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Randy_OHello, I'm trying to build and run the ubuntu music app, but I lack module "QtMultimedia" version 5.6. I'm using all the latest versions of everything for ubuntu 15.10. How do I get v5.6? thanks02:03
ahayzenRandy_O, it is tricky to get it in Wily, in theory you should be able to add the vivid overlay PPA ... but I don't think that is recommended02:04
ahayzenRandy_O, i'm actually one of the music-app devs and running on Wily... I gave up and just run on device until I move to Xenial :-/02:04
Randy_Oahayzen, thanks (I recognize your name, just the person i was hoping to find!) I'll try it on my phone and see what happens02:05
ahayzenRandy_O, if you have the arm kit setup to deploy to device it should work :-) I'm using that at the moment02:05
Randy_Oahayzen, I'll try that too. I'm running into the click package check failures, for security. What do you do to get around that?02:08
ahayzenRandy_O, you can just ignore them02:09
ahayzenmusic has some security things that need manual review, (because it can read your music files)02:09
Randy_Oahayzen, there is an option in the run configuration (in the SDK) "Treat click review errors as warnings", I had to turn that on first. I always forget that one.02:12
Randy_Oahayzen, It's up and going on the phone now, thanks!02:12
ahayzenRandy_O, ah, i didn't know that, or don't remember changing it... interesting :-) and awesome :-)02:13
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ahayzenHi, Does anyone know how to set the window title of an app from QML, using MainView (not Window) and not cpp :-) ... I'm sure someone submitted an MP before to either music/weather todo it, but now can't locate it or how todo it :-/11:36
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nik90ahayzen, I think if you set "title" of a page, that is set as the window title automatically.11:49
ahayzennik90, hmm, it seems to pick the objectName of our MainView :') as it does with clock, weather, music when i tested11:49
ahayzenalso for music, this was when i was using the new PageHeader11:49
nik90ahayzen, well with clock previously (prior to UC 1.3), we didnt set a title, since that would show the page header.11:49
nik90with UC 1.3, you should be able to set a title while also hiding the page header11:50
nik90I haven't tried it recently though11:50
ahayzenmaybe our MainView->PageStack->Tabs->Tab->Page confuses it11:50
DanChapmanahayzen, adding this to your MainView should work http://paste.ubuntu.com/15646228/11:53
ahayzenDanChapman, interesting, even when you don't have a Window around the MainView?11:54
ahayzennik90, i just checked and we have the title set of the tab, page and pageheader :-)11:54
DanChapmanYeah it should still work as qml makes the window type available once it's created it11:55
ahayzenDanChapman, ooo interesting, i'll give it a go thanks :-)11:55
ahayzenDanChapman, hmm don't think it worked :-/12:00
DanChapmanhmm it works for me here :-/12:01
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ahayzenhmm i can see windowReady going to true...12:04
DanChapmanahayzen, http://imgur.com/4NBeUWd12:04
ahayzenlet me try with Music, maybe weather has some odd headers12:05
DanChapmanmaybe PageHeader or whatever is setting it after you?12:05
ahayzenDanChapman, well i end up with the objectName of the MainView ... and note i'm testing this on a mako with Windowed mode12:06
* DanChapman grabs mako12:08
popeysverzegnassi: new docviewer uploaded and published :) thank you!12:08
DanChapmanahayzen, is this weather trunk?12:09
ahayzenDanChapman, i just took trunk and added what you said12:10
ahayzenDanChapman, maybe try music though12:10
ahayzenas weather still has old headers IIRC12:10
ahayzenmusic just got the convergence stuff landed \o/12:10
nik90oh wow!12:11
ahayzenwell the first iteration... ;-)12:11
nik90Yes I noticed the Bug #1253761: Implement initial conditional layout framework12:12
ubot5`bug 1253761 in Ubuntu Music App "Implement initial conditional layout framework" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125376112:12
nik90still a very good start12:12
ahayzenhaha yeah i tried to kill as many old bugs as possible :')12:12
nik90so what did you end up using?12:12
nik90AdaptivePageLayout or UbuntuLayouts?12:12
nik90or your own solution?12:12
* DanChapman needs to quickly reflash mako.12:13
ahayzenPageHeader + anchors :')12:13
ahayzeni think...12:13
ahayzennik90, https://code.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/music-app/convergence-tabs-with-sidebar-01/+merge/28612712:13
nik90I'm already looking ;)12:13
DanChapmanahayzen, fwiw Dekko in windowed mode on unity8 the window title seems to be taken from the desktop file ( i think as it's the only place dekko has an uppercase 'D' )12:14
ahayzennik90, interesting bits... http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/music-app/convergence-tabs-with-sidebar-01/view/head:/app/music-app.qml#L891  ... http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/music-app/convergence-tabs-with-sidebar-01/view/head:/app/music-app.qml#L57612:14
ahayzenDanChapman, ok well that's interesting! i was looking at dekko earlier..12:15
ahayzenDanChapman, i thought it came from here https://git.launchpad.net/dekko/tree/src/app/main.cpp#n18012:15
DanChapmanhah so it does :-) I didn't realise that was getting set. I stand corrected :-D12:16
ahayzenthere was only one app i managed to find doing it in QML, and they did it via Window { MainView {} }12:17
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DanChapmanahayzen, out of curiosity any reason not to use Window {}?12:29
ahayzenDanChapman, no much, just another thing to add to our MainView->PageStack->Tabs->Tab->Page :')12:29
ahayzen*not much12:30
ahayzenmaybe have to switch to that if i can't find another way... but then that means indenting 700 lines :') the diff is gonna be horrible lol12:30
ahayzenand really you should be able to do it from the MainView12:31
DanChapmanahayzen, right. yeah i agree mainview should be able to do this. So this seems to work for me on mako albeit it's rather ugly http://paste.ubuntu.com/15649852/ it's probably cleaner to just use a Window{} :-)13:11
ahayzenDanChapman, ok, thanks for looking i'll give that a try later13:13
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sverzegnassipopey: great, thanks!13:43
nik90popey, Hi, were there any strings that need fixing in uNav?14:27
nik90sverzegnassi, hey, with the latest doc-viewer update, I have an issue where the OSK appears on app startup..the issue is quite consistent.14:40
nik90sverzegnassi, also when you search for something and press cancel, the OSK does not autohide.14:40
nik90known bugs? or should I report them?14:40
sverzegnassinik90: hey! it's something I noticed too... My first feeling is that the TextInput used in the search header is always focused14:41
sverzegnassiI wasn't aware of, so please open a report :)14:42
nik90sverzegnassi, true..usually when I go back to the normal header, I explicitly forceActivefocus() on the listview or page so the OSK disappears on pressing the cancel button.14:42
nik90sure, will report bugs.14:43
sverzegnassinik90: Thanks! I'll start working on a bugfix ASAP, although it could be annoying to get two >60MB updates in a week :S14:45
nik90sverzegnassi, :P...snappy help us pls14:45
sverzegnassinik90: haha :D14:49
popeysverzegnassi: with your file manager hat on  ðŸ˜ƒ - I started a small merge to get rid of the blue colours...15:03
popeysverzegnassi: if you could take a look I'd appreciate it :)15:03
popeynik90: sorry, forgot to say, no, all looked fine to me, nice one!15:04
nik90popey, oh cool. awesome. thnx15:07
mike00hi, I'm trying to install an app on the device, but I get this, how can I do?15:16
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mike00I restart the phone and now it's ok...15:18
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sverzegnassipopey: this one? ^^15:45
sverzegnassion it!15:45
popeyI'm missing one thing, the blue highlight in places15:45
popeythat one15:46
sverzegnassipopey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15653717/15:51
sverzegnassiyou can use the "__foregroundColor" property, but it isn't suggested to use it15:52
sverzegnassi(internal property)15:52
sverzegnassiThe blue color seems to be something okay (the ListItem explicitely sets that color if the item is selected) http://paste.ubuntu.com/15653683/15:53
popeywhere's that from?15:58
sverzegnassithe second link? it's the code of an internal component used by ListItems.Standard16:00
popeywill play, thanks!16:01
sverzegnassianyway, I guess we'd need to migrate to the new ListItem component as soon as possible, since all the other list items have been deprecated16:03
popeythis was a quick fix for the blue stuff16:03
popeysverzegnassi: tested the foregroundcolor and it looks good, so pushed that16:06
sverzegnassipopey: great! let me know when you'll need someone to review that branch16:13
popeysverzegnassi: thanks16:15
guest____Hello, if I do "import QtLocation 5.0" and run the app in "Ubuntu SDK Desktop Kit" on Ubuntu 15.10 I get: "QtLocation" is not installed. Do you have any hint?17:29
popeybfiller: now ota-10 is out, do we need to approve the calendar app in the store, so people can un/re-install it?17:43
popeysame for camera or whatever else you held back?17:44
ahayzenguest____, sounds linked to bug 1553827 and other similar bugs against those two projects (canonical-developer-experience and ubuntu-sdk-ide)17:49
ubot5`bug 1553827 in Ubuntu SDK IDE "Ubuntu SDK Desktop Kit missing a large number of SDK imports" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155382717:49
guest____ahayzen, thank you for the answer17:55
ahayzenguest____, have a look around the other bugs for those projects, there maybe a specific one for location...but that is the generic one for missing packages17:55
flurickHello, how is it with QML Ubuntu.Components on other distros?18:41
bfillerpopey: yes we do18:44
bfillerpopey: same goes for camera and gallery18:44
popeybfiller: want me to do that? Does the store have the same bzr revno's for all 3 apps that the phone image has?18:45
bfillerpopey: let me double check, it should18:45
bfillerpopey: ack on publishing calendar 0.5.800, camera, and gallery
popeydoing now19:04
popeybfiller: all done. thanks19:06
bfillerpopey: ty19:06
dobeyflurick: fine as long as the components are installed20:05
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