
shakes808waf: Thank you for the information.   I am going to assume that I can fork it and then submit modifications for another page?01:48
greg-gugh, overhearing the "I'm going to go tell on you!" from next door01:53
greg-gluckily my boy isn't over there01:53
shakes808greg-g: HAHA, nice01:54
greg-gthere are a couple boys who dislike each other because they are both generally the bullies/alphamales in the group, so.. yeah, they don't get along :)01:56
shakes808just tell your son, "kick his @$$ sea bass" and have natural order sort itself out ;)02:09
shakes808evening cmaloney02:20
greg-gshakes808: my son shoots "love guns" that "fill you full of love" where after you're shot you get a huge hug from him02:24
greg-gno joke02:24
shakes808haha, nice.  what does he shoot?02:25
greg-goh, just his hands02:26
greg-gyou know, the usual "pew pew pew" thing :)02:26
shakes808haha, nice.02:26
shakes808Mine is shooting pellet guns.  Teaching him about them.  Hopefully one day, he and I will go hunting and what not.02:27
shakes808How old is yours?02:27
greg-g4 (Dec birthday)02:28
greg-gI do plan to hunt and such with him later, but still a little early and.. I have no guns/bows myself right now :/02:28
shakes808gotcha.  Mine is 10 so getting to that age to start learning the safety and respect of guns and bows.  He had 2 bows that he doesn't really use at the moment because we are in an apartment ;(  Hopefully be in a house with a yard so that we can practice there. :)02:31
cmaloneygreg-g: That's a perfectly "Greg" thing for ROwan to shoot love guns02:31
shakes808He and I go camping at least once a year and fishing about once a month.02:32
jrwrenshooting a bow in an apt can be fun.03:08
rick_h_heh, I got the boy a compound bow last year03:08
shakes808jrwren: close range / tactical shooting haha03:09
rick_h_wonder if he'll be able to pull it fully this year03:09
shakes808rick_h_: just need him to keep practicing.  Could always lower the draw weight03:09
rick_h_shakes808: yea, it's at it's lowest, 9lb or something03:10
shakes808how old is  your son?03:10
rick_h_shakes808: 603:10
rick_h_5 last year when we got it03:10
rick_h_he can get 10yards out of it last time he tried03:10
rick_h_has a blast03:10
shakes808ah, gotcha.  yeah, just have to keep practicing and working up to pull it back.  :) could always go long / recurve bow.03:12
shakes808could be an issue at first03:12
rick_h_yea, I think he'll be able to do it better this year03:12
shakes808but then would build up the muscles to pull back the compound :)03:12
rick_h_if it'd stop dropping ICE FROM THE SKY IN APRIL!03:12
* rick_h_ is cranky about lack of fishing/outside time with SNOW multiple times so far this month03:12
shakes808There is a place out here on Rochester Rd.  Phoenix Archery.  I am starting to take my kid there from time to time.  he enjoys it.  They have long / recurve bows there to use and is relatively cheap for range time :)03:13
shakes808you can also bring your own if you want03:13
rick_h_yea, I guess they can do it some at the bass pro shops at some times?03:13
shakes808rick_h_: +1.  can't wait for the weather to break so that we can start going out :)03:14
rick_h_it's where we got it at least and they had some class there03:14
rick_h_we just go int he back yard, with his limited pull/etc and the target it's not bad03:14
shakes808They have a range, but never looked into it.  I sold my stuff years ago due to lack of time to go shooting.  I used to shoot amateur competition... I miss it :(03:14
shakes808It is good for that age.  Not like the arrow is going to travel too far ;)03:15
shakes808Alright, packing up.  you all have a good night03:15
shakes808Good morning all13:09
shakes808On Wednesday nights, no one goes into #coffeehousecoders anymore?13:12
cmaloneyI never think to check it. :)13:34
shakes808then should the website not have that since it isn't active?14:41
cmaloneyMeh. :)14:42

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