
sergiusenskgunn, I am back if you still have issues or a question00:21
DomiDoes anyone use Ubuntu Snappy on a Raspberry Pi 3?00:21
sergiusenskgunn, here's the solution http://paste.ubuntu.com/15680718/00:51
sergiusenskgunn, but fwiw, you can also just move those stage-packages to build-packages00:51
sergiusenskgunn, also, mircommon should provide a .pc file ;-)00:51
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robert_ancellIs there a method to extract metadata from a .snap file?03:28
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vilakyrofa, sergiusens: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/427 should be mergeable now09:23
vilasergiusens: and https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/428 has been rebased09:53
vilasergiusens: huh ? You're up ?!?09:56
sergiusensjust a bit before coffeee :-)09:58
vilasergiusens: haaaa ! ok ;-)10:04
vila https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/428 has been re-rebased10:04
vilasergiusens: enjoy coffee ;-)10:05
vilasergiusens: a bit of advice needed: https://pastebin.canonical.com/153789/ the second chunk breaks the alignment of command descriptions, should I just fix them (no tests are failing is that expected ?)10:10
sergiusensvila, yeah, just shove the rest so they are aligned10:30
sergiusensvila, leave 2 spaces between the command and desc (it is not parsed by docopts but is consistent with Options)10:31
vilasergiusens: ha ! 2 space, ack, will do10:31
kyrofaGood morning11:24
sergiusenskyrofa, mind reviewing the geoip branch?11:44
kyrofasergiusens, sure!11:44
sergiusenskyrofa, thanks!11:45
sergiusenskyrofa, and I didn't say good morning as I thought you weren't in yet :-P11:45
sergiusenssort of a fire and forget thing ;-)11:46
kyrofasergiusens, haha, I'm offended11:46
kyrofaGood morning ;)11:46
zygajdstrand: I got interfaces to work12:08
zygajdstrand: I have a pile of patches, some will need your approval12:08
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
jdstrandzyga: ack-- I've got a number of things going on this morning. I can probably start looking at stuff in ~4 hours13:01
kyrofasergiusens, our commit messages are garbage with this squash thing. We need to keep the wrap at 7213:09
zygajdstrand: ok13:11
seb128is the "snap" command supposed to work out of the box?13:16
seb128or what is it used for?13:16
seb128is that a snappy tool? :p the manpage doesn't even introduce/describe it13:16
ogra_it is supposed to replace the "snappy" command13:16
seb128no description13:16
seb128just the arguments13:16
ogra_something at least :P13:17
kyrofaseb128, snap is the snappy commands successor. snappy makes direct function calls, whereas I believe snap uses snapd13:17
kyrofaseb128, I'm surprised there's a manpage at all :P13:17
seb128on a fresh xenial install, "snap find" gives a "error: cannot list snaps: cannot communitcate with server: Get http://localhost... /run/snapd.socket no such file or directory"13:17
ogra_kyrofa, for archive inclusion you need it :)13:18
kyrofaogra_, ahhhh13:18
ogra_seb128, what arch is that ?13:18
ogra_native or vm ?13:18
ogra_looks like there is something with your network13:18
seb128desktop install13:18
ogra_so snapd didnt start13:18
ogra_oh, desktop install13:19
ogra_i wonder if mvo removed to much from the ubuntu-snappy-cli command ... we definitely need the snapd systemd unit13:19
mvoogra_: I got a report like this yesterday too13:20
mvoogra_: I'm not sure, something is broken13:20
seb128the systemd job is loaded but inactive13:20
jdstrandzyga: if it would help, feel free to send an email, otherwise I'll circle back13:21
ogra_i see something similar on a rpi3 where i manually need to start the snapd service ... might be some race13:21
zygajdstrand: it's okay, no rush :)13:21
seb128ogra_, mvo, works after a "systemctl start ubuntu-snappy.snapd"13:22
seb128so the job is not active by default?13:22
ogra_well, i see it active on a dragonboard and pi2 ... i dont see it active on a pi313:23
ogra_which makes me suspect some race with i.e. network bringup13:23
seb128ogra_, mvo, ubuntu-snappy.snapd has a After=...firstboot which is an unit in ubuntu-snappy not -cli13:29
seb128unsure if that's the issue13:29
seb128I don't remember what systemd does in those cases13:29
seb128there is no Requires so does it prevent start anyway?13:29
ogra_thats most likely the issue, i think firstboot moved to ubuntu-snappy13:31
seb128also firstboot fails to start13:32
seb128"Unknown interface unp0s3"13:33
seb128"no gadget snap"13:33
seb128is what is in the status log13:33
cjwatsonogra_: archive inclusion> erm, not true, not that I object to stuff having man pages13:54
cjwatsonit's recommended but not a requirement13:55
ogra_isnt that linitian complaint a blocker ?13:55
ogra_oh, i thought it was13:55
cjwatsondon't let me discourage you from writing man pages, of course, but it has never been a blocker :)13:56
ogra_i usually try to get my new submissions linitian clean ... (though i usually also only do that for the first upload)13:56
ogra_(like most people i guess  .... :P )13:57
elopiosergiusens: kyrofa: this is finally ready for a review: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/41814:09
DomiHello, does ubuntu core work on Rasbpery pi 3?14:26
ogra_Domi, still experimental but here is an image http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/all-snaps/rpi3/14:27
Domiogra_ I have to write a paper on ubuntu core. Will it boot and work so that I'm able to get an impression ?14:29
ogra_yes, but be aware there might still be bugs14:29
Domiok I just have to decide if I buy a Raspberry pi 2 or 3 but my mentor at the universtiy would favor the raspberry pi 3.14:33
ogra_that image works on both ;)14:34
Domiok but is it alpha, beta or close to release on the rpi3?14:35
ogra_somewhere between alpha and beta i'd say14:35
Domiok then I will go with the raspberry pi 3. Thank you for your support. I think there is a post that offical support of the raspberry pi 3 will start on 16.04 is that correct?14:38
zygajdstrand: okay, I'm close to having something for you to review14:58
zygajdstrand: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/83815:03
zygajdstrand: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/84015:19
zygajdstrand: I'd like to change template.go so that we don't have all those confusing old variable names for 16.0415:19
zygajdstrand: and keep just SNAP_NAME, SNAP_REVISION and APP_NAME15:20
zygajdstrand: if you agree I'll do the branch15:20
sergiusenskgunn, hey, did you catch my response on irc last night?15:31
kgunnsergiusens: yes i did and thank you!15:31
kgunnjust haven't had a chance yet to follow up15:31
sergiusenskgunn, great15:31
sergiusenskgunn, also, qml plugin; I want to get rid of it but I saw you use it or some form of it still so maybe it shouldn't go away; I do want to reform it though15:32
sergiusensthe main thing it has is setting up config and envvars,  right?15:33
ogra_YAAAY ... !15:34
ogra_snappy build all gone from the image builds !15:34
ogra_(all snapcraft now)15:35
netphreakhi, guys!15:40
netphreakHow do i install latest snap craft..15:54
netphreakappears i only have 1.1.015:54
zyganetphreak: you need to use ubuntu 16.04 daily images for that15:57
netphreakmakes sense15:57
kgunnsergiusens: wrt qml plugin, do you mean qtmir? that is the plugin i/f for qml to render on mir surfaces...so don't think we can get rid of that15:58
kgunnor did you mean something else?15:58
sergiusenskgunn, the snapcraft qml plugin16:00
sergiusenskgunn, an in ref to the example client you have which has a local plugin there doing sort of what the qml plugin does16:00
kgunnsergiusens: oh!!16:02
kgunnyeah, if you wanted to drop qml plugin, we could easily move anything i'm relying on into the local pluing of my snap16:02
kgunnit's an example anyhow...and should be used as a template to fork16:03
kgunnby other qml/mir client app devs16:03
zygajdstrand: I've sent you two pings on github16:11
zygajdstrand: if you follow on them quickly we _might_ merge the switch to interfaces today16:12
mhall119sergiusens: I need help with snapcraft and the python2 plugin16:21
mhall119I'm trying to package a simple python2/gtk3 app16:21
mhall119and I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15691803/16:22
zygamhall119: that looks like distutils vs setuptools16:29
netphreakI'm trying to build a gadget, with a built-in snap, and get the following error:16:32
ogra_is system-status.victor in the store (for the channel you build for)16:33
ogra_the snaps get pulled from there :)16:33
netphreakIt's located in the store here:16:37
netphreaki set the channel to victor16:38
ogra_netphreak, you set the channel to "victor" ?16:40
ogra_it needs to be in the channel you use for your ubuntu-device-flash command ... i.e. "rolling --channel=edge"16:40
ogra_(that would be the 16.04 "edge" channel)16:41
netphreakfailed to install "system-status.victor" from "edge": system-status.victor failed to install: snap not foundfailed to install "system-status.victor" from "edge": system-status.victor failed to install: snap not found16:45
netphreakfailed to install "system-status.victor" from "edge": system-status.victor failed to install: snap not foundfailed to install "system-status.victor" from "edge": system-status.victor failed to install: snap not found16:45
netphreakfailed to install "system-status.victor" from "edge": system-status.victor failed to install: snap not found16:45
mhall119zyga: what would my fix be in that case?16:45
zygamhall119: fork that code for a sec and use setuptools in setup.py; if that fixes it then you are good to go16:46
zygamhall119: if not then ignore me16:46
zygamhall119: the error you're seeing is because (apparently) snapcraft uses something that's setuptools-specific (which is sensible because disttools are terrible)16:46
mhall119hmmm, I think quickly used distutils :(16:47
zygamhall119: it might be possible to support distutils in the plugin; you'd have to check with sergiusens16:48
zygajdstrand: around?16:49
netphreakogra_: I want to preinstall/make my own app built-in - was using the system-status.victor app for that.16:51
ogra_netphreak, sure, i get what you want ... but your app needs to be in the right place for that16:51
netphreakeg. in edge?16:53
ogra_in myapps.developer.ubuntu.com the "Supprted Releases" bit needs to list "rolling-core" ... and the Channel shoudl eb the same as the one you use in ubuntu-device-flash when building16:54
netphreakWas there support for private snaps?16:55
ogra_(most likely edge since thats the only one you can get the recent image bits from)16:56
ogra_dunno, thats a question to the store people16:56
kyrofamatiasb, do you know anything about private snaps? ^^16:57
jdstrandzyga: just got out of my meeting. I have to do a followup real quick. feel free to ask questions, but I also have backscroll17:16
zygajdstrand: thanks for responding; I have a pair of small branches ready for review; one bigger branch and one upcoming branch because snappy just switched to revisions17:17
zygajdstrand: with some luck we'll still land interface switch today17:17
zygajdstrand: I also wanted to catch up on apparmor template variable names; I think we could do a simple pass that renames them to be more sensible and to drop unused ones17:17
zygajdstrand: that's all I had; no need to look at backlog (for me)17:18
zygajdstrand: :-)17:18
netphreakogra_: tried with webdm - and it appears to work. Though browsing https://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/rolling/edge/ i do not see anything about webdm?17:22
matiasbkyrofa, netphreak, sorry, was otp; there is support for private snaps, server side at least (not sure that's being handled in the client though)17:40
netphreakany docs or description?17:40
mhall119zyga: ok, switching to setuptools made snapcraft happy17:41
mhall119I built my snap and installed it17:41
mhall119but I can't run *any* snap17:41
mhall119$ ubuntu-core-launcher foo foo foo17:41
mhall119unable to bind /snaps/ubuntu-core.canonical/current//lib64 to /lib64. errmsg: No such file or directory17:41
mhall119I always get the same error17:41
* mhall119 is on i386 still17:41
mhall119it seems like ubuntu-core-launcher tries to use 64bit stuff regardless17:42
zygamhall119: image is out of date perhaps17:43
zygamhall119: you really really want to wait till next week17:43
zygamhall119: so many big features are landing17:44
zygamhall119: (revisions, interfaces, snappy removal, new fs layout)17:44
mhall119zyga: that will be true again next Friday though :-P17:44
zyga(from the top of my head)17:44
zygamhall119: we're building the image tonight17:44
zygamhall119: I showed working interfaces this morning; most of the stuff on this list is merged now17:44
mhall119zyga: will interfaces make it easier to build desktop app packages?17:46
zygamhall119: perhaps17:46
zygamhall119: the biggest thing we've been busy lately is fighting cruft in the code17:46
zygamhall119: so that we can make changes17:46
zygamhall119: one thing we might explore for the desktop is library interface17:46
* mhall119 looks forward to having reasonable-sized desktop app packages17:47
zygamhall119: e.g. to share some big snap with libraries across other snaps17:47
zygamhall119: but this requires careful planning17:47
mhall119zyga: I just want a "GTK" and "Qt" thing apps can depend on, so they don't have to include all that17:48
zygamhall119: e.g. by starting with one big fat library (SDK runtime perhaps)17:48
kyrofamhall119, yeah the ROS folks are wanting that as well17:48
mhall119zyga: yeah, something like that17:50
zygamhall119: I suspect that's not something we can make in one week though17:50
mhall119kyrofa: I'm not surprised, a "platform" snap that apps can target just makes sense17:50
zygamhall119: smells like SRU17:50
mhall119zyga: SRU? Just snap-package it and deliver updates through the store ;)17:50
zygamhall119: interfaces are in the snappy codebase17:51
zygamhall119: you'd have to release new snappy first17:51
zygamhall119: metaphorical SRU17:51
kyrofamhall119, the OS snaps are still based on the archives17:51
mhall119kyrofa: I was mostly joking :)17:53
elopioogra_: the PPA has the new snapd package that mvo wanted to publish. Can you please trigger the image generation?18:34
ogra_elopio, mvo said there might be seed changes needed18:39
elopioogra_: the deb is now called snapd instead of ubuntu-snappy. Could it be related to that?18:39
ogra_(but yes, I can trigger a build if that makes sense)18:39
ogra_elopio, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/xenial/ubuntu-core-system-image/ ... building18:41
* ogra_ vanishes back to the TV18:42
ogra_Oh, that was a quick build18:44
elopiohash mismatch :(18:45
ogra_elopio, looks like the builders are borked atm... Seems cjwatson is working on a fix according to #ubuntu-devel18:45
ogra_or rather waiting for infinity to do it :)18:47
elopiogot it.18:48
sergiusensmhall119, zyga kyrofa even if you have the infra, given he have no real design for this, developer tools that use this will come much later18:52
sergiusensyou will have to snap craft your own stuff when using the "shared content" interface18:53
zygasergiusens: totally agreed18:53
dtoebehey guys, I am getting snappy-tools not found on 16.04 (https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/) I also looked at the ppa I used from 15.10 and filtered for Xenial, and no snappy-tools build... Is there snappy-tools for xenial yet?19:02
kyrofadtoebe, just install snapcraft directly (assuming that's what you're going for)19:03
dtoebekyrofa, thanks doing it now... whats the difference between the 219:04
kyrofadtoebe, snappy-tools was a meta package that pulled in some other things. It seems to be PPA-specific19:05
dtoebekyrofa,  oh ok... Then the url I ref'ed should be updated... Who do I contact?19:06
kyrofadtoebe, hold on, let's get to the bottom of this. sergiusens do you know if we ever plan on shipping snappy-tools in xenial?19:07
kyrofasergiusens, or should we update that document to only mention snapcraft?19:07
ogra_We should, but only after release day19:07
kyrofaelopio, also, according to some bug responses I've seen from you snappy-remote isnt in the xenial archives either. Can you confirm?19:08
kyrofaogra_, should what-- ship snappy-tools or update the document?19:08
sergiusenskyrofa, ogra_ I say we copy package it in the ppa but also remove it from the documentation19:17
dtoebesergiusens, should I watch for it in the ppa then?19:19
kyrofasergiusens, just mention snapcraft in that doc, then?19:31
elopioI can't install snappy-tools because I don't have snappy-remote. And I can't install snappy-remote because it doesn't exist.19:38
sergiusenskyrofa, yeah19:39
elopioI think we need to rewrite our strategy related to that. Instead of snappy-remote, I think we should have something like snappy try and snappy install --ip, or something19:39
kyrofaelopio, it depends on how snappy try is implemented. Right now no one has the snappy-cli, right? That's not a dependency of snapcraft anymore19:40
dtoebekyrofa, I have the `snappy` command after I installed snapcraft `--help` has `[activate, booted, build ...]`19:46
dtoebe^ is that what you wereasking?19:46
dtoebe* were asking19:46
kyrofadtoebe, which version of snapcraft?19:46
dtoebekyrofa, 2.719:47
kyrofadtoebe, huh, I don't see it in debian/control19:47
dtoebekyrofa, I got it from http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/universe amd64 Packages19:48
zygajdstrand: around?19:48
jdstrandyes, I will be looking at that stuff very soon19:49
jdstrandas for the variables. I think it is fine to get rid of the old ones, but I'm going to need to review the policy. are you planning on doing the policy updates?19:49
jdstrandI'm pretty sure we are going to want a SNAP_NAME_DBUS at a minimum if not SNAP_NAME_DBUS_CMD19:50
zygajdstrand: yes19:50
zygajdstrand: can we do dbus variables when we have real dbus interface19:50
zygajdstrand: I'm trying to trim anything unsed and minimze what needs testing19:50
jdstrandI might mention that with frameworks gone, these variables are really just an implementation detail internal to snappy19:50
zygajdstrand: yep, that's why I'd like to postpone those19:51
jdstranddidn't I see bluez just float by?19:51
zygajdstrand: I'd like a quick eye on https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/83819:51
zygajdstrand: bluez can wait a week :)19:51
jdstrandwell, if you prefer to remove them and adjust the policy, I can then do the review of that19:51
zygajdstrand: 16.04 can ship without it19:51
zygajdstrand: I'll change policy next week; today just this please19:52
zygajdstrand: and review earlier pings on github, we landed revisions19:52
zygajdstrand: and dropped .developer entirely19:52
jdstrandwhat 'this' in 'just this'? the other commits not related to variables?19:52
zygajdstrand: today is a bit crazy19:54
zygajdstrand: various things have landed that relate to security19:54
zygajdstrand: but mostly marginal19:54
zygajdstrand: the branch I linked to above is the one that's not merged that I'd like a real review on19:55
jdstrandzyga: is there more than the branches you referenced earlier and github email?19:55
zygajdstrand: not related to security19:56
zygajdstrand: look at git log, crazy day :)19:56
zygajdstrand: I'm about to post the ifaces switch branch now19:58
zygajdstrand: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/85420:09
elopiokyrofa: sorry, you lost me. You can install ubuntu-snappy-cli in classic, and then you'll be able to run snap install.20:25
kyrofaelopio, yeah my comment was kind of pointless-- you can safely ignore it20:26
jdstrandzyga: 838 and 840 reviewed with comments20:27
zygajdstrand: thanks!20:33
zygajdstrand: fixed to 064420:33
jdstrandzyga: oh wow, dropping .developer breaks list20:57
jdstrand$ /tmp/snappy list20:57
jdstrandCan not get the installed snaps: broken snap directory path: "/snaps/cap-test.mvo/2.2b1-"20:57
mvojdstrand: yes, sorry20:57
mvojdstrand: its all broken20:57
* jdstrand manually uninstalls everything20:57
mvojdstrand: and its getting worse20:57
mvojdstrand: revisions are also landing20:57
mvobut at some point it will get better20:57
mvoit must!20:57
jdstrandyes! :)20:58
* jdstrand hugs mvo, zyga, niemeyer and Chipaca` 20:58
jdstrandI know I missed people20:58
zygajdstrand: snappy?20:58
zygajdstrand: snappy is gone20:58
zygajdstrand: try snap list20:58
jdstrandthe README.md still says to build snappy20:59
* jdstrand builds snap20:59
jdstrand$ /tmp/snap list21:00
jdstranderror: cannot list snaps: not found21:00
jdstrandzyga: I may have some trouble testing your overload branch at this point. I don't mean to distract you21:00
zygajdstrand: yes, it's all broken-ish21:00
zygajdstrand: I can tell you how to test it in a sec21:00
zygajdstrand: okay21:06
zygajdstrand: I'm using github.com/zyga/devtools21:07
jdstrandI have that branch here. never used it21:07
zygajdstrand: pull it and try21:07
* jdstrand pulled21:07
zygajdstrand: build a pc image and run a pc vm21:08
zygajdstrand: then run ./refresh-bits snap snapd setup run-snapd21:08
zygajdstrand: with a fresh pull of the branch we're talking about (pull just in case, I push --forced it once or more)21:08
zygajdstrand: then in another tty ssh to the box (ssh snappy-vm if you do follow ssh configuration instruction)21:09
zygajdstrand: and run sudo ./snap install hello-world21:09
zygajdstrand: then play with security files and see what's going on21:09
zygajdstrand: ask me anything anytime21:09
jdstrandFailed to verify integrity of http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/ubuntu-device-flash21:10
mvojdstrand: yes, zyga needs to update his script21:11
zygamvo: oh, sorry, I just noticed21:11
zygamvo: what's the new hash?21:11
zygajdstrand: thanks, pushed21:13
* zyga is building a new image now21:13
* jdstrand is tapping fingers21:17
jdstrandok, finally a login21:18
zygajdstrand: cool21:18
zygajdstrand: try it :)21:18
jdstrandno network21:18
mvojdstrand: run sudo snap firstboot21:18
mvojdstrand: did I mention that its all broken?21:18
jdstrandmvo: you did, and then zyga convinced me to keep going :)21:19
zygajdstrand: note that connect/disconnect/interfaces are detached from reality21:22
zygajdstrand: but security policy generation is okay (except that there are no connections yet)21:22
zygajdstrand: and I got connect/disconnect/interfaces done but with broken tests that need some love to show the code really works21:23
zygajdstrand: I'll do that tomorrow21:23
zygajdstrand: next week it should start to look norma21:23
zygajdstrand: did you get to install hello-world?21:28
jdstrandI can't get networking to work21:28
zygajdstrand: ah21:28
* zyga tries21:28
jdstrandI have an ip, but I can't ssh into it21:28
jdstrandthe device can't ping either21:29
zygajdstrand: can you login from the console?21:29
jdstrandhmm, but snap find from the device works, so some networking is there21:29
zygajdstrand: mvo just merged that!21:30
zygajdstrand: we'll patch up the remaining issues over the next few days21:30
jdstrandok, well, if I can't login I can't update snap and snappy21:31
jdstrandI think maybe I'll circle back around21:31
zygajdstrand: it's one of the things that cannot be done cleanly without a lot of time21:31
jdstrandthat's fine. I'm not complaining21:31
jdstrandjust trying to help. seems I'm distracting more than helping21:31
jdstrandso I'll leave it alone for the moment and put it through its paces next week21:31
zygajdstrand: your help is much appreciated; I'm sorry you cannot test this reliably right now21:32
zygajdstrand: thanks!21:32
jdstrandlike I said, it's fine :)21:32
jdstrandyou're more than welcome :)21:32
jdstrandthanks for all the hard work on all of this :)21:32
jdstrandlike mvo said, it'll be better soon (of course, I'm talking about more than just the image :)21:33
mvojdstrand: I fixed the firstboot thing21:33
cjwatsonogra_: no, that wasn't "the builders are borked", that was "there is a relatively rare race condition that isn't totally fixed until infinity rebuilds the chroots, but it's nothing new and in the meantime just retry the build"22:39
cjwatsonnot every build problem is "the builders are borked"22:39
oparozCould someone please confirm that the builders don't prompt for a password when using sudo in a Makefile?22:46
cjwatsonoparoz: In a package build?  Nack - you don't get root.22:49
cjwatsonoparoz: Classically all you need is fakeroot to make tar think files are owned by root and suchlike.22:50
cjwatsonoparoz: Hm, I think we may run snapcraft as root though.  Should probably fix that to avoid accidents.22:51
oparozcjwatson: Ah, thanks cjwatson. I need to add a symlink to /lib because libtool freaks out. Travis allows sudo, but maybe they don't allow /lib hacking22:51
cjwatsonoparoz: I've spent a lot of time with libtool and never ever ever seen that actually being necessary.  I suspect other solutions are available.22:51
oparozcjwatson: Probably hacking the configure script, but I don't have the knowledge to do it. The libs are in the staging area, -I and -L include all the needed paths and yet the script ends up trying to do something with /lib22:53
cjwatsonsnapcraft pull may require sudo, maybe that's why we called it as root in the first place.  But now that we run the pull phase separately anyway ...22:54
cjwatsonmaybe LD_LIBRARY_PATH?22:54
cjwatsonI'd suggest arranging for libtool to run with set -x.  You'll get a ton of output but it's generally at least possible to debug it from that22:54
oparozcjwatson: I tried that and everything I could think of in terms of switches, but it always fail with a grep error22:54
cjwatsonHacking /lib is very very evil and we should go to all lengths not to need that22:55
cjwatsonAnyway, /me -> bed22:55
oparozcjwatson: I agree :). That was a temp solution while I wait to see if the project can fix its builder, if possible22:55
oparozcjwatson: But thanks for the tip about -x. I did try to use a different shell for the Makefile, but al I get is the list of calls, but no debud info22:57

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