
freak_i'm facing an issue ..i have deployed and exposed mysql and wordpress.. but wordpress not getting public address09:43
freak_in juju status against public address: node0.maas is written.....although same thing is written in juju-gui public address09:45
freak_and i can access juju-gui09:45
freak_it means its resolving names09:45
freak_anyone here please help me... upon exposing wordpress its not getting tcp port 80..infact not getting any open port12:40
freak_any way out12:40
webscholarI have installed wordpress and mysql, created the relation ship also but wordpress is not accessible in the browser 13:21
webscholarAny one can help me in this regard13:21
webscholarThere is no public IP allocated in the juju13:23
webscholarhere is the juju status13:23
webscholarwordpress:     charm: cs:trusty/wordpress-4     exposed: true     service-status:       current: unknown       since: 09 Apr 2016 16:09:15+05:00     relations:       db:       - mysql       loadbalancer:       - wordpress     units:       wordpress/2:         workload-status:           current: unknown           since: 09 Apr 2016 16:09:15+05:00         agent-status:           current: idle           since: 09 Apr 2016 18:20:10+13:23

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