
DaniKittenHow do I can help on IRC chat?00:41
daftykinsask in #freenode00:41
tsimonq2http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/support/irc/ for Ubuntu00:42
tsimonq2which is what I assume you are asking about00:42
DaniKittenHelping people here, being useful for the IRC world00:46
daftykinsno this is a place for ubuntu discussion, IRC help can be had in the appropriate places00:47
DaniKittenwell, bye00:49
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:04
daxi should probably grab that05:27
daxanyone happen to know if Win10 works on vbox05:27
lotuspsychjedidnt test myself, but should work05:29
daxalso, I just made #ubuntu-on-windows for discussion/support. It isn't officially blessed, but it's one of the options we're kicking around for how to support this thing, so if y'all feel like idling in it that is fine05:30
daxprobably wouldn't forward users there just yet, i'm waiting for someone more important than me to decide what we're doing05:30
lotuspsychjedax: nice addy05:31
lotuspsychjedax: but im bit skeptical on all this, readed some articles on windows safety and security risks on having bash on a vulnerable system..05:32
lotuspsychjedax: i rather put energy in vanilla ubuntu myself :p05:33
daxI'll find it usefor for work. Apart from that, I think it's... not something I'd like a distribution I support to invest resources in.05:33
daxI just want *something* in place for the near future where this thing comes out of Windows Insider limbo and people start asking about it in #ubuntu05:33
daxmainly because I don't want to support it in #ubuntu05:33
lotuspsychjedax: some articles also mention, MS reacts way too late also05:34
ubot5`Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not currently supported in #ubuntu. For discussion, see #ubuntu-offtopic and/or #ubuntu-discuss.05:37
dax(that'll get updated once we figured out if/where we *are* gonna support it for definite)05:38
lotuspsychjedax: perhaps the #ubuntu-devel guys know more of this all? where to catch somebody?05:39
daxi get the impression it's literally just kirkland :|05:39
daxin terms of actual technical knowledge, anyway05:40
ubot5`Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !wily release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3075/05:45
lotuspsychjedax: almost time :p05:45
lotuspsychjeand 3 LTS versions in topic, rocknroll05:47
lotuspsychjexenial reboot06:18
lotuspsychjemorning Noah`06:26
lotuspsychjeladyTalus: i more like electronic music06:51
ladyTalusIntelligent Dance Music (IDM)?06:51
ladyTalusOr more like Blackmill?06:52
ladyTalusdidn't know anyone still listened to techno.06:53
ladyTaluslike pacman music?06:53
lotuspsychjei like adam beyer06:54
ladyTalusOutstanding. My headphones are fairly good quality AKG ones. Together with the Behringer device the sound is really quite impressive for what I've spent.06:55
ladyTalusWow! What a deal.06:55
ladyTalusThese are the ones I use.06:55
ladyTalusOnly $60 right now.06:55
ladyTalusAKG makes very comfortable headphones.06:56
ladyTalusIf you want to pay half you can go with these ones: http://www.amazon.com/AKG-Pro-Audio-K77-Headphones/dp/B00187PRFC/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1460012121&sr=8-9&keywords=akg+headphones06:57
ladyTalusBut I'd rather pay $60 for the first ones.06:57
ladyTalusThey're definitely in another league.06:57
rillehlotuspsychje: I saw Adam Beyer this weekend10:39
rillehI absolutely love Techno10:39
lotuspsychjerilleh: really, where?10:39
rillehA festival called Stockholm Love Affair10:40
lotuspsychjepretty nice, ill grab it when online10:40
lotuspsychjerilleh: did you listen one og his latest milano sets?10:40
rillehMaceo Plex, Sven Väth, Adam Beyer Dubfire and more10:40
rillehFrom his podcast?10:40
lotuspsychjeabsolutely amazing :p10:40
rillehVery good set :)10:40
rillehI listen to it every week10:41
lotuspsychjewell i not every week, but got alot of sets of him10:41
lotuspsychjebest dj in the world in my opnion10:41
lotuspsychjerilleh: you know mixing.dj ?10:42
lotuspsychjerilleh: http://mixing.dj/livesets/adam-beyer/10:42
rillehCool, cheers10:43
rillehI usually just use soundcloud10:43
lotuspsychjeyeah well soundcloud is bit laggy sometimes10:44
rillehAnd the app is useless10:44
rillehAnd now content is getting blocked inside paywalls10:44
rillehSo I guess it's time to move on10:44
lotuspsychjebut im sticking to adam in most cases :p10:45
rillehAdam's usual style is somewhat to techy for me10:48
rillehI like the more industrial/acid stuff10:48
rillehBut no doubt he's a good musician and has performed some incredible sets over the years10:48
lotuspsychjegot an example of a set you like?10:48
lotuspsychjerilleh: starting nicely :p10:52
rillehThat Cleric set is probably my favourite one right now10:52
rillehSo good10:52
rillehNice to see a fellow Techno head, we are few but a dedicated bunch :)10:55
lotuspsychjerilleh: yeah im totaly into non-comercial music10:55
lotuspsychjerilleh: added your set to favs, sounds good10:56
lotuspsychjegot bit goa feeling in some parts :p10:56
lotuspsychjerilleh: if you like dark & rough sets: https://soundcloud.com/torstenkanzler/torsten-kanzler-kanzlernacht11:00
lotuspsychjethis one of my favs :p11:00
rillehCheers, I'll give it a listen11:01
lotuspsychjerilleh: your set @ 48 is amazing11:05
rilleh48 minutes?11:07
rillehProper Techno11:09
lotuspsychjelove it11:09
lotuspsychjeyou probably heared it already, but in case you missed: https://soundcloud.com/drumcoderadio/dcr173-drumcode-radio-live11:12
lotuspsychjeone of his best also11:12
rillehHis Berghain sets are usually a bit darker11:13
lotuspsychjeyeah i like dark11:13
rillehBecause people in Berghain don't tolerate that melodic stuff :)11:13
rillehEver been to Berghain?11:13
lotuspsychjeno, i hear they are very picky about entering the club11:14
rillehThey even put a strip of tape over the camera on your phone11:14
rillehIf you take pictures you get banned11:14
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj11:15
BluesKajHi folks11:15
lotuspsychjerilleh: so we enter the club with a google glass lol11:15
BluesKajhi lotuspsychje11:16
lotuspsychjerilleh: or a james bond watch to film11:16
rillehlotuspsychje: DCR173 is golden11:40
lotuspsychjeyeah :p11:40
rillehThe hihat kick at 15:2211:41
lotuspsychjehi cfhowlett11:43
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: new netbook shot: http://lotuspsychje.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-16-04-64bit-Development-branch-60137420611:43
cfhowlettah yes.  ye ole desktop pron.           :)11:44
lotuspsychjebbl shopping11:47
lotuspsychje_good afternoon baizon15:12
baizonhi lotuspsychje_15:12
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychjebbl moviez15:42

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