theShirbiny | philipballew, o/ | 18:22 |
philipballew | theShirbiny, hello! | 18:23 |
theShirbiny | How are you? | 18:23 |
philipballew | okay I think. Just trying to work on a project with a new computer board I got. How are you doing? | 18:24 |
theShirbiny | raspi? | 18:25 |
theShirbiny | I'm doing great :D | 18:25 |
philipballew | theShirbiny, kind of. Its a DragonBoard 410c. | 18:25 |
philipballew | I got it for free, but I cant seem to figure out how to install Debian on it. | 18:26 |
philipballew | I guess I am not as technical as they thought! | 18:26 |
philipballew | but I did 3d print a case for it... | 18:26 |
theShirbiny | dd if=debian.iso of=/dev/sdX xD | 18:26 |
philipballew | theShirbiny, yeah. thats right. | 18:27 |
philipballew | I was following the guide and it wants me boot the board in a special way that seems to not be working. | 18:27 |
theShirbiny | | 18:27 |
theShirbiny | this one? | 18:27 |
philipballew | theShirbiny, yeah. | 18:28 |
philipballew | thats the one. | 18:28 |
philipballew | I think I might email Qualcomm who gave it to me. | 18:28 |
theShirbiny | you're an ubuntu official member, that's cool | 18:29 |
philipballew | theShirbiny, thanks. So where do you live? | 18:29 |
theShirbiny | I got kicked from the mailing list two years ago xD | 18:30 |
theShirbiny | Cairo | 18:30 |
philipballew | theShirbiny, im sorry to hear that you got kicked out. | 18:30 |
philipballew | Cairo seems cool. I'd love to visit there one day | 18:30 |
theShirbiny | you don't have to highlight me everytime, this channel is pretty much dead :D | 18:30 |
theShirbiny | yeah, and you? | 18:31 |
philipballew | ah, just a habit... I live in California | 18:31 |
theShirbiny | Cool | 18:31 |
theShirbiny | You originally from Egypt? | 18:31 |
philipballew | nah. I have never been there. I just came to this channel for something a while ago and I guess never left... | 18:32 |
theShirbiny | xD, the exact thing happened to me with #ubuntu-ar, I thought they were the official ubuntu Arabic channel | 18:33 |
theShirbiny | turns out ar = Argentina | 18:33 |
philipballew | ah, and I assume you do not speak Spanish? | 18:36 |
theShirbiny | nope | 18:38 |
theShirbiny | I'm leaning German, but i'm not really trying too hard xD | 18:38 |
philipballew | theShirbiny, oh nice. I dont speak much German, | 18:46 |
philipballew | I speak a good amount of Spanish, and am trying to learn more. | 18:46 |
theShirbiny | cool | 18:50 |
philipballew | theShirbiny, what makes you want to learn German? | 20:06 |
theShirbiny | Dunno really, didn't like other languages, I tried Russian and Spanish | 20:09 |
theShirbiny | Maybe cause they have some cool rock bands :p | 20:10 |
philipballew | good point. I do like Germany rock. Will you go to Germany one day to use it? | 20:14 |
theShirbiny | I will, if I have the time and money for that :D | 20:18 |
theShirbiny | cool -> | 20:19 |
philipballew | theShirbiny, yeah, that sounds a lot like me... | 20:35 |
theShirbiny | xD | 20:35 |
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