=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [06:44] rvr, Hello mate, [06:45] rvr, I just created a task into CI-Train [06:45] as ticket: 1222 [07:50] jibel, ping [07:51] jibel, I just created a task by CI but I found nothing shown on your dash-board, [07:51] tihs one -> https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1222 [07:51] I am the lander and get it approved already, need your help on signing it off :) [08:03] jin_, Hi [08:03] jin_, it's because it's a click package, the QA status must be set manually to ready [08:03] jin_, I just did it, it'll appears on the board soon [08:03] jibel, ok, i got you [08:04] jibel, really thanks for your help.. :) [08:04] i will check the status there (the dashboard) [08:27] jin_, telegram is just an update of the import to fix the mixed import issue with sdk 1.3? [08:28] jibel, yes, we schedule this update which is related to "Palette apparent" only [08:28] jin_, okay, it should land today [08:28] because it comes a huge modification - converged UI we want it to be verified from Victor [08:29] jin_, okay [08:30] jibel, okay [08:30] jibel, and.. I just saw you indicated it with "Fast track", [08:31] if you guys get it verified, just ping me directly so that I can schedule the rest (publish to store) [09:25] jibel: davmor2 https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1223 weather app for QA. === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [10:55] popey, I'm trying the new weather app, does openweather works for you? it doesn't on current and new app for me [11:06] jibel: it can be flaky [11:07] ahayzen: 11:55 < jibel> popey, I'm trying the new weather app, does openweather works for you? it doesn't on current and new app for me [11:07] uhoh ... popey do you have the keys? [11:08] and sometimes their servers go down :-( [11:08] a857 are the first 4 digits of the key in keys.js [11:08] on my phone using the click I gave jibel [11:09] (so yes, the key is in place) [11:09] yeah i think that's right [11:10] does it work for you? [11:10] no [11:10] yeah i get "Network error" [11:10] same [11:11] qml: wrong response http code, got 429 / [11:11] url works on desktop [11:12] 429 is 'too many requests' [11:12] ugh [11:12] have we hit some kind of limit with our key? [11:12] over use of the api key? [11:13] popey, didn't we get ours unlimited or did that not happen? (obviously it hasn't) [11:13] https://community.openhab.org/t/openweathermap-binding-and-http-error-429/7822 [11:13] maybe not that [11:13] might just be too many requests from the client at once [11:13] (either way, for jibel purposes, not a regression) [11:13] "This does not happen, when trying to use DEBUG or TRACE inside the weather binding. The problem can be avoided (partly) by defining different time schedules for the two locations -- than a 429 error happens only, when the two locations are refreshed at the same time (common multiple of the schedules)." [11:14] :-/ [11:15] I'll file a bug [11:15] thanks jibel [11:15] works now :) [11:15] highly intermittent [11:16] so yeah, we probably could do something to mitigate, but looks like an issue their end [11:19] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/+bug/1566794 ahayzen jibel [11:19] Launchpad bug 1566794 in Ubuntu Weather App "Error 429 "Network Error" on openweathermap" [Undecided,New] [11:20] thanks popey [11:20] popey, thanks [11:22] jibel: I have top approved the silo50 MRs [11:23] bzoltan, thanks [11:23] bzoltan, do you have a changelog? [11:26] jibel: bzoltan: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-050/+sourcepub/6280695/+listing-archive-extra [11:26] Mirv: jibel: more high level - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/OTA10-landing-2016-03-10/files/head:/debian/ [11:27] Mirv, that's good, I didn't know about this. [11:28] thanks [11:28] popey, what does "Force app into sidestage when on tablets" exactly means? I tried on a tablet and it doesn't open in side stage [11:29] uh, it should [11:29] I don't have a tablet [11:29] has something changed in sidestage behaviour? [11:30] X-Ubuntu-StageHint=SideStage [11:30] that's set in the desktop file [11:30] Saviq, do you know? ^ [11:30] did it change with recent landing of unity8? [11:31] popey, i think also, in converged mode without it was causing the whole shell to be rotated :') [11:31] ahayzen, true [11:31] and it doesn't happen with the new version [11:31] think that was the bug davmor showed me originally [11:34] ahayzen, popey apart from this side stage issue, everything else is fine. [11:35] \o/ [11:35] and openweathermap that I couldn't verify [11:36] ahayzen, popey wat do you want to do, land it or wait until you figure out what's going on with side stage? [11:36] what* [11:36] jibel, what currently happens on a tablet when it is in 'tablet' mode...and then in 'convergence' mode ? [11:37] 'currently' as in the version you are testing [11:38] in staged mode it opens full screen, in windowed mode, it opens in the current window [11:38] ahayzen, ^ [11:38] this seems like a platform bug? [11:38] what does clock do? === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [11:38] hm, clock doesn't have sidestage, bad example [11:39] jibel, also in landscape does everything remain in the correct orientation when in (non)converged mode ? [11:39] sudoku and dropping letters do [11:39] hmm system-settings? [11:40] popey, ahayzen correction, in windowed mode it opens in a new window [11:40] behaviour is the same for the clock [11:40] hmm, we should probably check with the unity8 guys if that haven't changed that sidestage hint [11:40] ahayzen, yes orientation is fine [11:41] otherwise i'm cool to land, but really it should go into the sidestage [11:41] ok thanks jibel :-) [11:41] just tested it on my nexus 7 2013 running stable and it loads in sidestage [11:42] so something has changed in the platform [11:42] popey, ahayzen okay, lets wait for Saviq then decide [11:42] overall it's an improvement over current version, so I'm fine landing it and do a subsequent landing for side stage [11:42] http://imgur.com/a/mvnQn [11:42] * popey hugs marvin [11:43] popey, you need a marvin IRC bot :-) [11:43] heh [11:43] also need to bypass or fake the location prompt :( [11:43] hah [11:43] join the autopilot problems :-) [11:44] :) === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [12:17] Mirv, bzoltan can you add a canonical-devices-system-image task to all the bugs fixed by silo 50 if it is not already done === _salem is now known as salem_ [12:24] jibel: bzoltan: yes I'll do it [12:24] Mirv: thank you [12:24] Mirv, thank you [12:32] jibel, popey, ahayzen, by design no app starts in side stage on its own any more [12:33] ugh [12:33] so now we get the clock and weather app fullscreen on a 10" display? :') [12:33] needs to be manually put there (and then we remember) [12:34] ahayzen, yeah, one thing I had in mind is take the app's {min,max}{Height,Width} into account and decide based on that [12:34] ahayzen, care to file a bug against unity8 and ubuntu-ux? [12:34] ugh [12:35] popey, i guess we should implement convergence designs :-) [12:35] Saviq, sure, stating that if an app has set a min/max height/width it should in certain cases decide to start the app in the sidestage? [12:37] ahayzen, stating the problem (with screenshots, ideally) and a proposed solution, yeah [12:37] Saviq, i don't have a device :-/ ... popey ? [12:38] ahayzen, I think it's good to land the new weather app then? [12:38] jibel, yeah i think so, popey gets the final decision :-) [12:39] +1 from me. [12:39] popey, ^ land or not? [12:39] great [12:39] approved [12:39] thanks [12:40] uploaded [12:40] published [12:43] \o/ thanks jibel popey :-) [12:44] Yes, thanks chaps! === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [14:12] * sil2100 changes location === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [18:05] robru, hey, any idea what happened here https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-013-1-build/56/console [18:05] +N debian/gles-patches/series [18:05] No series file found [18:05] ¿? [18:06] any chance PWD isn't what I expect it to be? [18:08] Saviq: $PWD is the bzr branch root [18:08] Saviq: you didn't export $QUILT_PATCHES [18:08] ah [18:08] Saviq: why aren't you using my branch? I fixed that already [18:09] robru, looks like you didn't push, then ;) [18:09] robru, it's a branch on top of yours actually [18:09] in a subsequent silo [18:09] Saviq: bruh https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1221 branch pushed and built successfully [18:10] robru, hrm [18:10] ah I know what I did :9 [18:11] robru, as you were [18:11] Saviq: let me guess, you based it on my non-quilt branch and didn't see my new quilt branch based on your quilt branch? [18:13] robru, no, I had a checkout here already and didn't pull your branch that's on top of my branch [18:18] robru, must say the temporary citrain user looks *really* weird :P [18:18] but I ♥ the new build speed ;) [18:20] Saviq: yeah I'll probably hide the details of the temporary user, just left it in for now since it's so new & experimental, wanted to see it all working [18:20] Saviq: thanks though, and this isn't even parallelized, just no build deps. in a few months the parallelization stuff will land and it'll be even faster [18:26] whaaa [18:27] robru, can you please have a look: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-013 [18:27] did LP just explode? [18:31] Saviq: it does look goofy without the buildlogs [18:31] Saviq: I'll try retrying everything and if that doesnt fix it we should escalate to colin [18:32] robru, tx [18:32] robru, doesn't seem to help [18:33] cjwatson, any idea what happened here https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-013/+packages [18:33] all builds failed without buildlogs or any other visible reason [18:35] Saviq: yeah those failures are quick. too quick to have even created a chroot. something's definitely wrong with the infra. [18:35] cjwatson: ^ === nuclearbob is now known as nuclearbob_afk [20:00] robru, I see that there's still 2 pending armhf builds for vivid and xenial for https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1225 so does that mean the "Failed to build" status is still an old status? [20:09] jhodapp: no, once one arch fails, the whole thing is considered to be a failure (unless it's an arch that has *never* succeeded) [20:09] robru, I couldn't find the log of what failed though [20:10] jhodapp: right, the buildlog is missing, Saviq also noticed this earlier today [20:10] wgrant: cjwatson ^ [20:10] robru, ok great, so I'm not going insane :) [20:11] jhodapp: must be an infra issue, needs LP people to look at the ppa builders. [20:12] robru, alright...I'm off on holiday starting tomorrow but I've got koza looking after this landing for me after today [20:34] what's the plan going forward for dual/multi-landing, considering pending xenial archive closure, y-series opening, and our still being based on 15.04? [20:34] (or did i miss a mail about it?) === nuclearbob_afk is now known as nuclearbob [20:39] robru: oh my robru https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-047/+packages [20:40] barry: as far as I can tell all lp ppa buildds are toast. lots of people complaining about this in #launchpad [20:41] robru: ah. i'm never sure if i casey jonesed it or not. i'll hop on over there [20:41] dobey: I don't think you missed any mail (or if you did I missed it to). my understanding is that at some point we'll switch dual silos so both xenail & vivid go to overlay PPA, then at some point xenial overlay will be copied to y, then dual will be switched to y+vivid. I haven't heard any plans to get phones off vivid. [20:42] thanks a lot queuebot [20:42] barry: I had the same issue on a silo of my own, and same with Saviq and jhodapp. it's happening to everybody I think. [20:42] robru: shouldn't we be doing triple landings when y opens? [20:43] oh gosh please no :) [20:43] :D === blr_ is now known as blr [20:43] dobey: I'll reach through your computer screen and slap you in the face. [20:43] at least it seems like we want to move to xenial for phone images at some point, but we just don't have a plan to do that yet, because yay gcc [20:43] if that's not called yakkity yak it will be a serious missed opportunity [20:44] and my saxxity sax will be sad [20:44] dobey: if phone images switch to xenial, then duals will be y+xenial. there's no reason to do triple. duals are always dev series + whatever stable series phones use. [20:44] :) [20:44] barry: don't talk back [20:44] robru: well, to keep things updated in xenial overlay for when we eventually do switch [20:45] dobey: you mean after y opens, but before phones switch to xenial, we're going to need y + xenial overlay + vivid overlay? kill me [20:46] it seems the most logical plan [20:47] dobey: I'd rather see the vivid->xenial migration have a minor regression at first until people start doing y+xenial landings to catch xenial up. nobody is going to QA a trual silo. [20:47] I long for the days of single landings [20:47] simplicity [20:48] jhodapp: you need to convince somebody in management to rebase phones on dev series. resurrect the rolling release proposal. [20:48] robru: eh, people only QA on the phone anyway really [20:48] robru, yeah, either that or just call it good and drop xenial [20:48] if we based phones on devel, we'd never release phones [20:49] dobey: right, which means triad silos were only having vivid qa'd, we'd be releasing untested crap to xenial overlay, which would make the vivid->xenial migration really hard. [20:50] the vivid->xenial migration is already really hard. keeping stuff compiling isn't going to make it harder [20:50] it's just going to consume cpu time and disk space [20:50] but anyway [20:54] I don't understand why the phone wasn't migrated to wily when wily went stable. the older vivid gets the more painful it's going to be to migrate off it. [20:54] robru, yes agreed...I think we need to stop and accept the pain now before it becomes impossible [20:57] jhodapp: not up to me :-/ [20:57] robru, why not? :) [21:00] robru: because gcc5 === salem_ is now known as _salem [21:26] trainguards, could you take a look on https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1205, it is not building [21:27] renatu: yes, the builders are busted === robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train trouble? ping trainguards | CI problems? Use JenkaaS: http://bit.ly/jenkins-docs | Train: http://bit.ly/1hGZsfS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: all launchpad ppa builds are failing. [22:25] robru: looking, modulo it being bedtime [22:26] cjwatson: ah, thanks [22:56] robru,Saviq,jhodapp,renatu: LP deployment rolled back, retried all affected builds === cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train trouble? ping trainguards | CI problems? Use JenkaaS: http://bit.ly/jenkins-docs | Train: http://bit.ly/1hGZsfS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd [22:56] cjwatson, ack, thanks [22:56] Thanks [23:20] https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1567132 <- analysis [23:20] Launchpad bug 1567132 in Launchpad itself "r17979 causes package build dispatch failures in devirtualised PPAs" [Critical,Triaged]