
KellyniWhat do you make of this?05:00
daxi think this is not really on-topic for #ubuntu-discuss05:04
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:08
lotuspsychjethe new xenial wallpapers: http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-16-04-lts-xenial-xerus-default-wallpapers-revealed-gallery-502692.shtml05:10
Ben64hmm... i have an ssd in this machine now, just got a replacement06:26
Ben64240 -> 500GB.... what's the easiest way to migrate?06:27
Ben64could dd the whole thing, but then i'd want to move partitions around a little06:27
daxdd and then do partition manipulation with gparted afterwards?06:28
Ben64i suppose, but there's got to be a better way06:28
Ben64make partitions, dd over grub, dd over sdx1, dd over sdx2, fsck?06:29
daxi usually just put in new drive and restore from backup tbh06:29
daxhow is that easier than what i said06:29
Ben64well less writes06:29
daxis there stuff on the source disk other than sdx1 and sdx206:29
daxhow is that less writes :\06:30
Ben64if i dd'd the whole thing over, then i'd move sdx2 start position, that's like writing sdx2 all over again06:30
daxoh, you want to make sdx1 bigger06:30
daxmeh, it's not enough writes that i'd care personally06:30
daxi guess you could if you want06:30
Ben64i'm the guy who actually fills up the root partition somehow06:30
daxi just don't have a /home partition so *shrug*06:31
Ben64new ssd is rated for 1 Petabyte of writes06:32
Ben64yeah, i suppose that's fine06:33
lotuspsychjeBen64: wich brand did you buy?06:34
Ben64samsung 850 evo06:35
lotuspsychjei bought the 850 pro 128gig few days ago :p06:35
lotuspsychje94 euro06:36
Ben64850 evo 500GB $14006:36
lotuspsychjeneat price06:36
Ben64yeah, my old 240GB one is going to my mom's computer which i'm going to revive the next couple days06:37
lotuspsychjealso linux, or she on windows?06:37
Ben64after repeatedly having to fix the windows problems on her computer, ubuntu06:37
Ben64was working fine till the old 400GB sata drive died06:38
lotuspsychjeBen64: wich brand died? im always curious06:39
* Ben64 walks over to it06:40
Ben64ouch, seagate06:40
lotuspsychjeoh oh06:40
Ben644th seagate to die for me in the past year?06:40
lotuspsychjewhat the...06:40
Ben64i have lots of hard drives06:40
lotuspsychjei never had a dead seagate before weird06:40
Ben64what really06:40
Ben64and one folder i didn't back up properly and lost some stuff :(06:41
daxwe stopped buying seagates at work06:41
Ben64although might be able to hack a fix06:41
daxapparently all of our seagates died so that lotuspsychje's didn't have to06:41
Ben64seems like a firmware/board/chip/something problem06:41
lotuspsychjedax: wich drives your company buys usually then?06:42
Ben64last two drives i bought were hitachi/hgst now06:42
daxenterprisy ones, i forget the exact model06:42
lotuspsychjei had many dead WD before, wd books, and old types wd's under 100gig06:42
Ben64yeah they seem to go in waves06:43
elkyWD external stuff isn't enterprise06:43
lotuspsychjethats why i bought the 850 pro, 10 years warranty06:43
Ben64the problem is spinny drives are just bad06:43
Ben64but you can't beat that price/GB06:44
daxyeah, warranties on our WDs are 5 years. so we don't really care if they break06:44
daxplus we have more hot swaps than we can count so while they're busy overnighting to us we're fine06:44
lotuspsychjedax: how many gigs are those wd enterprise?06:44
lotuspsychjebig change against those oldskool wd raptors lol06:46
Ben65:D 230MB/s dd from ssd1 to ssd208:01
Ben64after a little boot-repair for some reason, it works!09:45
BluesKajHiyas all13:06
Bashing-omo/ BluesKaj . Top o' the morn'n to ya .13:09
ubot5`If you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop13:10
BluesKajHey Bashing-om, how's things oday?13:25
BluesKajtoday even :-)13:25
Bashing-omHere, and that is a good thing .. considering going back to bed and finish my nap .. that would be a good thing too .13:27
DaniKittenWell, Tell me if this is true or false. My computer with 1 GB RAM runs Ubuntu 12.04. If I change to Lubuntu on April 2017, I will be good. True or false?20:20
DaniKittenWith support20:20
DaniKitten"Good" means for me "with support"20:20
Bashing-omDaniKitten: " If I change to Lubuntu on April 2017," 16.04 ?20:22
DaniKittenThe newest version on April 201720:22
Ben64the newest version will probably be 17.04, but you'll probably want 16.0420:23
Bashing-omDaniKitten: Good chance good .. but need to ask that in #ubuntu+1 channel .20:23
DaniKittenLTS is better20:23
daftykinsnothing will run well on 1GB RAM20:23
daftykinsbecause that has been a poor amount of RAM for the last x years20:24
Ben641GB was kind of low 10 years ago20:24
DaniKittenI spend a lot of money buying a business 1 GB RAM laptop and someone says that "Nothing run well on 1 GB RAM"20:24
daftykinsit's time to let the mini go20:24
daftykinsa mini is *not* business.20:25
DaniKittenHP 214020:25
DaniKittenTell me about it20:25
Ben64oh that's slow20:25
TJ-depends what you want to do with it; I have perfectly usable Vaio notebooks with 384MB of RAM!20:25
daftykinsthat is a very bad netbook20:25
Ben64you should look to get a better computer by april 201720:25
DaniKittenAnd I don't want a newer computer because some new laptops have compatibility issues with FreeDOS or DOS legacy functions20:26
daftykinsthere have been kernel regressions ruining the 945 express chipset for the last 3+ years, i don't think that machine will ever be usable again20:26
daftykinsso keep that one around for DOS only.20:26
DaniKittenThat's hard, because is too good for using only DOS, but is too slow to run modern OS20:27
DaniKitten1 GB RAM20:27
daftykinsyep time to retire it20:27
DaniKittenAnd was my favorite PC for a big time20:28
DaniKittenExcept if I buy a new 2 GB RAM20:28
DaniKittenfor my laptop20:28
DaniKittenMost laptops can be upgraded20:28
Ben64ram isn't the only problem with it20:28
daftykinsno it's old DDR2 so it will be prohibitively expensive, plus as i said the kernel has regressed so the motherboard chipset inside it is now useless20:29
DaniKittenAnd the manual says: "The HP Mini 2133 can use from 512 MB to 2 GB RAM. The 2140 Ran use only 1 or 2 GB RAM"20:29
DaniKittenAnd the manual says: "The HP Mini 2133 can use from 512 MB to 2 GB RAM. The 2140 can use only 1 or 2 GB RAM"20:29
Ben64the cpu itself is slower than a pentium 320:29
DaniKittenYeah... the CPU20:30
DaniKittenMy CPU20:30
DaniKittenthe expensive CPU now is trash20:30
DaniKittenAbout 450 US dollars20:32
Ben64in 2008?20:33
daftykinsyou have enquired about this same system multiple times - and multiple users have given the same advice each time, nobody can in good conscience suggest that keeping that system for Linux use is a wise decision20:33
DaniKittenThat PC is 2008, is a big reason for still having it20:33
daftykinsbased on what?20:34
DaniKittenSomeday, will be known as "One of the first laptops being Mini"20:34
DaniKittenJust think on those PCs with 1 MB RAM or less20:34
daftykinsi disagree, i was supporting ultraportables from Sony for years before netbooks came out20:34
Ben64netbooks had a tiny window where they were worthwhile. before phones got really good, and before tablets existed20:34
DaniKittenNow the people spend a lot of money buying too new machines, while I better want to save money... maybe on a laptop20:35
DaniKittenA 2015 or older laptop because "Older is cheaper"20:35
Ben64laptops aren't really good choices on saving money20:35
daftykinshowever less than $200 US can buy a far more capable system than a netbook20:36
DaniKittenBut, I will buy a laptop, because smartphones aren't IBM PC compatible20:37
DaniKittenWell, thanks for the info. Bye20:44

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