
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
seb128good morning desktops06:45
pittiGood morning06:51
seb128hey pitti ;-)06:52
larsuseb128: no good morning for the laptops?07:32
larsumorning everyone!07:32
pittihey larsu, wie gehts?07:32
larsupitti: morgen! Sehr gut. War gerade beim Fitness und bin durch die Sonne zurück gefahren. Im Shirt!!!07:33
larsuwie gehts dir?07:33
pittilarsu: prima, danke! keine Sonne mehr heute, aber immer noch warm07:34
larsuschade :(07:34
seb128larsu, hey :-)07:34
seb128it's sunny here as well but they forecast rain starting midday for the afternoon/evening07:35
larsudon't believe the forecast!07:39
seb128that's right07:40
seb128well for now I see blue sky and sun so I'm happy ;-)07:40
willcookemorning all07:54
willcookemorning Sweet5hark07:56
Sweet5harkwillcooke: heya07:57
seb128hey willcooke Sweet5hark08:01
Sweet5harkseb128: how is it going? are you at a/that sprint btw?08:03
seb128Sweet5hark, I'm doing well thanks, got mostly over the holidays backlog and back on track for 16.04 I think ... and no, no hackfest for me, getting a week to get some work done before holidays and travelling for the planning sprint08:04
seb128what about you?08:04
Sweet5harktrying to get my back back it shape -- it was hurting badly recent days, its better now. as for work: xenial looks all well AFAICS -- lets see how stuff will get amazing after that ;)08:07
pittihey Sweet5hark08:07
pittiSweet5hark: urgh, good luck with your back, that sounds scary08:07
pittiSweet5hark: too much exercise or too much sitting?08:07
Sweet5harkpitti: too much bad sitting apparently and then hurt myself by being too hard on myself when swimming.08:09
Sweet5hark... but jogging helps. doing that daily now.08:09
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* Laney is free08:54
Laneyfree from the dmb08:54
seb128Laney, congrats? ;-)08:59
seb128and hey!08:59
seb128still enjoying London?08:59
davidcalle@dekstopers, hi, I'm looking for an ubiquity slideshow slide (the Gnome Software one), where is it located?09:06
meetingologydavidcalle: Error: "dekstopers," is not a valid command.09:06
willcookehey davidcalle09:07
willcookedavidcalle, have you got the ubiquity source downloaded already?09:08
davidcallewillcooke: nope, I was expecting to find it somewhere on my xenial system  :)09:08
seb128larsu, devmemberboard, the group that grants e.g upload rights09:09
willcookedavidcalle, https://launchpad.net/ubiquity09:09
willcookedavidcalle, correct link:  https://launchpad.net/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu09:10
larsuseb128: thanks :)09:10
seb128larsu, yw!09:10
willcookedavidcalle, then: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/slideshows/ubuntu/slides09:10
seb128davidcalle, willcooke, did we get an agreement on what to use there?09:11
davidcallewillcooke: perfect, thanks :)09:11
davidcalleseb128: not sure. But on my end, I just need a nice screenshot ;)09:11
willcookeseb128, seems to still be pending.  I went with not mentioned g-s at all and instead talking about "access to the store"09:11
willcookedavidcalle, if those screenshots are too small we can find you a better one09:12
willcookedavidcalle, e.g. http://people.canonical.com/~laney/weird-things/g-s.png09:13
davidcallewillcooke: this one is perfect, thanks!09:13
seb128willcooke, davidcalle, didn't we get those screenshots updated some weeks ago?09:13
willcookeseb128, yeah09:14
seb128davidcalle is looking for a screenshot, not at changing the current one?09:14
davidcalleseb128: yeah, I jsut need a screenshot matching roughly how we are presenting Gnome software to users09:15
seb128k, gotcha09:15
Laneyhey seb12810:04
Laneyraining today though10:04
* Laney might actually look at g-s itself10:05
Laneynoticed the list of nominees to the TB10:06
Laneylots of good candidates there ;-)10:06
didrockswhere is this list? (hey Laney!)10:10
Laneydidrocks: on the tb list10:11
seb128on planet ubuntu as well10:11
didrocksoh right, this was posted10:11
didrocksah, the fridge, I probably bypassed it :)10:12
seb128Laney, good candidates, rrrright10:12
seb128wonder who nominated those!10:12
willcookehey cyphermox10:59
seb128hey cyphermox!11:12
cyphermoxhey :)11:14
seb128cyphermox, did you see that awe seemed to have found the issue with new nm and vpn?11:26
willcookeurgh. Another odd bug in terminal11:53
willcookeopen a few tabs, cd to somewhere with a longish path11:53
willcookethen drag that tab out of the window and don't let go of the button11:53
* flocculant did that and is pleased it looks as expected here :p11:58
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
flexiondotorgTrevinho, https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mate-dev/compiz/fix-1559371/+merge/28958812:08
* Trevinho checks12:08
Trevinhoflexiondotorg: I'd really love to have the client fixed though... Also changing the mate.ini later couldn't cause the setting not to be updated by upgraders?12:12
willcookeseb128, just noticed the padding on the bluetooth window (for example) is gone again.  Didn't we already fix that?  I think it was an u/s bug?12:13
willcookemaybe it was called a wizard screen?12:13
seb128willcooke, wfm, where do you see it?12:14
willcookea new 16.04 install from the daily iso  yesterday12:14
seb128if I go to the bluetooth panel and click the "+" button the new dialog has space between the buttons and border12:14
flexiondotorgTrevinho, I'd like the client fixed too. But small team, little time and no obvious solution. This winrule is the best we have.12:15
Trevinhoflexiondotorg: I understand, you tried to check what happens if that mate.ini option is removed? Is the option unset (for future use case)12:16
seb128willcooke, it was a gtk bug that got fixed, the patch is still there afaik and wfm12:16
flexiondotorgTrevinho, Compiz is not enable by default in Ubuntu MATE. It can be optionally enabled via MATE Tweak.12:17
flexiondotorgNew activations will use whatever the mate.ini provides.12:17
willcookeseb128, ah, buttons look ok actually.  Seems to be the text on the left: http://imgur.com/glJoTXC12:17
flexiondotorgBut MATE Tweak also has a button to reset Compiz to mate.ini defaults, should an updated mate.ini be released.12:18
seb128willcooke, I can't confirm here but my virtualbox has no bluetooth and my system is in french so not having the same labels lead to a layout things differently12:26
willcookeI dont think its that big a deal, I'll see if I can fix it12:28
seb128I'm unsure it's a theming issue though12:28
seb128you had another example of dialog last time iirc12:29
seb128what was it? something with nm?12:29
willcookeyeah, I thnk it was vpns or something12:29
willcookeI'll see if I get time12:29
seb128ah, right12:30
seb128adding a mobile connection12:30
seb128k, I can confirm in that dialog12:30
seb128I've a feeling it's due to https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/gtk/ui/gtkassistant.ui?id=9c39232ab399eb3138fa4924b6072c3d340c215e12:32
darkxstwillcooke, are you guys considering rebranding gnome-software this late in the cycle? atleast that is the impression I got from Michaels email12:32
willcookemhall119, can I get a copy of that email?12:34
seb128darkxst, "rebranding"?12:35
davidcalleseb128: where does the feature app comes from in gnome software? Gnome server somewhere?12:35
seb128there are discussions about the wording of the ubiquity slide12:35
seb128davidcalle, I don't know, but we have people at a hackfest who know and are working on changing that list I think ... why? please don't dup work by looking also at doing similar changes12:36
seb128davidcalle, in any case please talk to Laney on this channel, he mentioned that on the first day of the hackfest so I guess he's the person to talk to about those changes12:37
davidcalleseb128: I'm not, no worries, just looking if there was a way to change this featured app locally. Nothing related with the wider GNome Software discussion ;)12:37
darkxstwillcooke, i sent you a copy12:38
seb128willcooke, we might need something like https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/tree/gtk/theme/Adwaita/_common.scss#n225 ?12:38
seb128davidcalle, k, Laney can help you with that I think12:38
seb128darkxst, there are discussions about the wording of the slide as just said and maybe naming of the .desktop under Unity12:39
willcookedarkxst, ta12:39
seb128darkxst, no changing of the look/branding of the software12:39
darkxstseb128, thats fine, and not I would consider rebranding12:39
mhall119willcooke: darkxst: which email?12:43
seb128willcooke, if you play with css maybe look if something around the12:44
seb128GtkAssistant {12:44
seb128.sidebar GtkLabel {12:44
seb128padding: 6px;12:44
seb128would fix it?12:44
darkxstmhall119, the snap email, where you suggested gnome-software might be rebranded, but apparently that is not the case actually12:45
mhall119darkxst: ok, that. It's actually not branded "GNOME Software" right now, it's just "Software", we put that in because we weren't sure how it was going to be called12:47
larsuthe "using packages from other distributions" section on https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading could use some clarification: the url should probably say ~<lp_name>/<ppa_name>/ubuntu/<a ubuntu suite>12:49
larsuat least it confused me :)12:49
davmor2willcooke: OMG an upgrade and it seems to be working this can't be right :)12:50
willcookedavmor2, It'll never last.12:51
willcookequick pull the plug12:51
darkxstmhall119, ok, so long as its only Unity specific desktop files, I couldnt care what you call it12:51
darkxstwe have already made our slideshows, and our users are expect GNOME "Software" not some other name ;)12:53
mhall119darkxst: I think this was more a case of the community team not knowing what name to use for it than anything12:53
seb128larsu, open a bug against launchpad ;-)12:54
davmor2willcooke: it's got time to break on the mokutil yet something to blame cyphermox for again cause you know how he likes me to blame him for stuff :)12:54
mhall119since we've always heard it called "GNOME Software" but the app itself only uses the name "Software"12:54
mhall119and we know that non-GNOME flavors are also using it12:54
cyphermoxwhat what ? mokutil broken?12:54
darkxstmhall119, all the core GNOME apps are like that12:54
larsuseb128: thanks, will do (didn't know where the correct place would be...)12:54
mhall119darkxst: yeah, it causes some confusion :)12:55
seb128darkxst, not really, we don't have "GNOME gedit" or "GNOME nautilus"12:56
darkxstseb128, ok all the newer GNOME apps are like that12:56
darkxstphotos, maps, music, logs, etc12:56
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seb128right, I don't think we include any of those on Unity default install atm12:57
larsuseb128: done, #156683912:57
seb128larsu, danke12:57
darkxstand then the oddball epiphany => web12:58
darkxstbut its all just desktop file tinkering12:59
darkxstand the lack of security support makes the latter rather irrelevant I guess13:00
darkxstotherwise it would be a really nice browser13:00
davmor2cyphermox: not yet13:11
davmor2cyphermox: is the kernel code in play now that disables the modules if secureboot isn't enabled13:13
cyphermoxdavmor2: not yet13:13
davmor2cyphermox: right thanks13:14
flexiondotorgTheMuso, Thanks for the a11y work.13:45
flexiondotorgCan I just confirm what packages I need to seed?13:45
flexiondotorgTheMuso, just a11y-profile-manager and a11y-profile-manager-indicator?13:47
willcookeflexiondotorg, might be better by email, he's UTC+1213:52
flexiondotorgwillcooke, Ah. OK, thanks :-)13:52
andyrockwillcooke: looks like we don't need to modify any unity code to support alt+space13:54
andyrockwe just need to modify the key binding13:54
willcookeandyrock, sweet!  How about the two modifiers issue?  Are we stuck there?13:54
andyrockwillcooke: ccsm partially support them13:55
willcookeif so I will see what the alternatives are from design etc13:55
GunnarHjpitti: Hi Martin! Regression from yesterday's fontconfig upload. Can you please take a look at bug #1566651.13:55
ubot5`bug 1566651 in fontconfig (Ubuntu) "Blurry fonts after update to fontconfig 2.11.1-0ubuntu9" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156665113:55
andyrockalso i experiences some problems showing that menu with alt+super13:55
willcookeandyrock, partially meaning that it will be really buggy and crap?13:55
willcookelemme see if I can get a better choice then...13:56
andyrocklike if you press two times super+alt you can get stuck with that menu13:56
andyrockwillcooke: the branch for lp:hud has already been proposed I'll finish the bamf one today13:57
andyrockdo you have the bug number?13:57
willcookeandyrock, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/155198613:57
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1551986 in unity (Ubuntu Xenial) "HUD hotkey assignment is suboptimal" [Undecided,In progress]13:57
davmor2willcooke, cyphermox: see what did I say no mok-util trigger on upgrade for intel-microcode :'( I blame cyphermox I'll try it on nvidia hardware and see what happens there though now that I know that upgrades are at least working14:27
seb128tjaalton, Trevinho, andyrock, saw https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1566878 ?14:27
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1566878 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Alt-backtick regression" [Undecided,New]14:27
seb128tjaalton, the bug states it's due to the recent xserver update14:27
cyphermoxdavmor2: on upgrade for intel-microcode?14:27
cyphermoxyou mean upgrading from trusty?14:27
davmor2cyphermox: install trusty, install intel-microcode, upgrade to 16.0414:28
cyphermoxright, no14:28
cyphermoxintel-microcode doesn't seem to need dkms14:29
andyrockseb128: backtick?14:29
davmor2cyphermox: but it is the only driver that gets installed for 3rd party drivers on 16.04 and that triggers it unless it is like mp3 codec or something crazy14:29
seb128andyrock, the key on left of 1 (top of tab)14:30
seb128andyrock, the one to switch between wins of the active application14:30
Trevinhoandyrock: alt+\ :)14:31
Trevinhoor alt grave..14:31
Trevinhofor us keys14:31
andyrockah yeah14:31
TrevinhoWell, tjaalton there might be some changes in xkb code?14:31
Trevinhoas it's the one we use to figure out which key is above tab14:32
tjaaltonseb128, Trevinho: hrm, i'll have a look later14:37
seb128Trevinho, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/251848437/xorg-server_2%3A1.18.1-1ubuntu4_2%3A1.18.3-1ubuntu1.diff.gz14:38
tjaaltonppa:canonical-x/x-staging has had 1.18.2+fixes for several weeks, weird if noone else sees that14:39
tjaalton1.18.3 adds only a commit or two on top of the ppa14:48
tjaaltoni guess that shortcut is kbd layout specific?14:49
willcookeandyrock, what do you think about alt-super-space for window controls?14:51
willcookemight be confusing I guess14:51
seb128Trevinho, do you have any idea about bug #1565522? Mikkel is one of the njpatel time unity devs if you knew/remember him ;-)14:52
ubot5`bug 1565522 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "No menu bar in gtk apps" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156552214:52
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, i do know him14:53
andyrockwillcooke: too big? but i'm now a designer14:53
andyrockshould not conflict with other stuf14:53
pittiGunnarHj: ah, is there anything to sponsor? or should we revert the change for now?14:58
seb128Trevinho, k, unsure if that's a really issue but it would be nice to at least follow up on the bug14:59
GunnarHjpitti: Nothing to sponsor yet. That issue would be resolved with 2.11.94, so I'd like your view (again).14:59
Trevinhoseb128: sure, I think it's a duplicate of anohter one we're getting... It seems like a race though15:01
pittiGunnarHj: well, it hasn't changed much; if even one patch does such damage, there's little reason to believe that taking 50 more patches is regression free15:01
seb128Trevinho, well, you at least have somebody who knows how to follow debug intructions if you need some info ;-)15:01
pittiGunnarHj: that said, upgrading is not off the table, but there's a lot more QA to be done there than just "crossing fingers"15:01
pittiGunnarHj: Mingye suggested some comparison script, that looks like a good start15:02
GunnarHjpitti: I rather think that the commits are too interdependent to be cherry picked.15:02
seb128GunnarHj, pitti, 2.11.1 is the current stable version, .94 is an unstable one ... seems late for such changes without a good rational?15:02
pittiseb128: well, my point :) (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fontconfig/+bug/1556457/comments/18)15:03
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1556457 in fontconfig (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Demilight (OS/2 weight=350) confuses fontconfig" [High,Fix released]15:03
GunnarHjpitti: Yeah, if I understand it correctly, Mingye's script would check for proper weigths.15:03
pittistill, I think if someone can come up with a convincing plan to test this across fonts/glyphs/locales/desktops, it'd be okay, but this is a high-risk update15:03
seb128pitti, right, I was just  throwing in that 11.1 is the current stable and .9x are unstable versions since their versionning is a bit confusing15:04
GunnarHjpitti, seb128: What triggered this was the switch for Chinese from fonts-droid to fonts-noto-cjk. 2.11.1 is simply not ready for all the fonts weights in fonts-noto-cjk.15:04
seb128blame happyaron!15:05
* happyaron hummmmm...15:06
GunnarHjseb128, pitti: If you talk to the upstream fontconfig developers, they have left 2.11.1 behind long ago. "Ancient". So we should probably not take the distinction between stable and development too seriously.15:06
* happyaron goes to his bed15:07
seb128happyaron, night!15:07
seb128happyaron, sorry was teasing you, it's a side effect of the change to use fonts-noto-cjk but you are not the only responsible for that transition ;-)15:08
happyaronyeah I know, :p15:09
pittiso, no idea here -- damned if you do, damned if you don't15:10
seb128yeah :-/15:10
GunnarHjpitti, seb128: Yeah, it may be high risk, but the risk for a regression wrt Chinese rendering is 100% if we don't do anything.15:10
willcookelarsu, do you have a German kbd layout?  If so, can you tell me where you / key is?15:11
willcookeis it on 7?15:11
pittiwillcooke: Shift+715:11
seb128GunnarHj, pitti, just as a data point, seems that fedora is on 2.11.94 so at least that version got some testing15:11
larsuwillcooke: I don't, but it's on the 715:11
willcookethanks pitti15:11
larsupitti beat me to it. Of course :)15:12
willcookecheers larsu15:12
pittiit's been a long time since I had a German keyboard, but my wife still has one :)15:12
GunnarHjseb128, pitti: Right, we would certainly not be first. Also Arch Linux (and some more, don't remember...).15:12
seb128willcooke, just for info you can add a german layout and click the keyboard icon then to see the keyboard drawing with the symbols15:13
seb128in unity-control-center15:13
willcookethanks seb12815:13
GunnarHjseb128, pitti: Arch Linux upgraded to 2.11.94 for this same reason.15:13
willcookeandyrock, thinking alt-; for window controls.  It's in the same place on most kbds and not far from space.  Asking design and Mark to advise....15:16
GunnarHjpitti, seb128: I could try to make use of Mingye's test script together with Mingye tomorrow. (Suspect he is sleeping now.)15:18
willcookeandyrock, looking at your mps - tests as well, nice!15:19
GunnarHjpitti, seb128: At the same time, wouldn't it be advisable to get 2.11.94 into the archive ASAP, so we have some time for the community/testers to provide feedback?15:19
happyaronGunnarHj: he never sleep at this moment15:20
pittiGunnarHj, seb128: either that, or a call for testing (flavors times locales) with the PPA15:20
pittialthough I guess the more probable outcome will be that we do upgrade15:20
pittiand we can revert back to 2.11.1 in the worst case15:20
happyaronGunnarHj: well, a senior high student with quite a lot motivation15:20
GunnarHjpitti: Right, reverting would be easy .15:21
happyarongo to my bed really this time...15:21
pittiI went over the other commits in 2.11.94 and almost all of them are bug fix-y15:21
GunnarHjhappyaron: Then I'll try to reach him.15:21
GunnarHjpitti: So, are you ready to take the chance?15:22
pittiI feel like getting my arm twisted, but I don't see a lot of other options15:22
pittiseb128: WDYT?15:22
seb128pitti, I think I would go for the update, it's relatively easy to revert if needed15:23
pittiseb128: i. e. do you object to update+call for testing+revert to 2.11.94 on regressions? any better idea?15:23
seb128it's likely going to be the most maintainable solution for a LTS15:23
seb128cherry pick of random patches might backfire15:23
GunnarHjpitti, seb128: Where would we post a call for testing?15:24
GunnarHjseb128: Ok.15:24
seb128happyaron, night15:24
andyrockwillcooke: i just have a problem with the "_" char showing up in the hud15:25
andyrocknot sure where is the problem but should not be a big thing to fix15:25
willcookethx andyrock15:25
GunnarHjpitti, seb128: I could reopen bug #1556457, somebody uploads the thing, and I can made the call for testing on the ubuntu-devel list.15:27
ubot5`bug 1556457 in fontconfig (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Demilight (OS/2 weight=350) confuses fontconfig" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155645715:27
pittiGunnarHj: ack, sounds like a plan15:28
GunnarHjpitti: Just a detail as regards the PPA source: I think it would be proper to change the FreeType build dependency to
GunnarHjpitti: Required according to one of the commits.15:30
GunnarHjpitti: Will you do the upload? https://launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/+archive/ubuntu/fontconfig-test215:31
pittiGunnarHj: ah, you already merged in the previosu changelog? thanks15:31
pittiGunnarHj: yes, will do15:32
pittiGunnarHj: +1 for bumping the build dep indeed15:32
seb128GunnarHj, did you update to .95?15:34
seb128if we go with the new version we can as well take thecurrent one15:34
GunnarHjseb128, pitti: The version in the PPA is 2.11.94. I think 2.11.95 was tagged today...15:35
pittiyeah, but .94 got some testing, so let's rather update in two steps15:36
seb128that makes sense15:36
pitti(that said, still a good idea to follow the .9x)15:36
pittiGunnarHj: I suppose I should keep the gperf build dep from the previous upload too?15:45
pittithere was no rationale, but your PPA package doesn't have it15:45
GunnarHjpitti: Not sure. It proved to be necessary for the patching approach, but not for
pittiah, ok15:45
pittiGunnarHj: ok, I took your PPA package, merged the ubuntu9 changelog, bumped fontconfig and mentioned the dropping of gperf b-dep and dropping the 0002 patch15:46
pittitest-building now15:47
pittioh, should add a ref to the regression15:48
GunnarHjpitti: The regression was reported at bug #1566651.15:48
ubot5`bug 1566651 in fontconfig (Ubuntu) "Blurry fonts after update to fontconfig 2.11.1-0ubuntu9" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156665115:49
pittiyep, that; just added to changelog15:49
GunnarHjpitti: Ok, great. I'll post the call for testing in an hour or so. (Need a break for food...).15:50
pittiGunnarHj: thanks for your perseverance, and bon appetit !15:50
* pitti grabs some dinner too15:50
andyrockseb128: where is the lp branch for libwnck xenail?16:30
andyrocki need to provide a small distro patch (1 line) for the hud change16:30
seb128andyrock, I don't think we have a vcs for that?16:30
seb128just add a debdiff to a bug and subscribe sponsors16:30
seb128or ask for sponsoring here16:30
andyrockseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+source/bamf/+bug/1551986/comments/416:49
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1551986 in unity (Ubuntu Xenial) "HUD hotkey assignment is suboptimal" [Undecided,In progress]16:49
andyrocknot sure the patch format is ok :D16:49
seb128seems fine16:50
seb128did you upstream that one?16:50
seb128you know Trevinho right? :p16:50
TrevinhoI'm not sure i will accept that... :-D16:50
seb128andyrock, btw you are sure you want libwnck and not libwnck3?16:51
andyrockseb128: is not the same :D16:51
seb128libwnck is old gtk2 version16:51
andyrockah ok16:51
andyrocksorry didn't know we had two16:51
andyrockI'll make a new one16:51
seb128did you test it?16:52
seb128did it work? ;-)16:52
seb128maybe hud is still using the old lib16:52
dobeyanyone else notice that in 16.04, when closing the empathy window, most accounts are also disconnected?16:59
seb128dobey, no, what account types? how do you notice?17:01
dobeyat least icq and jabber (gtalk); close empathy window, then click on messaging menu -> empathy to open it again, and most of my online contacts no longer appear17:03
andyrockseb128: yeah it works like a charm17:03
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1551986 in unity (Ubuntu Xenial) "HUD hotkey assignment is suboptimal" [Undecided,In progress]17:03
andyrockthe problem is that set_text (...) resets the use-underline property17:04
seb128andyrock, how come it worked if you patched the wrong package?!17:04
andyrockso if there is something (in our case dbusmenuitem) attached to the notify:label signal17:04
seb128or did you patch a source and ld_preload that to test?17:04
andyrockseb128: nope i tested it on the upstream project17:05
seb128I see17:05
andyrockthat's why i didn't know about the libwnck libwnck3 difference17:05
dobeyweird; seems to behaving better now after a reboot17:15
dobeyand it finally did the contact linking correctly it seems17:17
dobeywas having issues with that17:17
dobeyalthough that could still be very weird17:17
GunnarHjseb128: Talking about regressions due to fonts-droid -> fonts-noto-cjk: Kubuntu and Xubuntu have not yet included fonts-noto-cjk in their seeds.17:33
GunnarHjAre you able to help here?17:33
seb128not really17:34
seb128I'm not involved in those flavors17:34
seb128unsure who to ping either17:34
GunnarHjseb128: So they have themselves to blame, is that it?17:35
seb128sort of I guess17:37
willcookedesktoppers - I got the OK from design to use the grey colours for the tabs in terminal (@bg_color for active and shade(@bg_color, 0.7 for the others)17:39
willcookeI wondered...17:39
GunnarHjseb128: IMO they have. Besides those MP:s, it was also up at ubuntu-devel: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2016-February/039217.html17:39
seb128GunnarHj, you can maybe try mentioning in on #ubuntu-release17:41
seb128willcooke, the orange is not light enough imho17:42
willcookeseb128, it's the right colour, but yeah, I agree.  If I tweaked it - what do you think about an orange active tab?  Too much?17:42
seb128willcooke, I still wonder if the adwaita way would be nicer, having a colored line at the top17:43
willcooke"right colour" = "ubuorange"17:43
andyrockwillcooke: other thing in the hud the items are going to appear as "Close (Window)", "Resize (Window)"17:44
GunnarHjseb128: Thanks for the tip, will do.17:45
seb128GunnarHj, yw17:45
andyrockto distinguish from Close (File) e.g.17:45
willcookeandyrock, perfect, thanks17:45
seb128willcooke, I saw some website today doing the 'color line at the top' thing, can't remember which one now but I think it was a popular one because I though that if even them were doing it that might be a good option17:46
willcookeandyrock, can we use the original short cuts from the window menu, i.e. minimize = n to get the HUD to match against it?17:46
willcookeseb128, the only way I can think of doing that would be with a coloured border17:47
andyrockwillcooke: we need to modify hud-service to take into account the mnemonic17:47
andyrocknot sure it's that easy17:47
andyrocki'll take a look as soon as i push the bamf branch17:48
willcookethanks andyrock17:48
flocculantGunnarHj: I've passed the comment along for us (xubuntu)17:50
willcookeseb128, ha - I've done it!17:51
GunnarHjflocculant: Great, thanks! Then there is only Kubuntu left.17:51
willcookeseb128, ignore the borders etc for now; http://imgur.com/ffyCZ1y17:54
willcookeseb128, I'm pretty pissed though.  It's taken me hours and hours to get those colour tabs working properly, and that took about 5 mins.  ;D17:56
willcookeand I like it better17:56
willcookedon't learn English from me17:56
* willcooke -> dinner 17:57
flocculantalphabettispaghetti for you17:58
seb128willcooke, enjoy!18:04
davmor2Yeah learn proper English like what I does18:06
seb128zat i'ow you speek then?18:11
flocculanton day's with a y in them yup18:15
Sweet5harkhttps://twitter.com/mjg59/status/717778599902744576 <- Matthew Garrett owes me a handle of gin (he says)18:23
ogra_Trade it for a new xscreensaver18:25
sarnoldSweet5hark: hah, nice18:26
willcookeseb128, oki, issues with coloured bar at the top of the tab....18:29
willcooke* I'll have to turn off image borders and replace with solid ones18:29
willcooke(not a big deal at all)18:29
willcooke * Need to sort the padding on the buttons, they're huuuuge at the moment18:29
willcooke(easy fix)18:30
willcookeand I think that's it18:30
willcookecould probably do with a bit more separation between the tabs18:31
Trevinhowillcooke: that's quite nice... Some separation would be cool19:00
Trevinhowillcooke: what about doing the same in FF then? :-)19:01
willcookeit's gtk2 right?19:01
willcookemight be able to19:01
willcookewhat do you think?19:02
willcookeit doesnt work with radiused tabs19:02
willcookeand I feel that the tabs are still too big, but the "+" and the drop down arrow are a bit buggy and can't be fixed (by me, now)19:02
davmor2willcooke, cyphermox: good news Nvidia upgrade upgraded and mokutils kicked in19:03
willcookeand they need extra padding to work19:03
willcookegood news davmor219:03
davmor2willcooke: tomorrow morning AMD/ATI19:03
davmor2willcooke: see what havoc comes from going from fglrx to whatever the hell it's called now19:04
Trevinhowillcooke: maybe a px less? If possible it would be nice to have the border bigger on selected one, and very tiny in the others19:13
willcookeTrevinho, that's as small as I can get it19:14
willcookebut I can make it 2px wide when selected19:17
willcookebed time19:44
willcookenight all19:44
TheMusoflexiondotorg: And mate-accessibility-profiles, but it needs to be let through binary NEW.20:06
TheMusoflexiondotorg: And it seems they have.20:10
TheMusoflexiondotorg: I've made a few changes since the indicator and profiles can be shipped on the desktop install, the redesign was to allow for that after all.20:19
TheMusoflexiondotorg: Will upload a new ubuntu-mate-meta to address this.20:19

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