[05:17] all the bits are in xenial now, phew === JanC_ is now known as JanC [07:33] oh right, mesa still in depwait for libva [16:00] in het geval van xscreensaver lijkt me dat iedere Debian-gebruiker die weet wat xscreensaver is (en dus geen "gewone" gebruiker) ook wel dat bugs in Debian stable in de Debian bugtracker horen of dat je anders eerst upstream moet testen? [16:01] is iets anders voor echte eindgebruiker-toepassingen natuurlijk [17:01] http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NVIDIA-364.15-Released [17:07] * mamarley slaps soee around a bit with a large trout. [17:13] soee: Actually, the driver doesn't seem to have been uploaded to the FTP site yet, which makes it impossible to get all the files necessary to package it. [17:19] tseliot: Also, it looks like they fixed the bug that was causing DRM KMS to break PRIME. Do you want to enable DRM KMS by default now or leave it off? [17:20] mamarley: I would like to test it first. I can do that tomorrow [17:20] OK. I can't even package the driver yet though because the .run files aren't on the FTP server. [17:21] Or, maybe I can, if I can get the -no-compat32 from the regular download site. [18:00] soee_: I will upload the new driver after I get home from work. :) [18:10] mamarley, e.g. "debian/rules get-orig-source" -- http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/364.15/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-364.15-no-compat32.run [18:12] ricotz: I was already able to grab the files by wgetting what I thought the URL should be. [18:15] alright [19:23] mamarley: ok, thanks :) [21:11] soee_: ricotz: 364.15 is up in the normal place. :) [21:12] mamarley: yes already updated but need will reboot soon, have to finish few things [21:55] mamarley: works fine :) [22:09] Yep, works for me too. [22:39] JanC: ik versta het niet [22:40] spreek je Engels? [22:44] tjaalton: sorry, wrong channel :) [22:45] ha :)