
mk1048HELP! My Nexus 7's on-screen keyboard is not popping up on login screen after update.00:59
Acou_Bass:O could it be01:51
Acou_BassOTA-10 just popped up on my nexus 4? :D winner01:51
mobilehi 2 all02:01
mobileЕсть русские на канале?02:02
Acou_Bassota-10 seems to have gone into nexus 4 nicely02:03
molavy_i want help ubuntu-touch add persian(farsi) keyboard  support02:28
molavy_where is should i start and how can i do that02:28
dobeymolavy_: lp:ubuntu-keyboard02:38
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luctiusHello, is it possible to leave a message in the ubuntu-touch notification area for later review by the user from the command line. notify-send creates a temporary notification but nothing appears in the notification area .07:23
jlkon13hi, i have got some issues with my boot image and i hope somebody can help me; i tried booting my image with the android init binary and the ubuntu init.rc file, everything worked fine, i was able to run adb and use some commands (except ubuntu wasnt booting); as i switched to the ubuntu init binary the device turns on and off all the time; how can i fix this/where is the problem?10:08
mike00is right that after the update to OTA 10, the battery duration is reduced?11:43
Acou_Bassmike00: ive not noticed that, but then i only got the update last night... ill report back tonight hehe12:13
mcphailpopey: yes, not enjoying this ota much12:48
popeymcphail: oh?12:53
mcphailbrowsing is annoying witg lots of lag. lots of app crashes. generally painful12:53
mcphailWill file some bugs when I go back to work (and away from the puppy, which is consuming all my time) in a week12:55
popeymcphail: ok, thanks13:41
ahoneybunI know launchpad is the place for issues but what about UI stuff14:59
ahoneybunit does make any sense to not let the scopes rotate on the N715:04
dobeyahoneybun: what do you mean "UI stuff" ?15:08
ahoneybundobey, the scope15:08
ahoneybunit is stuck on landscape15:08
dobeyyou mean the dash15:08
ahoneybunthe N7 is best held portarit15:09
dobeyunity8 package is where to file bugs about unity815:09
dobeybut yes, the tablet layout being landscape is a design decision15:09
dobeyyou could also add a task to the bug for the ubuntu-ux project15:10
dobeyhmm, i guess the 2012 n7 does not cultivate qi15:10
zubozroutThis is interesting. Will join the discussion as I have Nexus 7 deb (LTE) and there the dash is on the other hand stuck in portrait even thought it is in most parameters the same device. What determines the dash to be in portrait or landscape? (PS. I would on the other hand welcome the device to be in landscape)15:19
ogra_it is a device specific setting shipped in the device tarball15:20
ogra_(and there is a bug open about it)15:20
ogra_bug 146533115:21
ubot5`bug 1465331 in Ubuntu UX "[scopes] should Dash rotate" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146533115:21
luctiusHow does one acces sources of apps and scopes in the ubuntu store for ubuntu-touch from open-sourced licensed projects?15:21
zubozroutogra_ Well in that case it would be ideal to let user decide on how he would like to use the device :). Yes, thank for the link ... already subscribed to that but forgot about ti being open.15:22
ogra_zubozrout, dont tell me ... i'm not tthe design team ;)15:22
ogra_luctius, all of ubuntu is built from the ubuntu archive ... on an ubuntu desktop you can just "apt-get source <packagename>" to get the source for a phone package15:23
luctiusI know that works for desktop programs, but that should also work for the scopes in ubuntu-touch? do I need to add a repository?15:24
homahi my friends15:26
ogra_luctius, ah, scopes are different ... (as are apps) they dont come from deb packages like the rest of the system15:29
zubozroutogra_ One other thing to the UI rotation. Is the bootscreen rotation determined the same way as dash? As I have bootanimation in landscape while the login screen and the dash are in portrait. Seems pretty inconsistent.15:31
luctiusthey are 'click' packages right. I assume there is a way to retreive those but haven't found it yet. Also, is uappexplorer.com is the only way to see the ubuntu ubuntu-touch store contents from the desktop?15:32
ogra_zubozrout, i think thats hardcoded in the recovery img15:32
zubozroutogra_ ok :), makes sense15:33
Acou_Bassmcphail: which was the website that caused all your issues with the browser?15:42
ogra_Acou_Bass, almost every subpage of insights.ubuntu.com15:45
Acou_Bassalrighty, ima test it15:45
ogra_iirc the specific one hw complained abot was https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/04/07/ubuntu-is-everywhere/15:45
Acou_Bassseems OK to me actually15:46
Acou_Basstheres a bit of a problem with it being too big for the screen halfway down15:46
Acou_Bassbut i zoom out and its all good15:47
Acou_Bassthe page gets wayy bigger there, then shrinks back down after the 'about the author' part15:49
ogra_yeah, seems someone fixed the CSS ... works here too15:49
ogra_it definitely didnt last week15:50
ogra_(images vanished while scrolling etc)15:50
Acou_Bassweird ;015:50
Acou_BassOTA-10 has been fine for me, not much different from 9 apart from the calendar app (i already had dekko + unav installed anyway) XD15:52
Acou_Bassquick question - the ubuntu PPA for the scope generator scripts... i can stick that on a lightweight ubuntu (eg. lubuntu or even netinstall) right? its not gonna try dragging in unity desktop?15:54
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cirospaciarihello people :)16:46
cirospaciarithe performance in OPO after update to r11 is a lot better16:47
Acou_Basscool ;D16:48
cirospaciariubuntu touch will support android apps? i read about a android layer, support the most used social networks in all will be great17:01
cirospaciariable to run with archon its a great idea17:02
ogra_not planned, no17:04
cirospaciarii will try convert some apps built in cordova, and develop missing API xD17:13
ahoneybunany way to change the DPI or something?17:39
ahoneybunI can't seem to do it with DVI to HDMI17:39
ahoneybunI think you can rescan on the monitor but it has to be hdmi17:40
zyixc__Hello, Quick question: what happened to the meizu pro 5 ubuntu edition? Should have been released halfway through march?17:55
dobeyluctius: you'd have to ask the developer of the app/scope in question where to get the source for it18:01
dobeyluctius: you can run unity8 and the store scope on a PC too, but it won't show the same apps (different archs, etc…)18:02
luctiusdobey, ok, thanks. A pity thought.18:03
dobeyluctius: not really; we don't want to try to force everyone to use launchpad to host their code, and there is no explicit requirement that apps or scopes in the store be released under a license which requires publishing of source code as well18:03
dobeyjust as they aren't in the partner repository or old software-center based store18:04
dobeyie, "apt-get source steam" is not going to get you the source code for steam18:04
dobeyit will get you a source package that has some bits to download and run the steam installer, when first launched by a user after installing the package18:05
luctiustrue, but that is because it is nothing more than the downloader. But I understand your point.18:06
luctiusdo you know btw if there is a commandline client of some sort for ubuntu-push notifications?18:07
dobeythere is no cli tool to emit one, no.18:08
luctiusand if I would like to make something like that, what would be the easiest option? would 'go' work?18:08
luctiusI have a shell script which uses notify-send, but that only displays a temporary notification.18:09
dobeyyes, i answered your question on askubuntu18:09
luctiusah yes, thanks btw :).18:10
dobeyi don't know what exactly you're trying to do there, but i would advise against making / writable and installing extra things via apt that way; instead using a chroot under home (or on an sd card) if you really must install cli deb tools and run shell scripts requiring extra packages18:10
dobeyanyway, must return to my weekend18:12
luctiussure, thanks!18:12
Acou_Bassdobey: is that the recommended way to access apt-get on ubuntu touch then, a chroot?18:12
Acou_Bassive been wanting to install a couple of X/desktop applications to test with convergence, but dont really want to do the writeable root thing because i like auto updates XD18:13
dobey"recommended" is to not try to use apt-get at all. if you must compile things on a device or use some cli tools as such, you should use a chroot18:13
dobeyAcou_Bass: the legacy application integration uses containers. i'd say just wait for that to be ready :)18:14
dobeyif you want X apps anyway18:14
Acou_Bassyeah i mean, im not urgently needing it to happen right this second - just want to test how it works as a 'real desktop' - and unfortunately for now that does mean certain X apps :P18:15
Acou_Bassjust doing some research on this legacy container thing - is it the 'libertine' thing im reading about?18:26
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ulrichardSince two days when I try to start the browser, it quits immediately. Web apps that also use the browser in the background still work.20:08
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