
aatish910What is the process of generating ISO images for Xubuntu?02:19
Unit193aatish910: Take a look at livecd-rootfs and ubuntu-cdimage.02:23
aatish910Unit193, thanks for the pointers. 02:25
bluesabre!team | planning the next meeting time, let me know what availability you may have over the weekend (Sat Apr 9, Sun Apr 10)11:51
ubottuplanning the next meeting time, let me know what availability you may have over the weekend (Sat Apr 9, Sun Apr 10): bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19311:51
bluesabre!team | planning the next meeting time, please let me know what availability you may have over the weekend (Sat Apr 9, Sun Apr 10)11:51
ubottuplanning the next meeting time, please let me know what availability you may have over the weekend (Sat Apr 9, Sun Apr 10): bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19311:51
flocculantbluesabre: is there a difference :p11:52
flocculantand more or less about at normalish times as required here :)11:52
dkesseli wonder what items there are to discuss in the meeting...12:27
dkesselanyway, available saturday afternoon/evening (CET)12:28
=== pavlushka is now known as sleeptime
=== sleeptime is now known as pavlushka
knomebluesabre, i'm more or less available14:24
pleia2bluesabre: saturdays don't work for me, but sunday after 1500 utc is usually ok15:06
dkesselfiled a bug: gnome-disks crashes when creating a LUKS Ext4 partition....15:06
dkesselnumber is still private though :o15:07
knomepleia2, want to do some social media?15:50
pleia2ok, yes15:50
knomeit's either now or later today, so... :)15:50
pleia2yeah, and I am leaving in an hour15:50
knomelet me just quickly publish the post15:51
knomedone @ https://xubuntu.org/news/small-details-window-manager-shortcuts/15:51
knomeand tweeted15:52
pleia2pushed out on g+ and fb15:53
knomeand did the last tweaks for friday's article15:55
flocculantbluesabre: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/04/06/%23ubuntu-desktop.html#t18:33 re https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.xenial_chinese-fonts/+merge/28819517:50
pavlushkao/ all17:51
knomepleia2, for the press page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNlqAchOpFo (i know it's late, but..)17:54
flocculantcan't find much in here about cjk fonts - other than "it's big :("17:55
knomewhat do you like to know?17:56
flocculantwell 17:56
flocculantall sorts - though with respect to cjk, just put it here after some chat about us and kubuntu not having it seeded yet :)17:56
flocculanthence the logs 17:57
knomeaiui, the cjk stuff is for handling chinese etc stuff correctly17:57
flocculantyea believe so17:57
flocculantit got sort of brought up at the time - then we moved on to other things :)17:58
flocculantbluesabre: you'd want http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/04/06/%23ubuntu-desktop.html#t17:33 ... daylight saving ... 19:24
bluesabreevening all22:32
bluesabreflocculant: that was the only concern, huge font22:32
bluesabrebut that's no reason to cut folks off22:32
bluesabrethe only reason I hadn't included it yet was because there was endless chatter about it, making it seem like maybe it did not work so well22:33
bluesabre!team | translation deadline tomorrow22:35
ubottutranslation deadline tomorrow: bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19322:35
bluesabrehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule :)22:36
bluesabrehey knome22:36
bluesabreknome: so, what's the plan going forward with wp contest? waiting for a certain number of votes, or is there going to be additional voting, or..?22:40
bluesabreI should try to get new package versions together tonight for the apps22:44
bluesabreand -docs for tomorrow22:44
* bluesabre prays to the fop $deity22:45
knomebluesabre, i'd say we wait for ochosi to vote, then see what the general situation is22:52
knomeit's getting tight for getting any community voting in, regardless how it's done22:53
Unit193bluesabre: Going to try to setup the community artwork package properly? :322:56
bluesabreUnit193: properly, hah23:11
Unit193Well, xubuntu-community-wallpapers-xenial/wily and xubuntu-community-wallpapers just depending on one.23:11
bluesabreaha, gotcha23:12
bluesabrethat makes good sense23:12
Unit193Just means the one will have to have breaks/replaces or somesuch.23:12
bluesabrethat shouldn't be necessary, I think23:13
bluesabreknome: alrighty, and yes, likely too late in the cycle to get a worthwhile community vote23:14
bluesabre-trusty/-xenial should be coinstallable23:15
Unit193Right, but the fiels are in xubuntu-community-wallpapers right now.23:16
bluesabreoh right, I know what you're saying now23:16
Unit193https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-faq/ch-pkg_basics.en.html#s-depends for specifics.23:19
Unit193bluesabre: Also, see email?23:21
bluesabreUnit193: which one?23:25
bluesabreUnit193: and yes, familiar with those, had to do that to shimmer-themes when we broke it23:27
Unit193From David Planella.23:28
pleia2knome: thanks for not rickrolling me23:29
bluesabreUnit193: @ Fri Apr 8, 2016 3am - 3:30am ?23:29
pleia2knome: youtube link from earlier, is actually a xubuntu review ;)23:29
knomepleia2, oh, haha :)23:29
knomewould i ever rickroll you?23:29
pleia2trust no one23:29
Unit193bluesabre: Yeah...23:30
knomenot even knome, your friend?23:30
pleia2especially my friends /o\23:30
knomefair enough23:30
bluesabreUnit193: it will be strange being up at your time23:30
knomebluesabre, is that UTC?23:30
Unit193pleia2: ...Last one I linked wasn't a rickroll, but was "Pink Fluffy Unicorns"...23:30
Unit193bluesabre: Oh you're able to go?  Wow.23:30
bluesabreknome: nope23:31
bluesabreor DT23:31
bluesabrewhatever it is, google took care of it for me23:31
Unit193Yeah, I do that too. >_>23:31
knomedid we schedule a meeting for the weekend yet?23:31
Unit193Local time, our time.23:31
bluesabreknome: not yet23:31
bluesabrebut will do tonight23:31
Unit193Also, fwiw LP 1566999.  Not had a chance to check it at all.23:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1566999 in thunar-dropbox-plugin (Ubuntu) "Causes Dropbox to crash when context menu item selected" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156699923:33
bluesabreat the same time, the latest dropbox client seems pretty broken in ubuntu23:37
Unit193bluesabre: Just add unset DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS  to dropboxd under .dropbox-dist, no?23:38
bluesabreUnit193: dunno, I only opened it recently to finish moving my stuff to owncloud23:44

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