
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
Mirvmardy: qtbase fix has migrated to xenial-release! (among with my previous qtbase upload, which was also stuck in proposed)06:44
Mirvit seems the mysql transition was finished06:44
mardyMirv: excellent, thanks a lot!07:49
oSoMoNubuntu-qa: any chance silo 38 will be validated before EOW ?08:47
jibeloSoMoN, it will08:56
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jibeloSoMoN, I'm trying silo 38 and verifying bug 1534112. I downloaded 4 files, when I go to downloads I see them all10:20
ubot5`bug 1534112 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Can select multiple files in downloads view when only one expected" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153411210:20
jibeloSoMoN, but when I follow the steps in the bug report, I see only one10:21
jibeloSoMoN, is there a restriction on which file is available for the selection?10:21
oSoMoNjibel, probably because that webpage accepts only images, you’ll need to download at least another image (or use another webpage that presents a file picker that accepts all file types)10:22
jibeloSoMoN, right, only one was an image, just verified while I was typing :) sorry10:22
oSoMoNnw :)10:23
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jibeloSoMoN, when I enter the address bar with a keyboard shortcut should I be able to modify the content?10:31
jibeloSoMoN, I can only select an entry from the list10:31
oSoMoNjibel, what do you mean? you press Ctrl+L to focus the address bar, and you cannot type a new address?10:32
jibeloSoMoN, for example in FF I type CTRL+L, the address bar gets the focus and I can modify the url10:32
jibeloSoMoN, I cannot do that with the webbrowser app10:32
jibelI cannot modify the url10:32
jibeljust select one from a list10:32
jibeloSoMoN, it is with a BT keyboard10:33
oSoMoNjibel, huh that’s unexpected indeed10:33
jibeloSoMoN, it is a regression with the sio10:34
oSoMoNjibel, I don’t have my bt keyboard handy (not at home atm), will test this afternoon, in the meantime I guess the silo should be marked blocked10:35
jibeloSoMoN, I verified on arale which as current version and I can update the address10:35
jibeloSoMoN, blocked, waiting for your feedback10:36
oSoMoNjibel, thanks (and sorry about that)10:36
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rvrdbarth: https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/156737711:32
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1567377 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Select text popup not localized" [Undecided,New]11:32
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jgdxsil2100, treat my +1 as a community review :)12:11
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dbarthrvr: ack12:24
oSoMoNjibel, I’m not seeing the issue you’re describing on https://trello.com/c/GxLM9Hj7/3032-1196-ubuntu-landing-038-webbrowser-app-osomon . I’m testing on arale with latest rc-proposed + silo 38, when I press Ctrl+L on my BT keyboard the address bar is focused, and if I then type any letter it is correctly being input in the address bar12:38
oSoMoNor was the issue a different one?12:38
jibeloSoMoN, no it is the issue. I'll try again12:38
jibeloSoMoN, it was on krillin but I don't think it would make a difference12:39
oSoMoNit really shouldn’t12:39
jibeloSoMoN, weird. now it works.12:45
jibeloSoMoN, I didn't have a cursor in the text field previously12:46
jibeloSoMoN, I'll finish the verification and see if it happens again12:46
oSoMoNjibel, thanks12:46
jibeloSoMoN, ah I reproduced the problem12:49
jibeloSoMoN, CTRL+T to open a new tab, select a page in the recently visited pages, CTRL+L12:51
jibeloSoMoN, the address bar is not editable anymore then12:51
jibeloSoMoN, it doesn't happen with current version of the webbrowser12:56
jibeloSoMoN, can you confirm?12:56
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oSoMoNjibel, looking13:04
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oSoMoNjibel, I’m seeing it indeed13:06
oSoMoNjibel, let me check on rc-proposed without silo 3813:06
oSoMoNjibel, this looks very similar to bug #1545802 , I wonder if it could be the same issue13:19
ubot5`bug 1545802 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "activeFocus not being forwarded to TextInput inside TextField" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154580213:19
jibeloSoMoN, indeed, it is very similar13:35
oSoMoNjibel, I’ll look into it a bit later today13:36
jibeloSoMoN, thanks. I failed the silo13:36
oSoMoNjibel, thanks for the thorough testing :)13:36
Saviqtrainguards, can you please retry https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-071/+build/9547402 ? thanks14:08
sil2100Saviq: done!14:09
Saviqplars, looks like using ssh-over-adb is just not gonna work https://unity8-jenkins.ubuntu.com/computer/arale-01/builds https://unity8-jenkins.ubuntu.com/computer/krillin-07/builds - 1 of 2 seems to break the connection :/14:15
plarsSaviq: is it always with that protocol fault error?14:25
plarsSaviq: I thought you hit something else yesterday14:25
Saviqplars, it doesn't look exactly the same every time14:25
Saviqmost often adb doesn't say anything14:26
Saviqsince its output is hidden by adt-run I think14:26
plarsSaviq: I think alesage uses it in his tests also - alesage are you seeing errors like that in your test runs?14:26
plarsalesage: Saviq seems to be hitting issues now where adb seems to die in the middle of his test run14:26
Saviqbut almost every time it's "Connection to localhost closed by remote host"14:27
Saviqso either adb forward dies, or device dies...14:27
alesageSaviq, rhuddie will remember more about this but we're having to retry a few times on initial connection to device14:29
alesageIIRC (similar to what happens from you laptop)14:29
Saviqinitial connection actually works for me most of the times, but it drops after a while14:29
alesageSaviq, o hmm--this is on arale?14:29
alesagewe're also seeing cut-offs on arale14:30
Saviqalesage, both arale and krillin14:30
alesageSaviq, ok then, is this recent?  I haven't checked our runs closely over last 2 days14:30
Saviqalesage, I only started paying more attention recently, but we've had similar issues before14:31
Saviqyou can see in https://unity8-jenkins.ubuntu.com/computer/krillin-07/builds how many of them are red - most often than not it means the test run was interrupted like that14:31
alesageSaviq, stand-up time, will come back and dig in a bit14:32
plarsSaviq: yeah, https://unity8-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/test-0-autopkgtest/label=phone-armhf,release=vivid+overlay,testname=autopilot.sh/404/console is definitely before the adb update, and for some reason it looks like adt couldn't connect. But as you say, it's not really clear why14:33
Saviqplars, yeah, it looks like the adb forwarding died14:36
Saviqplars, could the devices have resolvable hostnames like arale-01, krillin-07? we could try and see if connecting over wifi helps14:37
plarsSaviq: unlikely - I'll have to check with IS. Right now they all just attach to a WAP that IS runs and I have no control over. So my guess is that they all just get a randomly assigned ip from it.  Worse - it's probably on a different network, so I'm not sure if you can even reach it but I'll check14:41
Saviqmakes sense, security-wise...14:42
plarsSaviq: I'm not even sure if adt could handle that... doesn't it need to start ssh over adb first?14:44
plarsSaviq: and confirmed - I can't seem to reach the network the phones attach to with wifi14:45
Saviqplars, well, I'd have to modify adt-virt-ssh-adb or use adt-virt-ssh directly after having set up ssh first14:45
Saviqplars, on one hand I feel like the multitude of devices connected to the same adb server could make it go bad like that... but then again you guys have been doing that for quite a while already, before jenkaas was born14:46
alesageplars, whatif Saviq is just on an unlucky router, e.g.?14:47
plarsalesage: he's on the same one as you14:47
alesageor cable14:47
SaviqOTOH maybe it wasn't using ssh-over-adb then, so didn't require a continuous connection14:47
plarsSaviq: yeah, I don't think we've had issues like that before. Which is why I was hoping to see if qa had problems like that14:47
plarsSaviq: both has been done in the past. For proposed migration, it all used adt14:48
alesageo yes we can't get a reliable run from our arales, sounds very much the same14:48
Saviqplars, I'll add some debugging to my jobs - see if adbd's PID changed, what forwards are enabled (if any) etc.14:48
plarsSaviq: for image smoke tests - it was just over adb directly. We snarfed the return value of things another way and didn't rely on ssh over adb14:48
plarsSaviq: that would definitely be interesting to see14:48
Saviqmaybe it will give us some ideas (anything in particular would be useful?)14:49
Saviqadb devices | grep $ANDROID_SERIAL; ps aux | grep adbd; adb forward --list14:49
alesageplars, Saviq  what would an "adb connection health check" test look like?14:49
alesagemaybe just running something repeatedly over adt-run and waiting for a failure?14:49
plarsSaviq: don't grep for adbd (that's the piece on the device) grep for fork-server instead14:49
Saviqalesage, in theory if flashing completes, that's the best you can hope for14:50
SaviqI mean you've pushed several hundred MBs over adb14:50
alesageSaviq, fair, but time may be a factor14:50
Saviqplars, right14:50
* Saviq will tail dmesg and syslog, too14:50
oSoMoNjibel, I’ve confirmed that the regression you’re seeing with silo 38 is bug #1545802 , now I need to figure out a fix for it…15:11
ubot5`bug 1545802 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "activeFocus not being forwarded to TextInput inside TextField" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154580215:11
Saviqplars, hah, so here, for example https://unity8-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/test-ppa-autopkgtest/label=phone-armhf,package=unity8,release=vivid+overlay,testname=autopilot.sh/76/console network provisioning failed - maybe I need to give it more time or something15:23
plarsSaviq: yeah, I seem to recall that network provisioning was always kinda flaky.  I think we always made it retry a few times, and after that, we turned off the welcome wizard, enabled writable-image, turned off edges intro. One of those triggers a reboot I think too15:26
plarsSaviq: there's a LOT that has to happen to prepare things for automatically testing. I think adt is supposed to do some of that though15:27
oSoMoNjibel, and in fact the exact same issue that you’ve observed with silo 38 already exists on tablets, silo 38 just makes it more obvious by exposing it to phones too15:59
oSoMoNjibel, I could revert the one change that exposes the issue to phones, would that make the silo acceptable for landing (knowing that the issue still exists on tablets)?16:02
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jibeloSoMoN, works for me16:03
rvrsil2100: meeting?16:07
davmor2sil2100: meeting16:07
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Saviqtrainguards, can you please add dandrader to ci-train-users? thanks :)17:36
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robruSaviq: done. I'm afk, can you link him to the docs?18:10
Saviqrobru, ack18:12
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