
soee_woho Vivaldi 1.0 released :)08:12
tux|dudeMan does anyone have the old KDE 3 sounds at all? I've been searching for these for god knows how long and I can't find em08:21
viptux|dude: search for package and extract that08:49
viptux|dude: ftp://ftp.pld-linux.org/dists/2.0/PLD/i686/PLD/RPMS/kdeartwork-sounds-3.5.6-1.i686.rpm here maybe?08:52
vipno, it is just startup/logout sound08:53
vipbut you can search other kde* in ftp://ftp.pld-linux.org/dists/2.0/PLD/i686/PLD/RPMS/08:53
clivejoso quiet in here 10:02
clivejosoee: do you use digikam?10:05
soeeee no :)10:05
soeeovidiu-florin: does10:05
* clivejo rolls eyes10:05
clivejowhat time is the meeting tonight?10:08
yofelhuh, what meeting?10:09
clivejocore and podcast ?10:10
clivejogot an invite yesterday10:10
yofelwell, I didn't and have other things todo10:11
sneleare you going to upload updates from staging ppas to main archive soon?10:50
snelei can confirm that packages in staging ppas are rock stable :)10:50
clivejosnele: as far as I know they are uploaded, but are stuck10:51
sneleclivejo: i think they are not in proposed yet10:53
sneledon't know what "stuck" means ;)10:53
yofelthey are not, stuff from the previous upload is still stuck (2 things I believe)10:58
yofelcan someone please try to downgrade baloo-kf5 to the version currently in xenial?11:11
yofelIf that works we'll remove the update from -proposed11:12
clivejo!info baloo-kf5 xenial11:17
ubottubaloo-kf5 (source: baloo-kf5): framework for searching and managing metadata. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.15.0a-0ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 265 kB, installed size 1691 kB11:17
BluesKajHey folks11:19
soeehiho BluesKaj11:20
clivejoyofel: Ive downgraded to that version, how would I verify its working?11:21
BluesKajhey soee clivejo11:22
clivejohi BluesKaj11:36
clivejoyofel: Ive rebooted and I can still search for files in dolphin11:36
yofelok thanks11:36
clivejois there any other test would help?11:37
clivejoyofel: https://paste.kde.org/pr5mzmo7q11:39
yofelI don't know, I don't use baloo myself....11:39
clivejoalthough "balooctl status" says Baloo Index could not be opened11:41
clivejook, disabled and enabled it11:47
clivejoits now running with a 661.11MiB index11:47
yofelok, the test failure is not new, so we can do with the new one after all11:55
genii-testingProbably already known, but: kblocks from staging-kdeapplications ( both wily and xenial) starts and runs but freezes the panel and other apps until exit, then "KDEInit could not launch '/usr/games/kblocks' and panel and other apps unfreeze16:22
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: Can someone please paste here the current irc status? So I can pin it on Telegram.17:36
BluesKajovidiu-florin, what dop mean, current irc status?17:38
BluesKajdo you17:38
marco-parillohask plus: kubuntu-devel: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Final Beta Freeze in effect | Plasma 5.5.5: X/WIP, Plasma 5.5.4: X/archive, Apps 15.12.3: X/WIP, FW 5.18: X/archive | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Package Docs (WIP) https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-packaging17:38
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: The status of this irc channel17:39
marco-parillohash plus: kubuntu-devel: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Final Beta Freeze in effect | Plasma 5.5.5: X/WIP, Plasma 5.5.4: X/archive, Apps 15.12.3: X/WIP, FW 5.18: X/archive | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Package Docs (WIP) https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-packaging17:39
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Final Beta Freeze in effect | Plasma 5.5.5: X/WIP, Plasma 5.5.4: X/archive, Apps 15.12.3: X/WIP, FW 5.18: X/archive | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Package Docs (WIP) https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-packaging17:39
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: undefined17:39
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: Thank you17:40
BluesKajoh kubuntu status17:41
Rick_Timmissorry I am late18:10
sgclarkRick_Timmis: I tried posting on the event, we should reschedule core meeting, yofel can't make it and I am technically not here.18:11
Rick_TimmisAh cool, yes just read that now.18:12
Rick_TimmisIt is vacation week here in UK too, so I just got back from a day out with my girls18:12
Rick_TimmisI'll schedule another core team, at beginning of next month, ahead of Podcast as before18:13
=== aektzis is now known as jim_arvan
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: Kubuntu Podcast #11 is now live19:17
jim_arvanhello! ;)19:22
clivejohi jim_arvan19:22
jim_arvanguys you are just amazing. :)20:05
ahoneybunthanks jim_arvan :)20:13

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