jre &/or default-jre :-002:30
Unit193kgb: For the packages that need a runtime dep on java but it doesn't specifically matter which, they can depend on that.  Also means -9 can be in the repos, even if hardly tested or anything like that.02:30
kgbyessir, so it's just as i could understand it... ok, gotcha, tyvm!..02:31
kgbyay! \o/ http://i.imgur.com/3LSFNcb.png02:53
xubuntu97dhey guys12:01
xubuntu97di got a possible drier problem when lauching a steam game12:01
xubuntu97d"missing basic opgl v1.o -> v2-0 required OpenGL functionality"12:01
xubuntu97dwhat would be the fix? xu 1612:02
knomexubuntu97d, for starters, xubuntu 16.04 is still beta, so expect breakage; additionally, you'd probably be better asking the steam support12:12
xubuntu97dI found it on arch, its the driver12:14
xubuntu97dA bug was introduced in nvidia 361.28 that prevents some games from launching with an error such as  "Missing basic OpenGL v1.0 -> v2.0 required OpenGL functionality."  You can update to 361.42 drivers12:14
xubuntu97dand 361.28 IS the newest driver you can have on xu 1612:15
xubuntu97dHey guys, how do I install the new nvidia drivers from nvidia page?12:26
xubuntu97daka 361.4212:26
knomexubuntu97d, you are running a beta OS; it's likely that the new drivers will land there sooner or later.12:26
xubuntu97dyes, xu 1612:27
xubuntu97doh ok12:27
knomexubuntu97d, and fwiw, there is no "xubuntu 16", it's 16.0412:27
xubuntu97dyes yes, im just lazy12:27
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sleehi, can someone with the app 'shutter' confirm that it can no longer upload to imgur.com? i've noticed the past 2 days it fails to upload14:35
Unit193xfce4-screenshooter can upload to imgur.14:35
sleei only see the option to upload to ZimageZ14:40
sleeversion 1.8.114:42
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=== Noneatme|Away is now known as Noneatme
xubuntu42wHello! I need install gala on xubuntu 14.04, but I can't. Because gala need depends libgala0 and others. How I do it?16:06
xubuntu42wHow I install dependencies in xubuntu 14.04? libgala0 libplank0 and libgranite3?16:07
xubuntu42wHello! I need install gala on xubuntu 14.04, but I can't. Because gala need depends libgala0 and others. How I do it?16:08
xubuntu42wHow I install dependencies in xubuntu 14.04? libgala0 libplank0 and libgranite3?16:08
knomexubuntu42w, please16:08
knomexubuntu42w, we have heard your question, and are all volunteers, so please have some patience16:09
xubuntu42wI found that no one had seen, sorry!16:09
knomeyou waited for what, 2 minutes?16:10
xubuntu42wFor more, if you need! I'm quiet now16:10
knomexubuntu42w, so where are you trying to install gala from anyway?16:14
xubuntu42won xubuntu 14.0416:15
xubuntu42wI just wanted to know if there is such libs for this release. I've looked at several other places but did not.16:16
xubuntu42wlibgala0 libplank0 and libgranite3?16:17
knomexubuntu42w, i asked where FROM?16:18
knomexubuntu42w, i don't think gala is in the 14.04 repositories if its dependencies aren't16:18
xubuntu42whaa. I try to instal using this repository sudo apt-add-repository ppa:elementary-os/daily16:20
xubuntu42wand sudo apt-add-repository ppa:elementary-os/testing16:20
knomexubuntu42w, ok, then please refer to the instructions the PPA maintainers are giving16:21
xubuntu42wI found this ppa in a tutorial. But ok! Thanks for you help. I think that I can't install gala on xubuntu 14.04, only xubuntu 12.02. But thanks again.16:22
knomeyou definitely can install it in 14.04 if it's in a PPA, but if you have a problem with that PPA, then the PPA maintainer is the best person to help you16:25
xubuntu42wOk, thanks! I'm sorry for my haste!16:26
xubuntu42wGood job for you!16:27
=== lin|away is now known as linxon
WangDangHi, at school where they use windows, I can ctrl-a ctrl-c in one programme (Rational Software Architect) to get a copy of the whole document, then crtl-v in another to paste it (word for example).  That appears not to work in xubuntu between Rational and Libreoffice.  Am I doing something wrong?17:07
knomeWangDang, you could try hitting ctrl+c twice17:09
WangDangknome: ok, let me give that a try17:10
adrian_1908hello. Does anyone know if the common Thunar crashes have been fixed for 16.04?17:23
knomeadrian_1908, it's being investigated.17:26
adrian_1908ok. it seems like this issue has been around forever, i hope the developers find a solution.17:28
knomeme too, but since the source is yet unknown, it's a bit hard to come up with a fix17:28
mrkrampsthunar seg faults?17:30
xubuntu866hey guys, will it be possible to upgrade from xu 14 lts to 16 ?17:42
xubuntu866sick, thanks17:42
xubuntu866is it advisable to wait a month to have all packages on it working well?17:43
mrkrampsxubuntu866, personally i would recommend waiting for the first point release17:43
xubuntu866Okay, thanks!17:44
WangDangknome: no luck with a double crtl-c.  Any other suggestions?17:52
nalbiso, what's new in 15 ?18:19
knomethere is no "xubuntu 15"18:20
nalbibeen having some issues with the dropbox icon in 1418:20
nalbihope thats resolved18:20
Noneatmeso is there a date for the new lts?19:31
krytarik!16.04 | Noneatme19:34
ubottuNoneatme: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+119:34
Noneatmeuuh nice19:43
=== Noneatme is now known as Noneatme|Away
=== JeZxLee_ is now known as JeZxLee
xubuntu574just installed steam and this comes out when i try to run it on xu 14.04.... : ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_english.txt". [2016-04-05 22:40:39] Startup - updater built Nov 25 2013 18:07:05 SteamUpdateUI: An X Error occurred X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)20:42
knomexubuntu574, looks like a steam issue20:43
knomexubuntu574, maybe the steam support could have an idea20:43
xubuntu574i read a fix to delete all nvidia drivers except oo and steam reboot and install those again20:44
knomeif you are willing to do that, then you can try it20:44
xubuntu574theres no risk is there? just have to use some oo drivers for 2 mins20:45
knomethe open source drivers should general work quite well, maybe not with same performance though.20:47
xubuntu574well i hope theyre enough to reconfigure this mess, thanks20:47
xubuntu653hey guys! how do i tweak the windows settings the way so if i move a window to a corner/edge i sticks there?22:28
xubuntu653xu 1422:29
knomethere is no "xubuntu 14".22:29
xubuntu653pls can we leave out the semantics22:30
knomehere's how you do it22:30
knome...and that's it!22:30
knomei just left out a bit of the semantics as you saw (:22:30
xubuntu653cool cool any other further steps22:30

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