
* yofel wired kci to his own monitoring now11:08
yofellets see if that'll show something when it dies next time11:08
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: nice ;-D11:09
telegram<Clifford>: what do you use ?11:16
telegram<Yofel>: Zabbix (3.0)11:20
telegram<Yofel>: I can make a team account if someone else wants to see it11:21
telegram<Clifford>: ah, I use uptimerobot.com11:24
telegram<Clifford>: sometimes my sites my be pingable, but the http is not working or throwing errors11:25
BluesKajHey folks12:05
telegram<Clifford>: hi BlueKaj12:10
telegram<Clifford>: seems loike my IRC wont stay connected today :/12:10
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
sneleyofel: clivejo: sgclark: i installed 16.04 daily today. bugs: no favorites in kickoff, folderview widget with "install kubuntu" icon messed up19:07
sneleafter adding staging ppas after reboot i got annoying kdewallet popups http://postimg.org/image/g7puh7m07/19:07
sneledisabling kdewallet fixes it19:07
sneleapart from that, smooooooth ride :)19:08
telegram<Clifford>: :)19:12
sneleif anyone experience flickering/flashing panel on intel gpu, here is the fix: https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?69912-FIX-for-flickering-flashing-panel-on-Intel-gpu&p=386097#post38609719:28
sneleah i forgot... sddm autologin option does not work19:54
mamarleySDDM autologin works for me, but I configured it a long time ago and haven't tried changing it recently.20:42
yofelsnele: kickoff, folderview and autologin are known issues, kwallet is new to me though...21:17
clivejoyofel: can I create kubuntu_unstable branch for muon?21:29
clivejoshould I sync xenial branch with the archive?21:31
clivejo!info muon xenial21:32
ubottumuon (source: muon): package manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.4.3-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 252 kB, installed size 1359 kB21:32
clivejooh it is sync'ed21:32
clivejomust be libqapt thats not21:33
telegram<marcinsagol>: Frameworks 5.21 released22:27
* mamarley slaps around a bit with a large trout.22:31
clivejolike a crazy person?22:35
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: @kubteleirc_bot, that's exactly what I was thinking22:56
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: ahoneybun ^22:56
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: chack out telegram22:57
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: valorie freenode webchat is ugly AF22:57
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: it meks me feel like it's the '90s22:57
valorieyes, it is ugly22:59
* valorie should be away -- my son is here and it's his birthday!22:59
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: ooooh23:00
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: happy birthday23:00
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: ahoneybun: I meant to check trello, not telegram23:00

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