
sacardecan you help me to find, in kernel source, instructions that build bzImage from:11:40
sacardevmnlinux + bootsect.o + setup.o + misc.o + piggy.o 11:40
sacardeis true?11:40
jonfhi, I have been having problems with the fadvise “willneed” system call when using it with large files recently - it was no longer bringing in the entire file (assuming available buffer cache pages) any more, just the 1st 2MB of the file. I have tracked this down to a change in mainline ( commit 6d2be915e589 ), and the discussion around it implies that mainline will stay with this change, but redhat and oracle may patch their kerne15:52
jonfis this something that Ubuntu would consider?15:52
adamsmdUpstream patch [1] makes wireless work on the "Lenovo ideapad Y700", and path [2] makes it work on the "Lenovo ideapad Y700 Touch".  It looks like [1] was backported to the Ubuntu kernel for 16.04 but [2] was not.  Would it be possible to get [2] backported as well?16:19
adamsmd[1] https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/edde316acb5f07c04abf09a92f59db5d2efd14e216:19
adamsmd[2] https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/4db9675d927a71faa66e5ab128d2390d6329750b16:19
adamsmd(I am interested as I just got a "Lenovo ideapad Y700 Touch".)16:20

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