
diddledanhah. "In this case the site owners did not update for some time and it resulted in world leaders being toppled and the largest data breach to journalists in history." patching your shiz is important, people! https://www.wordfence.com/blog/2016/04/mossack-fonseca-breach-vulnerable-slider-revolution/00:30
mapppshi all06:18
=== mappps is now known as mapps
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:35
davmor2Morning all you funky cyber hippies08:25
* bashrc_ is more of a cyber punk08:46
popeyMyrtti! It's Friday!08:52
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:53
Myrttibut I've been awake since 043008:53
Myrttiso I'm allowed to be a bit bllääähhh08:53
davmor2Myrtti: well if you will get up at OMG it's early O'clock you have no-one but yourself to blame ;)09:03
MyrttiI wish that were funny, but it's not09:04
Myrttibecause I didn't choose to wake up at early o'clock09:04
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Friday, and happyDraw a Picture of a Bird Day! 😃  🐦09:06
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPrtFxd9u9Y09:08
davmor2JamesTait: and look he stole all our dance moves09:10
JamesTaitPffft!  He's a poor imitation. 😝09:11
bigcalmpopey: have you completed Pixel Miner yet?10:03
popeyhah, you can complete it?10:03
bigcalmpopey: I'm leaving it in the fore ground to get lots of treasure to sell. Maybe one day10:15
popeyit eats the battery10:17
bigcalmSomebody needs to buy me this http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B015ZEPSYI/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_img?_encoding=UTF8&colid=LXT6MFP2WUWA&coliid=IHS1CIMNMQ1CI10:21
davmor2bigcalm: you are somebody buy it10:23
foobarryMyrtti: not linux yet though?10:30
MyrttiDidn't dig that deep, as I've got little skills for animation10:30
zmoylan-pii used to use autodesk 3d animation in late 80s to knock up animated customer logos for their computers... went down very well.  great software.  never ever crashed...10:31
zmoylan-piwhile i can't draw to save my life i could render a fairly mean animation of a scanned image/cobbled together image10:40
foobarrycheck the cassetteboy video14:03
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
MooDooevening all17:55
zmoylan-pimerry christmas17:57
daftykinssad face, bits for my desktop PC upgrade only dispatched yesterday - and no motherboard as of yet17:59
daftykinsi'm going through my Linux notebook right now to prune some old irrelevant stuff, page 1: "how to disable IPv6 in ubuntu 8.10"18:00
daftykinshaha, re-enabling X.org zapping in 9.0418:01
zmoylan-piis there a seperate notebook for pulse audio? :-P18:02
daftykinsi don't run desktop Linux so no18:02
daftykinssomeone has asked me to look at some Apple toys, soon... >_<18:03
zmoylan-pian apple newton? :-)18:03
daftykinsthey want to move away from an ISP email account (ugh) to an iCloud account (even more ugh)18:04
zmoylan-pidrone envy... http://www.gizmag.com/volocopter-manned-flight/42704/18:04
ali1234i finally got it to work18:07
ali1234all you have to do is echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf18:07
daftykinsthat seems like a bit of an oversighty18:08
ali1234i also got usb working in virtualbox, but it turns out windows 10 doesn't have wifi drivers18:08
ali1234so that idea didn't work18:08
daftykinsfor your specific adapter? that's a surprise18:09
ali1234might go and troll ##windows with that one later18:09
daftykinsdoesn't hurt to check that 'checking windows update' for drivers is on, though it likely will be in 1018:10
zmoylan-piyou need a wifi cable... :-) http://www.mikeapollo.co.uk/geek-humour/can-you-spot-whats-wrong-here/18:10
daftykinsstart -> change device installation settings18:10
ali1234yes it is on18:10
ali1234but i don't need it to work at this point18:11
ali1234results so far: upstart doesn't work, sshd doesn't work, dbus doesn't work19:34
ali1234X11 doesn't work due to some kind of network error19:41
diddledanyeah MS hacked their own init19:41
ali1234basically nothing works19:41
daftykinswhat about the stuff they said it was meant for?19:42
ali1234bash runs19:42
ali1234you can run bash19:42
ali1234cupsd works somehow19:43
ali1234apache doesn't work, so forget about using this for webdev19:46
daftykinsSSH client all good?19:46
ali1234yeah, as long as you only want to run bash on the remote server19:47
ali1234anything that uses ncurses doesn't work19:47
ali1234if you want to ssh out of a windows machine you're probably better off using putty19:48
ali1234it's certainly a lot easier to install19:48
ali1234still, this is slightly more useful than OS X shell19:49
ali1234yes. the selection of software that is available and works is roughly the same19:49
ali1234except unlike OS X, i don't have to put up with outdated BSD versions of tools like tar19:50
ali1234outside of coreutils nothing really works on either19:51
ali1234also the ability to use a keyboard with a sensible layout will be useful20:14
ali1234i won't need to keep a browser window open so i can copy&paste symbols like ~ and |20:15
zmoylan-piisn't there a way to alt-nnn them with ascii value of character? used to love that in dos... probably unicode now20:16
daftykinsthat's still the only way i know to do some characters :(20:16
zmoylan-pialt 156 for £ when keyboard driver not working/configured/installed20:18
zmoylan-pifun and games...20:18
daftykinsmmm prawn risotto20:18
* zmoylan-pi has cheeses been chilled for tomorrows d&d game...20:22
daftykinsooh, are they fine foreign cheese?20:22
zmoylan-pinah, baby bel. but really nice to nibble on at games20:23
zmoylan-pithat with pretzels from lidl, tesco branded plain chocolate and it'll be fine dining... :-P20:32
m0nkey|webanyone else see spacex stick the landing?21:43
diddledanwhich one?21:43
zmoylan-pithe latest one tonight21:43
diddledanooh, on a boat21:44
zmoylan-pione slightly scorched boat21:44
Velus-universehello im folling this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixVirtualMailBoxClamSmtpHowto and i get to  this bit Make Dovecot listen for authentication requests and it says the code needs to be updated for newer version? can someone help me with this bit please?21:46
daftykins#ubuntu-server might be more useful21:46
Velus-universeok thanks21:47
diddledanthis is why we need a documentation guy21:48
diddledanthere's far too many out-of-date documents on ubuntu.com21:48
diddledansome of them reference 09.0421:49
daftykinsbeen a while since i checked out the community Unreal Tournament edition, downloading now \o/21:49
diddledanerr, 9.0421:49
daftykinsdiddledan: wow that new? :)21:49
Velus-universei think everyone in ubuntu-server is a sleep now21:52
daftykinsis this a simple home mail setup?21:52
Velus-universeand i want to get this working asoon as atm21:52
Velus-universeyes and no, it si a simple mail setup but for a server not home21:53
daftykinsso how many users?21:53
Velus-universeaprox will be about 1021:53
daftykinssmall business?21:53
daftykinsi'd go google apps or office 365 personally.21:54
Velus-universei would prefer it on my own server21:54
daftykinsok, but the cost in time will stack up when you're new to managing it :)21:54
Velus-universei have done one before (used mysql for the db and users) but i just want this simple nto like befofre21:55
Velus-universei do currently use zoho for my mail but im having to many problems with it21:57
daftykinsnever heard of that21:57
Velus-universeits like gmail apps21:58
daftykinsare you sure you can't find an example dovecot configuration for your intended protocols of choice online in another guide?22:00
Velus-universemi looking now22:02
daftykinshrmm ATA bus errors booting a Linux after UT made win10 BSOD - looks like my intel 160GB X25-M G2 has finally died22:33
daftykinsmercy mercy me, she thinks she's 600PB :D22:35
zmoylan-pidelusions of capacity...22:37
daftykinsshe's a beaut ;)22:37
diddledandaftykins: wtf do you do to disks?!22:52
diddledanyou're a bad omen22:52
daftykinsit is a 7 year old SSD though22:53
daftykinsmy first ever!22:53
diddledanfair enough22:53
daftykinsof course now the rest doesn't want to POST and has given up on life, too22:55
daftykinsmy own gear loves me so :)22:55
diddledangood job you're getting a new box22:56
* diddledan finally finishing the night manager. ep 3 - there's nauthies22:57
daftykinsshame only half has been despatched by amazon!22:58
daftykinsyay POST22:58
diddledannobody uses post anymore22:58
daftykinsmmm that's true23:01
zmoylan-pii have a grand isa vga card you can have... :-P23:27
zmoylan-pii think i might be even able to lay my hands on a cga card if the new system is not up to it... :-P23:30
daftykinsnothing wrong with the card, just can't get to the CMOS reset when it's in23:32
zmoylan-pinow that is annoying23:33
zmoylan-pinot even with a pen nib?23:33
daftykinsnah, it's right under the card - and the angle of attack is blocked by the segment segregating the PSU23:33
daftykinslittle blighter won't POST again after changing card23:34
daftykinsi don't have the patience for this age gear anymore :)23:34

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