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jibeljin_, hey, about telegram There are still major issues with the colours. See my comment and screenshots on https://trello.com/c/O2Aj3Zmq/3023-1222-telegram-app-jin-cth07:18
jin_jibel, thanks for your feedback, mate07:18
jibeljin_, at least the country prefix and preferences pages must be fixed07:18
jin_i already checked07:18
jibeljin_, great thanks, ping the team when it's updated07:18
jin_and actually I already gave a fix for that (i just verified pass from my local but need someone to review)07:19
jin_jibel, super, thanks mate, will ping you after I get it reviewed and merged07:19
jin_jibel, Hello jibel,08:55
jin_here we have this one: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/123408:55
jin_jibel, I just added the task in CI-Train, please help me to sign it off ;)08:55
jin_(of course I get it verified pass locally)08:56
jin_jibel, the ticket number is: 123408:56
jin_jibel, so that I can check in your dashboard :)08:56
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Saviqplars, hey, looks like arale-01 stopped connecting to WiFi altogether :/13:01
Saviqphablet-network seems to fail 100%13:01
Saviqbut krillin-07 was suddenly quite happy overnight13:03
Saviqhttps://unity8-jenkins.ubuntu.com/computer/krillin-07/builds I mean13:03
plarsSaviq: are you doing anything on arale-01 right now? I'd be happy to take a look and see what I can figure out13:03
Saviqplars, take it13:03
plarsmeh, my vpn keeps getting in a weird state for some reason13:06
plarsSaviq: on the adb disconnects - I checked around a bit by asking, and also by grepping the tmp scripts created when jenkins runs jobs, and I can't find any place where someone intentionally kills adb but...13:09
Saviqplars, ack13:09
plarsSaviq: just in case, I've copied the adb keys over to a different user than jenkins, and I use that user to start adb now13:09
plarsSaviq: so if anyone were trying to kill it (intentionally or accidentally) then it would probably fail13:09
plarsSaviq: so hopefully that had some benefit, otherwise your stability there was an accident. I think it may have helped though13:10
Saviqplars, yeah last night krillin-07 completed 6 or so times in a row, so great - arale-01 never got past networking13:11
Saviqso if that can be resolved and both behave like k last night - I'm happy13:12
rvrbzoltan: Silo 50 approved13:21
plarsSaviq: well, this is interesting - you don't seem to have a wlan adapter on arale-0113:25
plars$ adb -s 75UABKPUK9EW shell ifconfig wlan013:25
plarswlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found13:25
Saviqplars, yeah I suspected something went really wrong after "nmcli device wifi" was just quiet13:25
plarsSaviq: yeah, I think phablet-network died a little to quietly. It does seem to return an error status, but I would expect 90 foot tall letters of fire for that13:26
plarsor maybe at least some string with "Error:" in it13:27
plarsSaviq: is this the latest rc-proposed image?13:27
Saviqplars, should be13:27
Saviqplars, this is the latest job that ran on it https://unity8-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/test-ppa-autopkgtest/label=phone-armhf,package=unity8,release=vivid+overlay,testname=autopilot.sh/95/console - ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu@28713:28
plarsjibel: davmor2: Hey, have you seen this? ^ Saviq seems to have an arale that doesn't see wlan0. Is this a new bug that you are aware of, or has this arale just failed in some horribly bad way?13:29
davmor2plars: mine is working fine on rc-proposed13:30
Mirvseb128: around still? splits an old qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit package into four qml-module-ubuntu-* packages, and adds also libubuntutoolkit5-private-dev package, so it would need a binNEW review13:30
davmor2plars: currently using it to test hotspot on another device13:30
Mirvseb128: link https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-050/+sourcepub/6280693/+listing-archive-extra13:30
jibelplars, I haven't seen this before13:30
seb128Mirv, sorry I'm too busy for NEW reviews today13:31
seb128why do those binaries keep changing?13:31
plarsSaviq: so it could be a hardware issue - very strange though. For some reason arale devices seem to really hate you13:31
plarsSaviq: I'm going to throw a fresh image on it, give me a minute13:32
Mirvseb128: ok. the renaming was to adhere to the qml-module- naming scheme before 16.04 LTS is out to drop transitional packages out, and the opportunity was used to split the included 4 different QML modules in separate packages. other packages keep increasing as new C++ libraries are created from certain key QML compoments for performance reasons13:32
seb128Mirv, k, well in any case sorry but too busy atm, I can try to maybe have a look later but I'm unsure I'm going to squeeze that in today13:34
Saviqplars, yeah, seems like it - I've gotta afk anyway, no rush13:35
plarsSaviq: I'll let you know what I find out13:36
Mirvseb128: thank, you I'm asking on #ubuntu-release13:36
Mirvthank you,13:36
seb128yw, sorry I can't help right now13:37
plarsSaviq: sorry for the delay, had a standup to go to. I reflashed your arale, and the wlan0 interface is visible, and phablet-network worked. So I don't know what happened from your test14:13
plarsSaviq: if it happens again, we should see if there's some reliable way to reproduce it14:14
Saviqplars, ack, let's try running something on it14:14
Saviqplars, https://unity8-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/test-ppa-autopkgtest/label=phone-armhf,package=unity8,release=vivid+overlay,testname=autopilot.sh/97/console is flashing it now14:15
dobeyMirv: btw, the qt silo with lpotter's fix worked for me14:22
Mirvdobey: thanks, I take that as a hint that it should be put towards QA next.14:25
dobeyMirv: indeed14:28
plarsSaviq: well the job failed, but wifi worked. Something with the sudo password in adt perhaps? 14:25:00 adt-virt-ssh: WARNING: specified sudo password fails, no root available14:45
bfillerfginther`: we're in process of getting our own jenkaas instance up but taking a while.. i mean time we need a bit of help on s-jenkins14:55
fginther`bfiller, I might be able to help14:56
fginther`what's up14:56
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bfillerfginther`: lp:ningbo needs the ningo ppa added to it's repository list as there are some packages in there needed for it to build correctly14:57
bfillerfginther: let me get you the exact branch14:58
bfillerfginther: this is the ppa that needs to be added for builds for lp:ningbo project https://launchpad.net/~ningbo-team/+archive/ubuntu/ningbo15:00
fgintherbfiller, I'll get it updated in a second15:01
bfillerfginther: thank you, that's great. And one other thing if possible. We'd like this this new project added to jenkins as well, with the same setup as lp:ningbo. The branch is https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/messaging-framework/trunk15:03
bfillerwe split ninbo into two projects basically..15:03
davmor2abeato, morphis ^15:24
Saviqplars, waaat? --password ubuntuci is passed to both u-d-f and adt-run :/ - and well, the job works on krillin15:24
abeatodavmor2, thanks!15:25
Saviqplars, I'd say that error msg is bogus15:26
Saviqtrying again15:26
plarsSaviq: yeah, I agree15:26
Saviqor well, at least it's not about the password15:26
plarsSaviq: but I did confirm that wifi works at least15:26
plarsSaviq: and that much is pretty clear from the output in your job too15:26
fgintherbfiller, I have the jobs updated/created and am just doing a test run before calling it done15:35
bfillerfginther: appreciate it15:35
fgintherbfiller, does messaging-framework just need to build on armhf?15:35
bfillerfginther: amd64 probably good too, whatever ningbo builds on should be the same for messaging-framework15:37
Elleosil2100: ^ any chance you could take a look at that last error? Not sure what's caused it other than possible the attempt to build previously when the bot couldn't see the MR15:49
Saviqplars, aaand no wifi again https://unity8-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/test-ppa-autopkgtest/label=phone-armhf,package=unity8,release=vivid+overlay,testname=autopilot.sh/98/console ¿?15:52
Saviqthis is *weird*15:52
Elleotrainguards: anyone available to look at the error on silo 20?15:57
sil2100Elleo: looking15:57
Elleosil2100: ah, thanks15:57
sil2100Elleo: I'll do it the hard way15:57
sil2100Abandon and reassign, one moment15:57
sil2100(no time to debug)15:57
Elleookay, thanks15:57
fgintherbfiller, the updates are in place now. They build, but tests fail. Let me know if any further tweaks are necessary15:58
sil2100Elleo: could you re-try the build now? https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/123915:58
bfillerfginther: thanks, will do15:58
plarsSaviq: [   15.281559] [WMT-DETECT][I]wmt_detect_dump_pin_conf:WIFI_EINT_NUM(not defined)15:58
Elleosil2100: done, thanks :)15:59
plarsSaviq: can I try rebooting it? I'm curious if it's just something that happens randomly on different reboots15:59
Saviqplars, sure16:03
plarsSaviq: works now after a reboot... eventually I get this, but I don't think I saw it before... let me try a few more boots: [    6.774437] [WMT-DETECT][E]wmt_detect_read_ext_cmb_status(258):WMT-DETECT: WIFI_EINT input status:116:06
Elleosil2100: any idea why that silo switched back to "Ready to build"? I've kicked it off again for now16:11
plarsSaviq: I've done about 10 reboots so far, and wlan0 is still present in all of them16:16
plarsSaviq: I'm wondering if you've hit some hard-to-reproduce corner-case16:17
Saviqplars, so what am I doing wrong? maybe I need to reboot it after flashing16:17
Saviqplars, can you try running the same u-d-f line I'm running there?16:17
plarsI don't think you are doing anything wrong16:17
plarsSaviq: yeah, I'm using that same udf params on another one right now. I could also try it in a loop on yours if it won't affect you16:18
Saviqplars, it won't, have fun with it16:18
plarsSaviq: it's a small consolation, but at least so far it looks like wifi is consistently there after rebooting it16:18
Saviqplars, yeah, might as well throw in an adb reboot in there16:19
plarsSaviq: I do see that phablet-network happens *immediately* after the device becomes available. so I've set up a quick script to isolate pushing your device to bootloader mode, reinstalling, and running that16:29
plarsSaviq: I have good news and bad news16:48
plarsSaviq: I had a hunch that this was a weird race, so I ran the script mentioned above on two different arales16:48
plarsSaviq: yours actually worked this time - wlan0 is there, network works fine16:48
plarsSaviq: on the other one, I was able to reproduce the bug16:48
plarsSaviq: I'll talk to QA about this, but I think you've stumbled on an interesting bug here. Fortunately I think it's pretty easy to workaround for your purposes. Just adding a reboot ought to do the trick, or maybe even a delay between wait-for-device and phablet-network16:50
Saviqplars, ah, so you think wlan0's just not showing up early enough?16:54
Saviqmight be indeed16:54
rvrMirv: Silo 5 approved17:01
plarsSaviq: something like that. I'm not messing with arale-01 now, if you'd like to try adding a reboot or delay in your job, it might help. If I get any better idea about it, I'll let you know17:02
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Saviqplars, ack, thanks!17:06
Mirvrvr: thank you17:07
sil2100robru: ping17:35
robrusil2100: yeah that error in Elleo's silo is weird17:36
sil2100robru: could you help Elleo in getting his branch building? https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1239 <- it's a private branch so maybe that could be the reason?17:36
robrusil2100: oh yeah that would do it17:36
sil2100Can we work-around it somehow? He subscribed ci-train-bot IIRC17:37
robrusil2100: I don't think so. Branches need to be public. I'm not sure what you're expecting the train to do with as private branch, eg, the source is uploaded to a public ppa before being pushed to public Ubuntu archive17:38
robruElleo: make your branch public17:38
sil2100robru: it's not that I don't want to make it public, I just know that Elleo is not around while I would like this built ASAP17:48
sil2100Oh, actually I made it public17:49
sil2100Didn't know I can do that for someone's branch17:49
bzoltanMirv: robru: we have debian/control changes in the build dependency section what will be needed in the gles build too -> https://launchpadlibrarian.net/252892024/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-amd64.ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles_1.3.1926+15.04.20160408_BUILDING.txt.gz17:59
robrubzoltan: which silo are you referencing? If you're talking about my branch you need to update control.gles with the same changes18:03
bzoltanrobru: silo1618:04
robrubzoltan: best to review Delta between control and control.gles and eliminate changes not necessary for gles18:04
bzoltanrobru:  where that control.gles lives?18:04
robrubzoltan: debian/control.gles18:05
robrubzoltan: you should really take over my branch, I tried to eliminate the Delta but failed, it was too big and I couldn't determine what was necessary and what wasn't18:05
bzoltanrobru:  ahh... so those 3 files I need to add to my landing branch and fix them18:07
robrubzoltan: Saviq preferred to keep the gles changes in the form of a patch but I failed to create a workable patch for you, so you just get a control.gles and rules.gles for now. Once you minimize the Delta and get something working it might make sense to convert to a patch but that can be done later18:09
bzoltanrobru: I am fine with these addition files18:09
bzoltanrobru:  thanks for your help18:09
robrubzoltan: right but it may lead to drift again, having a patch makes it easier to keep gles in sync18:10
robrubzoltan: you're welcome18:10
Mirvbzoltan: robru: gave you updated MP based on robru's18:14
Mirvrobru: your branch seem very good, I tested it built on 012. might need some polishing but buildability is already a great thing and it's not too big.18:15
robruMirv: you updated it already? Thanks!18:15
Mirvrobru: doh, I'll just merge yours to the trunk, bzoltan had another small problem18:27
Mirvwe tried via MP:s18:28
Mirvit only adds new files to debian/ so it's safe18:28
robruMirv: right18:38
bzoltanMirv:  ehh... https://launchpadlibrarian.net/252904187/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-amd64.ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles_1.3.1926+16.04.20160408.1_BUILDING.txt.gz19:28
Saviqrobru, hey, any idea about this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15699284/ https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-013/+sourcepub/6291429/+listing-archive-extra - published over half hour ago but apt-get policy can't see the new amrhf package ¿?21:37
Saviqhmm Packages.gz shows the new one21:38
Saviqmaybe it was just taking its time21:38
Saviqyeah, it's good again21:39
Saviqrobru, unping21:39
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