
Kiloscremora minora05:13
mazalMore oom05:16
Kiloshi mazal 05:17
mazalek het daai woord gekry by maaz05:19
mazalOf boodskap even05:19
Kilosnog nooit gehoor nie ne05:19
mazalNope , waar het oom die woord gekry ?05:19
Kilosou engels/afrikaans woordeboek05:20
Kilosmaar daai plek is bekend as koeksister interchange of iets05:22
Kilosinetpro het n lienk hier gelos wat dit wys05:22
Kilosen hier het ek gedink dis net boere lekker goed05:27
mazalThanx vir daai link oom , interesant05:28
Kilosdank  die pro as hy wakker skrik seun05:30
mazalmaaz tell inetpro Dankie vir die koeksister kruising link05:31
Maazmazal: Okay, I'll tell inetpro on freenode05:31
KilosMaaz seen georgl05:37
MaazKilos: georgl was last seen 1 year, 3 months, 24 days, 21 hours, 2 minutes and 44 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2014-12-18 00:34:39 PST], and has been offline on freenode since 2016-02-08 06:06:55 PST05:37
Kilosoh my05:37
chesedomorning Kilos mazal and all others05:40
Kilosgreetings chesedo 05:40
mazalMorning chesedo05:50
* Kilos cold05:52
chesedoMaaz: flip the timer05:53
Maazchesedo: *blink*05:53
mazalmaaz coffee on05:53
* Maaz washes some mugs05:53
mazalmaaz huge05:53
Maazmazal: Huh?05:53
mazalmaaz big05:53
Maazmazal: Excuse me?05:53
mazalmaaz large05:53
MaazIn a beer mug just for you mazal05:53
chesedogreat ty mazal05:53
chesedoKilos: there you go ^^ ... now warm up :D05:53
chesedoMaaz: coffee please05:54
KilosMaaz coffee please05:54
Maazchesedo: Sure05:54
MaazKilos: Yessir05:54
chesedoMaaz: rusk please05:54
Maazchesedo: Excuse me?05:54
chesedoMaaz: with rusk05:54
Maazchesedo: Huh?05:54
chesedoMaaz: with rusks05:55
MaazThere is a packet of Ouma's in the cupboard chesedo help yourself05:55
chesedoshame Maaz does not know about moderation :P05:55
Kiloshe knows peeps05:56
Kilosand with a beermug of coffee one can do serious damage to a box of oumas05:56
* chesedo wants one and he only offers plurals05:56
MaazCoffee's ready for mazal, chesedo and Kilos!05:57
mazalmaaz dankie05:57
MaazGroot plesier mazal my vriend05:57
mazalmaaz botsnack05:57
MaazYAY someone cares about me too!05:57
chesedoMaaz: thanks man05:57
Maazchesedo It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)05:57
mazalKilos: What was that stuff I should get for knee , already forgot. Glecirine ?05:59
mazaloi , I'm gonna buy wrong stuff06:00
KilosMaaz ty06:00
MaazYou are welcome Kilos06:00
Kilosdie poeier wat hulle in jellie gebruik06:01
* chesedo thought that koeksister intersection was this one https://www.google.co.za/maps/@-25.6843545,28.2807713,18z06:01
magespawngood morning06:20
Kiloshi magespawn 06:21
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy 06:21
magespawnhey Kilos looks like I will be up in your neck of the woods this weekend06:22
Kilosgonna be cold lad06:23
Kilosyou coming for kids?06:23
magespawnno, coming up to see my dad before he goes to england and collect a car06:23
magespawnso pack all my warmest clothes then?06:24
Kilosis he moving to the uk?06:24
magespawnlooks like it06:24
Kilosmany many peeps are leaving06:25
mazalMorning magespawn , thatgraemeguy06:29
Kilosdays just above 20°c magespawn but nights between 9 and 12°c06:39
thatgraemeguyis that what passes for "cold" up there? o_O06:45
Kilosnope thatgraemeguy we get to -2 sometimes06:50
Kilosthis is just the start06:50
Kilosbut magespawn is a nataller06:50
thatgraemeguyoh right :D06:51
thatgraemeguymy brother-in-law is from KZN, moved down mmm maybe 2 years ago. Says he doesn't enjoy KZN weather anymore06:52
Kilosand where he is in the north 10°c is freezing06:52
thatgraemeguymy old man was from KZN and came to the cape temporarilyin the late 60s i think06:52
thatgraemeguyjust never went back06:52
magespawnyup so still sitting at 16 and 35 sometime 4006:52
mazalI must still visit the Cape one day06:52
thatgraemeguy#capetownrocks :D06:53
magespawnthat is what all the people from cape town say06:53
magespawnit is raining today so i can actually wear trouses without breaking too much of a sweat06:54
Kilosntal weather rocks06:54
magespawnbit humid at times06:54
thatgraemeguyyeah we are back in summer again for the next few days06:54
inetprogood mornings07:31
Maazinetpro: By the way, mazal on freenode told me "tell inetpro Dankie vir die koeksister kruising link" 1 hour, 59 minutes and 34 seconds ago07:31
Kiloshi inetpro 07:33
Kilosyou even got your morning in the morning07:33
Kilosgonna rain07:33
inetprosorry oom07:34
Kiloswe need rain so its fine07:34
pavlushkaYo Kilos !!08:53
pavlushkalistening to shaggy, lol!08:53
pavlushkaHi everyone, o/08:53
Kiloshi pavlushka 08:56
pavlushkaHi Kilos!08:57
pavlushkaand why you are applying for Bengali Translations^^??08:58
pavlushkathey will not approve you coz you are an African and not approving me caz  I know you.08:59
Kilosi didnt apply man08:59
pavlushkahttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-bn/+members#proposed, check it.09:00
Kilosoh thats india09:01
Kilosi have applied there so i can help them get a loco going again09:03
pavlushkawith the same condition?09:03
Kiloswhat condition09:03
Kiloswhy you say they blocking you because you know me09:04
pavlushkajust kidding.09:04
Kilosfacts only, dont let your head run away with you09:04
mazalOh boy , freezing wind have arrived here09:04
Kilosthere are many waiting for approval09:04
pavlushkasee the waiting list there.09:04
Kilosyes very many09:05
Kiloslooks like admins have left09:05
pavlushkasince when they are waiting you see.09:05
mazalpavlushka: For interest sake , Kilos found that word09:05
Kilossame as your was09:05
Kilosthats what i do09:05
Kilosi try fix things09:05
pavlushkamazal, yes, its actually a doughnut derivative09:06
pavlushkaKilos, cp.09:06
mazalThe middle pic is the closest , but we make it little different here09:06
pavlushkamazal, doesn't matter to me as long as I cant taste it.09:07
mazalKilos: Speaking of fixing things , I am in the modd to fiddle with something again09:08
Kilosfix you internet man09:08
mazalThat I can't do unfortunately09:09
Kiloskeep nagging09:09
mazalAm in the mood for a fresh install , been a while09:09
pavlushkamazal, send some koeksister please.09:09
Kiloshave you tweeted them yet09:09
mazalI don't have tweet09:09
Kilosget it then09:09
mazalpavlushka: I don't bake unfortunately09:09
Kilosthat way you tweet complaints and the world sees it and they make a plan quick to clear complaints and keep looking cool09:10
Kilosand mail the CEO09:11
mazalI wonder if I will go Ubu or Kubu this time09:11
Kilosno matter09:13
Kilosyou will be back kde again when you wake up09:13
mazalThis KDE pc annoyes me a bit09:13
pavlushkaKilos, lol09:14
mazalGot slower and slower as time went on , reminds me of Windoze09:14
Kilossudo touch /forcefsck09:14
pavlushkaI am an Ubuntu fan but tried Xubuntu, not bad, atleast for my low config. tried to explore Lubuntu but it locks me out in the live session.09:16
pavlushkathough I tried other flavors as well.09:17
pavlushkaKilos, back from lunch, a milestone reached.09:38
Kiloswhat pavlushka 09:39
pavlushkaKilos, the lunch is the milestone.09:41
pavlushkaMissing Cryterion while burping!09:47
pavlushkanice to meet you thatgraemeguy !09:48
thatgraemeguycharmed, I'm sure ;-p09:51
mazalJust packed in some of that new Chesa's ribs , quite good10:05
mazaloom Kilos , that command you gave , shouldn't I add the device name as well ?10:05
Kilosit will fsck whe nyou reboot10:13
Kilosmazal ^^10:14
Kiloshi bushtech 10:32
Kiloswb Cryterion 10:32
inetpromazal: send him the recipe man, then he can make it himself the open source way10:32
bushtechdag Kilos10:33
mazalKilos: I have multiple drives , will it check all if you don't specify device name ?10:39
mazalThat's what I meant10:40
mazalor asked10:40
Kiloswatch when ig runs it will tell you10:40
Kilosmine checks /storage as well10:40
Kilosit starts wbefore login in10:41
mazalAnd if the drives are not all linux format ?10:41
Kiloskyk mooi en lees vinnig10:41
mazalDoes it skip the NTFS ones10:41
Kilosyes i think so10:41
mazalinetpro: Uhm......Ek het jou verloor. recipe ?10:42
Kiloswhy would it want to check ntfs unless the ntfs is whats slowing you down10:42
Kiloskoeksisters man10:42
mazalah ok10:42
Kiloskeep up10:42
mazalJulle maak my duermekaar man10:42
Kiloshy se dit altyd vir my10:43
mazalKilos: I added /dev/sda to the command , will see when I boot tomorrow10:43
Kilosbut normally trhy things as is then add on10:44
mazalIt's suppose to run every 50 boots or something like that ? Mine has never ran though in about a year now10:44
mazalKilos: Jou wou my nie antwoord nie toe add on ek maar10:44
Kilosit will sort your working system10:44
mazalIf there are an issue on the drive that is10:45
Kilosek was buite10:45
mazalMight be nothing wrong there10:45
Kilosyou complianing its getting slower10:45
Kilosit runs fast so you must be awake10:45
mazalYep 10:45
mazalYeah I know it , last time I saw it was when I was still on Ubu. This KDE one has never run10:46
Kilosim sure its mainly to ensure your working system runs well10:46
mazalAnd like I say , it's suppose to run automatically every 50 boots , unless it was changed10:47
Kiloswho cares about extra ntfs drives10:47
Kilosi have no idea10:47
mazalYou do when you work in a multi OS environment. This is at work remember10:47
mazalHave lots of work stuff backed up on it10:47
mazalBut that won't be the slowdown. It doesn't even mount upon boot , I only mount it when needed10:48
pavlushkamazal, are you angry with me? why you are talking native? ok, send a 1 dollar check, I will buy it.10:57
pavlushkaopensource donation.10:58
mazalpavlushka: huh ?11:00
pavlushkamazal, you solved the problem? I am just kidding.11:04
Kilospavlushka http://www.food.com/recipe/south-african-koeksisters-30985111:20
inetpromazal: Force fsck.ext4 on reboot, but really “forceful” http://askubuntu.com/questions/14740/force-fsck-ext4-on-reboot-but-really-forceful?rq=111:20
Kiloshi unlaudable 11:20
unlaudableKilos, o/11:20
unlaudableso has there been a discussion about ubuntu on windows yet? ;-P11:21
Kilosnot much11:21
Kilosthe odd comments11:22
inetprounlaudable: maybe11:23
pavlushkaKilos, mazal, almost looks like http://www.bdinfozone.com/%E0%A6%98%E0%A6%B0%E0%A7%87%E0%A6%87-%E0%A6%A4%E0%A7%88%E0%A6%B0%E0%A6%BF-%E0%A6%95%E0%A6%B0%E0%A7%81%E0%A6%A8-%E0%A6%AE%E0%A7%81%E0%A6%9A%E0%A6%AE%E0%A7%81%E0%A6%9A%E0%A7%87-%E0%A6%9C%E0%A6%BF/11:32
Kilosi suppose everyone has their own way of doing things11:33
inetprooh but mazal, I doubt whether your slowing down machine will be a storage issue, unless you run windows11:47
inetprostart by checking processes and memory utilisation11:47
mazalinetpro: Thanx. so if I understand that correctly , the force check actually does nothing if that setting in the config is not yes11:56
mazalIt will check but not fix11:56
mazalinetpro: Oh and no it's not a dual boot , Just Kubu 14.04 with some NTFS partitions which is rarely mounted11:57
mazalgonna have a reboot and see what it finds if anything11:59
mazalOk fsck ran , but didn't find or do anything that I could see12:04
Kilosisnt it faster12:05
Kilosdid you change the last line to =yes12:05
mazalYeah I changed the relevant config to yes12:06
mazal./etc/default something as per that link12:06
Kilosok then you gotta ask pro for links to see whats slowing it down12:06
Kilossomething shows what is using resources12:07
Kilosbeen there, done that , then forgot12:07
Kilosmaybe swap is off12:08
mazalDon't think I have a swap12:09
mazalCan't remember when I installed12:10
Kilosswap frees up ram12:10
Kiloslook for a swap partition12:10
mazalI do have one I  see12:11
mazalDunno , it's not readable12:11
Kilosgparted will show size 12:12
mazalLemme go to gparted rather12:12
Kilosand what /swap is12:12
mazal5.32 gig12:12
Kilosi dont know how to check if its on12:13
Kilossudo swapon /dev/sda?12:13
mazalI don't even think it's used really12:13
mazalMaybe in old days with little ram12:13
Kiloshow much ram have you got12:13
mazal16 gig12:13
Kilosi only have 412:14
mazalTrying to remember the command that shows mem usage12:14
Kilosmine hasnt slowed down at all since installing12:15
mazalDoes KDE have a task manager or something that shows resources ?12:15
Kilosinetpro ^12:15
MaNIyes - ksysguard12:15
MaNIor ctrl + shit + escape12:15
mazalDoes nothing12:16
MaNIor ctrl + escape12:16
Kilosty MaNI 12:16
mazalOk that works12:16
mazalDoesn't seem to be a memory hog. Highest in use is only 140k , all other apps is below that12:17
MaNIthough if in doubt htop is always best anyway :p12:17
mazalAaah there's the one I tried to remember !!!!!!12:18
mazalhtop also not showing anything weird. Highest cpu app jumps between 4 and 5 % and ram highest at about 1%12:19
mazalTotal ram in use 965mb12:20
Kiloswhere you see that12:21
mazalThat pic paste refuse to work otherwise I could show you12:23
mazalEven less ram now 925mb12:23
Kilosim running htop but dont see where you see total ram use12:24
mazalTop left12:25
mazalIn my pic it's 928/1600212:26
Kilosmine is 930 and swap 64212:26
mazalMight be hardware also12:26
mazalMaybe the ram or cpu is not lekker anymore12:26
mazalBTW the picpaste in the topic I can't get to work , just as a side note. Copy and paste tells me " no image data on clipboard ". Drag and drop from file manager keeps minimizing the window that I can't drag into it12:27
Kilosyou arent using swap i see12:27
mazalYeah , not meccesary12:28
mazalI can't remember any of my pc's ever using swap space. ( 8 gig and more ram ). The old ones might have used it12:28
mazalgtg for now , have a nice evening everyone12:30
Kilosyou too12:30
Kilosmagespawn why so quiet12:31
Kilosmy clearance is done yay12:34
magespawnhey Kilos 12:57
magespawnthe clearance for oz?12:57
Kilosfrom the cops ya12:57
Kilosnow to get it , copy and send to visa peeps12:57
magespawnso simple and easy[6~12:57
Kilosyeah everything is simple, it just the waiting that takes forever12:58
Kilosi started the whole process in november hoping to be there for xmas and new year12:59
Kilosnow ill get there in winter12:59
Kilosill just stay in bed i think12:59
Kilosjust started raining here13:25
Kilosinetpro go home quick13:26
inetproif it started then it is too late sir13:26
Kilosnono we far from town13:26
Kilosjust go13:27
Kilosor spend the night at work without pap en sous13:27
Kilosaw, so little rain14:08
* Kilos wonders if pro even got wet14:08
=== pavlushka is now known as sleeptime
=== sleeptime is now known as pavlushka
pavlushkaKilos, I am getting addicted on irc, its all your fault.14:30
pavlushkaping theblazehen:14:30
pavlushkamy bad, wrong prep, to irc.14:32
Kilosget addicted to learning python too14:32
pavlushkaokey dokey, Kilos !14:33
Kilosinetpro het jy nat gekry?16:08
Cryterionhoekom is sy nat?16:21
chesedoOo guys, anyone interest in the Ubuntu for Hope might want to check in later - Karl may be here to give an update16:35
Kiloswe should all be interested in helping karl16:36
chesedoAnd if anyone can help with a logo or website then also check in16:37
* chesedo now here on mobile just for it :)16:37
Kilosthe website must be made from scratch??16:38
Kilosfly the best one for the job16:39
Kilosbut he so busy16:39
chesedoDon't know. He has this so far Ubuntuforhope.org 16:40
* chesedo will check it later on lappy16:40
Kilosgoogle cant find it16:41
KilosMaaz google Ubuntuforhope.org16:41
MaazKilos: Wow! Google couldn't find anything16:41
chesedoKilos it too new...16:42
chesedoWhy use Google to go to address16:42
Kiloshttp:// in front16:42
Kilosit wasnt clickable16:42
chesedoSound like irc client issue16:43
Kilosthat works16:44
Kilosi go eat'16:59
Cryteriongrrr, the ubuntu for hope is a twitter thing17:40
Kilosbuidling the site wont involved twitter17:42
Cryterionnope, but it just guides you to the twitter channel17:42
Kilosits all connection he had at the time17:42
Kilossome peeps live on the tweet place17:43
Cryterionit's still building, things take time17:43
Kilosask inetpro 17:43
Cryterionyeah some do17:43
Kilosyou didnt know17:43
Kiloscorrie 306 or something17:44
Cryteriondidn't know what?17:44
Kiloshe was here when i joined17:44
Kiloshelped me with repos and stuff17:44
CryterionIf it's twitter related then I won't know17:44
Kilosthen left17:44
CryterionKilo's I'm confused17:45
Kiloscorrie306 is his nick17:45
Kiloshe was here on u buntu17:45
Cryterionah, for the ubuntuforhope 17:45
Kilosthen went somewhere17:46
Kilosno man17:46
Kiloshe tweeted none stop17:46
Kilosdunno where he went17:46
Cryteriondon't use twitter so would never have seen it17:46
KilosMaaz seen corrie30617:46
MaazKilos: I don't know who corrie306 is17:46
Kilosoh my17:46
Kilosseen corrie20617:47
KilosMaaz seen corrie20617:47
MaazKilos: corrie206 was last seen 5 years, 4 months, 27 days, 1 hour, 5 minutes and 49 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2010-12-07 08:41:26 PST], and has been offline on freenode since 2011-05-17 05:55:30 PDT17:47
Kiloswow so long already17:47
Cryterionthat's a long time now17:47
CryterionMaaz: seen cry*17:47
MaazCryterion: I don't know who cry* is17:47
Kilosyeah im a ballie here already17:47
KilosMaaz seen Cryterion 17:48
MaazKilos: Cryterion was last seen 21 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-04-06 10:47:51 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2016-04-06 08:07:00 PDT17:48
Cryterionasterisks don't work with him 17:48
CryterionI was trying the wildcard with Maaz17:48
CryterionIs he case sensitive?17:49
CryterionMaaz: seen Cry*17:49
MaazCryterion: I don't know who Cry* is17:49
Cryterionnope don't work17:49
Kilosbut you have to have correct spelling17:49
Cryterioncase, and full spelling, can't use wildcards 17:49
KilosMaaz seen kilos17:50
MaazKilos: kilos was last seen 37 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-04-06 10:49:31 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2016-04-05 22:13:19 PDT17:50
CryterionMaaz: seen Kilo*17:50
MaazCryterion: I don't know who Kilo* is17:50
Kiloswow K meant nothing17:50
Cryterionok so not case sensitive17:50
Cryterionmaaz: seen cryterion17:51
MaazCryterion: cryterion was last seen 31 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-04-06 10:50:44 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2016-04-06 08:07:00 PDT17:51
Cryterionnope definately not17:51
Kilosmaybe he uses another character17:51
Cryterionmaaz: seen cry?17:52
MaazCryterion: I don't know who cry is17:52
Kilosfly will know being a python man17:52
Cryterionif 1 has been programmed in17:52
Kilos40 mins to wait for fly and pro17:52
Cryterionmaaz: seen cry!17:52
MaazCryterion: I don't know who cry is17:52
Cryterionmaaz takes out the char's17:52
MaazCryterion: Sorry...17:53
CryterionMaaz: seen Me17:53
MaazCryterion: Me has been offline on freenode since 2013-02-09 13:54:24 PST17:53
Kilosask the weed17:53
CryterionMaaz: where's the weed?17:53
MaazCryterion: Sorry...17:53
Kiloswow there was a me17:53
Kiloszeorin why so quiet?17:54
Cryterionpoor bot, we abuse him enough17:54
KilosMaaz botsnack17:54
MaazYAY someone cares about me too!17:54
Kilosthere all forgiven17:55
CryterionMaaz: is the beer still at the back of the fridge?17:55
MaazCryterion: Excuse me?17:55
Kiloshow would you ask about the * thing17:55
CryterionMaaz: Beer17:55
MaazCryterion look in the fridge my friend17:55
Kilosas in what was its function17:56
Kilosto fill all cry nicks?17:56
Cryteriona general search query would by say for example cry* would search "cry" as the first 3 characters and match all cases.17:57
Kilosyou read code hey17:57
Kilosyou can get ibid code somewhere17:58
Kiloson github i think it is now17:58
Cryteriontry "dir *.*" in terminal or even "ls *.*."17:58
Kilosoh ya17:58
Kilosbot talks a different language17:59
MaazKilos: Excuse me?17:59
KilosMaaz shup17:59
MaazShup yourself oh noisy one17:59
kmfhowdy all18:00
CryterionWill look next week, currently need to look at xml on android, not sure how it all work if anyone has ideas on where to start looking for info18:00
Kiloshi kmf 18:00
chesedohowdy partner :) 18:00
Cryterionheya chesedo18:00
Cryterionand kmf18:00
chesedoso which bank are we robbing next :P18:00
Cryterionthe one with cash in it18:01
kmfchesedo .... really hope it's a "The Party" reference 18:01
kmfCryterion evening18:01
Kiloswhat about me?18:01
* Kilos cries18:01
Kilosi go eat worms18:02
* Cryterion will send some cash to from the heist once he's freed18:02
chesedoCryterion: yea, last time was way too imbaressing when they ended up being cashless18:02
Cryterionyeah, that's a problem often, need to to find the full ones18:03
chesedokmf: no, do not know "the party"... is it a movie, book, series...18:03
kmfchesedo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5bP5NEhArc18:03
Kiloskmf you have to wait a while for pro and fly18:04
chesedolol Kilos, sweet or sour worms18:04
Kilosfamily time still18:04
kmfyep ")18:04
kmfsame here borrowed time 18:05
Kilosmaybe pro got wet on the way home now has flu18:05
* Kilos listens for a sneeze18:06
Cryterionchesedo, fat and juicy ones18:06
Kilosyou know what we all need to do18:07
Kilostell maaz where we are18:07
Kilosthen i dont have to try remember18:07
CryterionMaaz: where am I?18:08
MaazCryterion: What?18:08
CryterionMaaz: I am in Pennington18:08
MaazCryterion: Huh?18:08
KilosMaaz Kilos is <reply> Just west of Pretoria18:08
MaazKilos: I already know stuff about Kilos18:08
chesedoMaaz: chesedo is <reply> Not on mars yet Kilos, please try again later18:09
Maazchesedo: I already know stuff about chesedo18:09
KilosMaaz Cryterion is <reply> Pennington18:09
MaazKilos: Got it18:09
CryterionMaaz: Cryterion is in Pennington KZN South Coast18:09
MaazCryterion: I already know stuff about Cryterion18:09
chesedoMaaz: chesedo18:09
Maazchesedo is our meeting chair. He enjoys the hot seat :D18:09
Kiloslol chesedo 18:09
KilosMaaz cryterion18:10
chesedoMaaz: forget chesedo18:10
KilosMaaz chesedo18:10
Maazchesedo: Okay18:10
MaazKilos: Excuse me?18:10
Cryterionok so it worked18:10
CryterionMaaz chesedo18:10
MaazCryterion: What?18:10
CryterionMaaz kilos18:10
MaazCryterion: kilos is a clever peep18:10
Kilosohi superfly 18:11
chesedoMaaz: chesedo is <reply> Pretoria North, and appears to enjoy the hot seat :D18:11
Maazchesedo: One learns a new thing every day18:11
Kilosthats it18:11
KilosMaaz superfly is <reply> Capetown18:12
MaazKilos: I already know stuff about superfly18:12
KilosMaaz superfly 18:12
MaazKilos: superfly is a diplomat18:12
KilosMaaz inetpro 18:14
MaazKilos: inetpro is used to talking through his hat18:14
* chesedo rofl18:14
KilosMaaz tumbleweed  is <reply> The globe trotter is based in silicon valley18:16
MaazKilos: I'll remember that18:16
Kilosbushtech you in south west or near it?18:17
tumbleweedactually up in SF, not the valley (if you live in the bay area, you draw a distinction between the valley and the rest of the bay area)18:17
Kiloso my18:18
KilosMaaz forget tumbleweed 18:18
MaazKilos: Done18:18
KilosMaaz tumbleweed  is <reply> Up in SF, not the valley (if you live in the bay area, you draw a distinction between the valley and the rest of the bay area)18:19
MaazKilos: Got it18:19
Kilosthere are even snobs there18:19
* inetpro has a sudden involuntary expulsion of air from the nose and mouth due to irritation of his nostrils18:19
inetprogood morning everyone18:19
Kiloslol hi inetpro 18:19
tumbleweedthe valley is this big dreary suburbia18:19
inetproKilos: uh, really?18:20
KilosCryterion what was the question for the weed18:20
chesedowildcard expressions for Maaz seen18:20
Kilostumbleweed ^^18:21
Kiloswhen i talk about ibid he hides18:22
Kilosinetpro really what?18:24
Kilosim nearly asleep here18:24
inetpro04/06 20:06:00 <Kilos> maybe pro got wet on the way home now has flu18:24
Kilosoh 18:24
Kilosdid the rain get you man18:24
inetprowould have been wet if I left at the time when you said I should18:25
inetprojust had a slight drizzle later18:25
Kilosyay so your usual not listening paid off for once18:25
inetproand not as cold as I expected18:25
bushtechkilos: Vaalkopdam18:25
inetproKilos: haha :-)18:26
inetprodid I see kmf here?18:26
KilosMaaz bushtech is <reply> Vaalkopdam wherever that might be18:26
MaazKilos: If you say so18:26
kmfinetpro yep18:26
Kiloshe is waiting for you guys to build the website18:27
inetprooh nice, welcome back kmf18:27
bushtechnear Sun City18:27
inetprooh and hi tumbleweed18:27
inetproyou guys should show your faces more often here18:27
Kiloshe is hiding inetpro ibiditis18:28
inetproKilos: give him a break18:28
Kiloswhat must i break18:28
chesedoa kitkat18:29
inetproyou can't expect him to make negligible change to the bot each time you see him18:29
Kilosi didnt it was just a simple wuestion18:29
Kilosabout a wildcard thing18:30
Cryterionyeah, the wildcard thing is a big change though!18:30
inetproKilos: forget bout a wildcard thing18:30
Kiloswe asked it there was one18:30
Kilosnot make one18:31
inetproit's insignificant18:31
inetproexplain why you want it, what is the real problem here?18:31
Cryterionmakes searching easier18:31
Cryterionif you forget things, you put the wildcard in to help find it18:32
inetproCryterion: how difficult is it to type cry[tab]?18:32
CryterionMaaz: cry[tab]?18:32
MaazCryterion: Excuse me?18:32
inetproand I mean as in, type cry and press tab18:32
Cryterionthat don't work18:32
Kiloshee hee hee18:32
Kilosat last i have some support18:33
* Kilos dances a jig18:33
Cryterionjust for people currently in the channel, if they aren't?18:33
inetproKilos: please define support18:33
kmfMaaz: kmf18:33
Maazkmf: Huh?18:33
kmfMaaz: what you looking at ?18:34
Maazkmf: Excuse me?18:34
Kilostey take over when i run out of words18:34
Cryterionmaaz: seen knf18:34
MaazCryterion: I don't know who knf is18:34
Cryterionmaaz: seen k18:34
MaazCryterion: k has been offline on freenode since 2011-05-03 02:59:35 PDT18:34
Cryterionhmm, pushed tab on that and just saw Kilos kmf show 10 times18:35
Cryterionyeah, is my client doing it18:35
Kilosinetpro stop arguing and start building the sitre18:35
* inetpro comes to #ubuntu-za to relax and you want me to work?18:36
Kilosof course18:36
Kilosyou have rested for too long now18:37
Kiloslast work was on the africa site18:37
inetproKilos: I still haven't receive the pay that you promised18:38
Kilosi actually promised and didnt deliver?18:38
inetprowhere are all the registered LoCo's?18:38
inetproyo promised to wake them up man18:39
Kilosthey africa locos are to small and busy18:39
Kilosbut they are active18:39
inetproexcuses, excuses...18:39
Kilos> Bonjour, [..] A compter du 31 Mars 2016 nous allons entamer la18:39
Kilos> synchro de Xenial Xerus mais uniquement en 64 bits. Et pour les18:39
Kilos> autres versions d'ubuntu, nous ne ferons plus de copie des versions18:39
Kilos> 32 bits. Ce qui signifie que vous trouverez sur ce miroir :18:39
Kilos> * Debian (Wheezy,Jessie) : 64 bits * Ubuntu (Precise, Trusty,18:40
Kilos> Xenial) : 64 bits18:40
kmfinetpro at least he isnt using @ signs .....18:40
Kilosi sleep at night18:40
chesedoKilos: bonjour is abviously hello...18:41
Kilosim not a tweeter18:41
chesedoand "a compter" is a computer...18:41
chesedoso you get the idea of how to go about translating the rest :P18:41
Kilosits french18:42
kmfKilos ... I'm a twit18:42
inetproHello, [..] As of March 31, 2016 we will begin the sync Xenial Xerus but only 64 bits. And for other versions of ubuntu, we will do more than copy of the 32-bit versions. This means that you will find on the mirror:18:42
Kiloshaha kmf we noticed from the link on the site18:42
inetproKilos, Kilos, are you trying to spin a story?18:42
chesedoKilos: am trying to pull your leg... 'supporting' inetpro for a bit18:42
Kilosim showing that the africa locos are active18:43
chesedokmf: i shared the site link here...18:43
Kiloswe helped willy get his repo recognised remember18:44
kmfKilos: yep ...https://ubuntuforhope.org/18:44
chesedoKilos: french is an europian thing... next excuse18:44
kmfchesedo thanks18:44
Kilosmany french ex colonies in africa18:44
* inetpro stops yanking his chain18:44
inetprokmf: so what's the plan sir?18:45
* Kilos relaxe18:45
* chesedo will have to stop with him then18:45
inetprokmf: you wanted to launch your site when?18:46
kmfinetpro so the story so far ... Speaking to people about the Branding and Website, still need a volunteer for the Website :)18:46
kmfthe plan is to Launch on 27 April 2016, Freedom day18:46
Kilosoh my18:46
inetprohmm... ok18:46
kmfinetpro ?18:47
chesedokmf: anything specific that you want the site to be build upon?18:47
kmfchesedo ... the dns is point to dreamhost .... so it's basically anything php / wordpress ...18:48
Kiloskmf just point hem in the right direction, give permissions and watch the sparks fly18:48
kmfKilos ... quick and dirty page with the info18:49
Kilosi dunno if we have php friendly peeps here18:50
kmfchesedo anything ... plain text18:50
kmfKilos pure html ...18:50
* chesedo wonders who Kilos's him is18:50
KilosCryterion you keeping up?18:51
Kiloschesedo Cryterion superfly inetpro 18:51
kmfchesedo I'll send you the details :)18:51
chesedofly would probably be happy if we could use nikola18:51
Kilosfly can do anything but has preferences18:51
inetproI'd say all depends on how often info changes18:52
Kiloswe need one guy to head the task18:53
inetpromany if not most sites out there do not change often and are best done with something like nikola18:53
kmfit's static content pointing to an issue tracker :)18:54
chesedohaving current event info and/or a blog are the things i see that could change info often18:54
inetprokmf: example: https://ubuntu-za.org/18:54
inetprostatic files are version controlled on launchpad18:54
kmfwould like to host it on gitlab18:55
chesedokmf: issue tracker?18:56
kmfchesedo: a place we can manage requests 18:56
chesedousing gitlab (or hub) will be possible18:56
inetprostatic is much safer than a frequently changing cms with many vulnerabilities18:56
chesedooh get it18:56
kmfinetpro: ... and you know about vulnerabilities ;)18:57
chesedokmf: will that be a self hosting gitlab?18:57
* inetpro knows about vulnerabilities?18:57
inetprono ways18:57
kmfchesedo ... nope18:57
kmfchesedo gitlab.com18:58
chesedooh mastersmost also integrates with gitlab... somehow inetpro18:58
inetproahh :-)18:58
* inetpro forgot about that already18:59
kmfchesedo: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-mattermost18:59
inetproam feeling so much more at home with irc19:02
chesedoyip kmf, we testing it here https://mattermost.popey.com/signup_user_complete/?id=1qpn9houn7r4mc5xc6ho9wt7se19:02
Kilosright guys, ty for the excitement. dont relax now. much work to be done19:02
kmfinetpro ... erm times are a changing ...19:02
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:02
kmfchesedo ... I heard19:02
kmfnight Kilos 19:03
chesedonight Kilos19:03
Kilostay well all19:03
inetprokmf: go sign up before you fall asleep :-)19:03
inetproand thanks for popping in here 19:03
Kilosits better than twiter19:03
inetproKilos: good night19:04
chesedodreamhost seems to support python too, so nikola is possible19:04
chesedoand can get shell access to it (hopefully auto deploy will be possible)19:05
inetprochesedo: nice! Where do you see that?19:06
chesedoinetpro: https://www.dreamhost.com/hosting/shared/#shared-tech19:06
chesedokmf: you have a shared hosting account right?19:07
chesedothat page deflated my south african pride a bit...19:08
inetproah ok, so this is like AWS or like a VPS service?19:08
chesedoinetpro: just impressive shared hosting19:08
inetprochesedo: african pride, how so?19:09
kmfchesedo: yep19:10
kmfchesedo: must I organize a Digital Ocean droplet?19:11
chesedoshared hosting for +-R150 with shell access, unlimited space, bandwitdh, sql, email and domain (seems like can connect multiple domains)19:11
pavlushkaGood night guys!19:11
inetpropavlushka: sleep well sir19:11
chesedo....python, perl, rails support, ssl and svn19:12
chesedonight pavlushka19:12
Cryterionchesedo, why not go for a full vps at R79 per month?19:12
kmfchesedo: I really love them ... been a client for 10 years19:12
* chesedo contacted axxess today and they won't even allow ssh19:12
chesedoso am still disgusted from it19:13
kmfmy internet is "down" for 21 Days .... due to a fault in the area19:13
inetprochesedo: oh yeah, we live in the hinterland, you forgot?19:13
Cryterionchesedo try http://http://www.clickworks.co.za that's where my own server is hosted19:14
* Cryterion waits for telkom, 2 weeks later19:14
chesedoCryterion: problem is client is using them...19:14
Cryterionin what way?19:15
Cryterionhmm, think I get it19:15
chesedokmf: any logo ideas that you have?19:16
Cryterionyou could set it up, mail, and web server, you'll just need to investigate the web based website editing stuff, basics is easy19:16
kmfchesedo: 19:16
inetprokmf: I suggest you register the project on gitlab as a starting point19:17
kmfchesedo: yes :D ... meeting a Designer this week19:17
chesedoCryterion: client uses them so have to make the app work on there platform19:17
Cryterionthen you have full ssh root abilities when needed19:17
kmfinetpro: sure19:17
Cryterionplatform is?19:17
Cryterionok don't know it, sorry19:18
chesedobut found a work around will just take more innitial effort19:19
kmfinetpro: https://gitlab.com/groups/ubuntuforhope19:19
Cryterionok kwl19:19
chesedokmf: do we join the group somehow?19:20
kmfchesedo: what is your username .... then I can quickly add you19:20
chesedokmf: it will be chesedo in a bit19:21
kmfchesedo :) added19:26
superflychesedo: you don't need python on the server for nikola, just on your machine.19:27
chesedook ty superfly19:27
kmfsuperfly ... just a fly on the wall19:28
* superfly is in a DebConf meeting19:29
superflykmf: doesn't Obsidian want to sponsor DebConf16?19:29
kmfsuperfly I'll speak to our Marketing 19:29
superflykmf: http://media.debconf.org/dc16/fundraising/debconf16_sponsorship_brochure.pdf19:30
superflykmf: we could really do with some more local sponsors. At the moment we have 0.19:30
kmfsuperfly ... will see if someone is online :D19:30
kmfsuperfly: good grief ... that is very expensive .... 19:32
kmfsuperfly I remember when we did LinuxWorld a couple of years ago it was R100k19:32
kmfsuperfly: but I will ask around :) 19:33
* chesedo is going white19:33
superflykmf: Bronze is acceptable, only R20k19:33
kmfsuperfly ... kmf is a all or nothing kinda guy 19:34
* Cryterion spraypaints chesedo blue19:34
superflykmf: aim for the sky, can only fall shorter, hey?19:34
superflyor what's that saying?19:34
kmfsuperfly: :) http://scaleconf.org/sponsors/packages.html19:35
Cryterionaim for the stars to reach the sky 19:35
superflykmf: I'm just the website guy, I don't decide on the sponsorships19:36
chesedoCryterion: just leave white lines lest I look like a blue (word i shall not mention)19:38
kmfsuperfly ek s^e net19:39
* Cryterion thinks its a bit late to leave white lines, but starts trying to19:39
kmfinetpro: added19:39
superflykmf: Microsoft is a silver sponsor.... #justsaying19:40
kmfsuperfly: golem golem 19:40
* Cryterion changes the blue to black, starts making chesedo like black and white, like the sharks19:40
superflyWhere's Mr McIver... I need to speak to him too19:41
inetprokmf: where do I see that I''ve been aded?19:42
* chesedo cries half of the black lines away19:42
inetproadded as well19:42
kmfinetpro: https://gitlab.com/groups/ubuntuforhope/group_members19:42
* Cryterion resprayes19:42
* inetpro notices an email19:42
inetprothanks kmf!19:43
* chesedo realises he had a nightmare and goes back to sleep19:44
chesedoNight all19:44
inetprouh, good night chesedo19:44
* inetpro wonders about the nightmare19:45
Cryterionnight chesedo19:45
CryterionThink he dreamt but sharks19:45
kmfchesedo: night19:47
kmfinetpro Cryterion superfly night dudes19:47
kmfneed to sleep19:47
Cryterionnight knf19:47
inetprogood night kmf19:47
kmfCryterion: try it again19:48
Cryterionnight kmf19:48
kmfCryterion: much better19:48
Cryteriondamn n is next to m19:48
superflynight kmf19:48
kmfmy second name is Maria19:48
kmfnow you'll never forget it19:49
* Cryterion doesn't have a 2nd name :)19:49
superflyCryterion: neither do I19:49
Cryterionnames shorter than my id number19:49
kmftechnically I don't have a second name either .... but no one wants to call me Karl-Maria19:49
Cryterionhmm, hyphened19:50
kmfCryterion germans got to love them19:50
Cryterionyeah, I'm a Bauer19:50
inetprokmf: is that for real?19:51
Cryterion5th generation from 1856 german settlers here in SA19:51
kmfinetpro ... Karl-Manfred Fischer, personally Maria sounds better19:52
inetproahh, now that makes much more sense19:52
kmfMy Grandfather came in 1956 ... trying to avoid somethings somewhere19:52
Cryterionah ok19:52
* inetpro likes the name Karl-Manfred19:52
inetprovery nice name19:53
kmfinetpro so did the fuhrer 19:53
kmfinetpro Karl-Magdalena 19:53
kmfkmf is kmf19:54
inetproKarl-Manfred the Führer19:54
kmfinetpro: that is only what my kids call me19:55
inetprotime to go sleep Karl :-)19:55
kmfinetpro: ja19:56
kmfgood night xxx19:56
inetprogoeie nag oom19:56
Cryterioninteresting http://fossbytes.com/play-worlds-first-torrent-website-zeronet-thats-impossible-shutdown/19:58
CryterionNetherlands just voted themselves out of the EU20:03
inetproCryterion: really?20:34
Cryterioninetpro https://www.rt.com/news/338694-dutch-referendum-ukraine-eu/20:42
Cryterionafter reading, It points more to Netherlands leaving rather than just Ukraine20:44
CryterionEU is at breakup point I beieve20:45
Cryterionand US is about to fail as well20:45
Cryterionok well night everyone21:03

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