
brouschdzho: I did the same thing at one point11:16
cmaloneyWonder if they actually thought they'd be shipping to the USA.13:26
dzho"global" is what one wants, the first path element after the hostname should be 'gl' instead of 'en'15:15
dzhoonce you get to the shipping options, there's a list of countries, but it is only piecemeal alphabetized.15:15
dzho"United States" ends up somewhere in the middle, at the end of one run, but before another.15:15
brouschcmaloney: I was listening to doom metal (very slow, heavy metal) in my office when George walked in. I asked if he liked it. "No, it's too epic." I'm going to treat that like a compliment, like when he calls my cooking "Too tasty."22:53
_stink_haha brousch22:59
cmaloneyThat's awesome.23:06
_stink_sqlalchemy question just in case someone has seen this: has anyone had trouble mapping Boolean columns with sqlite?  i googled around and didn't find anything obvious.  i'm using declarative, and my insert statements include all the columns except the Boolean ones, and if i dump the mapper for that table it doesn't show the Boolean columns there.23:07
_stink_i also asked in #sqlalchemy.23:07
cmaloneyAre you reflecting or creating?23:07
cmaloneyBecause reflection is going to get it wrong as they're integers23:08
_stink_not reflecting - each column is fully included in the model class.23:09
_stink_er, explicitly.23:10
_stink_the table is there already thought thanks to alembic23:10
cmaloneySo this is an alembic issue then?23:11
cmaloneyNot quite following23:11
_stink_naw, it's in my application.  the table is in the db and .schema shows the right stuff.  but in the model class, i am using declarative, and i have something like23:13
_stink_read = Column(Boolean, blahblah)23:13
_stink_but the read column never gets mapped23:14
cmaloneyDid you try using a different variable name, or is this for all booleans?23:14
_stink_i wondered that too - it's for all Booleans, but they are named "read", "write", and "delete" :P23:16
_stink_so maybe some kind of collision23:16
cmaloneyTry adding something to the vars like _flag and see if that works.23:16
_stink_i'd need to change the column names though?  or maybe there's a mapper flag to point to a different column name23:17
_stink_thanks for the advice cmaloney23:17
brousch_stink_: delete might be your issue http://www.sqlite.org/lang_keywords.html23:22

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