
Knoodlehi folks01:34
Knoodleanybody alive?01:37
krytarikKnoodle: Hi.  Do you have a support question?01:38
Knoodleand you can help?01:39
krytarikWithout knowing the question?  Nope.01:39
Knoodleok so i try to explain the question01:40
Knoodlei have a 15.10 ubuntu into a Lenovo B50 laptop01:40
Knoodlemy computer doesnt shutdown properly neither reboot01:40
Knoodleand if i set it to sleep closing it... then it stuck and cant awake it01:41
Knoodlei ve tried to change the grub configuration but.. nothing...01:41
Knoodleany suggest?01:43
krytarikKnoodle: You could ask in #ubuntu or #xubuntu on that as well, btw.01:51
Knoodlei see01:52
Knoodlebut can you help me?01:52
krytarikNot immediately, no.01:53
Knoodlesomebody can help me to do a bios update with uefi capsule?12:48
cfhowlettKnoodle, keep it in main channel.  more eyes12:49
Knoodlei did but nobody answer12:49
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:50
valbomI installed ubuntustudio and Iam having a problem trying to install a gimp plug in15:45
valbomI copy the plugin to the /home/user/.gimp-2.8/plug-ins/ but it does not show on gimp15:46
valbomam I moving the file to the right folder? I did like this on different distros and it works fine15:46
billy_this is probly geared more tword the actual ubuntu channel but maybe not..22:28
billy_just installed ubuntu studio on an acer laptop22:29
billy_after i booted up for the first time, i installed the recommended updates..22:30
billy_a bunch of security updates and 2 studio base updates...22:31
billy_then i restarted the machine, and after that... my mouse touchpad no longer worked.22:32
billy_i had to re install the entire OS and now i am frightened to update anything...22:33
billy_anyone heard of such an issue? any ideas or suggestions?22:34
krytarikbilly_: That'd indeed be better suited for the larger audience in #ubuntu.22:41
billy_thx will try22:44
krytarikSure - good luck.22:46
zequencebilly_: You should report a bug, if that happens again. Create an account at http://launchpad.net, and in a terminal, type: ubuntu-bug <packagename>22:52
zequenceIn this case, it could be the kernel, so <packagename> would be linux, or linux-lowlatency22:52
=== Knoodle is now known as SaraKnoodle

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