
ali1234networking doesn't work so i can't install anything00:11
ali1234can't even ping localhost. fail.00:14
daftykinsdead interfaces?00:17
ali1234/proc/net/dev doesn't exist00:17
ali1234it's as if you built a linux kernel with no network device support at all00:18
ali1234"ping: icmp open socket: Socket type not supported"00:18
daftykinsoh i see in there, i was assuming in the host OS00:18
daftykinsor rather the VM00:18
ali1234no, in the host OS it works "fine" (for windows)00:18
daftykinsloving the ongoing bias00:21
zmoylan-pii'm not biased, i just hate ms... :-P00:26
daftykinsstill, makes sense to acknowledge none are without fault00:27
ali1234i rebooted, now it doesn't work at all00:27
ali1234maybe i need to check for updates again00:31
diddledanali1234: try something other than ping. like apt00:32
diddledanor curl/wget00:32
ali1234none of it works00:33
ali1234can't resolve hostnames, can't create sockets00:33
diddledanworked for me00:33
diddledanthough I didn't do it in a VM00:34
diddledanmaybe the virtual network driver is shoddy00:34
ali1234maybe. i'll add a usb wifi dongle and pass it thru to windows00:35
ali1234apparently my virtualbox isn't configured properly to do that00:36
diddledanfor reference I ran "apt update" and "apt upgrade" with no problems00:36
ali1234those don't work either00:36
daftykinsbridged networking or NATing in this thing?00:37
ali1234not that it matters00:39
diddledanit might00:39
daftykinswith vbox, any tweak is worth a go00:39
diddledanvbox nat is half-assed00:39
ali1234okay i will try it00:39
ali1234absolutely no difference00:41
daftykinswhich vbox is this?00:42
daftykinsi was never a fan00:42
diddledancouple things to check: did you launch bash from a command prompt or did you find it in the start-menu? is your windows user an administrator? (I started bash from powershell by simply typing `bash` and my user IS an administrator)00:45
ali1234i have absolutely no idea00:46
diddledanrandom diversion: btrfs scrub is gonna take an AGE on here - I started it 2 hours ago and it's done approx 50GB on each of my four discs and they're each 3TB large00:49
ali1234running it as administrator makes no difference00:49
diddledanweirdness indeed00:49
diddledanI'm out of ideas :-(00:50
daftykinsearly software strikes?00:55
ali1234not really sure what i expected00:55
diddledandaftykins: blame the unions00:55
daftykinshappy to throw it on vmware tomorrow to see how that behaves00:56
daftykinsdoes vbox have multiple model virtual NICs you can assign?00:56
daftykinsi'm clutching at straws totally there, of course00:56
diddledanI'll download a copy and try on vbox myself to see if it's related to vbox directly00:56
daftykinsare you both on the same release and have vbox from the same source?00:58
diddledanali1234: only thing I can think that I've not checked - they said in their smallprint that it requires a 64bit edition of win1000:58
ali1234i have 64 bit00:58
diddledanI'm on xenial, daftykins, and I'll be installing vbox from the repo00:59
ali1234nothing with the virtual network adapter explains why i don't even have a loopback device01:00
daftykinsdoes it even work that way?01:01
diddledanifconfig fails on my system so I'm assuming MS have some magic sauce that isn't a complete implementation of the linux network stack01:02
diddledanali1234: just a thought. did you install home or pro variant? (I'll do both to check)01:03
ali1234i wasn't offered a choice01:03
ali1234i installed windows 10 N01:03
diddledanI'll get a copy of that too, then01:04
ali1234i used the "English" version not "English (International)"01:04
daftykinsN is that weird cutdown01:04
daftykinscan't see it breaking that though01:04
ali1234the download page said that 10 N is compatible with both home and pro01:04
daftykinsi definitely had a vanilla image from xenial earlier, on the download page01:05
diddledanN is the EU-endorsed no-media variant isn't it?01:05
zmoylan-pii always worry when i read compatible...01:05
daftykinsLemmings, IBM PC compatible01:05
ali1234i will download the insider preview iso and install that instead01:06
ali1234on my desktop it says this "Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview Evaluation Copy Build 14316.rs1_release.160402-2217"01:06
daftykinsdiddledan: one of my clients got tired of 'contacts' opening slowly on his Samsung Galaxy S5 so called me up today to say he'd bought a Nokia Lumia... >_<01:07
ali1234but my original download was not an insider ISO, it was 10 N01:07
diddledanok, that answers whether you got pro or home then01:07
diddledandaftykins: haha01:07
diddledanright, full-fat home and pro are installing. just firing up N-home and N-pro now01:09
diddledanok, they're all going now01:10
diddledanjust have to wait till they fini installing01:11
daftykinssome day soon i'll have fancy modern kit that's that rapid!01:11
diddledanyours'll be better than mine then01:11
daftykinsi'm going to retire my RAID-0'd pair of velociraptors as VM storage, i think01:11
daftykinswell, £600 bought me a skylake i7 and 32GB RAM01:12
diddledanfull-fat pro installed01:12
diddledangetting critical updates >.<01:12
ali1234i think it just doesn't work inside a VM01:13
daftykinssure seems that way01:14
daftykinsi take it your CPU supports VT?01:14
ali1234yes, but not inside a VM01:14
daftykinslast thing i can think of01:15
diddledanali1234: so that I replicate as close as poss - did you install the guest additions?01:20
diddledanok, they're uptodate prior to receiving an insider build - I'll leave them running till I wake up tomorrow and hopefully they'll be ready to install the build by then (there's a bit of a delay between activating the insider builds on an install and actually being offered your first insider update)01:51
diddledanand on that note I'm off to the land of Nod01:52
daftykinsah i thought you had grabbed the image01:53
daftykinsta-ra \o01:53
=== mappps is now known as mapps
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.06:00
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Thursday, and happy World Health Day! 😃08:59
davmor2JamesTait: got bro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWf-eARnf6U&nohtml5=False09:02
foobarrymy doggy died yesterday:(09:17
foobarrygot more upset than i expected.09:17
popeySorry to hear that foobarry09:19
davmor2foobarry: :(09:33
foobarrya finer doggy you never did meet09:39
foobarryheart was failing and her lungs were filling so we had to put her down, even though she was still wagging her tail etc and looked ok :(09:40
SuperMattpeople often underestimate how hard it is to lose a dog09:43
popeykeep trying to convince wifey we should get a dog09:52
SuperMattI will be inconsolable when my cat passed, I'm sure09:52
SuperMattpets bring so much to our lives09:52
SuperMattand I'm glad you had one foobarry that you loved, and loved you back09:52
popeyyeah. one of my cats got run over, managed to drag herself back to the house to die in the den. survived long enough to take her to the vet.09:53
foobarrymy dog was like a cat09:58
foobarryliked cuddles etc. wife is devastated as it was her friend when she was alone.kids don't know yet09:58
foobarryalso we rescued her from RSPCA so she had a good life09:58
foobarrydid you cat owners get your cats from kitten stage?10:21
zmoylan-pii don't think one /owns/ a cat.  feels the other way around... :-)10:24
zmoylan-piand i hope you find a new dog to share your life with foobarry...10:25
foobarrymaybe we will get a cat instead10:29
zmoylan-piyou can /bring/ cats for a walk but they have to learn young i've been told...10:31
foobarryrealised most of the fun times and good bonding i've had with my kids has been on doggy walks10:34
popeyfoobarry: yes, one of ours was a kitten, the other we got because a friend wasn't allowed cats anymore10:35
popeyI'll be devastated when Salem goes. he's 12 now, and is super clingy10:35
davmor2popey: so how's the mate or is there more curing to do yet?10:35
popeystill curing10:36
davmor2popey: how long does that take?10:36
popeyas long as you like10:36
popeyI'm only letting it sit for 24 hrs10:37
popeywill have a cup later today10:37
davmor2popey: oh okay I was wondering if it was like a week long thing or something10:37
popeyapparently you can do that if you want10:37
popeybut have to replace the leaves every 24 hours10:38
popeyif I did this for a week I'd run out of mate before I had any to drink :)10:38
davmor2popey: hahaha10:41
davmor2popey: it's like the pucker teacup in china they say aren't seasoned properly till they are 2 years old :)10:42
davmor2popey: sorry meant teapot don't know why I put cup :D10:48
foobarryhas anyone seen the creature swimming in the thames video?11:54
zmoylan-piporpoise? dolphin? didn't a whale swim in a few years ago?12:00
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
foobarrysomebodys selling a xbox360 for £30, thats pretty good surely12:15
foobarryif it works12:15
zmoylan-pidon't microsoft block xboxes if the account does funny things?12:16
foobarrythe whole console? wow12:17
foobarryi'd get a ps3 at that price12:17
zmoylan-pimight just be modded consoles... http://www.geeksquad.com/intelligence/blog/xbox-360-buyer-beware-of-blocked-consoles/12:18
zmoylan-pii could never bring myself to buy a console that you never 100% own12:18
zmoylan-pi*console/hardware... as google is now reminding nest owners... :-)12:19
* popey wonders if http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B010Q57S62 works in a pi 312:24
foobarrywhat's this review banging on about12:26
foobarryit had a non supported filesystem but couldn't he use linux to format it?12:28
zmoylan-pii have had problems formatting 1-2 cards in the past... ususally just wrote them off to wonky cards... i had formatted them as they had become /glitchy/12:34
zmoylan-piand a recent usb drive that i formatted as ext4 that was wonky refused to reformat till i realised i had to unmount it in gparted before i could reformat it to work12:36
zmoylan-pipartitions and formatting are just a little different in linux from windows and may cause confusion i suppose is what i am suggesting...12:36
popey"For the record, I have been using a Belkin card reader, not some unbranded reader"12:37
zmoylan-pii hear a lot of people hating on belkin but to me they supply good very generic hardware12:38
zmoylan-pinothing fancy, no wacky drivers required hardware12:38
foobarrylooking on gumtree, a bargain hunte could prob snap up a ps3 quite cheap12:38
foobarryplus cheap games12:38
zmoylan-pihow much longer will the ps3 game servers remain online? didn't they just shut down the last of the ps2 servers?12:39
zmoylan-piit's such a shame that some great games can't be shown to future generatations as the servers they require will be gone...12:40
foobarrymario kart wii still works, i played it yesterday :D12:42
foobarryalso future generations don't care12:42
popeyfriend of mine has re-implemented the dreamcast server to run on a pi12:42
popeyso he can play online dreamcast games again12:42
foobarrythe only ones who care are the ones who played them12:43
foobarrynice work, reverse engineered popey ?12:43
foobarryi recognise the name12:47
foobarryfrom some years ago.12:47
foobarrymaybe on digg or irc or something12:47
foobarryor omgubuntu12:48
popeyhe used to kick around on ubuntu yes12:48
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
TwistedLucidityWith SD cards, the reader firmware is important. My Dell reader won't do high-capacity cards and (for whatever reason) the updated Dell firmware won't install.14:48
TwistedLucidityRemember kids - don't buy Dell!14:48
popeyi bought an external usb3 reader14:49
TwistedLucidityzmoylan-pi: Belkin are...below the standard one would expect. Bought two Belkin surge protectored socket strips with "Remote off". Both have now failed14:49
TwistedLucidityIn the same way14:49
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: Won't future generations care? I think they will. Games are part of our culture and we are heading deeper into an electronic dark age where we not only card read the past (proprietary formats), but how the past even functioned is lost (closed servers)14:52
TwistedLucidityIf they shut down the server, they should F/OSS the code.14:52
TwistedLucidityIf there is a community, let it provide.14:53
TwistedLuciditySauerbraten (which runs on Cube2) is still thriving, for example14:53
TwistedLuciditypopey: A RasPi 3 has the same (more more) CPU/GPU chops as a Dreamcast had? Crikey.14:55
bashrc_surely that's just a selection pressure in favour of open source. Let evolution do its work.14:55
popeyblimey, really?14:56
TwistedLuciditypopey: Well, isn't that what that Dreamcast project implies?14:58
popeyi thought it was the backend bit15:01
TwistedLucidityOh......I misunderstood. We'll wait for the RPi4 then :-)15:03
diddledanthis guy scares me: https://youtu.be/Zfc789pGHjA?t=1140 - I'm concerned for Britney's safety after watching that16:38
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
diddledanaah the sound of summer - someone in the distance mowing their lawn17:41
zmoylan-pihere it's idiots commuting with stero in car on full blast with windows down now it's warm enough...17:42
diddledanwe get idiots that squeel their tyres outside in the dead of night17:52
diddledanI find it odd, 'cos we're a cul-de-sac which means they aren't passing-by but chose to be an idiot here17:52
zmoylan-pispeedbump outside house takes care of those... does mean every lorry passing house with scaffolding in back at 6am gets a bit of a reshuffle...17:53
ali1234diddledan judging from the posts in the feedback centre bash does not work in a vm18:26
diddledanI wonder if that's related to the 64bit requirement18:26
ali1234also why does opening the start menu freeze all running software?18:26
diddledanit must be expecting something in hardware that the vm isn't exposing18:27
ali1234someone wrote that if you start a VPN connection, bash sees it18:27
ali1234so it must be something to do with the virtual network hardware18:27
diddledanI'm still waiting for my 4vms to offer me the build18:28
ali1234just keep rebooting and clicking "check for updates" and eventually it will give up18:28
ali1234you might have to do it 4 or 5 times18:28
* diddledan tries18:28
ali1234like most things windows, it's mainly a question of how persistent you can be18:29
ali1234do you get a thing where the start menu won't open?18:29
diddledannot that I recall18:30
ali1234i click on it and the logo turns darker blue for like 10 seconds18:30
ali1234then nothing happens18:30
ali1234after i do that about 3 or 4 times it opens18:30
ali1234sometimes it gets stuck open as well18:30
diddledanalthough, I just opened start and now it won't close18:31
ali1234this whole OS is so shoddy I can't understand why anyone would ever use it18:31
ali1234what is "Oracle Virtualbox VM Extension Pack"?19:06
ali1234is it the same as guest utilities?19:06
ali1234ah, package virtualbox-ext-pack19:08
ali1234it's the stuff you'd previously have to install oracle virtualbox as opposed to OSE to get19:08
diddledanyeah they packaged it so that it can be added to an existing OSE install19:10
diddledanthat's where the USB support is stored which would be why you couldn't get your wifi to work19:10
ali1234yeah that's exactly what i'm trying to do19:11
ali1234still doesn't work though. probably user permissions19:13
diddledanali1234: further investigations. it seems that it might be specific to vbox - I just tested using vmware fusion on my mac with a copy of windows that was already in the insider program (and therefore already had received the build without needing to wait for inertia) and it successfully responded to `curl -I google.com` but does still fail to ping20:17
sebsebsebpopey: how similar are the two M10 tablets really?21:26
popeyno idea, never seen either21:27
popeyspecs are on their website21:27
sebsebsebyeah indeed I know the specs, but what does it really mean,  HD screen21:27
sebsebsebFHD screen21:27
sebsebsebslighty better camera on the FHD21:27
sebsebsebpopey: how come y9ou haven't seen one?21:28
popeyhd usually means 720p21:29
popeyfhd usually means 1080p21:29
popeyI don't get to see every single device21:29
sebsebsebyeah and both are 10 inch21:29
sebsebsebpopey: I will buy one of them soon, might buy the other one at a  later date to, don't know yet21:30
sebsebsebpopey: nexdock very nearly funded now, I look forward to getting that :)21:35
popeyI considered what would take to make one of them21:57
popeywith a better display21:57
sebsebsebpopey: there's only a slight price difference between the two22:00
sebsebsebaltough sometimes 40 pounds or so price difference is more than had orignallhy thought22:01
popeywondered if I could pick up a second hand broken 1080p laptop and modify it to be like a nexdock22:03
sebsebsebpopey: yeh maybe, if you take the hard disk out and what not22:06
sebsebsebpopey: nexdock has it's own battery though22:20
sebsebsebpopey: that then powers the rassbery pi for example22:20
sebsebsebwhen connected22:20
popeyright, which you'd get in any laptop22:25
sebsebsebpopey: nexdock is still a bit or so different going by the videos etc about it22:42
sebsebsebit's like a lap top, but not a lap top22:42
popeyit's a laptop with no brain22:45
diddledanthat sounds like diddledan22:48
diddledanhe's a body with no brain22:49
aquariusok, it's probably not the right time to work on this, but I'm awake, so hey ho. I have a machine with a root disk and a bunch of other disks in it; the root disk is, I think, ext3, and the other disks are a btrfs cluster. And... it won't boot; it throws errors. Is step 1 "boot off an Ubuntu usb stick"?23:13

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