
pfifoHello everyone01:00
pfifowhat is a good way to be notified when its released?01:01
pfifoId like to begin my upgrade on release day01:02
pfifo( I have not formatted or reinstalled since release day 14.04 :D )01:02
bitshifterHi, I have a question about the new install option to "disable secure boot" to allow the installation of 3rd party drivers.01:03
bitshifter Is this only available at install time?01:03
bitshifter Once installed if you haven't checked this option there's no way to install 3rd party stuff ever again?01:03
jonathan_zzpfifo: release date is already known but I guess you could subscribe to some ubuntu-announce list.01:33
pfifoohh, I didnt see it anywhere01:34
jonathan_zzapril 21st01:37
AlecTaylorHold up, does `ls -alR` no longer show the contents of a symbolic linked directory?02:19
flocculantpfifo: if you did decide to upgrade on the day - it's likely to take some time to grab packages, after waiting for things to propogate, then the upgrade starts and it is 2 am and you miss the call to answer - then wake up and assume all went well and it just hung - and rebooted and you shouldn't have02:27
flocculantmuch much better to not panic and wait a day or two - or if you *can* do so early and actually test that the upgrade is working as expected :)02:28
flocculantthen you just need to apt update/upgrade02:28
pfifoflocculant: i use debootstrap, and really take ubuntu in my own direction.02:29
flocculantnot sure why you'd ask then  ;)02:30
pfifoahh, back in '14 I was asking and waiting and asking, then all of a sudden it caught me by suprise02:35
pfifojust happend to look on release day after giving it a break for a week or so02:36
flocculantso - yea sometime on release *day* it will release02:46
flocculantofc the day can be longer than a random normal person's day :)02:47
snadgeversion of heimdall that comes wtih 16.04 sucks :p03:39
snadgehad to build it from source.. the repo for it complains because apt sign changes03:40
=== pfifo is now known as pfifo__
Madhumper69is   4.4.6-040406-generic latest kernel? where can i go to see what is latests kernel? i cant seem to find any hits on google?04:55
Madhumper69for 16.04LTS04:55
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic05:00
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB05:00
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: ^05:00
Madhumper69then why do i ahve 4.4.6?05:04
Madhumper69thank you btw05:04
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: upgraded or clean install?05:06
Madhumper69i did upgrade i know i installed 4.4.6 but it said it was latests ubuntu kernel for 16.04lts i guess its not really accurate? im new to ubuntu so im not an expert but am getting alot better with time.05:07
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: i mean did you upgrade from a previous ubuntu version?05:08
Madhumper69no fresh install of 16.04 and upgraded manually the kernel few days ago05:09
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: try a sudo dist-upgrade ?05:09
Madhumper69yeah, no updates available all good05:10
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: downloaded the daily or beta2 ?05:11
Madhumper69i dont recall i installed few days or weeks ago... its fully updated i believe and i installed a kernel manually but all is workign fine05:11
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: why did you upgrade kernel manually?05:12
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: paste uname -a plz?05:12
Madhumper69Linux server-OptiPlex-390 4.4.6-040406-generic #201603161231 SMP Wed Mar 16 16:33:41 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:13
Madhumper69Distributor ID: Ubuntu / Description:    Ubuntu Xenial Xerus (development branch) / Release:        16.04 / Codename:       xenial05:14
lotuspsychjeweird, your on ubuntu server?05:14
Madhumper69is this kernel from 15.10 or 15.04 lol? wouldnt it go crazy with errors on 16.04lts i know this is 16.04 for sure05:16
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: you sure you didnt upgrade from 15.10?05:16
Madhumper69im pretty sure05:16
Madhumper69i installed a kernel manually not through ppa05:16
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: any reason you installed kernel manually?05:17
Madhumper69cuase when i did dist-upgrade nothing would happen i had 0 updates upgrades etc..05:17
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: from where did you grab iso?05:17
Madhumper69and from a google search i knew i could get updated kernel maybe it was 4.4.0 at its latests and all was good05:18
lotuspsychjelotuspsychje@R00TBOOK:~$ uname -a05:18
lotuspsychjeLinux R00TBOOK 4.4.0-17-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 29 17:17:28 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:18
lotuspsychjethis is what kernel should look like on daily05:18
Madhumper69i grabbed iso from http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/05:19
lotuspsychjeah beta205:19
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: i would suggest daily05:19
Madhumper69yes 16.04lts05:19
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: look at the topic for daily iso's05:20
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: or wait on your beta2 for final release05:20
lotuspsychjelike you wish05:20
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Xenial and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 16.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.05:20
Madhumper69im confused... so basicly u have 16.04lts and i to but you have 4.0 and i am 4.4.6 ? where is daily iso's topic?05:21
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: type /topic05:22
lotuspsychjedaily builds:..05:22
Madhumper69ohh ok05:22
Madhumper69so whats the difference with daily builds and beta 205:22
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: daily builds get daily iso latest05:23
Madhumper69are you trying to tell me to reinstall?05:23
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: i would try to reinstall a daily yes, depending of what you need of course05:24
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: we are still in developing phase right05:24
Madhumper69right, well all i did is install this kernel nothing is broke...05:24
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: well regular updates/upgrades should get you to latest kernel, no need for manual05:25
Madhumper69i dont think i want to reinstall everything to much work , my apache plex and ntfs sharing samba confs and networking was a nightmare lol05:25
Madhumper69ok so with this kernel if i have no issues im ok? is it bad?05:25
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: ok wait until final then, see what happens05:25
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: tried a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ?05:26
Madhumper69yeah all is updated no more updates all 0;s05:35
Madhumper690 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:35
lotuspsychjeMadhumper69: you could try to enter grub, see what other kernels showup your list05:36
Madhumper69i manually installed a kernel i could always install another and remove the one... but my question is wouldnt a different kernel make my unit go crazy with errors?05:37
Madhumper69i removed them once i knew this one worked lol05:37
ubuntu022Trying to apt update xenial is throwing a lot of errors. Any pointers on how to fix this? (Behind a proxy btw)06:34
lotuspsychjeubuntu022: disable your proxy?06:36
ubuntu022Can't. Thats the only path to the internet.06:37
lotuspsychjeubuntu022: well its not ubuntu's fault your behind a proxy right?06:38
ubuntu022Oh ok then.06:39
jushurubuntu022: cant see why a proxy should give you troubles? you are properly setting (glbaly) it before you run the apt commands?07:23
Xardseems like in xenial the "systemctl enable/disable sshd" doesn' quite work as expected08:07
Xardit should act as redirection to ssh, I get that but trying to enable or disable the redirection removes permanently the link files and stops working completely wihtout manual fixing of symlinks ;<08:08
uebera||Hi! There's no mariadb-galera-server package for Xenial (it's said that only starting with v10.1 the server package includes this functionality, but Xenial only has v10.0) and "/usr/sbin/mysqld: unknown variable 'wsrep_provider=/usr/lib/galera/libgalera_smm.so'" tells me something is missing. What to install? Wily packages?08:39
freajXard: perhaps the packages should be upgraded to systemd..09:11
Xardfreaj: that might be it as "systemctl enable/disable ssh" doesn't seem to work as expected either, though it doesn't seem to remove permanently anything09:20
freajXard: I've been on arch for years, and it's sad to see that, even in 2016 now, when you systemctl enable something, it uses sysv in the background09:21
freajthough I dunno if ssh on ubuntu is providing a .service or not09:21
Xardi've used years of rhel and fedora systems with systemd so I kind of expected things to work as they do usually with systemd :\09:22
freajbut on arch everything was using systemd :P09:22
freajYeah me too09:22
Xardthough now fedora is such a mess in desktop I just had to leave :<09:22
freajBut I can't complain, I'm using ubuntu09:22
freajI've never used fedora for desktop (or anything), I only tried in a VM09:22
freajI was tired of playing bob the builder with my system (arch) so I wanted a stable distro, but fedora seems to have a tiny package list compared to ubuntu09:23
Xardfedora has been very awesome as desktop but lately the hostility towards nvidia binary users just got unbearable09:23
freaj+ the LTS release cycle09:23
freajWell, it is understandable, fedora has only free/open source software except for the kernel09:24
Xardrpm fusion has been the source of nvidia support but lately the support and updates have been sparse09:25
Xardalso I maintain centos / rhel servers and thanks to my fedora experience the transition to the systemd wasn't that painful09:25
freajbut regarding systemd, even debian is shitty on that part09:25
freajI maintain debian servers09:26
freajAnd I was used to systemd (like.. a lot)09:26
Xarddebian is largely unknown to me :<09:26
freajSo I wanted systemd on my servers as well, writing unit files is cool and easy09:26
Xardbut that doesn't mean i'm unwilling to learn09:26
freajbut when I saw the systemd integration in debian, I wanted to cry09:26
ratracefreaj: what's wrong with it, other than the fact that logging out of SSH leaves you hangin'09:27
XardI got to confess that the state beta of the xenial lts on the desktop has been miles above what i expected09:27
ratrace(which was fixed upstream like years ago)09:27
freajratrace: with what?09:27
ratracesystemd on debian09:27
freajratrace: oh, systemctl wasn't responding, the API timeouted many many times09:27
freajIt was fixed after some time in debian tho09:28
Xardonly snag i had is with installing first time to a GPT partition as I didn't know about the efi partition and the installer wasn't that helpful either as i needed a custom partition layout09:28
freajI had to run a lot of services and systemd was hanging09:28
ratracespeaking of which, I'm missing menus in some apps, like Libre Office Calc, in 16.04. Anyone else has that issue?09:28
freajXard: I'm mostly an old school person heh, I'm struggling with silly issues as well09:29
Xardthis is the first time i'm using something else than MBR09:29
freajratrace: I'm using ubuntu gnome but I'll tell you09:29
freajXard: wow09:29
Xardbut MBR only supports disks to was it 2TB or so09:29
freajnp for me ratrace :/09:29
Xardratrace: do you mean the top bar menus?09:30
freajI'm using linux on a macbook, I have to deal with EFI09:30
freajBut it's surprising because it works out of the box now09:30
ratracefreaj: I had that few days ago for almost all the app as well but an update came and fixed it... except for Libre Office it seems.09:30
ratraceXard: yeah09:30
freaj(just have to install grub in efi and it magically works)09:30
ratrace*all the apps09:30
XardI'm using osx on my macbook but it hides all the details so i wasn't aware of the gpt boot requirements09:31
Xardratrace: I had that for some applications, had to log out to fix it :/09:31
freajI don't know how to use osx09:31
Xardfreaj: actually i got to the unix world with osx back in 200309:32
ratraceXard: logout login eh.... thanks I'll try09:32
freajratrace: maybe you will have another update soon? :P09:32
Xardratrace: sorry i don't have any more specific help as i haven't encountered it again since09:32
freajXard: heh, I got to the unix world with windows! windows were blocked at boot (vista) and I didn't have enough money to fix that, a friend told me to try mandriva09:32
ratracefreaj: yeah, hopefully .)09:33
freajwindows was blocked*09:33
Xardfreaj: but bash in osx works quite the same x)09:33
Xardfreaj: mandriva was my first linux distrubution and oh boy I had some issues with it09:34
freajI'd use osx if I wasn't doubting regarding all these proprietary softwares09:34
freajI still have my 8.10 ubuntu disk!09:34
Xardi'm using osx on laptops now as they are solid rock stable systems with vendor hardware support, can't say the same for generic x86 laptops especially when using linux sadly :(09:35
XardI still have my ppc macbook from 2003 and it works09:35
freajOnce you know how to deal with some issues with linux on macbooks, you're good to go09:35
Xardeven the batter hasn't died09:35
freajmacbooks are really one of the bests machine to work with09:35
Xardat work I have a new generation mac pro and oh boy is it unstable :<09:36
Xardcouple of crashes every week09:36
freajI only have one machine tho09:36
Xardthanks ati / amd ;<09:36
freajfrom 201209:36
freajwith the retina displays, you can't repair your computer anymore, you can't change the ram etc :(09:36
Xardthe newer macbooks have really bad keyboards though :(09:37
freajthe slim buttons keyboard?09:37
freajI wonder how you can type fast with that, I'd be annoyed09:37
Xardthe older macbook pro I used back in 2006 had exceptionally good flat keyboard09:38
freajMy only current issue is that when I close my macbook's lid, the screen stays on09:38
freajoh! the fancy white keyboards <309:38
Xardon regular pc it's either buckling springs or mx-blue or gtfo when it comes to keyboards x)09:39
Xardi'm really glad that the mechanical keyboards have made a comeback09:39
freajActually, before the macbook, I had an "awesome" laptop, like, it was easy to repair, the keyboard/screen was nice09:39
freajBut there is always something bad, bad battery, noisy, etc09:40
freajI have to confess09:40
freajI don't like mechanical keyboards09:40
Xardno problem :D09:41
Xardthey are heavy and need a proper wrist rest or are pretty much unusable09:41
Xardalso these clicky keyboards make some noise and the clicky switches can have some durability issues09:42
Xardand the broken switches can cause furiously annoying random key repeats09:43
freajI really don't understand how people can type fast with emchanical keyboards09:44
freajI'm like "ew you have to press deep!"09:44
Xardbuckling spring switches seem to be virtually indestructible though x)09:44
freajXard: why be on a linux desktop btw?09:45
freajwhy not stay with osx?09:45
XardI have multiple reasons09:46
freajI'm really concerned about privacy :/09:46
Xardbut a technical one is that with nvidia i can have 10 performance with single budget card in blender compared really expensive top of the line I709:46
Xardand apple doesn't offer nvidia solutions on desktops anymore09:47
Xardwhich means tha with linux desktop i have the freedom of choosing my hardware09:48
Xardfor older mac pro desktops where you can install custom display cards they can cost up to 1500 euros09:48
freajoh, right09:49
Xardhttp://xard.mbnet.fi/r2014-4k.jpg :309:50
freajso you draw?09:50
Xardno, that's 3d model09:51
freajoh okay09:51
freajthat's.. creative09:51
Xardi just mentioned that the cuda acceleration in blender makes things quite much faster in blender x)09:52
Xardbesides programming, server maintenance I do bit this and that as computer hobby and linux desktop has actually suited for my needs quite well09:56
Xardi guess i have to *knock on wood* so far with the 16.04 lts10:02
Xardfreaj: yeah, you mentioned about privacy and sadly that's a very good reason nowadays :<10:08
ratraceyay, updates! rebooty time!10:14
Xardwhen it comes to backups is there a sure way to tar root and only root without filesystem mounts and such to package which can be extracted to another drive / partition and and can be used after tweaking /etc/fstab and installing grub with chroot again?10:15
Xardfindmnt gives quite good picture of what to not include10:16
freajXard: usually you can ignore /sys and /dev10:17
Xardwhen it comes to /sys /dev /proc and /run the directories still need to be there as they serve as mounting points and have to have proper rights (and context?)10:17
Xardi'm used working with selinux enabled :>10:18
Xardcan i just include the folder/path without any content from it using tar?10:19
freajXard: I guess you can add exclude folders :P10:25
freajAnyway I'm out for the day, have a nice day!10:25
Xardsee ya10:25
varaindemianCan we talk about something similar to Arch's AUR in the next ubuntu release (16.04)?10:39
ratracevaraindemian: you mean like PPAs?10:39
varaindemianyeah, will they make things somehow "easier"?10:40
ratraceyour question is too vague. easier for what and whom?10:40
varaindemianto create and share your own packages10:41
ratracewell PPAs have existed for very long time, it's nothing novel for 16.04.10:41
varaindemianwhy would I pick PPAs over AUR?10:44
Xardratrace: by the way did reboot/relog fix the menu issue?10:44
ratraceXard: did so.10:44
ratraceXard: so I wonder if it's something that appears on first application start, a config gets written somewhere, and then on next login the menus are normally available. If so, perhaps it's a bug to be reported.10:45
Xardratrace: did you enable the "always show menus" option?10:45
Xardso did i10:45
Xardthat might be a good bug report target10:46
ratraceHad that from the first installation.10:46
ratraceI'll report it. Worst case, it'll be closed as notabug :)10:46
XardIt makes things almost like in osx so i'm familiar with showing the menus10:46
Xardsure, thanks for the effort :310:46
Xardthough it's bit awkward that the application names get faded out and the file menus isn't just concatenated after the application name :/10:47
ratraceXard: the only problem is, I don't know which fixed it. re-login or updates. Because I log out only to reboot after updates. I suspend the machine when I'm away.10:47
XardI guess fading the application name creates some consistency but it looks bad10:48
Xardratrace: from my experience i'd bet on restarting unity which also happens when relogging10:49
ratraceXard: probably, since this wave of updates was about the boost lib and new kernel, nothing related directly to unity.10:49
XardI don't know how unity can be restarted yet, but I think the common thing in here is that the menus start not appearing after the "always show menus is enabled"10:50
XardI don't know about ubuntu yet, but at least on fedora the updates also had links to descriptions what actually was fixed10:50
Xardi understand that the ubuntu is more consumer oriented and doesn't bother user with such details but still10:51
ratracethere are descriptions in the updater window/gui, but in this case I used command line apt-get so I didn't pay attention.10:51
ratraceoh wait, there was something qt related so it's still possible the update fixed it.10:52
Xardonly thing i could find with a quick glance was: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/156178111:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1561781 in totem (Ubuntu) "totem (16.04) is missing its application menu" [Undecided,Invalid]11:01
Xardand it's not directly related though is similiar issue11:01
Xardso i think it's safe to report it11:01
BluesKajHey folks12:05
thunfischhey, build my own preseed iso for xenial server. only hangup left is the question if i want to continue with a incomplete installer language - how do i supress that?12:15
thunfischah, needed to pass localechooser/translation/warn-light=true and warn-severe=true in bootloader append.12:23
bjornarHow do I reload apparmor profiles after dropping a /etc/apparmor.d file?14:51
Oderushi. having a couple of problems with SDDM in Kubuntu 16.04; firstly, my mouse theme does not show up in SDDM only the default, despite being on and customized, although it used to work. Also, in keyboard settings I had it set to have numblock on automatically but this also never happens which is frustrating.16:03
OderusThirdly, when i boot up and log in, my volume meter is a blank space in the task bar, unless i log out and re log in, then it appears. Any help with these issues is appreciated. thanks!16:04
Oderus1sorry i had to restart my network, questions still stand16:13
ChibaPetOderus1: Can you restate? I can in to get the release schedule link, but I'll be here for a bit.16:14
ChibaPetCame in*16:14
Oderus1hi. having a couple of problems with SDDM in Kubuntu 16.04; firstly, my mouse theme does not show up in SDDM only the default, despite being on and customized, although it used to work. Also, in keyboard settings I had it set to have numblock on automatically but this also never happens which is frustrating.16:15
Oderus1Thirdly, when i boot up and log in, my volume meter is a blank space in the task bar, unless i log out and re log in, then it appears. Any help with these issues is appreciated. thanks!16:15
ChibaPetHrm. Unfortunately, this is all software I don't use - I'd strongly recommend asking on one of the mailing lists. There's less luck of the draw involved with who sees the question, and there are some very smart people on the lists.16:18
ChibaPetAnd now is the time, with release imminent.16:18
maruson daily, the network interfaces have new names?17:35
jonathan_zzmarus: the systemd thing you mean right.17:38
jonathan_zzmarus: enp0_s25 or whatever17:38
marussystem is new to 16.0417:38
jonathan_zzyou can turn it off somewhere17:38
jonathan_zzbut it's a bit troublesome to remember17:39
marusit will still with this names, or will the normal names (eth0, wlan0) be back after final?17:40
jonathan_zzthis should do it:   ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules17:41
jonathan_zzwill stay17:41
jonathan_zzit is for servers that have multiple nics17:41
jonathan_zzthe kernel is not always reliable in giving it the same names always17:42
jonathan_zzso on some systems eth0 and eth1 would swap ocassionally17:42
jonathan_zzbut if that is no issue you it you can turn it off this way17:42
marusjonathan_z: so the symbolic link will only show off old names?17:43
marusand all new ubuntu version will have the new names17:43
marusthats awsome17:43
marusokay thanks jonathan_z ;-)17:44
jonathan_zzI'm zz, I'm sleeping ;-).17:44
jonathan_zzI don't like the thing at all and feel it should be off by default.17:45
jonathan_zzthere is a provision though to map it to names you like17:45
jonathan_zzbut at the very least a default mapping to eth0 should exist17:46
Xardhmm, seems like by default firewall ufw isn't enabled17:47
marusthat's would be better17:47
marusbecause my wlan0 new name is like wlx00259c96cafb17:47
marusfor a desktop, that doesn't help to much17:47
ratracemarus: systemd was introduced in Ubuntu with 15.04, not 16.0417:49
marusratrace: thanks, i havn't had time to try 15.0418:02
marusbut good to know that it was already at 15.0418:03
marusand i thing i should always use systemctl rather then service ..?18:04
ratracemarus: well it's native, and service is wrapped by systemctl, so...18:04
jonathan_zzI would always prefer service19:07
jonathan_zzsystemctl makes no sensen19:08
jonathan_zzhttps://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2016-April/036172.html ;-).19:10
jonathan_zzMy message on systemd predictable network names :p.19:10
bjornarHow is xenial loading the apparmor profile?20:19
bjornarI mean, no apparmor tools are installed, but profiles are, so what tools are used and from where? is this kernel handleing this?20:20
marconyhello, i have a problem.in my country some of betting sites like bet365.com is blocking.maybe somebody can help me? how i can to enter in? maybe there is something like pirat browsers?21:55
k1lmarcony: please dont crosspost in all ubuntu channels. in here its for the 16.04 ubuntu version21:57
marconyk1l, copy that21:59
nauticalnexusHello, I'm having issues upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04. I keep getting an error that won't allow me to upgrade.23:23
k1lnauticalnexus: which error?23:23
nauticalnexusk1l: I'll paste it somewhere please hold on23:24
nauticalnexusk1l: https://paste.ubuntu.com/15725661/23:25
braderhartIn Ubuntu 16.04 Beta 2 my external display shows as disconnected. Doesn't happen in earlier versions... can someone please help me gather the necessary information for a bug report?23:26
k1lnauticalnexus: does it stop after that?23:26
nauticalnexusk1l: yes.23:27
k1lnauticalnexus: you could try to change to the main servers. in your system settings23:27
nauticalnexusk1l: how so? Should I also mention I'm using GNOME?23:27
k1lnauticalnexus: software-properties-gtk23:28
nauticalnexusk1l: then what23:29
k1l"change to main servers"23:30
nauticalnexusoh yeah, sorry.23:30
nauticalnexusI'll try that. Hopefully it'll work23:30
nauticalnexusk1l: same error23:32
nauticalnexusis it not available for those that use English GB?23:33
k1lsure it is. but there seems to be an synciing issue with some packages.23:34
k1lbut i am going to bed now. bye23:34
nauticalnexusoh okay, bye23:35

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