
=== shuduo-afk is now known as shuduo
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
T-monHi everyone, I upgraded yesterday from wily to xenial, and now my unity windowdecoration is gone. I already tried to reset all unity settings, without success. No window decoration, no panal. Can you help me?10:09
SaviqT-mon, hey, can you try logging in as the guest user and see if the issue is there as well?10:12
T-monyes, I already tried that, I also created a new user...same result :-(10:13
Saviqok so at least we know now this is likely a broken/missing package and not a configuration issue10:13
SaviqT-mon, can you look at ~/.xsession-errors and in ~/.cache/upstart/unity7.log - maybe it gives a clue10:14
Saviqcimi, you know your ways around gtk themes - think you could have a pointer for T-mon?10:14
TrevinhoT-mon: window decorations are part of unity, thus it seeems nothing is running10:14
T-monduring the release upgrade I hade some dependency issue, so I had to reboot and continue with the installation, I am sure there happend some critical error10:15
TrevinhoT-mon: from tty1 (ctrl+alt+f1) give a try to the "unity" command and see if it gives you some hint10:15
T-moncurrently I am up to date10:15
TrevinhoT-mon: apt-cache policy unity10:15
T-moncat .xsession-errors openConnection: connect: No such file or directory cannot connect to brltty at :010:17
T-monapt-cache policy unity unity:   Installed: 7.4.0+16.04.20160401.1-0ubuntu1   Candidate: 7.4.0+16.04.20160401.1-0ubuntu110:17
TrevinhoT-mon: mhmhm, what trying to run unity from tty1?10:19
T-moni just get a black sceen on tty1 :(10:19
cimiyeah looks like a unity bug more than gtk10:19
Trevinhomhm, this is weird10:19
cimiwhen the gtk theme is missing or something is wrong, it fallsback, no deco = no compiz running10:20
T-monsorry I hope I havn't missed a message, I got logged out while trying to start unity -v10:20
T-monI tried to reinstall unity, ubuntu-desctop, compiz10:21
TrevinhoT-mon: if you launch unity command, wherever you can, you get anything?10:23
T-monyes, I get the desktop background image (the original one since resetting all settings)10:24
T-monmouse, terminal works, I can launch applications (without window decoration)10:24
TrevinhoT-mon: what you get on10:27
Trevinhogsettings get org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins10:27
T-mon['core', 'composite', 'opengl', 'compiztoolbox', 'decor', 'vpswitch', 'snap', 'mousepoll', 'resize', 'place', 'move', 'wall', 'grid', 'regex', 'imgpng', 'session', 'gnomecompat', 'animation', 'fade', 'workarounds', 'scale', 'expo', 'ezoom', 'switcher']10:28
TrevinhoT-mon: oook, that's wrong :)10:28
T-monyay! :) which part?10:28
Trevinhomost of it so10:28
Trevinhogsettings reset org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins10:28
Trevinho(wait a sec)10:29
TrevinhoT-mon: launch10:33
Trevinho /usr/share/session-migration/scripts/*unity_session*10:33
TrevinhoT-mon: restart your session and hopefully it should go10:33
Trevinhoah, T-mon, if you do: echo $COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE you get ubuntu, right?10:34
Trevinhobefore restarting the session give me back again the output of10:34
Trevinhogsettings get org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins10:34
Trevinhofor being sure10:34
T-mongsettings get org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins ['core', 'composite', 'opengl', 'compiztoolbox', 'decor', 'vpswitch', 'snap', 'mousepoll', 'resize', 'place', 'move', 'wall', 'grid', 'regex', 'imgpng', 'session', 'gnomecompat', 'animation', 'fade', 'workarounds', 'scale', 'expo', 'ezoom', 'switcher']10:35
T-moneven after reset10:35
T-mongsettings reset org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins10:35
T-mongsettings get org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins ['core', 'composite', 'opengl', 'compiztoolbox', 'decor', 'vpswitch', 'snap', 'mousepoll', 'resize', 'place', 'move', 'wall', 'grid', 'regex', 'imgpng', 'session', 'gnomecompat', 'animation', 'fade', 'workarounds', 'scale', 'expo', 'ezoom', 'switcher']10:36
T-monthis is strange...10:36
Trevinhomh, for some reason it doesn't pick the right profile.... mhmh10:36
T-monecho $COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE is empty10:36
Trevinhooh, that's weird, but... not completely10:36
TrevinhoT-mon: you could try forcing the profile by using10:38
Trevinhogsettings set "['core', 'ccp', 'composite', 'opengl', 'regex', 'place', 'session', 'wall', 'move', 'snap', 'imgpng', 'mousepoll', 'grid', 'resize', 'compiztoolbox', 'vpswitch', 'animation', 'fade', 'expo', 'scale', 'workarounds', 'unityshell', 'ezoom']"10:38
Trevinhoset.. and the path we used before: org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/10:38
T-mongsettings gsettings get org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins['core', 'ccp', 'composite', 'opengl', 'regex', 'place', 'session', 'wall', 'move', 'snap', 'imgpng', 'mousepoll', 'grid', 'resize', 'compiztoolbox', 'vpswitch', 'animation', 'fade', 'expo', 'scale', 'workarounds', 'unityshell', 'ezoom']10:39
Trevinhook this should work10:40
Trevinhotry to launch unity command now?10:40
T-monhmm...which one of the scripts?10:41
TrevinhoT-mon: just run unity10:42
TrevinhoT-mon: or, well, better unity --ignore-upstart now10:42
T-monok, maybe I'll be offline for a moment10:42
T-monback again10:47
T-monwithout success10:48
TrevinhoT-mon: did you get a log?10:48
Trevinhoon first run ~/.cache/upstart/unity7.log could help, otherwise just try to run from the shell as you did before10:49
T-moncat .cache/upstart/unity7.log compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: core compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: core compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: ccp compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: ccp compizconfig - Info: Backend     : ini compizconfig - Info: Integration : true compizconfig - Info: Profile     : default compiz (core) - Info: Stopping plugin: ccp compiz (core) - Info: Unloading p10:50
T-monsorry, i will pastbin it10:50
TrevinhoMh, no I see the most important thing10:50
TrevinhoT-mon: is the compiz-gnome package installed there? :o10:50
T-moncompiz-gnome is already the newest version (1:
T-monecho $COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE gives me ubuntu btw...after the reboot into the unity session10:55
t-mon|2sorry I was offline again, I booted now into the Gnome session (compiz)11:01
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Mark____How can I implement frame synchronization in Unity? All the codes I tried involving _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST work on gnome but don't on unity. Is frame synchronization supported at all in unity?12:36
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ltinklmterry, hi, for the timezone-name MP, can we set up a silo together with the u-s-s change?13:00
ltinklmterry, I'll be happy to review that13:00
mterryltinkl: cool.  Yeah, actually jgdx had the same request -- I'm putting them in silo 33 with the geonames translation too.  Building now13:00
ltinklmterry, very cool, I'll check it out later when it's built13:01
mterryltinkl: alright will ping13:01
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mterryltinkl: silo 33 has timezone-name MPs now, fully built14:25
ltinklmterry, great, will have a look after the standup14:25
om26ernow that OTA10 is out, when will the new unity8 release ?15:19
tsdgeosom26er: i think Saviq was planning a landing for end of week15:20
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om26ertsdgeos, good to know, I see lots of great things approved for the next release.15:23
Saviqom26er, yeah, we're kinda waiting for a few things to settle (xenial release, xenial overlay opening, QA being busy etc.)15:31
Saviqwe plan to have a new silo in the works early next week15:31
om26erSaviq, thanks, will keep watching.16:04
om26eris there a way to get current fps of unity8 ? need to monitor that for some test16:05
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tedgSo trying to bzr bd unity8 on xenial and getting test failures.16:16
tedgIs that expected?16:16
tsdgeostedg: the floating ones?16:16
tedgThat sounds right, but I realized I just closed the window :-/16:17
tedgRebuilding, it'll take a sec.16:17
tsdgeosbut actually we skipped those already i think16:18
tsdgeosso cant' be16:18
* tsdgeos checks16:18
tsdgeosyeah flickChangesContentY/flickChangesContentX were skipped in r232216:18
tsdgeostedg: how much you expect "a sec" to be? i was going to eod16:20
Saviqtsdgeos, go away, I'll take over16:20
tedgtsdgeos: Probably 5-10 min, Core i7, three gens ago :-)16:21
tsdgeosok, tty tomorrow16:24
tedg'night tsdgeos !16:24
tedgSaviq: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15655057/16:33
Saviqtedg, so no, not expected, we're building pkgs all the time...16:33
Saviqmzanetti, ideas ↑?16:33
tedgSeems to be with account service, are you building them on live Xenial machines, or just builders?16:34
tedgPerhaps my live machine could break it?16:34
* mzanetti looks up what the test exactly does16:35
Saviqtedg, builders, so yeah, possible16:36
* Saviq runs @home16:37
mzanettihmm, it runs in dbus-test-runner, so should be isolated, need to figure where the accountservice on there comes from16:37
Saviqworks here, /me runs bzr bd16:39
tedgSeems like this should have a --bus-type=system ? No? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/trunk/view/head:/tests/plugins/Greeter/Unity/Launcher/CMakeLists.txt#L3516:39
Saviqyeah quite possibly - it contacts real AS on the system bus16:40
tedgWhat does this do? add_definitions(-DSM_BUSNAME=sessionBus)16:42
Saviqtedg, right, that actually makes the test connect to AS on the session bus (yeah, we wanna get rid of that)16:50
Saviqtedg, but I can reproduce with `bzr bd` locally indeed16:50
tedgTrying a build with system bus now16:50
Saviqtedg, doubt that will change anything, the -DSM_BUSNAME makes it talk on session bus alone16:50
Saviqweird that it only fails in bzr bd, but not as I run it manually, or even via dh_auto_test16:51
Saviq$USER not valid. Account Service integration will not work.16:51
Saviqjust setting USER to nil makes the test fail16:52
Saviqtedg, ↑↑16:53
tedgIsn't username available via syscall? Why is it using the envvar?16:54
Saviqdunno, wonder why bzr bd gets rid of it TBH16:54
tedgAt least it doesn't effect whoami. $ USER=foo whoami prints 'ted'16:54
tedgWow, apparently Qt doesn't support getting the username according to StackExchange16:57
mzanettiyeah, so this needs to get mocked out...17:03
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tedgUhg, I fixed it in one place, but it's all over.17:10
Saviqtedg, looks like it's debuild that strips USER away17:20
Saviqdpkg-buildpackage completes fine17:21
Saviqthat doesn't mean, though, that we're doing The Right Thing™17:21
tedgSaviq: I think that generally this is the fix: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15656516/17:23
tedgSaviq: But there doesn't seem to be a helpers place to put that.17:23
tedgrgrep USER | grep getenv shows a lot of hits17:23
Saviqtedg, I can see 7 hits17:24
tedgThat seems like a lot to me :-)17:27
tedgEnough that you'd want a helper function.17:27
tedgSeeing if this works: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15656680/17:29
Saviq@unity who's got an arale?17:35
dandraderSaviq, I do17:38
Saviqdandrader, care to try if https://unity8-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/test-0-autopkgtest/label=phone-armhf,release=vivid+overlay,testname=autopilot.sh/525/testReport/unity8.indicators.tests.test_display_indicator/DisplayIndicatorTestCase/test_indicator_icon_must_be_visible_after_rotation_locked_MX4_Ubuntu_Edition_/ fails for you on the device?17:39
dandraderSaviq, I can try17:40
* greyback eod17:42
tedgSo, setting USER just causes it to break differently.17:46
dandraderSaviq, should take a while. still flashing it17:46
Saviqdandrader, no rush17:46
dandraderSaviq, I installed unity8-autopilot but "autopilot3 list unity8" doesn't show anything. Tips?18:06
Saviqdandrader, apt-cache policy unity8-autopilot ¿?18:07
dandraderSaviq, what am I looking for in its output?18:08
Saviqdandrader, can you pastebin18:08
dandrader"dpkg -L unity8-autopilot" shows it's neatly installed where it should18:08
dandraderSaviq, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15657710/18:09
Saviqyeah that looks good18:09
dandraderSaviq, this way works :-D  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15657809/18:13
Saviqdandrader, ugh18:14
dandraderSaviq, "autopilot3 run unity8.indicators.tests.test_display_indicator.DisplayIndicatorTestCase.test_indicator_icon_must_be_visible_after_rotation_locked" failed18:15
Saviqdandrader, did you stop unity8 first? can you pastebin the test output?18:15
dandraderSaviq, yes, and I did see unity8 coming up, launching fake dash, indicator being dragged down, etc18:16
Saviqdandrader, ack, thanks18:16
Saviqwe'll need to fix that test to make use of our arale in jenknis18:16
Saviqjenkins, even18:16
dandraderSaviq, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15657880/18:16
Saviqdandrader, yup, same output, thanks18:16
Saviqdandrader, FYI, added two train-refactoring branches to silo 13 and rebuilding18:17
Saviqgreyback, back already? ;)18:18
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=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader

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