
Guest0hi all.  im having trouble with installing server to a multipath target. i'm using the "install disk-device/././." option, but not getting a multipath device in the partitioning step.. going to another tty and running multipath -l shows me "mpatha is being ignored". there's no xenial bugs regarding multipath on launchpad.  can anyone suggest the next step in diagnosing why mpatha is being ignored?01:48
Fudgedoes anyone know if xenial universe exists?02:18
krytarikFudge: Of course.02:20
Fudgeok, just was getting a sum mismatch on use.archive.ubuntu.com02:21
krytarikFudge: Try again later, or try a different mirror.02:30
Pwnnais there any way to get openjdk7 back in 16.04?02:32
EOBeavI'm sure there will be a ppa to get it02:34
Pwnnai guess i can make that ppa >_>02:39
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lotuspsychjekernel freeze today05:44
PETsoundsHai, any reason why Xenial are not using Ffmpeg 3 ?05:59
lotuspsychje!info ffmpeg xenial06:01
ubottuffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): Tools for transcoding, streaming and playing of multimedia files. In component universe, is optional. Version 7:2.8.6-1ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 1271 kB, installed size 1891 kB06:01
lotuspsychje!latest | PETsounds06:01
ubottuPETsounds: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.06:01
daxbecause ffmpeg 3 came out on February 15th, which is pretty late in the release cycle to be pulling in new major versions of widely-used packages, i expect06:05
lotuspsychjeladyTalus: few weeks indeed06:22
ladyTalusAll the best coders are hard at work right around the clock right now.06:23
ladyTalusIt should be good.06:23
lotuspsychjeladyTalus: its already good06:23
lotuspsychjerunning daily here pretty stable06:23
ladyTalusI've chosen to stick with 15.10 until doing a full upgrade.06:24
ladyTalusThat does look impressive.06:24
ladyTalusI always encourage the coders to get the first impression right. Give the user a good "wow" moment when they enter the fold.06:25
lotuspsychjeand here my netbook06:27
ladyTalusthat's unity?06:28
ladyTalusthe netbook has no problem with it?06:29
lotuspsychjeladyTalus: with a tweaked launcher to bottom06:29
lotuspsychjeladyTalus: 4gig ram and samsung 850 pro ssd inside, unity is like a rocket :p06:29
ladyTaluswhich cpu?06:30
lotuspsychje6sec boot, 3 sec halt06:30
ladyTaluswhich CPU?06:31
lotuspsychjeladyTalus: amd ft106:32
ladyTalussingle thread passmark = ?06:32
ladyTalusmy mini pc handles like a dream but my single thread passmark is over 1000.06:33
ladyTalushowever the cpu is not so overpowered that i feel as though i am never pushing it.06:33
lotuspsychjeladyTalus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15664405/06:33
ladyTaluswhat do you call the cpu when you buy it?06:35
ladyTalusyours is only 1GHz.06:35
ladyTalusthat there is 1.3.06:35
ladyTalusBut look how low the single thread is even at 300MHz more.06:36
ladyTalus342 single thread??06:36
ladyTaluswhen you check for software updates how long does it take to complete?06:36
lotuspsychjeladyTalus: that depends how big the updates are06:36
lotuspsychjeladyTalus: on ssd everything goes fsater06:37
ladyTalusbut doesn't anything meaningful on that PC lag badly?06:37
ladyTaluswhat if you use something like veracrypt? It must take 5 minutes just to mount a container.06:37
lotuspsychjeladyTalus: its a netbook... i dont use heavy works on it06:37
ladyTalusi've never seen someone satisfied with a CPU with a single thread score of less than 350.06:38
ladyTalusfor reference, the broadwell celeron has a single thread of 800 or so.06:38
lotuspsychjeyou focus too much on cpu06:38
lotuspsychjei rather have an overal smooth system06:39
ladyTalusi browse with a dual core 1.9GHz and when i look at system monitor i see both cores getting a good workout06:39
ladyTalusjust browsing around the web.06:39
lotuspsychjeladyTalus: how fast does your pc unpack a 4gig rar?06:42
ladyTalusNever yet tried. I have a speedy mSATA and 8GB of RAM.06:42
lotuspsychjeladyTalus: wich hd brand?06:42
ladyTalusBut I don't feel like my system is overpowered except for having at least 2GB more RAM than I ever need.06:43
ladyTalusYes. It's an mSATA. I'll show you.06:43
ladyTalusIt's an impressive piece of technology and only $40 now.06:45
ladyTalusFor an extra 60GB you can get the 120GB for only $52.06:45
lotuspsychjei payed 94 for my samsung pro 850 128gig06:45
ladyTalushow long ago?06:46
lotuspsychje94 euro that is06:46
ladyTalusYou bought it yesterday?06:47
ladyTalusYour netbook was bought yesterday?06:47
lotuspsychjeplugged my evo in my desktop06:47
ladyTalusor upgraded yesterday?06:47
ladyTalusListen here and tell me how that sounds on your headphones or speakers.06:48
ladyTalusI just upgraded my sound card by plugging in a USB device as shown here:06:48
ladyTalusNow my sound settings as configured for Digital Stereo Out.06:48
ladyTalusThe sound quality is an outstanding and a noticeable improvement from using the sound card built in my PC.06:49
lotuspsychjeladyTalus: perhaps we should move this to #ubuntu-discuss, keep the room free for xenial issues :p06:50
Light_How is the beta looking is it looking like the LTS release will be good or bad?07:24
Light_Can you download a beta or alpha of 16.04?08:04
server_Hello. Kernel update linux-image-4.4.0-16-generic broke my DELL Inspiron 7599. VLC stopped working and VPN stopped working, also on reboot only got black screen.  I did apt-get purge of that kernel but VLC and vpn are still not working.  How can I fix?  I tried to reinstall linux-image-4.4.0-14-generic in case that would fix things but it could not be reinstalled.08:26
server_DELL Inspiron has skylake and nvidia geforce gtx.08:29
dioioibI just had a crash trying to install 16.04 beta 2. Wouldn't figure a crash before I even started using 16.04 beta.08:39
tracker9hello. Could u tell me which server of x11 is present in 16.04?09:15
sgbirchWhere is the best place to get a docker container with ubuntu 16.04 installed? ubuntu:16.04 has no networking installed09:19
server_X.Org X Server 1.17.309:24
server_Release Date: 2015-10-2609:24
server_X Protocol Version 11, Revision 009:24
server_sgbirch, what do you mean no networking installed?09:25
sgbirchroot@fbc5ea8d571f:/usr/bin# ifconfig09:26
sgbirchbash: ifconfig: command not found09:26
TJ-sgbirch: "ip addr show"09:26
sgbirchroot@02b58caaaff9:/# ip addr show09:27
sgbirchbash: ip: command not found09:27
sgbirchI created the container like this: docker run -ti ubuntu:16.04 /bin/bash09:27
tracker9server_, that's kinda old09:29
TJ-sgbirch: is the PATH set as you'd expect; are the packages installed (net-tools, iproute2) ?09:29
sgbirchThe path looks good, net-tools and iproute2 are both installed09:31
sgbirchoh .. hang on, I was on trusty and not in a container .. one set09:31
sgbirchcorrection! the PATH is correct, net-tools and iproute2 are not installed09:32
bittin-Ubuntu and Debian isos updated at work :)09:43
bittin-now waiting for the 16.04 isos :)09:46
server_tracker9, really?  This is from an beta 2 iso I installed a week ago.09:49
server_I fixed the vlc... the issue was needing to switch to nvidia chips using prime-select nvidia.09:50
tracker9server_, how could i check version bundled in daily ISO?09:54
server_From a terminal, I typed:  startx --version09:55
server_it gave the versions at the start.  I don't know how to check the daily ISO builds for what is included.09:55
server_(never new there were daily isos)09:55
TJ-sgbirch: it looks like the -core builds stopped at end of March, and also, that the 16.04 builds do not contain a lot of packages that the 14.04, etc., images do contain (been looking at the manifests on partner-images.canonical.com)09:59
tracker6server_, next time warn that startx even with -version will launch another xsession pls10:11
tracker6its 1.18.1 in daily iso10:11
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic10:20
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB10:20
lotuspsychjenew kernel out10:20
server_tracker6, sorry about that.  Didn't think it was important since it doesn't kill the active X server. :(  I will warn next time.10:22
server_!info linux-image-generic10:22
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB10:22
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sgbirchTJ-: Is there anything that can be done about it?10:38
TJ-sgbirch: I've just reported bug 156734910:38
ubottubug 1567349 in cloud-images "partner-images (for Docker, etc) seem to be missing key network packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156734910:38
sgbirchthank you .. is there anything I can do to help?10:39
TJ-sgbirch: I suspect it is intended from what I found10:40
sgbirchTJ-: why would they want to do that?10:41
TJ-sgbirch: I don't know, but you'll see the images on partner-images.canonical.com (where the Docker images are) are different to those (that include the network packages) on cloud-images.ubuntu.com, so I'd recommend you manually fetch the 16.04 image from there10:44
sgbirchTJ-: I wonder if the objective is to encourage the use of LXD instead of docker10:49
server_GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed10:50
sgbirchTJ-: I know they are different animals, but many people (myself included) will be making that decision. I can use either for my current project.10:50
server_I get the above message, after I installed linux-image-4.4.0-16-generic.10:50
TJ-sgbirch: I wondered about the images having 'core' in their titles. Possibly its the absolute minimum image without an assumption of networking being required.10:51
sgbirchTJ-: hmmm .. that would make more sense than my conspiracy theory :-)10:54
TJ-sgbirch: but it does seem a bit counter when they're talked about as 'cloud' images10:57
TJ-sgbirch: rather like sending the eunuchs into the harem and expecting the pitter-patter of tiny feet in 9 months time :)10:58
sgbirchTJ-: lmao - perfect analogy10:58
sgbirchTJ-: yeah, a cloud image with no networking is pretty strange10:59
TJ-Are the images pre-configured to do IPv6 RA and SLAAC? I recall some talk of LX{C,D} images going IPv6 only; this may be related11:02
TJ-sgbirch: if you're expecting IPv4 that may well explain it11:02
sgbirchTJ-: how can I check?11:03
sgbirchTJ-: ahh .. apt-get update works .. I had just *assumed* it had no networking11:05
sgbirchTJ-: I think you nailed it, ipv6 only installed in the container11:05
sgbirchTJ-: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/152542011:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1525420 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "[xenial] daily server image - no network after install" [Undecided,Expired]11:06
TJ-sgbirch: I don't think that bug report applies at all; that's for the ISO server install images, for bare hardware11:08
sgbirchTJ-: Oh yes, sorry11:08
TJ-I recall the discussion about the LXD/IPv6 only stuff in one of the ubuntu developer channels some time ago, I'll see if I can find it in my logs11:09
TJ-here we go. this was in the context of LXD discussions about DHCP, dnsmasq, and lxc vs lxd11:12
TJ-2016-03-21 20:52:03     infinity        stgraber: How do guests get IPv4 connectivity?11:12
TJ-2016-03-21 20:52:20     stgraber        infinity: the guest won't have any connectivity by default except http through a minimal proxy11:12
TJ-sgbirch: I'm guessing those -core images implement that... although that doesn't explain why the -core images going back to 15.04 also don't have those network packages, unless this was a build-service change that affects all release images built since11:13
sgbirchTJ-: yes11:13
sgbirchTJ-: it still seems like a pretty bad thing to do :-( What is the answer to the question about getting IPv4 connectivity?11:14
sgbirchTJ-: I am sure I am not the last person who will stare blankly in dispair at what appears to be a completely broken container!11:15
BluesKajHi folks11:15
TJ-sgbirch: I'm not clear on that; these images aren't strictly Ubuntu - these are hosted on Canonical's site so it's different11:15
TJ-sgbirch: but you can see the Vivid/15.04 manifest also shows it missing those packages. Today's Trusty and Utopic builds do have the packages. https://partner-images.canonical.com/core/vivid/current/ubuntu-vivid-core-cloudimg-amd64.manifest11:16
TJ-sgbirch: and those 15.04 package build dates are January, so it's not something recent11:17
sgbirchTJ-: given that it has been this way for a while it is strange that google didn’t find any discussion on it. I must not have found the right search terms11:18
TJ-sgbirch: you're not alone; my search-fu is usually HOT but I've not found anything. On a side-note I did find this, which might explain *how* the images are created http://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/datasources.html#no-cloud11:20
sjoshiHello, I am not able to install unity8 on ubuntu16.04 beta211:24
sjoshiits day Unable to locate package11:24
lotuspsychje!unity8 | sjoshi11:24
ubottusjoshi: Unity8 is the next Unity Desktop running on Mir. It is already used on the smartphones running ubuntu-touch (!touch) and can be tested on the Desktop with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8inLXC11:24
sjoshilotuspsychje: thanks! But as soon as I run this command "sudo apt install unity8-desktop-session-mir"11:25
sjoshiits say Unable to locate package11:25
sjoshiI am installing it into a pendrive to see the compatability of my hardware11:25
lotuspsychjesjoshi: apt-cache shows me unity8-desktop-session-mir - Unity8 desktop session for Mir11:26
lotuspsychje correctly11:26
sjoshilotuspsychje: Let me try again11:27
lotuspsychjesjoshi: you mean your on the live mode right now?11:27
sjoshilotuspsychje: No I am not11:28
lotuspsychjesjoshi: explain the pendrive part?11:28
sjoshilotuspsychje: I have downloaded Ubuntu16.04 and created a live USB of it11:29
sjoshiNow I am trying to install unity8 desktop on it11:30
sjoshiRight now, I am on Xubuntu15.1011:31
lotuspsychje!info unity8-desktop-session-mir wily11:33
ubottuunity8-desktop-session-mir (source: unity8-desktop-session): Unity8 desktop session for Mir. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.12+15.10.20150609-0ubuntu1 (wily), package size 4 kB, installed size 54 kB11:33
lotuspsychjesjoshi: uname -a plz?11:34
sjoshilotuspsychje: I dont wanna experiment with my office laptop installation :)11:34
sjoshiLinux shupkarn 4.2.0-35-generic #40-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 15 22:15:45 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux11:34
lotuspsychjesjoshi: but im not sure you can install unity8 on live, as you need logout/login to enter unity811:35
lotuspsychjesjoshi: physical install is recommended11:35
sjoshiahh.. ok11:35
lotuspsychjesjoshi: try unity8 on your 15.10? dont like= purge?11:35
sjoshiI can give it a shot on my home laptop.. it has Xubuntu15.10 but right its having h/w issue11:36
sjoshinow its*11:36
lotuspsychjeoh wait, its xubuntu not sure how unity8 will react on that11:36
lotuspsychjedidnt test myself yet11:37
sjoshiyeah, thats also a point to be noted :P11:37
sjoshilotuspsychje: also I have made persistence live usb, still it will not work?11:37
sjoshithere is a logout option in Live USB i guess11:38
lotuspsychjesjoshi: didnt test either, try it perhaps11:38
sjoshilotuspsychje: sure :)11:38
lotuspsychjesjoshi: just keep in mind, usb can bottleneck your Os11:39
sjoshilotuspsychje: agree! I am js going to check hardware compatability.. with new Ubuntu + Unity(mainly display, sound and network)11:39
lotuspsychjesjoshi: i tested unity8 on my 16.04 desktop, and running like a charm11:40
lotuspsychjesjoshi: with basic features, more to come @ final11:40
sjoshilotuspsychje: sounds good!11:40
sjoshilotuspsychje: which brand of laptop you have?11:42
sjoshifor me: office: Lenovo and home:Dell11:42
lotuspsychjesjoshi: acer aspire netbook11:42
sjoshihmm ok11:42
lotuspsychjesjoshi: http://lotuspsychje.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-16-04-64bit-Development-branch-60137420611:43
sjoshilotuspsychje: how was the graphic performance of Unity8? light on CPU or ..?11:44
sjoshilotuspsychje: nice wallpaper..! :)11:44
sjoshilooks cool11:45
lotuspsychjetnx :p11:45
lotuspsychjesjoshi: same feeling as unity7 for me11:45
sgbirchTJ-: I made some progress .. thank you for your help. It seems that apt-get install net-tools solves the problem12:09
BluesKajsgbirch, odd that wasn't installed by default...12:12
TJ-sgbirch: so, that infers there was network connectivity already!12:19
sgbirchTJ-: yes .. it was just no tools installed, that fooled me12:20
TJ-sgbirch: so presumably the images are configured to auto-configure, so to speak. For IPv4 that'd mean DHCP enabled, via either ifupdown or NetworkManager, or if IPv6 then RA and SLAAC should be sufficient12:20
TJ-sgbirch: did you check /etc/network/interfaces to see if it was pre-configured?12:20
sgbirchTJ-: I just checked.  /etc/network is not present but there is a file called /etc/networks which contains one line:12:40
sgbirch# symbolic names for networks, see networks(5) for more information12:40
sgbirchI lied .. two lines12:40
jonathan_zzI currently have "timidity" slowing down my system considerable. I have no idea what started it: "timidity 27699 83.8  0.1 127488  4504 ?        RL   apr04 3797:23 /usr/bin/timidity -Os -iAD"  ---> taking about 100% (of one core, supposedly). The other core is 40% idle.  How do I discover what process started it?13:21
jonathan_zzapparently it just gets started at boot13:31
asperhi there. it seems that the php5-common package is no longer in the xenial sources. was is renamed or is it simply gone?13:44
lotuspsychjeasper: could it be php7 now on xenial?13:45
lotuspsychje!info php7-common13:45
ubottuPackage php7-common does not exist in xenial13:45
lotuspsychje!info php713:45
ubottuPackage php7 does not exist in xenial13:45
lotuspsychje!find php713:45
ubottuFound: libapache2-mod-php7.0, php7.0, php7.0-cgi, php7.0-cli, php7.0-common, php7.0-curl, php7.0-dev, php7.0-gd, php7.0-gmp, php7.0-json (and 28 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=php7&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all13:45
pcnThat probably makes the world a better place13:46
asperahh thanks!13:46
lotuspsychjephp7.0-common - documentation, examples and common module for PHP13:47
lotuspsychjeasper: cant find a php5 on xenial neither on apt-cache13:47
tewardlotuspsychje: asper: php5 is gone in Xenial, replaced with php7.013:47
lotuspsychjeteward: ok thank you13:47
tewardlotuspsychje: asper: you'll need to use ppa:ondrej/php and install php5.6 or w/e it is from there13:48
tewardand then remove php7.0 from the repositories on Xenial13:48
teward(that's Ondrej's coinstallable PHP versions PPA)13:48
lotuspsychjeteward: but not recommended i suppose?13:48
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge13:49
tewardobligatory notice is obligatory13:49
asperthanks. we will upgrade to 7.013:49
tewardlotuspsychje: There are things which don't support php7.0 - only way to get php5.6 will be to use the PPA< but you lose all other support13:49
teward(for the package)13:49
tewardlotuspsychje: so no, not supported, not really recommended, I think 5.6 is EOLing anyways, but don't quote me on that13:50
lotuspsychjeteward: yeah downgrading packages, doesnt sound like wise decision13:50
tewardlotuspsychje: it's not a downgrade13:50
tewardit's a separate package?13:50
tewardthey're *coinstallable*13:51
tewardthey run separately13:51
tewardstill a much better idea to modernize your site code to php7.0 which is reportedly much faster13:51
lotuspsychjeright, but lets say a security hole reaches into 5.6, the user wont get official upsate/support13:51
tewardlotuspsychje: right, that's why I still don't recommend the PPA, though AFAIK, Ondrej keeps that PPA updated...13:51
tewardbut yes, not officially supported13:52
tewardlotuspsychje: FYI, the !ppa factoid I just posted?  Still applies.13:52
teward(you can answer your own question you just asked there by reading the factoid)13:52
lotuspsychjeupp: you can already help test beta2 or daily14:49
lotuspsychjeupp: but for daily use its recommended to wait until final14:50
upphow can i help?14:50
lotuspsychjeupp: finding bugs, testing packages,etc14:50
lotuspsychjeupp: the sky is the limit and helps the community14:50
uppi have to read first what daily is ( mean)14:51
lotuspsychjeupp: the daily images are in topic14:51
upplotuspsychje: the daily build change every day?14:54
tewardupp: the daily build is a respin of the ISO daily14:54
lotuspsychjeupp: if you install daily, you will receive the updates also, and be able to upgrade to final14:54
lotuspsychje!final | upp14:54
ubottuupp: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Xenial and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 16.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.14:54
lotuspsychjeupp: if you accept the fact your system 'could' break till final in this stage14:55
uppohh cool14:55
uppi understand now14:55
uppnow it's only my personal computer now, so not so important14:56
uppbut nice to know such thing exist14:56
lotuspsychjeupp: ok great!14:56
lotuspsychjeupp: i got it installed both on desktop + netbook working like a rocket14:56
lotuspsychjenothing broken yet14:56
tewardinstall once, and then `apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade` daily and you'll be fine14:57
tewardor, reinstall the ISO daily for daily testing14:57
upptewar: or, reinstall the ISO daily for daily testing -> that's only if i want to test something in daily?15:00
lotuspsychjeteward: ^15:01
uppif i install daily today, and tomorrow i run sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade i get the new daily?15:04
lotuspsychjeupp: daily means the most up to date packages inserted15:06
lotuspsychjeupp: so if you install a daily, you will receive latest updates via apt-get also15:07
lotuspsychjeupp: the daily just follows the progress15:07
lotuspsychjeupp: if your system breaks somehow, and you reinstall daily iso, your back in business15:08
uppthanks for answer, i thought it a daily new image because the one i download now is released today :-)15:08
uppnow i understand very well15:08
uppthank you so much15:08
lotuspsychjeupp: good luck and welcome to the ubuntu (xenial) experience15:08
uppi will try to find time to start developing for ubuntu ;-)15:09
uppit will be a pleasure for me15:09
lotuspsychje!contribute | upp thank you15:10
ubottuupp thank you: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu15:10
lotuspsychjeupp: the #ubuntu-touch guys can always need a help aswell15:10
uppi will try my best, but first i have to understand more15:11
tewardlotuspsychje_: I was pinged?15:16
lotuspsychje_upp: wanted to know more on daily15:16
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
devslashis Ubuntu 16.04 locked from any new changes between now and when it will be released later this month ?17:56
daxThe 16.04 release schedule is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule . Most stuff is frozen for release by now, but there's still polishing and bugfixing going on.17:58
devslashis anyone here ?17:58
daxSo, it's not stable/unchanging, but it is getting there.17:58
devslashok thanks17:58
daxIf you're asking because you want to upgrade important stuff, the answer would still be "no that's a terrible idea"17:59
daxwe've had stuff come up *very* late in the cycle that needed fixing before, the next couple of weeks are not just a formality17:59
dax(personally, the Ubuntu servers I have at work are on 14.04 and won't be going to 16.04 until 16.04.1, assuming we decide to upgrade them)18:00
dax(for desktop users on 14.04, I'd probably wait until a week after release, or 16.04.1, depending on risk aversion)18:01
ratraceHello. Trying out 16.04. Previously (in 15.10 eg.) I could alt-tab between different program windows and alt-` between windows of the same program. This latter behavior is absent in 16.04. Is this a bug?18:20
naccratrace: i think it got fixed this AM18:25
naccratrace: trying to find you a bug #18:25
ratracenacc: it's okay if it's a bug. I Was afraid it's a "feature" of the so called "evolving" and "progressing" GNOME... :)18:26
naccratrace: no, i believe it was an xorg issue, actually, fixed now18:26
ratracegreat, thanks for confirming and checking!18:26
naccratrace: yeah, that's based purely on my IRC logs mind you :)18:27
strahlHi, will Ubuntu 16.04 include a working version of mir? (able to support 3d games)20:18
ubottuUnity8 is the next Unity Desktop running on Mir. It is already used on the smartphones running ubuntu-touch (!touch) and can be tested on the Desktop with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8inLXC20:18
k1l_strahl: neither wayland nor mir are productionready for desktops. they just gained first support by nvidia, for example.20:19
k1l_nvidia just released a driver with _first_ support for walynad and mir.20:19
strahlk1l_ if my graphics card is Nvidia, should it work?20:19
k1l_you need to get that driver from the nvidia website. and i think there is only the lxc version of unity8 and mir available now.20:20
strahlk1l_ ok. And nouveau?20:21
strahlk1l_ should it work just like in X windows?20:21
k1l_its still in development, as said above.20:22
strahlk1l_ ok, thank you for the information!20:22
k1l_you could ask in #ubuntu-mir for the exact state. but i doubt they will say "its just like x works now"20:23
strahlk1l_ ok, thank you! :)20:23
devslashhow do I move the unity taskbar in 16.04 ?20:26
k1l_gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom20:30
k1l_devslash: ^20:31
devslashI thought that it was built into the GUI in 16.04 but you could do that command in older versions of ubuntu20:31
k1l_the patch to enable it was just included into the unity version that is shipped with 16.04. you cant do that on older ubuntus without using a pathced version or patch it manually20:35
devslash can you change Bottom to any direction like Top or Right ?20:42
k1ltry it20:43
k1li only know of Bottom and Left20:43
devslashso it doesnt go into effect until you restart X....20:44
devslashit only allows for Top and Left20:45
k1lnot Top, Bottom20:47
devslasherr sorry20:47
devslashbottom and left20:47
devslashnot top or right20:47
devslashso what do you need to do to install this patch in 15.1020:48
devslashI like the launcher at the bottom a little better20:48
k1lbuild unity yourself  with that patch included20:48
devslashahh... sounds a little compalicated20:49
devslashsudo killall Xorg20:49
devslashI heard about a programmer who tried to end it all by rm -rf self...20:51

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