
=== alexisb-afk is now known as alexisb
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jamespagegnuoy, re bug 156668807:53
mupBug #1566688: Charm installs different l3 package for same openstack release for installs > trusty <neutron-gateway (Juju Charms Collection):Confirmed for gnuoy> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1566688>07:53
jamespagethats correct07:53
jamespageUbuntu releases after trusty did not have...07:53
jamespagewhich was the default vpn option for the vpn-agent until recently07:56
jamespagestrongswan is now supported as well which is in later releases...07:56
gnuoyjamespage, so it should be http://paste.ubuntu.com/15642553/08:00
jamespagegnuoy, maybe08:00
jamespagetbh I took the approach of disabling post trusty as I had not tested with strongswan08:00
jamespageand we've sinularly failed to get neutron-vpn-agent into main since then as well08:00
gnuoyok, I'll go and ponder, thanks08:01
jamespagegnuoy, is this blocking something?08:04
gnuoyjamespage, with the new pause/resume code the services that we register against a config have to actually be accurate rather than the scatter gun register loads and don't worry if they don;t exist08:08
gnuoyso its just fall out from that08:09
gnuoyI think I just need to update the amulet tests for my pause/resume branch tbh08:09
gnuoyI have a if-icehouse-or-greater-its-neutron-vpn-agent clause which is obviously now wrong08:09
jamespagegnuoy, yeah - its if_trusty_neutron_vpn08:10
jamespagecoreycb, gnuoy: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/302101/08:49
jamespagefollow up for coreycb's keystone ch-resync for 8.1.0 for stable08:49
D4RKS1D3Someone has experience launching services in openstack with juju? I receive this error "ERROR instances not found"09:27
webscholarHi all09:30
webscholarI am trying to install juju2 beta3 on ubuntu 14.04 LTS using the ppa:juju/devel but it installs the juju 1.24 version09:31
webscholarCan any one share the ppa for juju 2 latest version here ?09:31
webscholarI am following this09:34
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freak_anyone available ? need help regarding juju quickstart11:05
freak_getting error:    juju-quickstart: error: invalid version string: 2.011:06
freak_i have installed juju 211:07
freak_and quickstart version is 1.3.111:07
rick_h_freak_: juju-quickstart is deprecated for juju 2.0.11:28
rick_h_freak_: juju 2.0 does the work that quickstart did11:28
jamespagegnuoy, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/30176111:39
jamespageI think that will do the trick, just need test rig time now....11:39
stubwebscholar: Add ppa:juju/devel and ppa:juju/stable, and install the juju2 package11:46
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webscholaris there a way to mention in bootstrap command which node to use as bootstrap ? When I run juju bootstrap <controller-name> my-maas it bootstraps with its own choice13:07
evilnickveitchwebscholar, if you are using MAAS, you can do it with constraints13:12
evilnickveitchwebscholar, see https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/charms-constraints and:13:19
jcastro_tvansteenburgh, https://github.com/juju/docs/issues/69214:26
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stubDoes juju-deployer work with juju2? Interested because amulet, and I'm not sure if juju-deployer needs updating or my environment isn't setup the way it wants.14:53
lazyPowerstub tvansteenburgh is working on it.14:54
tvansteenburghstub: tip of deployer works on juju214:54
tvansteenburghstub: same for python-jujuclient14:54
stubI think the juju-deployer issue has saved me tripping over python-jujuclient ;)14:55
=== cos1 is now known as c0s
jamespagecoreycb, gnuoy, thedac: can one of you do the honours on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/30210115:49
jamespage+2 review +1 workflow needed15:49
coreycbjamespage, on it15:50
jamespagecoreycb, ta15:51
tych0is there a way to set model config globally?16:09
tych0like if i always want to set image-stream=daily and default-series=xenial for everything?16:10
Spadswhen the agent-status message is "run leader-settings-changed hook", is that prescriptive or descriptive?16:10
Spadslike, is that saying what failed, or advising me on how to un-fail it?16:10
marcoceppijcastro_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15654448/16:12
jamespagegnuoy, urgh16:22
jamespagegnuoy, I just hit the nuance of binding a device to dpdk in that it disappears from /sys/class/net/16:22
jamespageso re-running the same code post binding results in an empty whitelist of pci devices based on resolution by mac address...16:23
gnuoyjamespage, do the devices appear elsewhere in the /sys tree?16:25
cory_fukwmonroe, c0s: How do you feel about my suggestion in the email about all NameNodes sharing a common ssh key?19:12
cory_fuDoes that seem insecure?  I notice that Big Top has an ssh key checked in to the repo, but I assume that will get replaced by a generated one in a deployment, right?19:13
c0scory_fu: are you referring to the yesterday's email?19:15
c0scory_fu: in Bigtop there are two different places where we use SSH key19:16
c0s1. for ssh fencing (this one is getting generated, I believe)19:16
c0s2. for user hdfs ONLY IF a special test-mode is turned on.19:16
c0sThe latter is static, but is only used in a controlled environment for passwordless ssh, because we need it for some low-level HDFS tests (like block recovery, for instance)19:17
c0sdoes it make sense?19:17
c0sin general, using static key in production is big no-no, of course19:18
cory_fuSo, for fencing, do you think it's insecure for the namenodes to share a (generated) key?19:18
cory_fuc0s: I ask because it simplifies the key management quite a bit and if the nodes already have passwordless ssh amongst each other, it doesn't seem any less secure for them to use the same ssh key to do it.  Though, it does mean putting the private key in the leader settings, but again, if you access to that, then you already have access to those boxes19:28
c0syeah, I agree19:28
c0ssharing generated key is perhaps ok.19:29
c0sIdeally, you'd want some sort of PK management system like kerberos ;)19:29
c0sbut it is way too heavy and overly-sensetive19:29
jcastro_heya evilnickveitch19:45
evilnickveitchjcastro, hello, having fun?19:46
jcastro_I don't have perms to do this, but if you want to take every "this page doesn't have navigation for next and back" bugs for the docs and point them all to one, Marco is going to do it19:46
jcastro_evilnickveitch, it is wonderful to delete large swaths of things we don't need, yes!19:46
evilnickveitchjcastro, yes, I am looking forward to killing a lot more stuff tomorrow19:47
evilnickveitchjcastro, to clarify, not EVERY page is going to have next/back?19:48
evilnickveitchperhaps i need to see the implementation19:48
jcastro_yeah so like, are we putting something in the footer or ?19:54
jcastro_marcoceppi, ^19:54
marcoceppijcastro_ evilnickveitch each page, that has peers at the same level, will have a forward backward (when applicable). this will be built using the navigation information and embedded at compile time19:55
marcoceppievilnickveitch: I'd support a breadcrumb header that we could interprut at build time to say either breadcrumb: true|false and a sane default to drive this functionality19:55
marcoceppibut it's basically going to be a new mdx plugin19:55
marcoceppievilnickveitch: as an example: https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/developer-getting-started#install-libraries-and-tools19:56
marcoceppiat the bottom this would have "Designing your charm ->"19:57
marcoceppievilnickveitch jcastro_ the following page, Designing your charm, would have "<- Install libraries and tools                   Writing your charm ->"19:57
marcoceppialthight, that's a terrible example, since those are anchors19:58
marcoceppibut that's the idea19:58
evilnickveitchmarcoceppi, I see how that works for the developer docs, as a lot of that is a narrative. Not sure it works so well in other parts19:58
evilnickveitchbut yeah, whatever, I will take a look if you do it19:59
marcoceppievilnickveitch: so we would have the top of page config "breadcrumb" set to false19:59
marcoceppievilnickveitch: and we'd enable it where it made sense19:59
evilnickveitchmarcoceppi, actually, thinking about it...20:03
evilnickveitchmarcoceppi, it would probably save some effort if you just used the metadata20:04
marcoceppiwhat metadata?20:04
evilnickveitchto turn on and off20:04
evilnickveitchmarcoceppi, at the top of each doc20:04
evilnickveitchthere is a line or number of lines20:04
evilnickveitch(mostly to set the title020:04
evilnickveitchany key:value there is interpreted as metadata20:05
evilnickveitchso it doesn't get processed.20:05
evilnickveitchhang on...20:05
evilnickveitchmarcoceppi, https://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/meta_data.html20:06
evilnickveitchat the moment it is used for the page titles, and the todo generator20:06
marcoceppievilnickveitch: cool20:06
evilnickveitchbut it would be simple to add Breadcrumb:true or whatever20:06
evilnickveitchthe metadat is already parsed in the build tool20:06
evilnickveitchi think you get a dict20:07
evilnickveitchso, yeah20:07
evilnickveitchtry that way first :)20:07
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evilnickveitchmarcoceppi, actually, thinking about it even more, you could have Previous and next instead in the metadata, and use the urls as values. It does mean some manual editing to begin with but would be a lot simpler to implement.20:18
evilnickveitchanyhow, I think I have done enough thinking for one day20:19
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tvansteenburghdpb1_, fginther: fyi https://code.launchpad.net/~tvansteenburgh/python-jujuclient/juju2-fixes/+merge/29118221:06
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dpb1_tvansteenburgh: looking21:55
dpb1_tvansteenburgh: you have an error ~2613 it looks lik21:56
tvansteenburghdpb1_: jeez, htf did that happen21:57
tvansteenburghdpb1_: fixing21:57
tvansteenburghdpb1_: fixed and pushed21:59
dpb1_looking now22:06
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c0skwmonroe: if not with jujuresources how else can I can download binaries specified in resources.yaml? Is there any helper code for that?23:16

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