
dkesseltakling about xscreensaver: i hope someday someone in debian will accept the original author's opinion about the old version in debian (and ubuntu) and no longer ship that version... see https://www.jwz.org/blog/2016/04/i-would-like-debian-to-stop-shipping-xscreensaver/07:00
Unit193dkessel: Did you read the bug report?  And so far, xsc in unstable was patched to disable that.07:03
dkesseli just read jwz's opinion about it, tbh07:03
Unit193Need to read both sides on this.07:05
pavlushkaHi, everyone!08:52
pavlushkalubuntu live session locks out in trusty 14.04.408:52
pavlushkacant explore.08:54
pavlushkawhen not even afk.09:12
=== pavlushka is now known as sleeptime
=== sleeptime is now known as pavlushka
phillwwxl: you busy?19:01
wxlphillw: just at work as usual. what's up?19:02
phillwjust need a quick check my an admin of a new wiki page.... only a fer sentences, so hopefully only a 2 minute job :D19:04
wxlphillw: sure sure19:04
phillwwxl: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ContactUs/ModsOnFacebook19:05
phillwWe have some new spam spotters and they asked for some instructions.19:05
phillwthe wolf allocated me to write them :P19:06
wxlshould be like "Dealing with spammers" I guess19:06
wxlhave on add session19:07
phillwNo, it is also approving new members, thus trying to liit the spammers :)19:07
wxland you have hours hours19:07
wxlthere's two sections:19:07
phillwwxl: go edit it :P19:07
wxlaww jeez now i have to login19:07
phillwI was writing as I was thinking ... I'm crap at the commas, semi colons etc... But is a faster way than it go around email group for 2 weeks while some committee, some where, decides to agree :P19:09
phillw2 new Mods, they asked for guidelines :)19:09
wxlphillw: done. fix your links #2 :)19:17
phillwwxl: it is a search on lubuntu-official, it is a chat - unless you know how to link it?19:17
wxlnow you're going to make me log into facebook too XD19:18
phillwwxl: you wanted the title!!! :P :P19:19
phillwI hate failbook with a passion!!!!19:19
wxldo you mean the lubuntu council??/19:21
phillwhe he... Oh, did you get the mail for bank account, or was it shreaded this time?19:22
phillwwxl: also, with having been hunting down other bugs... Can you ask the boss where this one is up to? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-artwork/+bug/155144619:22
wxlno i did19:22
ubot93Launchpad bug 1551446 in lubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "xenial boots to black wallpaper." [High,Confirmed]19:22
wxljust need to reply to it19:22
wxli guess i give up on the chat thing :)19:22
wxlthere's a way to start a group chat but there's none available it seems19:23
phillwwxl: yeah, I know it is a pile of sh1t to sort out... but, we'd like it doing so that I can go nag the boss :D19:23
phillwwxl: group chat?19:24
wxli assume that's what you mean19:24
wxli don't know19:24
wxlyou'll figure it out XD19:24
wxlregarding the black wallpaper i'll investigate a bit more19:24
phillwwxl: well, one is black wallpaper, the other is for donations to lubuntu.... not too sure where group chat came in.19:25
wxlphillw: facebook.19:25
phillwwxl: how many channels do we have on Fb? .... I track 519:27
wxlphillw: do you mean chats?19:27
phillwno, channels and groups / pages19:27
wxl3 groups19:27
wxl1 page that i know of19:27
phillwokies.... I need to put 2nd part of evening meal in :)19:29
phillwwxl: now fed.... are you happy with page?20:10
tsimonq2wxl: I think I found a browser for Lubuntu/LXQt :P https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/qutebrowser-a-keyboard-focused-vim-like-browser#/20:21
tsimonq2your dream browser, "vim-like"20:21
tsimonq2and it's Qt20:21
tsimonq2hope it's FLOSS20:21
tsimonq2I see!20:22
tsimonq2this is WAY better than Qupzilla, I'll try it for the next week or two and report back20:22
tsimonq2wxl: there isn't a Debian package yet, but hopefully soon20:24
ianorlyntsimonq2, but I like qupzilla20:25
tsimonq2ianorlyn: are you serious? simple simple functions don't work20:26
ianorlyntsimonq2, like what?20:27
tsimonq2typing in the omnibox doesn't automatically search Google20:27
ianorlynoh I don't like omnibox anyway20:27
tsimonq2I just...don't like it20:28
wxlphillw: i think it's good now though i'm not sure i understand the ignore section.20:46
wxltsimonq2: put it on the blueprint20:46
tsimonq2wxl: awesome k20:47
phillwwxl: we do not see any use of accepting people with 100 - 300+ other group "memberships". could you manage to be a contsructive member of a channel? Our opinion is that not in any way - there are not enough hours in the day. therefore we mark them as ignore.... We are not a flag collecting society as to who can join the most groups... Is it more clear now?20:49
wxlphillw: yep20:51
phillwtsimonq2: I have asked on #debian about the iso hosting, but have no answer. So, I will leave it with you to ask your contact to get in touch via the iso hosting area at http://phillw.net/isos.html Vm's are NOT set up to replicate the iso hosting area.20:52
phillwwxl: wiki page okay to release?20:52
wxlphillw: last edit got us there, yep20:53
phillwwxl: On occasions that you receive notification of the spam from a member, make sure to thank them publicly.20:54
phillwyou cannot, such reports are anonymous....20:54
phillwhence the little topic20:55
wxlthen remove publicly20:55
phillwwhich, goes back to the initial thing of having the topic :P20:55
phillwwhich has been there a long time!!!20:55
tsimonq2phillw: read my PM please20:56
phillwwxl: 25 November 201520:56
wxlphillw: i don't really know what you're talking about with regards to the topic. feel free to edit, though :)20:57
phillwwxl: something like this ... http://pastebin.com/00gp03tX21:01
wxlphillw: tl;dr go edit :)21:01
phillwit thanks peope, and warns others :D21:02

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