[07:10] morning everyone [07:29] morning all [07:44] ai! [07:58] good evening everyone [07:58] superfly: interesting link there [08:08] hey inetpro [08:08] cremora [08:15] eh, hello Wolfeyes and wb o̶o̶m̶, oops... erase that... Kilos [08:18] lol [08:18] i messed up my ssd kde [08:18] said drive was to full so i tried sweeper [08:18] oh my [08:19] nothing is recognised anymore [08:19] Good evening [08:19] sick up and fed [08:19] hi superfly [08:21] inetpro jy tender ne [08:21] heya superfly [08:21] Kilos: hoekom gisteraand jy loop sonder om te groet meneer? [08:22] eerste keer ooit [08:22] jy kwaad vir iemand? [08:22] nee [08:22] het ek nie gegroet nie [08:22] ai! [08:22] vreemd [08:22] baie vreemd ja [08:22] ek was moeg [08:22] skuus almal [08:24] jy's vergewe Kilos, net nie dat dit weer gebeur nie [08:28] ok [08:28] i find that strange, i always say night [08:30] Kilos: not last night [08:30] oh when then [08:31] ai! [08:31] oh but hang on, did I miss it? [08:31] ah [08:32] 04/08 22:15:54 night all. sleep tight [08:32] ya see [08:32] that's unfair [08:32] whyy [08:32] you slipped that in there without me noticing [08:32] hhahahahaha [08:32] while I was talking [08:33] ok sorry for that as well then [08:33] sorry Kilos, I really didn't see that [08:33] np [08:33] you are forgiven [08:34] jy's vergewe , net nie dat dit weer gebeur nie [08:34] hehe [08:34] hmm... sal probeer maar ek kan niks waarborg nie [08:35] hehe [08:37] night all. sleep tight [08:37] @22.14 [08:38] ty bushtech [08:38] bushtech: your time is out [08:38] or is it mine? [08:38] he is just in a strydom mood today again [08:38] let me check [08:39] no, my time is perfect and on par with http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/south-africa/pretoria [08:40] nm man [08:40] 22:14:04 on mine [08:40] point is i did greet [08:40] bushtech, Kilos: I already said sorry above [08:40] must I do it again? [08:41] lol [08:42] bushtech: is your time in sync? [08:42] Kilos: posted that at 22:15:54 [08:42] cant check now on way out [08:43] haha, ok [08:43] see Kilos, I win [08:43] register w/ iec yuc [08:43] ai! [08:43] bushtech: did you not register last time? [08:44] been trying to change home address for years [08:44] ahh [08:45] easiest is to check at https://www.elections.org.za/ but if you want to change address... [08:45] that's another story [08:46] I keep wondering why anyone would want to pay R1 to check by SMS [08:48] anyway, I'm happy to see the following, 'No more “Hash Sum Mismatch” errors' [08:48] http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~cjwatson/blog/no-more-hash-sum-mismatch-errors.html [08:48] short story, "This is now enabled by default in Ubuntu. It’s only there as of xenial (16.04), since earlier versions of Ubuntu don’t have the necessary support in APT. With this, hash mismatches on updates should be a thing of the past." [08:49] i need to reboot, wbb [09:03] sjoe , using an ssd spoils one [09:04] pity they so costly [09:06] A quick hallo [09:06] Morning all [09:07] hi mazal [09:07] More oom , ek's nou op my foon sim in barry se router :P [09:07] mooi [09:07] Werk , net hond duur [09:07] ja [09:07] Is maar net vir mail lees tot Dinsdag [09:08] nou voel jy waarmee van ons elke dag sukkel [09:08] Afrihost se couriers het gebel en gese hulle lewer daai sim Dinsdag af [09:08] mooi [09:08] Is darem bk beter as nou [09:08] 1 gig het my nou R160 gekos [09:09] sjoe [09:09] Dis prepaid , die duurste wat daar is. [09:09] ek betaal R138 vir 2g [09:09] Het nie ander opsie op my foon sim nie [09:09] R199 vir 3g [09:10] Nou ja , laak maar eers weer hol. Wou net gou kom hallo se [09:10] 1g hou lank as jy net epos en im goed doen [09:10] Is te duur om hier te wees [09:10] mooi loop [09:10] nee man [09:10] En verder dink [09:10] irc gebruik 10m n dag [09:11] Ja maar ander goed DL in background wat mens nie van weet nie [09:11] Win updates bv. [09:11] sit als af man [09:11] Die bleddie AV bly dit enable [09:12] Lekker dag verder oom , ek moet nou gaan uitfigure hoe om PS4 game updates te disable :P [09:36] awww man [09:36] what [09:36] just when I want to talk to him he leaves [09:36] lol [09:37] he is learning what mobile internet costs [09:38] you people are weird! [09:39] why [09:39] I always believed I was alien superfly, lol [10:36] hi Cryterion === jellie is now known as Guest58494 [14:08] oh why does every server want to start up and listen on port 8080 on my machine [14:09] setting up ubuquiti AP at home and controller software wants port 8080 :( [15:00] Hi every one! [15:05] uh oh [15:08] pavlushka: looks like I'm the only everyone today, you can talk to me sir [15:09] lol [15:09] does uh oh means anything in native? [15:11] perhaps should be uh-oh [15:11] does that ring a bell? [15:13] meaning: an exclamation of error, concern, awareness of a problem, or surprise [15:14] you are talking like maaz! [15:15] I said that because someone pulled the bits out under my feet [15:15] ??????? [15:16] oh I understand now, you would not have seen my disconnect because my account had not timed out yet [15:17] pavlushka: how's the weather in your neck of the woods? [15:18] I've seen that but didn't catch and have you seen my screenshot? [15:18] your disconnection [15:19] i mean [15:19] you posted a link to a screenshot? No, I didn't see [15:20] hi hulk{-_-} [15:21] inetpro, I am too much stupid for your lines, "weather in my neck of the woods?" means head? [15:21] or hair? [15:22] pavlushka: in your neighborhood [15:22] ai! [15:22] where you hang your hat up [15:22] wb Kilos [15:22] ty slept like a log [15:22] ah! felt l breeze after knowing the meaning! [15:23] and Heya Kilos ! [15:23] good [15:23] Kilos: see I blanked out the [15:23] inetpro, I was lost in the wood for a moment! [15:23] used tippex and all [15:24] pavlushka: you do know Tippex? [15:24] and my neighborhood's weather is hotty cool. [15:25] wait, let me ask Kilos in private. [15:25] haha [15:26] whew [15:27] inetpro, Do I really have to ask Kilos or you will tell me? [15:29] wbb in 30min from groceries! [15:33] sharks/lions [15:33] go sharks [15:33] Kilos: score? [15:34] pavlushka: Tippex is a type of correction fluid [15:34] 13/0 to lions [15:34] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tipp-Ex [15:34] remember I'm not allowed to mention the word ' ' [15:34] what word? [15:34] oops... it's auto tippexed here [15:35] tell me in private [15:35] haha [15:36] oh oom [15:36] yeah that one [15:36] hahahaha [15:36] Kilos: come now, shout harder man... can't allow the sharks to fail like that [15:37] ill send them the instruction mentallt [15:37] mentally [15:37] 13/3 [15:49] whew lions punishing us [15:50] almost time for a 1/2 time pep talk [15:53] 18/3 [15:54] pavlushka: you still have not told us about your weather? [16:11] oh and I missed that he said hotty cool, whatever that means as well [16:11] Kilos: score? [16:11] lol [16:11] 18/9 [16:12] Kilos: we have a chance to come back? [16:12] Hi inetpro, will you accept that as answer? [16:12] yeah [16:12] pavlushka: what choice do I have [16:13] you can reject and ask for more! [16:13] how far is your shop? [16:14] 21/9 [16:14] ai! [16:28] score Kilos [16:29] same [16:29] we really battling [16:39] nee man [16:50] 24/9 [16:51] no time to even think of catching up [17:01] inetpro, was that for me ? "how far is your shop?" [17:02] i got a visitor in our ghostly channel ubuntu-bd. [17:07] im on another drive so most channels not showing [17:08] another drive means? [17:09] i removed the ssd and put the standard drive in the laptop [17:10] ok. [17:13] inetpro, when you asked about weather 2nd time, I was installing bunch of weather apps to answer you more specifically, but the location service does not support my location, :\ [17:14] he was asking what you meant by saying hot and cold in the same sentence [17:15] your weather is either hot or cold not both [17:15] its 50:50, cool. [17:28] its 25/26 degree Celsius here [17:28] humidity 77% [17:29] correction 24 degree Celsius [17:40] ok so nice and warm [17:40] we were about that today but going down to 11°c tonight [17:45] pavlushka: sorry for the delay, yes that was meant for you, the shop question [17:46] very close, at a stone through distance, 3 min walk. [17:46] oh that's nice! [17:46] whew you can throw stones far [17:47] Kilos: he still has to walk down the stairs as well maybe :-) [17:47] lol [17:50] “An average walk is at a speed of 2.5 miles per hour. This converts to 13,200 feet per hour or 220 feet per minute. On this basis, a 5-minute walk would be 1,100 feet and a 10-minute walk would be 2,200 feet.” [17:51] sjoe [17:51] we feeling technical again tonight [17:51] so 3 minutes would be 660 feet [17:52] so [17:52] that's like 300m Kilos? [17:52] thats like a record stone throw [17:52] oops 200 [17:52] or 201.168 to be precise if you want [17:53] only stones i can throw that far are lead ones [17:53] ya, I guess that be a bit more than a stone throw [17:55] or maybe he just walks very slow [17:55] lol [17:55] slow walks are healthy Kilos [17:56] for old peeps ya [17:56] It is a very casual walk. [17:57] if you walk slow there the tigers will catch you [17:57] oh thats next door hey [17:57] pavlushka: but how do you go shopping this late, those shops are open 24 hours? [17:57] almost till 11 PM or more. [17:57] or what was that timezone again Kilos? [17:58] UTC+6 [17:58] 4 hours ahead of us [18:00] yep [18:01] so it's now just past midnight there? [18:01] time to go sleep pavlushka [18:04] my time is 2 AM. [18:05] oh goodness, what town or city are you in? [18:05] no man [18:05] he means his sleep time [18:06] oh I see [18:08] pavlushka why are you taking so long to answer [18:09] maybe he is just very busy Kilos [18:09] I was reading a post in FB Ubuntu-BD [18:09] ah [18:10] add my name, then it will poke with make a sound, then I'll know instantly. [18:11] *poke me with a sound [18:11] pavlushka: poke [18:11] lol [18:11] haha [18:12] pavlushka: we call that ping here... what are you so busy with [18:12] sorry to disturb and ask so many questions anyway [18:12] lol [18:12] trying give support to them, so I was scrutinizing their problems. [18:13] ahh [18:13] looks like even Kilos is very preoccupied [18:13] ok, I am free now. [18:14] scrutinizing is over. [18:14] i am sorting an affice prob on xp with ians help and tring to sort ssd thats plugged in here via usb adapter [18:16] like to add, my os is running on external HD but dont know is it ssd type or not. [18:17] pavlushka: sudo dmidecode [18:19] gives you lots of info about your system [18:19] oh but maybe not about your HDD [18:19] pavlushka size of drive [18:20] ? [18:20] for that you probably need lshw [18:20] Kilos, 1 TB [18:20] not ssd [18:20] ssd's are very expensive [18:21] 128g cost the same as a 1TB hdd [18:24] you got me, I have no money, using that logic, clever, I think you are right. [18:24] lol [18:24] i dont know if they even have a 1TB ssd yet [18:25] they have a 15tb ssd [18:25] but good luck affording it :p [18:25] seems like MaNI has money! [18:25] I wish [18:25] but they so much faster that it could be good to use one for main stuff only [18:25] wow [18:26] https://news.samsung.com/global/samsung-now-introducing-worlds-largest-capacity-15-36tb-ssd-for-enterprise-storage-systems [18:26] * MaNI drools [18:26] * pavlushka drools [18:26] * Kilos too [18:26] drip drip [18:26] lol [18:27] MaNI: one day we will be able to buy those, hopefully [18:27] one day people will be throwing them away, haha [18:27] I mean I remember when a 10mb harddrive was a big deal [18:28] I think inetpro meant one day we will be able to buy 1 piece of that together! [18:28] lol [18:28] oh yeah, I also remember when those got doubled up to 20MB [18:30] and now the OS won't even fit in a 1GB partition [18:31] hehe, yeah technology have to both love and hate it :p [18:36] only thing to be unf=happy with is the cost of keeping up [18:36] unhappy [18:37] Kilos: gotta learn to be ahead of the race [18:38] but don't worry, I'm in the pack at the back together with you [18:38] ai! ive just managed to get sudo commands working [18:38] ty we can go ahead together slowly [18:39] this i5 lappy has improved things lots though [18:42] * pavlushka wishes he had more than 1 core!! [18:43] old saying wish in one hand and spit in the other and see which is heaviest [18:44] was actually something more solid than spit when i learned it [18:44] pavlushka what ram have you got [18:45] 2 GB [18:45] i found being able to use ddr3 made things much faster [18:45] its about virtualization [18:46] you can do that with your machine. [18:46] like i buiolt a desktop with a dual core 3 g and 4g ddr3 and speed was close to this i5 laptop [18:46] ddr3 is much faster than ddr2 [18:47] but i even chatted here with a pentium 3 pc [18:47] yes the bus speed difference tells that [18:47] inetpro, tell him. [18:47] irc and im apps dont need such a fast pc [18:48] he has been telling me for 5 years or more [18:48] Kilos, you heard VMware, virtualbox? [18:49] i tried the box before [18:49] I cant use those but you can. [18:49] but i dont have need for anything extra really [18:49] limitations here are mobile costs [18:49] love to test different flavours, distros. [18:50] too expensive for me [18:50] * I [18:50] 2 isos is my months dta gone [18:50] You just have to have the iso by any mean. [18:51] im happy with kde 14.04 and will get other releases when i visit aus [18:52] ok. :) [18:56] you should try bento [18:56] ubuntu based iso using openbox [18:56] much faster than ubuntu [18:59] I got a little faster, little lighter flavor, xubuntu. [18:59] bento is better than that [18:59] i didnt like xubuntu [18:59] or lubuntu [18:59] tell about it [19:00] tell me about it [19:00] inetpro where was that link to bento? [19:00] i have it running on a slow desktop [19:00] but xp pc there now [19:01] Kilos, I mean to say why you dont like those two flavors, tell me about it. [19:01] xp not a chance. [19:01] do you like olives? [19:01] im repairing the xp pc for a friend os my sister [19:01] when my mother made sweet pickles of them. [19:02] do you like whisky [19:02] I didn't tried. [19:02] point is , its all about taste [19:02] if i dont like something i dont like it [19:03] got it. [19:03] like i dont like using windows [19:03] * pavlushka laughs [19:03] yeah, point. [19:03] Maaz google bentolinux [19:04] Kilos: "GitHub - abrasive/bento-linux-build: Scripts and files to build kernels ..." https://github.com/abrasive/bento-linux-build :: "LinuxVillage | Utilisateurs GNU/Linux francophones et anglophones" http://linuxvillage.org/en/ :: "Bento Linux | LinuxVillage" http://linuxvillage.org/en/blog/tag/bento-linux/ :: "Bento Ubuntu Remix RC | LinuxVillage" [19:04] http://linuxvillage.org/en/blog/2013/11/15/bento-ubuntu-remix-rc/ :: "Bento OpenBox in Launchpad" https… [19:04] http://linuxvillage.org/en/blog/2013/11/15/bento-ubuntu-remix-rc/ [19:04] its built by an older lady in france with help from the lubuntu dev team [19:05] maaz sudo apt-get install bento [19:05] pavlushka: Huh? [19:05] light and fast [19:05] i even tried that ubuntu that looks like mac os [19:06] if like mac os, I would have mac os, not a look alike, I dont like look alikes [19:07] I dont wanna be a mick jagger [19:08] I'll be me as a musician [19:08] if I wanted to. [19:09] nono [19:09] the look alike using ubuntu is better im sure [19:09] and i understand ubuntu so makes it easier [19:10] like i prefer kde to unity [19:10] ok [19:14] if kde breaks its because i have done something wrong [19:15] I was saying that if you have multicore, you can keep your usual os and can test different os with vbox without altering your regular system, that's the benefit of multicore. [19:16] yes i agree but i dont have data t waste downloading extra systems [19:18] I can offord the data but dont have an extra core, it was about me, if you like testing other os, mazal can or any other can help, in Unuversities, we were helping eachother like that. [19:19] yeah [19:20] i will just keep helping who i can this way [19:20] did you watch the last 2 applicants meeting pavlushka [19:21] yeah. [19:21] see how easy it is when you have done things for ubuntu [19:21] is it easy for me? now? [19:21] not yet i think [19:22] you need documented proof and testimonials [19:22] good, just wanna make sure my situation. [19:22] sorry, was afk [19:22] testimonials are very important [19:22] thanks for telling me that [19:22] * inetpro missed something? [19:23] not really inetpro [19:23] thanks [19:23] most of my works gone beyond documentation. [19:23] we just rambling [19:23] they can be very strict so its good to have proof [19:24] i was very lucky they asked me nothing [19:25] on your membership? [19:25] yeah [19:25] was surprized when i saw how they question others [19:26] yeah. [19:26] getting membership isnt easy for some [19:27] but no matter how much someone has done they always ask you if you are active in a loco [19:27] and always ask if there is anyone there to support you [19:28] although they approved Inoki despite. [19:29] yes but he said he is planning to get involved in his loco member [19:29] and he did the gnome artwork [19:29] yeah. [19:29] so already all ubuntu users are using his artwork [19:34] thanks you guys, Goodnight! [19:35] see ya Kilos ! [19:35] night lad [19:35] sleep well [19:36] ai! [19:36] sjoe [19:43] hmm... I thought his time was only 2AM ? [19:43] yeah [19:44] thats his bedtime [19:44] and 30 mins later tonight [19:44] no, he left early [19:44] sleeping so late isnt very healty unless you sleep way into the morning [19:44] now 01:43 there [19:44] oh yes [19:45] shame he tried fo membership with no support or guidance even [19:45] eish [19:46] thats how i got to know him [19:46] so they didn't approve? [19:46] belkie and i decided to help him bt sorting the loco probs to start with [19:47] looks like you're doing a good job there sir [19:47] thier loco is all on fb and it was restricted [19:48] no at least that has been opened [19:48] also they had peeps tring to join the lp way and waiting for over 2 years [19:48] now thats opened [19:48] hehe peeps must hate me [19:49] i think i give popey gray hairs [19:51] why you giving them grey hairs? [19:52] getting involved in stuff thats other peeps work [19:52] loco work is lov=co council work [19:52] ai! [19:53] there was another thing where approvals were ignored [19:53] where you get all ubuntu pics and stuff [19:54] thats also active again [19:54] i nag too much i think [19:54] often have to remind peeps that the aim is promoting and growing ubuntu [19:54] privte issues arent part of it [19:55] good man [19:55] all your fault [19:55] but as long as you there when i need you im happy doing it [19:56] you're good at it [19:56] and my fly of course even when he just lurks [19:57] ohi superfly didnt see you there [19:57] hehe [19:57] :D [19:57] ... [19:57] * superfly hides some more [19:58] ian brought his lxmarks all in one thing and kde got the scns quick [19:58] hehe [19:58] so monday the immi peeps get revved again [19:58] w0000t [19:59] ? [20:00] the online visa peeps man [20:00] keep up [20:00] ok [20:01] soon a 30 year fast gets broken [20:01] please explain that [20:02] well debs and i been apart for 30 years [20:02] oh my [20:02] and we dont connect the way normal peeps do [20:03] we feel each others emotions and things even from 8000ks away [20:03] and pains [20:03] the time will come [20:03] yeah hopefully soon [20:03] weeks im hoping [20:04] but wanted to go december [20:04] now its winter sigh [20:04] summer will come again also [20:04] i can only go for 3 months man [20:05] thats place wants you to bank near 1 mill before you can immigrate to there [20:05] what's the weather like there in winter? [20:05] like cape town [20:05] miserable [20:05] you said where was it? [20:06] melbourne victoria [20:06] ok [20:06] ask the fly, he knows how to cope with it then [20:06] hahaha [20:09] noticeably lower average minimum temperature there [20:09] see https://versus.com/en/melbourne-vs-cape-town [20:09] ty [20:12] i would go even if it was north pole weather [20:12] dont care about stuff that attracts other peeps [20:14] Da Man is seriaaaaas [20:15] haha [20:19] * inetpro calling it a day [20:19] good night [20:20] inetpro: thanks for making we aware of time difference [20:20] haha, he fixed it? [20:21] bushtech_: you're welcome [20:21] dont know why it drifted [20:22] grrrr vodacom [20:25] ai! [20:25] spose i should sleep [20:25] night all. sleep tight [20:25] optiona [20:26] inetpro ^^ [20:26] hehe [20:26] what? [20:26] optional [20:26] lekker slaap [20:26] sleep? [20:26] yep [20:26] dankie. sien julle more [20:27] mayb e ill put my ssd in here and try fix it [22:16] kinfocenter got lots of info about everything