
dirk103Please for the love of god someone tell me how to rearrange tabs in Glade06:07
Sweet5harkseb128: what happened to the 5.1.2 upload? im sure i saw it on lp yesterday, now it seems gone?06:12
seb128hey Sweet5hark06:12
seb128it looks like it's being moved from xenial-proposed to proposed06:13
pittiGood morning06:13
seb128just looked at the wrong time? wait a few minutes06:13
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts?06:14
pittiseb128: gut, danke, und Dir! Du bist ja zeitig wach heute :)06:14
seb128pitti, auch gut, danke ;-)06:14
Sweet5harkseb128: thanks, was just freaking as a will be travelling today ...06:14
seb128pitti, yeah, trying to get a not-too-shifted work day today ;-)06:15
seb128Sweet5hark, going to this spanish hackfest after all? ;-)06:15
Sweet5harkseb128: na, to munich -- to meet with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigitte_Zypries06:16
seb128have fun there!06:17
Sweet5harkseb128: will do my best ;)06:17
larsulaunchpad spam? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/1005677/comments/5706:22
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1005677 in overlay-scrollbar (Ubuntu Quantal) "Re-emergence of "Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_style_get: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)'" Makes vlc and other Qt apps crash" [High,Fix released]06:22
seb128hey larsu!06:28
seb128spammers :-/06:29
larsumember since 200906:31
larsuhi seb128! How are you?06:31
seb128larsu, I'm good thanks! how are you?06:31
larsuhm, no obvious "report abuse" button. meh06:31
larsuseb128: good as well, thanks! :)06:31
seb128larsu, I think you need to use the answer tracker on launchpad06:32
seb128or maybe ask on #launchpad06:32
larsumaybe I should do that - I got two of those this morning06:33
larsufrom the same account06:33
larsuand the sun is shining. Good time to report some spammers :)06:33
larsuseb128: ah, it is answers. Searching there shows a lot of requests06:35
larsuooh, got a ppa-built cockpit package working on ubuntu \o/06:38
flexiondotorgTrevinho, Morning. I found a fix for the mate-menu, so no Compiz winrules required. I've deleted that merge proposal :-)08:40
davmor2cyphermox: still get hit by the Failed to create swap space on oem install full wipe and install.  Will work around it for now to see if oem enduser setup actually works or not10:17
Trevinhoflexiondotorg: good :-)10:38
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davmor2cyphermox: good news time now OEM install installed once I had bypassed the swap issue11:01
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cyphermoxdavmor2: ack. I'll fix that this morning11:32
davmor2cyphermox: nice I'll give it another try on that hardware Monday then dude on the whole everything seems a lot happier though :)11:33
seb128hey cyphermox11:33
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ricotzcyphermox, hi, I guess merging dbus 1.10.8-1 for be good11:44
cyphermoxno, please do not merge dbus11:45
cyphermoxpitti did mention it yesterday, I'd rather leave this to him11:46
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ricotzcyphermox, I don't intend to, more requesting this upstream update11:47
ricotzin this case just because it is there11:50
seb128cyphermox, I'm trying to n-m update from Tony's ppa, segfaults in the wwan plugin, works once that's move out of the way though11:52
cyphermoxseb128: ok11:52
seb128cyphermox, was there more discussion with release about landing the update?11:52
cyphermoxnot that I saw11:53
seb128it feels like we are getting little traction11:53
seb128I wonder if I should keep pushing or not :-/11:53
cyphermoxwell as long as it segfaults in obvious ways like that, there is little point in asking for permission to upload11:54
cyphermoxbut the wwan plugin should be easy enough to fix, I would think11:54
seb128Tony updated n-m itself, do you know if he's working on -gnome and the other set?11:55
cyphermoxI think so, but I'm not sure11:55
cyphermoxI had already updated most of nm-applet (though to beta1), and the VPN plugins can be straight syncs from Debian11:55
seb128k, let's see if we can get things moving today11:56
seb128otherwise it's probably going to be for next cycle11:56
seb128it hits "Failed asserting path component: \"hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_50_32_75_1C_B4_17\"""12:01
cyphermoxweird, that's a missing patch12:01
Laneymvo: did you see / could you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/apt-ddtp-tools/xz/+merge/291260 please?13:10
seb128hey Laney, happy friday!13:11
seb128is the hackfest still going strong?13:11
Laneyhey seb12813:11
Laneydidn't I say anything today?????13:12
seb128or are people packing up to travel back?13:12
Laneyit's small today13:12
Laneyjust 6 people13:12
Laneybut we had a call with robert_ancell today13:12
Laneyand some stuff that he needs is getting done13:12
seb128are we going to get an end of week landing with all the nice things that got done during the week? ;-)13:13
* seb128 is watching a bit git to see what's going on13:13
Laneyno I won't upload today13:15
Laneynext week13:15
Laneyneed to rebase our shit13:15
Laneyattente is still working on some stuff too13:15
Laneyand me, but might have to be SRU13:15
mvoLaney: \o/13:20
Laneyhey mvo13:20
Laneyneed those .xz translations for appstream ;-)13:21
Laneyalso libapt-pkg is hard13:21
mvoLaney: yes and yes13:23
mvoLaney: how is it going? still need help? do you wan tto push what you have?13:23
Laneymvo: I don't have anything yet13:24
LaneyI was trying to steal what PK 1.0 does in aptcc13:24
Laneycranking the handle now13:25
mvoLaney: you need to open the cace and iterate over each pkg, that was it, right?13:27
Laneymvo: yep13:43
popeyI just did a clean install of 16.04 and now alt+<key-above-tab> in my case ALT+` no longer works. i can't switch between windows of an app. Is this expected?13:47
seb128popey, is your xserver uptodate?13:48
popeyi dist-upgraded post-install of the daily image but not restarted my session yet13:48
seb128popey, seems like the bug fixed yesterday with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/2:1.18.3-1ubuntu213:48
seb128popey, restart your session then :p13:48
popey\o/ fixed13:49
seb128great, thanks for confirming13:50
mvoLaney: git clone https://anonscm.debian.org/git/apt/apt-show-versions.git should give you  a nice minimal example13:55
mvoLaney: it uses some outdated api though :/13:56
Laneymvo: doesn't build :(13:57
Laneyapt-show-versions.cc:92:28: error: ‘struct pkgCache::PackageFile’ has no member named ‘Archive’13:57
mvoLaney: hm, let me have a look13:58
Laneydoes it for you?13:59
mvoLaney: what information was it again that you need from each pkg? name, version etc? no, same bug13:59
Laneymvo: name, version, archive component, release13:59
Laney...possibly other things13:59
Laneyhere's what he reads currently14:01
Laneybut that doesn't give you 'universe' or 'xenial'14:01
mvoLaney: ok, let me have a look14:15
Laneymvo 4eva14:15
mvoLaney: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15688636/ should hopefully get you a bit further, please let me know what is missing14:24
mvoLaney: oh, universe is missing, hm14:25
mvoLaney: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15688693/ should do it14:27
* qengho hugs cking.14:29
ckingthanks qengho14:33
mvoLaney: and one more http://paste.ubuntu.com/15688891/14:35
Laneymvo: great!14:45
Trevinhoseb128: I was looking at the menus stuff, but in a fresh VM I also never get the nautilus ones showing up... And ups restarting doesn't fix the thing. Instead replacing the xdg-autostart script with an upstart one shows them...15:52
Trevinhoenvironment doesn't look much different though15:53
Trevinhoinstead of using upstart, also closing nautilus and restarting it after works... Mh, there's some weird things happening15:54
seb128Trevinho, weird15:58
Trevinhoseb128: do you always get menus in nautilus? In this VM I never get them... then nautilus -q and restart works16:02
Trevinhoseb128: however, maybe adding a nautilus-desktop upstart job wouldn't be a bad thing, only for unity... so that it gets reloaded also on crashes16:02
Trevinhoplus, we've the same env vars16:02
larsuattente, Laney: did you end up implementing the gnotification thing we talked about yesterday?16:07
attentelarsu: no, sorry. got caught up in another thing, and we can just distro patch that out for now16:07
larsuattente: no worries. Just wondering if I should do it or not. What are you doing in the patch? Checking capabilities?16:08
larsuin other news, Alt+` is broken for me :/16:09
Laneyxorg bug, upgrade16:09
attentelarsu: yeah, just adding a new enum and functions for getting the capabilities16:09
larsuenum where?16:09
larsuTrevinho: know anything about that? (Alt+` doesn't cycle between windows of the same application anymore)16:10
attentelarsu: gioenums.h16:10
attentelarsu: it's still wip16:10
seb128Trevinho, yes, they always work for me16:10
Trevinholarsu: all I know is that it's a X problem16:10
larsuattente: ah ok. Let me know if you need any help16:10
seb128larsu, it was fixed yesterday16:10
attentelarsu: sure, thanks!16:10
larsuTrevinho: uh?16:10
Trevinholarsu: I mean, they could have broke XKB...16:10
seb128larsu, the alt-` thing16:11
larsuall the other shortcuts still work...16:11
seb128larsu, need to update xserver and restart session16:11
seb128larsu, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/2:1.18.3-1ubuntu216:11
larsuseb128:  I updated this morning and the problem started, but I'll try again now16:11
seb128larsu, I bet you have 1ubuntu116:11
larsuseb128: no, I have 1ubuntu2 :(16:13
* larsu reinstalls16:14
Trevinhook, so... seb128 it seems my bug is different from the most common one... Mine is always showing up here, but depending on nautilus itself (just restarting it works, while nautilus is the only app affected). Also there are no hud entries for my nautilus, while people that has bug 1532226 has working HUD (or at  least so it was said)16:17
ubot5`bug 1532226 in unity (Ubuntu) "No menu bar in gtk apps on fresh boot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153222616:17
Trevinhoseb128: removing Unity from the nautilus-autostart.desktop file and adding a nautilus-desktop upstart job for unity only seems reasonable to me in any case, though.16:19
seb128unsure what difference it makes16:20
seb128but feel free to add a patch to a bug16:20
seb128sorry I've to go for some erands, going to be backlog when I'm back16:20
seb128but that might be a topic for next week instead16:20
Trevinhoseb128: we can control when it starts, and ensure it gets reloaded on crash16:20
Trevinhoseb128: environment is a little different when launching it http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15691845/16:23
Trevinhothe XDG_MENU_PREFIX thing doesn't seem to touch anything, though16:23
larsuseb128: not sure what happened, but reinstalling xorg-server-source made the problem go away. Thanks for the tip!16:36
seb128larsu, yw!16:45
Laneymvo: is accessing the OwnerPointer() sane?16:51
LaneyWant to get InstalledSize and Size from a VerIterator16:51
dobeywasn't the CSD alpha issues in gnome apps supposed to be fixed already?17:02
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mvoLaney: size and installed-size is a bit more work, but entirely doable, I can give you can example in a weeh bit (if you haven't figured it out already). its not in the cache so you need a tagfile and jump to the right offset17:31
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mvoLaney: just mail me if you need the installsize/size and I update the piece20:33
qenghoThis SpaceX stage isn't coming back to town, sadly. I don't like the barge ones as much.20:49
qenghoEh, landing on the moving barge is pretty cool too.20:58
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