
xnoxhws, hello10:49
jamespagerharper, hey - have 5 mins to help me debug a libvirt/qemu problem?16:47
jamespagerharper, ok - so I nearly have instances booting under openstack - they do the normal startup -> paused whilst the networking is all being setup...16:48
jamespagebut then nova unpauses them and they just go straight to shutdown - not quite sure how to debug what's going on16:48
rharperthat's nova state saying shutdown ?16:49
rharperversus actual console log ?16:49
jamespagerharper, no that virsh list --all16:49
rharperlibvirt will always start the guest in stop mode (-S); then when all devices are attached, libvirt will send the cont signal to start the qemu machine16:49
jamespagenova reflects that once it notices it16:49
jamespagerharper, so I see16:50
jamespage -     instance-00000006              shut off16:50
jamespagetype stuff from virsh16:50
rharperdo we have the machine qemu.log file ?16:50
jamespagerharper, the qemu log file for the instance - 2016-04-08T16:42:22.595065Z qemu-system-s390x: terminating on signal 15 from pid 26098916:51
rharperthat's likely to have info on why libvirt wants to shut it down16:51
jamespagerharper, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15692628/16:51
rharperi bet it's misconfigured and qemu is aborting16:51
rharpercan you enable libvirtd debugging and get a log from there?16:51
jamespagerharper, I have the daemon running with the -v flag16:52
rharperlemme get you a decent log config for libvirtd (less you have the qemu exec bits in our output)16:52
rharperis that paste from your debug output or the instance.log file from var/lib/libvirt/qemu/$machine_instance.log16:53
rharperI'm looking to see if qemu spit anything out on stderr16:53
jamespagerharper, from the instance log file16:55
rharperhrm, ok16:55
rharperjamespage: I'm playing with the command line invoccation on another s390x box to see what qemu says;16:56
jamespagerharper, okies - I can give you access to this one if you like16:57

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