
dholbachgood morning06:04
svijhey dholbach06:16
dholbachhi svij06:19
Kiloshi dholbach svij06:45
svijhi Kilos06:45
dholbachhi Kilos06:45
popey\o/ new laptop day \o/ new laptop day \o/ squeeeee new laptop!09:34
* popey downloads an iso09:34
dholbachnice, which laptop?09:36
tsimonq2*rubs eyes* wow I went to bed at 5:30 PM...morning all! :D09:38
tsimonq2popey: what kind? maker? model?09:39
popeyLenovo T45009:39
* tsimonq2 guesses Thinkpad from the Q&As he has been watching09:39
popey 😃09:39
popeyDecided to get a 2nd hand one with 2 years warrnty left on it. Much better value than a new one.09:39
tsimonq2awesome! :D09:40
tsimonq2popey: this? http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/laptops/thinkpad/t-series/t450/09:41
tsimonq2if so, the specs aren't bad ;)09:41
popeyyeah, 16GB RAM, 250GB SSD09:41
tsimonq2I've never actually used a computer with an SSD...09:42
* tsimonq2 looks at prices09:42
popeyit's hard, once you do, it's hard to go back to spinning rust09:42
dholbachvery nice09:42
tsimonq2whoops *^09:42
tsimonq2but same concept ;)09:43
tsimonq2(an SSD is a lot of money for my budget)09:43
tsimonq2but I don't have consistent money flowing in, no job or anything, so consider yourself lucky ;D09:43
popeyyeah, depends on capacity and manufacturer, but they are certainly more expensive than spinning rust09:43
popeyyeah, totally09:43
tsimonq2yeah I see 50-150ish for a lower ended one (in terms of storage) so that's probably easy to get, but I just spent all my money on a Pi 3 kit, which I have to send back because it was DOA... :/09:45
popeyaww :(09:45
tsimonq2yeah I just hope I'm not too late to send it back on the 30 day warranty09:46
tsimonq2but hey, it's just $35, and I can find that lying on the ground XD09:46
tsimonq2I could probably even mine bitcoin for that if I used all of my computer's resources for a couple days09:48
tsimonq2but then there's taxes I hear and I just don't think it would be worth it...09:49
tsimonq2whatever I'll just send it back :)09:49
tsimonq2popey: so what do you think of your laptop so far? have you opened it yet? :D09:50
tsimonq2and if it runs Windows 10, try out Bash before you switch to Linux :P09:50
tsimonq2or if you are on 8.1 you might be able to upgrade for free for like a year like they trick you into doing, then you just use Bash for a day, then you have more stuff to talk about when people ask on the Q&A if you have tried Bash on Windows09:51
tsimonq2because you *know* it's coming ;)09:52
popeyI have no need for Bash on Windows09:52
popeyI'm not the target user.09:52
tsimonq2not even to try it? aren't you curious about how it runs? :P09:52
tsimonq2do whatever, just remember that you had the chance and I told you so ;D (if it runs Win 8.1/10)09:55
tsimonq2what *do* you plan on running on it?09:56
popeytsimonq2: windows 10 already nuked and running ubuntu 16.04 :)10:46
tsimonq2heheheheh :)10:46
tsimonq2stock Ubuntu?10:46
tsimonq2does it work better on an SSD? :P10:47
popeyfaster, sure10:47
popeydholbach: new telegram uploaded to the store if you have some time to review pls.10:47
popeydholbach: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/1501/rev/16/10:48
tsimonq2popey: I installed it yesterday in KVM just for the lols and it was really slow, maybe I need to use SPICE graphics...10:48
tsimonq2because i think it was graphics-related, so later I'll try gain10:49
popeyStock Ubuntu + Unity needs OpenGL enabled hardware to work best10:49
tsimonq2s/ i / I / :P10:49
tsimonq2yeah well I run LXQt, and it works a lot better on my machine with 16 GB of RAM10:50
tsimonq2but again I have a 1 TB HDD10:50
tsimonq2maybe that's the bottleneck...10:50
popeyNever tried LXQt, but I hear it's very lightweight.11:05
dholbachpopey, checking11:13
tsimonq2popey: yeah we're hoping for it to relace LXDE in Lubuntu 16.10 or 17.04 (from what I've heard it will be tested and released as a seperate image for 16.10 then as the primary for 17.04) but besides some very trivial quirks they haven't quite gotten to yet, it's a solid desktop11:15
tsimonq2but it's very usable11:18
dholbachmarcoceppi, can we redeploy the ubucon website? :)12:59
dholbachAFAIK you were still making some changes to the juju/layers bits?12:59
svijI would appreciate that :)13:28
dholbachbrb, testing new mir13:42
dholbachall right... I'm going to lie down for a bit and might be hacking on the developer site a bit later on - if I don't see you around... have a great weekend!14:23

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