
=== athairus is now known as afkathairus
=== afkathairus is now known as afkthairus
dczhello guys09:01
dczi am trying to use vte terminal while learning vala. i created a window and vte inside of it , but i cant type anything, here is my code http://hastebin.com/erogihiros.avrasm09:01
maxedShould analyzing (CPU profiling) my app on real device work from Ubuntu IDE? If so, are there any special actions I should take to make it work?10:25
maxedI think it needs valgrid to be installed on device. How do I do that?10:36
ogra_lol ... EFOCUS10:37
snizzohow can I change header color? theme property appears not to be present anymore in both MainView and Page11:07
snizzook found11:09
snizzoappdevs i received the email saying my new version of an app has been published but on website interface it says pending for manual review. Is this normal?13:12
beunosnizzo, hi. It isn't, we're making some changes, it'll be back to normal on Monday13:13
snizzobeuno: ok. Here is a small picture of web interface http://i.imgur.com/K7N3zcw.png13:13
snizzoI'll check on monday :)13:13
=== afkthairus is now known as athairus

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