
bluesabreUnit193: ah... the meeting is a hangout?06:52
flocculantbluesabre: morning - and I would guess it is06:53
flocculantanything to do with that community team generally is 06:53
* bluesabre would prefer IRC at this hour06:53
* flocculant would prefer IRC at any hour - some people are really hard to understand however awake you are :p06:54
Unit193bluesabre: Crap, it is?06:57
flocculantask dpm - he's probably about in ubuntu-community-team now, if he's not then dholbach will be 06:59
bluesabreUnit193: can go without video07:03
Unit193bluesabre: This is going to be fun...07:04
flocculantdid a time get picked yet? 07:04
Unit193Yep, now.07:08
flocculantoh good luck then :p07:08
Unit193Indeed, didn't have time to setup a mic.07:09
Unit193bluesabre: Did I miss anything about any dpkg/apt integration at all?  Even most basic levels?07:17
bluesabreit's different than apt, doesn't break apt, coexists with apt07:18
Unit193Right, like pip/gems..07:19
bluesabreUnit193: really good question07:26
Unit193bluesabre: Thanks, you had great ones.07:29
bluesabrethe questions relevant to me :D07:30
ochosihi folks07:30
ochosican't be @hangout07:30
ochosiis it still ongoing?07:31
flocculantmorning ochosi 07:31
flocculantcya all later 07:31
bluesabrehey ochosi, yes, will link you the youtube link when its done07:31
bluesabre(ubuntu snappy meeting, Unit193 and I are there)07:32
bluesabreThis does seem better than My Apps, which had a horribly slow review queue and required a new upload for every ubuntu release07:34
Unit193I don't know anything of My Apps.07:35
Unit193Wonder how support will be. :307:35
Unit193support == user support.07:35
Unit193bluesabre: Hah, just what I was going for.07:40
Unit193bluesabre: You're awsome, thanks for staying up.  Get some good rest.07:47
bluesabreI went to bed and set an alarm07:48
bluesabreand now I'll probably go back to bed :D07:48
Unit193...I just got home in time for it.07:48
bluesabreochosi: they'll probably publish a link to it a bit later07:50
bluesabremain takeaways...07:50
bluesabrecoexists with apt07:50
bluesabresnappy apps are launched by ubuntu-snappy-cli07:51
Unit193Basically lives in chroots (squashfs filesystems), is for content providers to get content to end users.07:51
bluesabrelibraries are contained within the snaps (and in the future may be in separate library snaps)07:51
bluesabreupdates to the snappy system with be backported to 16.04 as they come along07:52
bluesabresounds like a pretty good system, and I can see a lot of use cases with it07:53
bluesabreUnit193: the old MyApps - https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/publish/ - biggest problem was things staying in "Awaiting moderation" for months at a time, making it faster to get things into Debian NEW and finding a MOTU to sync it back to Ubuntu :|07:55
Unit193Hah, wow.  Niiice.07:56
bluesabreand the general issue with having to republish for every ubuntu release you wanted your stuff to be on07:56
bluesabremenulibre was there at the beginning :D07:56
Unit193So, might be fun to poke with a stick, I'm not against them, but I don't really see me using them either.07:57
Unit193Yeah, was in extras.07:57
bluesabreits pretty cool for their IOT and embedded devices, I think its something like "snappy deploy $something $ip" to punt an app to a device07:58
bluesabreanyway, back to bed for me07:59
bluesabrenight/morning all07:59
Unit193Not as useful on the desktop, but informative and as I said, not against it.07:59
Unit193bluesabre: Sleep well.07:59
Unit193Suppose that should go on the agenda.08:35
pavlushkasuspend resumes to black screen.11:35
pavlushkaand hi Every one!11:35
flocculantUnit193 bluesabre - thanks for going there to see what the crack is with it :)11:39
flocculantUnit193: agenda - might be useful to do that - saves going over the same ground over and over :p11:40
flocculanthi pavlushka 11:40
pavlushkaHi flocculant !!! :)11:41
pavlushkaflocculant, what do I do? tested more than 3 times today.11:42
flocculantwhat do you mean by what do I do? 11:43
pavlushkasuspend resumes to black screen11:44
flocculantreport it 11:44
pavlushkausing ubuntu manual test or LP bug?11:45
flocculantyou don't report bugs with the tracker - it's not possible11:45
flocculantyou list on the tracker the bug you've reported through launchpad via ubuntu-bug11:46
flocculantpavlushka: is this your system that's got the broken screen that you have to use an external monitor on? 11:51
flocculantif that's the case you need to make it plain11:51
pavlushkaplain means removing the external monitor?11:52
flocculantno plain means making it obvious that you've got a broken laptop and external monitor in the report11:54
pavlushkadefinitely I will as I did for the previous.11:55
pavlushkabut thanks for pointing.11:55
pavlushkathe priority gets hi.11:56
flocculantthen wait for responses - no need to keep adding things, changing affected packages11:56
pavlushkaawee, you got that!11:56
flocculantgot what? 11:57
pavlushkawhat you said, I did it for a bug. I was just not sure.11:58
krytarikknome_tracker: LOL14:25
knome_trackerkrytarik: what?14:25
krytarikNothing. :X14:25
knome_trackeri don't have access to my ssh host as i don't have my private key on my mum's laptop14:25
knome_tracker...for a reason14:25
ElroyHi Xubuntu Dev-Team - The Compton Problem with nVidia Driver over 352.-- is permanent and at 16.04 on AMD ("iommu=soft") + nVidia 970GTX - Install FAILS !14:26
ElroyComing later back ...14:27
knome_trackerthat's not in the default install14:27
Elroybut its only a tearfree xcomposiotr14:27
knome_trackerdon't get me wrong; i'd like it to work, but is it compton the reason the install is failing?14:27
knome_trackerwhat is then?14:28
knome_trackerhave you filed a bug?14:28
Elroythe reason is a problem with usb ("iommu=soft") and AMD Mainboard with iommu hard14:28
knome_trackerso.. you are adding a kernel boot option and then the installation doesn't work?14:29
knome_trackerin any case... have you filed a bug?14:30
ElroyXubuntu 15.10 works fine to Install, but 16.04 can`t start the Nouveau Driver for the Install and writes the message "Live CD working in Progress - working - but hold on"14:30
ElroyOjn Ubuntu MATE 16.04 there are not this fail14:31
Elroyand Ubuntu 16.04 also have not this fail14:31
knome_tracker...have you filed a bug?14:32
Elroyi read about the compton fail with nVidia Driver up to 364.-- (tthere is now another competition about OpenGL - xrender doesn`t work on my machine14:33
Elroymust do now - the prob is - i can`t get a screenshot14:33
Elroyonly my hardware constellation i can send you14:34
knome_trackerthat's a start14:34
knome_trackerbut please do not intertwine the compton issue to this14:34
knome_trackerif it's related, then it's not high priority for us14:34
Elroyworking for a long time with xubuntu - it`s the first time i have this failure14:34
knome_trackerif it's not, it's better not mention it in the bug14:34
knome_trackerit sounds weird to me that this bug only happens with xubuntu, and it might be hard to reproduce, but...14:35
Elroyunderstand that compton another point is - excuse for my english, i`m 60 years old and coming from austria - german14:36
knome_trackerthat's ok14:36
ElroyInteressting - Ubuntu-Gnome fails not - but budgie-remix have the same problem14:37
krytarikElroy: Extending on what knome_tracker just said, did you checksum the image?14:37
Elroywith gnash and thunar14:37
Elroyi downloaded three times another image - every time the same14:38
krytarik!md5sum | Elroy14:38
ubottuElroy: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:38
Elroyokm prob this ... no i`m waiting for a upgrade and driving with version 15.10 without any probs14:39
Elroythxs for writng and tipps - see you14:39
krytarikThanks as well.14:40
knome_trackerElroy: and please file the bug... :P14:40
Elroystay only in future with xubuntu - before i have testing for my linux-forum 35 distros, but for playing ist this the best14:40
Elroymake this14:40
Nairwolfhi guys ;) I've been away from computers recently. What's new ? We're after the kernel freeze. Do you need more tests ? 17:37
flocculantNairwolf: we always do - but if you want to hang on for a few days - next week will see the start of the release candidate testing fortnight17:40
davmor2flocculant: pfff next week I've been at it 3 days already ;)17:42
Nairwolfflocculant: okay, I should be able to be present. 17:43
NairwolfMaybe this week, I will try to help to improve french translations17:43
flocculantdavmor2: :)17:45
flocculantdavmor2: I just want to double check my triple check before I ask people to test upgrades ... 17:45
davmor2flocculant: they work but keep it quiet because someone will break it if you tell them17:46
flocculantyea - that's what my triple check found out :p17:48
flocculantknome: perhaps you could explain some arcane wiki wobblyness - target wiki page does not exist - copy from existing to target - can't do that target exists ... 17:49
* flocculant just put it down to some strangeness that tends to accrue around ubuntu wiki(s) 17:50
ochosiknome: including the back and forth it seems that the team is leaning towards option 2) (10 winners)18:34
flocculantochosi: good evening :)18:44
knomei'm feeling down because no more wittgenstein quotes were exchanged in the thread19:28
knomeochosi, in any way time is tight, and now we need to contact more winners19:30
knomewho's volunteering for that?19:30
knomei mean i can do it at latest tomorrow, but if somebody can do it before..19:31
flocculantknome: I can do that - have any gone out yet at all? 19:43
flocculantand any pro-forma mail? 19:43
flocculanthey dude - your submission will be in the package we seed with xenial - congrats for thats19:44
flocculantand it's 2 people ... 19:46
knomeflocculant, none gone out19:57
knomeflocculant, we also need to check the attribution name19:57
knomeflocculant, especially in cases it isn't clearly something they'd want to be called19:57
knomeflocculant, maybe we can cowrite it in a pad19:58
knomeunless you did it already :)19:58
flocculantnope - done nothing as I wasn't sure what had been done19:58
knomenothing was done19:58
knomei'll open a pad19:59
flocculanthaving trouble opening the contest site 20:01
knomeactually i'm thinking we should "TO" these mails to the xubuntu contacts mailing list so we have a sensible archive of the replies20:02
flocculantxubuntu contacts? 20:03
flocculantno idea wth that is20:03
flocculantoh one of those private jobs20:03
knomeit says "only members of the xubuntu team are subscribed to this list" but it means "only xubuntu team members *can* subscribe to this list"20:04
knome(that said, if anybody wants access, feel free to poke me)20:04
knomeit's not a very exciting list really though20:05
flocculantI'm certainly not going to TO that list and get spammed by moderation messages20:05
Unit193flocculant: FWIW, I remember discussions about when it was created, and since then it has been mentioned several times. :320:05
knomeit mostly has communication with the officially endorsed vendors20:06
flocculantUnit193: possibly I have heard of it - but so infrequently I just *shrug* 20:06
flocculantknome: right20:06
Unit193Right, I didn't know I could have access, but I never really checked either.  Then again, most of the time I follow via archives. >_>20:06
knomeand a test email from lyz with the topic "Fruit"20:06
flocculantha ha 20:06
knomeUnit193, archives are private ;)20:06
Unit193Yes, figured.20:07
flocculantknome: moderating needed 20:07
knomeflocculant, if you want to be subbed, i can do that, or if you rather not get more mail, i can add you to the auto-mod list20:07
flocculantI subbed20:07
knomeoh ;)20:07
knomelet's see..20:08
flocculantdidn't think about auto-modding20:08
flocculantI'll likely unsub later :p20:08
knomewfm too20:08
flocculantok - happy to TO that list now :p20:08
flocculantstill not getting to the site20:08
knomei really don't mind who of the team is subbed, mostly i think most do not need to be subbed..20:08
knomepff :)20:08
Unit193https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2016-April/001179.html that can be nice.20:09
knomeflocculant, let me try something20:09
flocculantread that - mmm - over there in the wall above my head :p20:09
flocculantUnit193: ^^20:09
Unit193flocculant: Ah, well it's handy, means less delta to Debian. \o/20:09
knomeactually i seem to be having trouble with the contest site too20:09
flocculantbluesabre: what is the latest date for packaging the wallpapers? 20:11
ochosiknome: yeah, i'm feeling blue too, no more wittgenstein quotes plus flocculant broke his vow never to bring up the knickers again20:11
flocculantochosi: well 20:11
knomeyeah, knickers should be left *down*20:11
flocculantmailing list was a new set of knickers :p20:11
knomeflocculant, able to log in now20:11
ochosiflocculant: well a fresh pair is the least i'd expect!20:12
flocculantknome: nope20:12
knomebluesabre, i guess you'd like to push before final freeze? :P20:12
knomeflocculant, i mean i am..20:12
knomei logged you out from all sessions20:12
knomeso you can try again now20:12
knomeochosi, what kind of scrutiny do you think we should take with unsplash stuff?20:13
knomeochosi, does unsplash give any contact addresses for a friendly notification?20:13
knomeapparently not necessarily20:14
ochosiknome: not that i know of20:14
ochosii think it's up to the authors20:14
knomeall the way up to the authors20:14
flocculantin there now - nipping out - back soon20:15
knomeochosi, plz join the pad and read the last line20:15
knomeochosi, and tell me: if no confirmation, will we just expect the details are ok, or boot?20:15
ochosinot sure why we need confirmation for something that is already on a website..?20:16
ochosiso anyway, i wouldn't boot those submissions20:16
ochosieven if unconfirmed20:16
knomeokay, so just expect details are right20:17
ochosicause the authors already "confirmed" the details initially on unsplash20:17
knomeyeah, but some people didn't "get" what attribution means20:17
knomeso they inserted name of work there20:17
ochosiyeah, but in unsplash it's clear20:18
knomeyes, but we aren't even talking just about unsplash20:18
knomeactually we are talking everything BUT unsplash20:18
knomeso since we are doing something for archival, should we actually attach (a thumnail of) the submission to the mail so that gets archived too20:23
knomeinstead of relying on some arbitrary urls20:23
knomeochosi, you realize 16UTC on sat is less than 24 hours from now?20:25
ochosii didn't set that time/date :)20:26
knomei wrote sunday20:26
knomeyou corrected it to saturday20:26
ochosioh, maybe i mistyped then20:26
knomei mean that can be earlier on sunday20:26
knomeit all depends when sean is around to upload20:26
knomei'm fine with a 24-hour window too20:27
knomeso likely 21UTC on sat20:27
knomebut the more time we can give, the better20:27
ochosiyeah, up to bluesabre (or whoever uploads finally)20:27
knomemaybe greenknife picks up the upload this time20:28
Unit193bluesabre: Get anywhere on thunar?20:29
pavlushkaHi every one!20:35
pavlushkathe dist-upgrade is not supposed to behave like this I think, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15698126/20:35
Unit193It can.20:36
pavlushkathen where's the different between "sudo apt-get upgrade & sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ?20:37
Unit193dist-upgrade will install new stuff, basically.  That can mean something conflicts that you have installed though.20:37
pavlushkais code-block conflicting with gcc then?20:39
flocculantok back again20:39
knomeflocculant, i'm pretty happy with the mail20:40
knomeflocculant, needs a bit of tweaking for some bits20:40
flocculantyea just looking for Inglish :p20:40
knomeflocculant, would probably make sense to rename the files to something other than their original names20:40
knomeflocculant, and the thumbnail (600x in width, shown in the result overview) should be fine20:41
knomeactually, that reminds me of something meh20:41
flocculantknome: where are you getting thumbnails from then? 20:43
knomewe need to crop some of the images20:43
knomeflocculant, right-click the image on the results page, click view image20:43
knomegives you for example -> http://contest.xubuntu.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/squirreledit-600x375.jpg20:43
flocculantaah right 20:43
pavlushkaUnit193, what should I do then? can I fix it with a command or I have to uninstall the held back packages?20:44
knomethe images that needs cropping are sent by me and ochosi 20:44
knomeso no need to mention that in the mail specifically20:44
flocculantwill the contest url for the thumbnail remain? eg use that to grab the image in the mail I send20:45
flocculantor grab it to local and use that20:45
knomegrab to local and attach to the mail20:45
knomethe urls will not remain and i don't want to think what url would be static enough20:46
flocculantokey doke20:46
knomeattaching to mail makes them stick with the info, so it's the best20:46
knomemight be that moderating is required anyway then though :P20:46
knomebecause file size20:46
knomeby all you mean including me and ochosi?20:47
knomesure, totally20:47
flocculantwasn't going to originally :)20:47
knomewhat i meant about not needing to mention resolution issues20:47
knomeis that we know that already and i can do the cropping tomorrow20:47
pavlushkaUnit193, a request, if it is possible to suggest anything before I go to sleep.20:53
flocculantknome: happy with that pad?20:54
knomeflocculant, yeah20:54
flocculantok - biab then ... 20:55
pavlushkaits 3 am here, I was gonna go sleep but the problem happened.20:55
knomeflocculant, give me a ping when you've sent them out and i'll make sure they get approved20:55
knomeflocculant, and for sanity, please send multiple files with the same mail when same submitter :P20:55
flocculantknome: I'll do a real draft of one on the pad first 20:55
knomejust duplicate the appropriate lines20:55
flocculantknome: yea - I had fully intended to only send one mail when I could :)20:56
Unit193pavlushka: It's not really a big deal, sleep, it'll still be there tomorrow.20:56
knomei'm watching a series, but i'm responsive (i can pause easily)20:56
flocculantokey doke 20:56
pavlushkafeeling sleepy, Good night guys!20:56
flocculantknome: this link? https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/21:02
knomesorry, could have dug it up21:02
flocculantknome: check the pad please21:04
knomeflocculant, let's not use the url at all21:05
flocculantsubmission one21:05
knomesee pad21:05
flocculantI am :)21:05
knomebecause the url is gone in a few weeks21:05
knomeflocculant, ah, you're right21:06
knomelet me see the naming convention21:07
knomei mean21:07
flocculanthttp://contest.xubuntu.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/squirreledit-600x375.jpg 21:07
knomelet's use a name that will be the final name *in the package* 21:07
knomemaybe you are right indeed21:07
flocculantactually that's not the case  rename21:07
flocculantre name21:07
flocculantit's called 21:07
knomethis is indeed best21:08
knome(in pad)21:08
flocculanthome/wolf/blah :p21:08
knomeso basically you want to remove -xxx-xxx from the filename21:08
flocculantyup 21:08
flocculantok - cool - thanks 21:08
knomeyeah, you're absolutely right, it makes most sense this way21:08
knomemy bad :P21:08
flocculantok - I'll go with that now 21:09
knomethe () stuff in attribution and name of work21:09
knomeare intended to be sent to recipients21:09
flocculantwhat? 21:10
knomesee pad again21:10
knomemaybe we can group the lines better21:11
flocculantyea - the submission bit makes sense21:11
knomeit makes for attribution too21:11
knomeif you look at the winning submissiond21:11
flocculantthe attribution one is just what they said in the first place21:11
knomefor one of them, the author clearly misunderstood the attribution field21:11
flocculantyou mean :)21:12
knomeand since many are "Untitled", we want the author(s) to be able to name their work now21:12
knomeif they want21:12
flocculantyea that makes more sense now21:13
knomeis your nick "ochosi" on the pad?21:14
knomeoh no21:14
knomei only saw me and him on the nick list before i refreshed :D21:14
knomeyep, i'm fine with that now21:15
flocculantok - biab then :)21:15
knomeas long as all the content that is there goes through, the formatting is more or less minutiae21:15
flocculantI'll bold the 'incorrect' line in the one I send out21:16
knomehahah, in the queue21:22
knomeflocculant, oops21:29
flocculantsorry pleia2 - didn't see knome's random line in the middle of the drag and drop ... 21:30
flocculantochosi: really the elfenbeint address? 21:33
flocculantknome: ^^ cos he's off doing dad stuff :) - xfce.org address? 21:33
knomeflocculant, PM :)21:34
flocculantknome: mmm so for ones that are sourced from unsplash or something and obviously not photo's on a local drive should we put the source url in the mail? 21:38
flocculantI guess given it's 2 specific people doesn't hurt21:38
knomei would still attach them the same way as others21:39
knomewe can't depend on unsplash either21:39
flocculantI will attach thumbnails ofc21:39
knomeright, yeah21:39
knomeyou can add the source URL too21:39
flocculantOriginal source of the photo: 21:39
flocculantI'm putting21:40
flocculantspecifically this one - I'll ping ochosi and tell him that perhaps spell it Mountainous21:43
knomeor hilly21:43
flocculantno really - spillong errir there :)21:44
flocculantknome: ok - all sent now21:57
knomeand all approved21:57
flocculantochosi: so really - spelling :)21:57
knomethanks for taking care21:57
flocculantI care generally :)21:58
knomecarebears :P21:58
flocculantnext time21:58
flocculantcommunity voting21:58
flocculantor I will be cross21:58
knomei'd like to tweak some terms at least21:58
flocculantso basically now wait for some to come up with titles at least :p21:59
knomewould be fun to do a winter contest21:59
flocculantperhaps we could do a mid-cycle one 21:59
flocculantcomplete with voting ... 21:59
knomewould have to be .10..21:59
flocculantlike 17.1021:59
knomeor 16.10 ;)21:59
knome2016 is the 10th anniversary for xubuntu anyway22:00
flocculantoh well22:00
knomeand lots of other activity22:00
flocculantthen we should for sure do that22:00
knomejust let's pump up the stuff for june first ;)22:00
flocculantwe have the tool now - no reason why we can't pick it up after that - and get voting end September ish22:01
flocculantloads of winter Australia pics :D22:01
knomei also have an improved version of the tool22:01
Unit193knome: I don't like the dev. link in the topic, not a handydandy link to meetings anymore. :(22:02
knomeset up your own channel for meeting topics! (:22:02
Unit193Pah, riight.  I just won't look at the agenda. :-----D22:03
flocculantwas there a link to meetings there? 22:03
Unit193knome: Can I not delete wiki apges?22:03
knomeas if you ever dod22:03
knomeUnit193, you should be able22:03
Unit193flocculant: Nah, just the wiki, which had a handy one to them is all. :P22:04
knomeUnit193, just edit and save a blank field22:04
flocculantknome: seen the mail yet? 22:04
knomeflocculant, which one?22:04
Unit193knome: Eh, can't actually nuke though it seems.22:04
flocculantUnit193: aah right22:04
Unit193OK, will do.\22:04
flocculantknome: the I screwed up attribution one :p22:04
knomei see it now22:04
knomegood good22:04
knomei thought so22:04
flocculantyea :)22:04
flocculantI'll reply now22:04
Unit193That's amusing: Last modified: 1970/01/01 00:00 by22:05
knomeUnit193, fun, isn't it!22:05
Unit193knome: I don't suppose you'd actually put it in the header there?22:05
knomei guess i did22:06
Unit193knome: Oh, and looked at the dokuwiki output stuff yet?  And, dokuwiki doesn't do template pages like we used to?22:06
knomeno, haven't22:06
knomeand don't know about template pages22:06
knomedo we need such?22:06
Unit193Having it on the old wiki was pretty handy, some of us really did stink with meetings more than others.  Still do.22:07
Unit193Look, not trying to be a pain.22:07
knomeno no, i'm not thinking you are22:07
knomebut isn't the template for the meeting in the output?22:07
flocculantyes 22:08
knomejust copy-paste everything except the full log22:08
knomeand that's it22:08
knome...except now that the markup is different and we need to update the output22:08
flocculantwas just about to say that22:08
flocculantare we moving meetings *now*22:08
Unit193> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/ that.22:08
flocculantoh good22:08
knomebut rather sooner than later, once the output stuff is fixed22:09
flocculantknome: I thought we were moving the archive meeting stuff too? 22:09
flocculantUnit193: doesn't that just get the name right? 22:09
knomeUnit193, right, that's just the "pick a page name" stuff :P22:09
knomehaha, it's echoing22:09
flocculanting 22:09
knomeflocculant, i'm not completely sure22:10
knomeflocculant, it's possible too22:10
knomebut not worth it before the new meeting minutes are in the wiki22:10
flocculantknome: just seems a bit pants to not 22:10
flocculantor don't move them22:10
flocculantlike release notes22:10
flocculantwhich might be changing post xenial ... 22:11
flocculants/might/will 22:11
knome 22:11
flocculantthen might change back post post xenial22:12
Unit193https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:commentsyntax that's not default? :(22:13
knomeactually # comments should work automatically22:13
flocculantknome: oh yea - wiki - so when I asked you earlier about copying and it said page existed - perhaps it should say "possibly the page exists if a draft gets used' cos I must have almost done it previously22:13
flocculantand then not actually saved the page22:14
flocculantbut that's ubuntu wiki not our one ofc22:14
knomeoh right22:14
knomethe ubuntu wiki might say a page exists if it's deleted before22:14
knomeand then you can't copy to that spot anyway22:14
flocculantI scratched my head - then just *meh* copy paste it 22:14
knomebecause essentially it exists in the database22:14
knomejust not for the user22:15
knomeuntil you go see the history22:15
knomeit's a bit weird indeed..22:15
flocculantstudio have a really comprehensive iso testing wiki page - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Testing/ISOTesting22:20
flocculantmight do similar at our wiki for us - with the ubuntu one - no real control over content22:20
flocculantnice to link for testers when they start 22:20
knomeflocculant, or contributor docs?22:21
flocculantwould be a ballsache on there I thought22:21
flocculantthat was in fact my first thought22:21
flocculantwould be better on wiki 22:22
flocculantcould really be a couple of pages22:23
flocculantand wiki changes are ofc immediate22:23
flocculantmight try and dragoon akxwi :)22:26
Unit193Since I think people should put their names when adding something to the agenda, I don't like adding things if I won't be there to talk about it (I find that quite annoying when running meetings.)22:30
knomeUnit193, agree22:31
Unit193However, Sean is running it and knows more than I do about Snappy.22:32
flocculantI agree too 22:32
flocculantI do try and remove things when I have added them22:33
flocculantand will miss meeting22:33
knomeleaving them if they need to be discussed is imo ok even if you miss the meeting as long as your nick is there22:33
knomebecause then it can be skipped quickly if you aren't around and nobody else knows what it's about22:34
flocculantadd it to 'Discussion' (nick/topic)22:34
flocculantI can't imagine anyone saying it's a bad idea22:34
flocculantUnit193: you could for instance do Snappy ( bluesabre/ Unit193)22:35
flocculantand then ask bluesabre if he's going to be there :D22:35
knomeso bluesabre is the nick and Unit193 is the topic?22:35
flocculantoh my22:36
* knome laughs uncontrollably22:36
* flocculant adds krytarik to all topics22:36
Unit193flocculant: He's running it, and I'm certain I won't be there. :P22:36
flocculantUnit193: I knew that :)22:36
Unit193knome: Nah, he doesn't want to talk about me.  And I mean he specifically doesn't! :D22:36
knomeif we do some nick/topic stuff, then we could also put it in a table22:36
knomeeasier to read and prettier22:37
flocculantknome: works - worked for FC agenda22:37
knomeand not so much worse in the markup that it would mean anything22:37
flocculantsometimes simple is best22:37
Unit193Except, I'm not logged in...22:37
flocculantoh right 22:37
knomeUnit193, ha :P22:38
flocculantUnit193: we'll see you in an hour ish then :p22:38
flocculantthough - it has been pretty responsive lately 22:38
knomemust have been the xubuntu stuff that was slowing it down then22:39
flocculantha ha 22:39
knomenow if only one more flavor leaves, it's ok for the rest of the teams22:39
Unit193Nope, I'm still waiting.22:39
Unit193Oh right, and tadaaa.  New core.22:40
flocculantUnit193: real one? 22:40
flocculantlike for the tracker? 22:40
Unit193flocculant: No, only the one that hardly matters. :/22:41
flocculantnow now old chap22:42
flocculantit matters :)22:42
flocculantwe just can't get it sorted out 22:42
Unit193Well, it is unofficial, so really.  It'll be nice when I don't have to do that too. :P22:45
flocculantyea ofc22:46
flocculantit'll be a good day22:46
Unit193Also the official stamp would go great on it. :322:46
flocculantI guess we should let release have a few days off - then really try and get it done for .122:47
Unit193Point releases are harder anyway.22:47
Unit193Oh, remembered the wiki, and: Reason: Error reading from remote server22:48
Unit193Can someone else add it?22:48
flocculantUnit193: sanppy? 22:48
knomesanppy indeed22:49
knomeand croe22:49
Unit193flocculant: That or 'Seeding Snappy'22:49
Unit193But, that one covers more just in case.22:49
flocculantanything else while I'm managing to edit? 22:51
Unit193Can't think of anything, so hope not.  Oooh!  Nuke that core one. >_>22:51
flocculantdone 22:53
Unit193flocculant: BTW, they said they've done a lot of internal QA, and it'd mainly just be adding ubuntu-snappy-cli (26MB on Xubuntu) so that when a user installs a snap from gnome-software, it's actually able to run.  That's the base platform for running them.22:53
flocculantgood job we let gs in then 22:54
Unit193Also, the "rebranding" thing, that's just "Hey, 'Software' isn't very descriptive, maybe we should call it 'Ubuntu Software' or something slightly better."  Heh, well yes, presuming we want to support snaps OOTB.22:54
flocculantat least it won't be leaving dependencies around either :p22:55
Unit193Right, snaps are self-contained, literally.  They're in a squashfs. :P22:55
flocculantassuming I understand these snaps properly22:55
flocculantaah cool - so I did \o/ 22:55
Unit193I wondered how large each one was, then.22:55
Unit193flocculant: Yep, bundled libs and all in one file, basically. :P22:55
flocculantlove to see an amarok snap ... 22:55
flocculantif nothing else I wouldn't need to copy the list of stuff I installed for it :)22:56
Unit193I don't really care all *that* much either way, but I'm leaning towards "Eh, lets not seed it."22:57
flocculantwell I am in the awesome position22:57
flocculantdo I need to qa this? no - *shrug* 22:57
Unit193But if we did, a recommend only in desktop. :P22:58
knomepleia2, social media time!22:59
knomepleia2, i see you're not idle, no hiding!22:59
pleia2I haz working22:59
pleia2but can publish now22:59
flocculantpleia2: evening23:00
knomeso color schemes23:00
knomewp says word count 023:00
pleia2sometimes computers are less good at counting23:00
knomeit doesn't show any content either23:00
knomethere it is23:01
knomejust being very wonky apparently23:01
knomewell now it isn't there...23:01
knomeloading without js works23:02
knomeok, https://xubuntu.org/news/small-details-text-editor-terminal-color-schemes/ is out23:02
knometweeting next23:02
flocculantthanks knome :)23:02
flocculant2 nice series of posts these imo23:03
knomenow we only need to write the two last articles for the other :D23:03
knomeflocculant, did the mugshot situation clear up?23:04
flocculantlost track23:04
flocculantsituation ?23:04
knomei mean, the personal info integration article is schedule for monday23:04
flocculantoh right23:04
knomeyou wanted to postpone it because something something something23:04
pleia2g+ and fb done23:05
knomepleia2, thanks, hf!23:05
* pleia2 picks up crowbar23:05
flocculantafaik - a 'user' with no admin rights can only do a small section of mugshot changes23:05
Unit193She's going to give someone a headache..23:05
knomeUnit193, or maybe the ballache flocculant mentioned earlier23:05
flocculantUnit193: ot leg or arm23:06
flocculantknome: oooh :(23:06
* knome giggles23:06
knomeIT'S SO FLUFFY!23:06
flocculantbluesabre: are we stopped now with the mugshot for 'user' changes? 23:06
knomeso of the planned articles, we still need to write one about wallpaper stuffz23:10
knomeand then we have whole release week empty if we want to prod one in on monday for example23:10
flocculantglad you have release week open ... 23:11
knomeon release week tuesday we will publish the last article about media managers though23:11
flocculantthere is a release announcement to do23:11
flocculantthere is release testing to do23:11
flocculantthere is release panics to do23:11
knomeall panic is slightly better if there's more of it23:11
knomegives a nice feeling of accomplishment too23:12
flocculantI think that the wallpaper stuff should show *just* before release week23:12
knomehere's an idea23:12
flocculantliek Monday or something23:12
knomelet's bundle it with the contest results23:12
knome(well, testers can see it in dailies, but who cares)23:13
knomeso it could be release week monday for that23:13
knomeand something else for next weeks friday23:13
knometwo ideas not yet used are23:13
flocculantworks for me23:13
knome- presentation mode (which is useful btw)23:13
flocculantmight be23:13
knome- workspace stuff (no specific idea)23:13
flocculantI'm kind of going to go a bit quiet in a week or so 23:13
flocculantabout non-qa stuff that is ;)23:14
knomei'd hope the articles for next weeks publishing would be ready at latest early next week23:14
knome(except monday, which should be ready before.. monday923:14
flocculantI'd really like us to be a bit quiet on 'things' by next Friday 23:14
knomewhat "things"? :)23:15
flocculantwe can big it up on Thursday in 2 weeks23:15
knomeerr, are you saying you don't want any articles next week?23:15
flocculantI'd like the social stuff to be testing loud once we hit *next* weekend23:15
flocculantno no no23:15
flocculantby the Friday latest23:16
knomeright, yeah23:16
knomeso let's recap23:16
knomenext week:23:16
flocculantlet's put a date on it :)23:16
knomemonday: small details article23:16
knometuesday: media manager article23:16
knomewed: small details23:16
knomethu: 23:16
knomefri: small details23:16
knomeweekend off23:16
knomethen the week after:23:16
knomemon: small details/wallpaper contest23:17
knometue: media manager23:17
flocculantafter the 15th nothing unless I ack it23:17
knomeand after that, everything is open23:17
knomeor we can just announce the wallpaper stuff on friday23:17
knomeand leave the release week open except the media manager article23:17
flocculantnot too worried about the days - JUST that date :)23:17
knomethe original schedule for the media manager articles was one week earlier, but that didn't work out23:18
knomethe idea was to keep release week quiet indeed23:18
flocculantI'm going to be really pissed if we are warbling about some *thing* when I am desperately trying to drum up testers23:19
knomedo you have a schedule planned?23:19
flocculantyea I realise the article schedule slipped23:19
knomeonly for media manager stuff23:19
knomelots of wiggle room for the details since we decided to publish as many as three articles out per week23:20
flocculantknome: I need to try and sit down this week and sort out upgrades/install testing and some sort of order23:20
flocculantand ofc - respins will be an unknown quantity 23:20
knomewhen you know better, poke me and we'll see what kind of publicity stunts we do and when23:20
knomethen intertwine everything23:21
flocculantso planning is a bit of a misnomer :)23:21
knome(ultimately (and unfortunately) i think the target audiences for the testing stuff and the article series are a bit different though)23:21
flocculantyea ofc they are23:21
flocculanttotally understand that23:21
flocculantnot something we can sensibly share stage on23:22
flocculantrelease has to take precedence here23:22
knomethe article series are nice, and probably have more audience, but i agree that testing stuff should have more publicity23:22
flocculantlet me look up at backlog a bit23:22
knomewe can even coordinate something like twice a day23:22
knomefor testing, that is23:22
knometo try to target EU and US people23:22
flocculantso there are panels/mugshot not published?23:24
flocculantknome: ^^ unwritten ones? 23:25
flocculantcos I'm confused with what's not published and your list above ... 23:26
flocculantwallpaper is missing is all23:26
knomethe wiki isn't up-to-date23:31
knomesorry for that :P23:31
flocculantwas lookign on wordpress actually :)23:32
knomeanyway, yeah, wallpaper is only one missing23:32
flocculantso actually 2 and that to get in23:51
bluesabreevening all23:51
knomeflocculant, ack, UNLESS we want more23:52
flocculantknome: can we do the 2 next week - then nothing till release day? 23:52
bluesabreflocculant: re: wallpapers, Sunday latest I'd say23:52
flocculantwallpaper on release day sounds to me23:52
bluesabreUnit193: no progress on Thunar, maybe this weekend23:52
flocculantbluesabre: right that's what we said in the end - you'll see the mail :p23:53
bluesabreflocculant: changes to mugshot are done23:53
knomeflocculant, everything else is already next week except that one media manager article23:53
flocculantknome: cloud? 23:53
flocculantleave it there :p23:53
bluesabreflocculant: might have a change to menulibre over the weekend23:53
bluesabrejust a fix ofc23:53
flocculantbluesabre: ok23:53
knomecloud is next week, "other options" is last week23:54
knomeor we can flip23:54
knomebut cloud is closer to being ready :P23:54
flocculantbluesabre: I'm going to aim to get release notes up to date by weekend end - would be awesome if you can find time to look, then I can just update that as things fall in23:55
bluesabreflocculant: will do, just ping again as my memory will be reset when i go to sleep tonight :D23:55
flocculantknome: mmm - I really want testing to take precedence in the final 7 days 23:55
knomeflocculant, i understand23:55
flocculantbluesabre: oh crap - so who'll remind me to do it :p23:56
knomeflocculant, so you'd want to move the wallpaper stuff to release day?23:56
flocculantI'd like that23:56
knomefortunately we have time to think about that:)23:57
flocculantunless the previous weekend at very latest 23:57
bluesabreanything else needed from me currently? Friday nights are my chill nights :D23:57
knomethis next/last/previous thing is getting confusing23:57
flocculantI think I can get bluesabre to back me up on not filling social media up with pretty stuff when we really want to get as much testing done as possible :p23:57
bluesabrepretty stuff and get us more testers at the same time23:58
flocculantknome: hang on - let's get bluesabre to agree with me and I'll give you dates :p23:58
flocculantbluesabre: ha 23:58
knomeactually i'm really close to going to bed :P23:58
knomebut maybe if you're quick..23:58
flocculantknome: up to the 15th/16th I don't care :)23:59
bluesabreI'm flexible, just let me know what to do23:59
knomeyep, i got that23:59
flocculantafter that ask perhaps :)23:59
knomebluesabre, sit!23:59
knomebluesabre, beg!23:59
flocculantha 23:59
bluesabrefix thunar for meeeee!23:59
knomebluesabre, paw!23:59
* bluesabre begs23:59
flocculantha ha ha 23:59
flocculantI wish I could 23:59

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