
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
greyhilowWhat should I set 'base-installer/kernel/image' in preseed for xenial to? Previous versions accepted "linux-server" but thats no longer an option/08:12
pesarigreyhilow: linux-server was actually linux-generic in trusty, just use the default (generic)09:44
BluesKajHey folks11:19
tahaanDoes anybody know what the status of multi-monitor support is for Kubuntu 16.04 ?12:07
tahaanParticularly on Intel GPUs?12:08
lotuspsychjetodays netbook screenshot: http://lotuspsychje.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-16-04-64bit-Development-branch-60137420613:50
=== pavlushka is now known as sleeptime
=== sleeptime is now known as pavlushka
=== ibm is now known as Guest78873
dasjoeWere there any recent changes about how bitmapped fonts are scaled? I'm using ProFont, it's getting antialiased since my last aptitude upgrade17:27
dasjoeAmpelbein: indiablo?17:28
nicomachusdasjoe: can you use apts list option to see what changes were made in your last upgrade?17:36
dasjoenicomachus: here's the log from /var/log/aptitude: http://paste.debian.net/425159/17:39
nicomachusdasjoe: looks like lines 44, 45, and 46 would be of interest.17:42
dasjoenicomachus: I can't see any relevant changes in fontconfig's changelog17:42
nicomachusalso 72,73,7417:44
gsagie_Hello, i am using Ubuntu 16.04 desktop with Dell XPS 13 and it keeps freezing every few seconds, in dmesgi keep getting gpu hangs17:54
gsagie_can anyone help me with this? i tried searching and everything says disable DRI but i can't find how to do it in Ubuntu 16.0417:54
hep7what is new in 16.04 UI-wise?19:36
hep7what makes 16.04 better than 14.04?19:36
BluesKajhep7, you have to try it out for youirself , the changes are too numerous to be listed here19:40
hep7BluesKaj: you mean UI-wise?19:40
hep7BluesKaj: thanks19:43
M-alex_mayorga¡Hola! I have http://askubuntu.com/questions/750229/attempting-to-re-install-ubuntu-results-in-blank-gray-screen on 16.04 and the suggestions there have not helped =( Any ideas?19:50
=== Guest0 is now known as thisguy

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