
OvenWerksit comes with alsa-utils00:45
krytarikzequence: Also, while this seems to work too, it looks like not using the front slash is preferrable: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-look/trunk/revision/179#debian/ubuntustudio-wallpapers.links , http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/en/man1/dh_link.1.html13:30
zequencekrytarik: I see. Yes, makes sense.13:31
zequencekrytarik: Or, wait13:32
zequenceHOw ould that work? The link needs to point to something else than the sourcw13:32
zequenceAh, the links are created first, then installed13:33
zequenceOk, going to try that13:34
krytarikzequence: Ftm, any opinion or plans on the latest changes to the Xubuntu seed?13:49
zequencekrytarik: What changes were those?13:51
zequenceI'll need to check13:51
zequenceUnless it breaks something for us, should be no problem syncing with them13:51
zequenceThe links thing didn't work, so I'm renaming the file13:54
zequencekrytarik: Right, the gstreamer thing13:55
zequenceNot the fonts13:55
zequenceI changed it. Thanks13:57
OvenWerksQjackctl works OOTB now. There are two remaining problems with systray use... the icon doesn't show (in progress) and the indicator menu seems to need two clicks to do anything. Anyway it is usable.14:11
zequenceYep, the dbus options is enabled by default. Good14:12
zequenceNice to have that out of the way14:12
OvenWerkszequence: looking into the alsa state saving thing. ALSA does auto load the old state _if_ it has been saved to /etc/asound.state before that.14:18
zequenceOvenWerks: But, shouldn't that be user defined?14:19
OvenWerksit used to be that got done on session end.14:19
OvenWerksSo once the user set levels, they would still be there next boot.14:20
zequenceOvenWerks: But, not in /etc, though, right?14:21
zequenceSeems like alsa card configs should be defined per user, i.e. in the home dir14:21
zequenceI mean, levels, and such14:21
OvenWerksjust looking at the man page for alsactl, the default file loaded is /var/lib/alsa/asound.state.14:26
OvenWerksthat would mean whatever saves it would have been in the system shutdown scripts.14:27
OvenWerksI suspect this is a systemd bug. PA deals with most cards by setting them to reasonable levels and remembering those levels. With some of the "pro" audio cards like the ice1712, PA just adjust the level going to the card. So with an internal card this problem would not show up.14:30
zequenceIngen chans att man kan få till ghost-effekten bara som sådan? Eller, så kanske du skulle kunna testa och använda den till hela textloggan?14:35
zequenceFunderar lite på sociala sidorna, där man skulle kunna använda default wallpaper, men modifierad, med enbart textloggan14:36
zequenceCoF hamnar ju på ett annat ställe oftast - som MUG bild, då liksom14:36
zequenceOch den skulle man också kunna ändra14:36
zequenceDessutom kan det ligga till grund för annat, som youtube videos och en massa annat14:37
zequenceJAg är lite skeptisk till 3colorbakgrunden i de sammanhangen, men kan ju testa iaf14:37
zequence(i alla sammanhang utan när det gäller skrivbordbakgrunden, vill säga)14:37
zequenceMeant for Set, who does understand Swedish14:38
zequencesakrecoer: ^ accidentally wrote some stuff here. Check it out when you can14:38
zequenceWe've been working on the artwork stuff. Plymouth theme, wallpaper, icons, etc14:39
OvenWerksNo problem14:39
zequenceOvenWerks: I started using recipes for all our sources. They autobuild to ppa:ubuntustudio-dev/autobuild14:40
zequenceOvenWerks: Pretty nifty. Easy to keep track of changes, since you get new builds every day, if someting was changed14:40
zequenceOvenWerks: Latest plymouth and wallpaper is there, if you want to check those out14:41
OvenWerksso you have expanded it then. used to only be a few.14:41
zequenceI have it on my dev machine right now. Nice way to keep everything in check in between uploads14:42
sakrecoerOvenWerks: all you need to know is "sakta men säkert" (slowly but surely) :D14:42
OvenWerkszequence: /etc/init.d/alsa-utils should be (re)storing alsa settings14:47
zequenceOvenWerks: Ok. So, as you said, a systemd bug then?14:47
OvenWerksstill looking :)14:48
OvenWerksinit.d bug14:51
OvenWerksIt appears we now use runlevel 5 for our standard run rather than runlevel 2 as in the past.14:51
zequenceI forget which was what. Didn't Red Hat/Fedora do it that way, while Debian based used less?14:53
zequenceSo, now with systemd (and it was developed at Red Hat), it requires init.d to be configured as for Red Hat?14:54
OvenWerksnot sure, RL2 in days gone by (when I used Slackware) was CLI only, and RL5 was X.14:55
OvenWerksalsa-utils does run in RL2 :)14:56
zequenceYes, Debian reduced the amount14:57
OvenWerksAnyway, bug time.14:57
OvenWerksin my opinion alsa-utils should be run in RL 2,3,4,514:58
OvenWerksbut in our case at least RL514:58
zequenceThink Debian and Ubuntu only had up to RL2 before, so probably more than a few packages that do it that way https://www.debian-administration.org/article/212/An_introduction_to_run-levels14:59
OvenWerksBug #156799315:10
ubottubug 1567993 in alsa-utils (Ubuntu) "alsa-utils does not store and restore alsa settings on boot reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156799315:10
OvenWerksAnyone who can reproduce this should confirm it.15:10
zequenceOvenWerks: Don't have the hardware to try it on right now15:17
OvenWerkszequence: I added the bug here too: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/351/builds/116443/testcases/1455/results15:20
OvenWerkslooking at the "Bugs to look for" I can confirm the fixes all seem to be working.15:20
OvenWerksHmm, actually alsa-utils is not in rc2.d either, but in rcS.d. I think that gets run before switching to final RL anyway. So the problem may be elsewhere15:23
zequenceOvenWerks: So, there's a fix already on its way?15:26
OvenWerksin /var/log/syslog I find: systemd-udevd[400]: Process '/usr/sbin/alsactl -E HOME=/run/alsa restore 0' failed with exit code 99.15:27
OvenWerksSo it appears that restore is done by udevd as the device becomes available so that USB devices get reset.15:30
OvenWerksThe directory /run/alsa does not exist.15:54
OvenWerkszequence: you will likely be finding alsa restore failed messages on your machine too as it fails for each of my three audio interfaces.15:55
zequenceOvenWerks: Right. And, I have it, so confirming16:02
snapfractalpopif I install US 16.04 beta, will it just become the normal release with updates when the official release is out?19:46
flocculantif you install the beta then you will be many Mb's of packages out of date as soon as you do - milestones are snapshots 19:47
snapfractalpopflocculant: I'm planning on installing on a few laptops to donate to low income children / families19:47
snapfractalpopI would update to latest after installing.. but was wondering if it will "sort itself out" as the official release comes out19:48
flocculantyep - that makes no difference to the fact the beta is now well out of date :) 19:48
flocculantany of the *buntu alpha or beta are :)19:49
flocculantyou could do it that way - but frankly - the daily is as up to date as possible19:49
snapfractalpopflocculant: I'm game to use the daily.. 19:49
snapfractalpopbut I guess one thing I'm wondering about is if the selection of packages will change.. and if that will throw them off19:50
krytarikzequence, sakrecoer: Giving this a thought, linking '/usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntustudio' and '/usr/share/xfce4/backdrops' directly seems to be a pretty bad idea, potentially causing all sorts of coinstallability issues and confusion on the user side - so I'd suggest just following the pattern and linking the former as a subdirectory to the latter.19:50
flocculantnot sure - I only hang about in here with a qa head on - and I'm really Xubuntu QA :p19:50
snapfractalpopI just want to give them a nice easy linux experience, but without the unity / modern memory bloat of the vanilla dist19:50
snapfractalpopI love ubustu because it uses xfce (lightweight) and has lots of fun audio/video/graphics apps right out of the boxd19:51
flocculantsnapfractalpop: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/dvd/current/ from yesterday19:52
snapfractalpopflocculant: thanks!19:53
flocculanttoday's failed to build seemingly19:53
OvenWerksflocculant: failed to download repo lists19:53
flocculantsnapfractalpop: returning to your "will it be final" then yes it should be 19:54
snapfractalpopflocculant: great. thanks for the quick response19:54
flocculantOvenWerks: aaah - I wonder if that's actually an issue somewhere then - I was trying upgrades from trusty/wily to xenial and they were crashing out19:54
snapfractalpopI'm kind of pumped that these laptops will maybe help someone, instead of ending up in the dump19:54
flocculanteg not *just* a studio issue19:54
OvenWerksflocculant: ya I think a respin would "just work" once the servers are up19:55
* OvenWerks is off to a DR appt19:55
flocculantsnapfractalpop: probably shouldn't say it in someone else's dev channel - but is studio what these  low income children / families would actually use? 19:55
snapfractalpopwell.. here's how I see it: it runs on old laptops, has lots of good default app selections, I will further tweak to add other things19:57
flocculantright - but a disrto specifially aimed at media production was my point :)19:57
snapfractalpopflocculant: if you know of another option that is better suited, I'm definitely open to other options19:57
snapfractalpopflocculant: I think things like blender and gimp, etc. are pretty good tools for any children to learn on 19:59
flocculantgo for it then :)19:59
flocculantas I said - not my place to sell a distro in someone else's dev channel ;)19:59
snapfractalpopI thought about the educational distros too, but I also feel like I can have the best of both worlds (aptitute install whatever)20:00
snapfractalpopanyway, thanks for the help20:02
flocculantwelcome :)20:03
OvenWerksflocculant: might do to remind people like that they do not have to install _everything_. Studio allows cherry picking. My first thought was why not xubuntu...21:33
flocculantOvenWerks: well yea - mine too - but as I said :p21:33
flocculantif he'd been in -offtopic I might have said something :)22:17

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