
ssarahhei guys, i cant find the aditional drivers window01:36
ssarahI go to software updater and synaptic repositories (the usual places i went to find it)01:37
ssarahand its gone01:37
krytarikssarah: What Lubuntu version do you have anyway?02:32
krytarikssarah: So not in "Software & Updates", you say?02:56
ssarahnope, all it does is check for updates, and if it cant find any, it just says sytem all updated and only allows me to press ok02:58
ssarahbefore it had more options02:58
krytarikssarah: Notice that those two aren't the same.03:12
ssarahkrytarik, what do you mean?03:13
krytarikSoftware Updater != Software & Updates03:13
ssarahkrytarik, I see. So you know the command line for software and updates?03:14
krytarikJust look for it in the menu?03:15
ianorlinsoftware-properties-gtk is actually the command03:17
ianorlinssarah, I missed your question what is ssarah trying to do ?03:17
krytarikianorlin: Find "Additional Drivers".03:18
ianorlinah yes that will do it03:25
ssarahianorlin, what will do it?03:29
ianorlinit will have an additional drivers tab03:29
ssarahno, there's not tab :/03:32
krytarikssarah: Prove it! :P03:33
ssarahianorlin, there was one, now it just tries to find updates and exits. wait.. ill screenshot03:34
ssarahkrytarik, ianorlin http://imgur.com/pJZpllU03:42
krytarikssarah: Please refer back to what has been said already.03:44
ssarahkrytarik, I must be really missing something here... i've seen and used the aditional drivers menu a bunch of times, thats how i used to get to it. That or synaptics repositories menu, both seem to have gone missing.03:47
ianorlinwere you editing the .desktop files03:52
ianorlinI might try software-properties-gtk from the command line03:52
ssarahianorlin, im in china, so i had to mess with the sources.list file a bit. I left the sources as trusty instead as wily for a while, by mistake, not sure if that's related. Will try your command03:55
ssarahoh, it is not installed... installing03:56
ssarahits back, ianorlin03:59
ssarahgreat! ty03:59
krytarikssarah: Apparently "lubuntu-desktop" is not installed either then - you might want to reinstall it to get anything else that might be missing too.04:03
ssarahkrytarik, interesting, will do04:04
Widomsqiwhere is lubuntu 16.0409:24
llwalahoopHi! I get this on startup: ': unable to launch "/usr/bin/lxsession -s Lubuntu -e LXDE" X session --- "/usr/bin/lxsession -s Lubuntu - LXDE" not found; falling back to default session'  What have I done? This is just a few days old. I'm running 14.04.09:33
Widomsqi_for when supported by the latest version of the system09:35
Widomsqi_for when supported by the latest version of the system09:36
rumitsimonq2, hi, I tried to switch to the older kernel, and my touchpad worked again, so it's actually the kernel that broke my touchpad10:39
=== ^ is now known as e
james1138Hello all.16:57
james1138Minor question. Is there anyway to make the sound indicator / volume control auto-minimize after a few moments? I click once to change volume but it stays up if I forget to click on volume again to minimize.16:59

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