
igorWhich option to use Netflix on Ubuntu 15.10 32bit ?00:13
igorChromium not work but not like wine00:14
igorsorry my english.00:15
Steven_MDoesn't anyone have problems with sound not working during periods of very high disk activity?00:15
Exagone313Hi, is it possible to install Ubuntu from standard GUI installation without grub or at least to keep existing grub/boot manager for default boot, installed from another OS install?00:20
Exagone313I don't remember if it asks something about it00:20
bossghettoigor: chrome works if you don't mind proprietary.00:24
igorbossguetto: yes work for 64bits.00:25
RhorseHi, what dir are the kernels in on a grub-efi system?00:30
Exagone313on the EFI partition?00:31
TiCPUI usually have /boot ext4 containing kernels and grub files, and /boot/efi containing grubx64.efi and EFI stuff;  another way is to have the kernel directly bootable from EFI but that is unsupported in ubuntu (but it works on my laptop, I piggy backed GRUB to copy the kernel)00:33
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RhorseTiCPU: Isn't the default config /boot/grub/efi?00:45
TiCPURhorse, I'd be surprised since GRUB is not the only EFI bootloader00:46
TiCPUso EFI can't depend on GRUB00:46
RhorseI thought that's how it is on my install - can't confirm right now.00:50
Jordan_URhorse: /boot/efi/ , not /boot/grub/efi/01:02
pfifoHello everyone01:03
RhorseJordan_U: ok.01:05
ubuntubuildHi. In the second I got my win 10 preview with linux subsystem. And ya, I wanted to try it. But I dont know if im doing something wrong, I seem to have no network connection. ifconfig claims that /proc/net/dev is missing. Ping does not work. apt does not work. Any ideas what could be wrong?01:06
consolejazzhi. Need to write a `*.img` file to SD card and am using 'dd'. Is there anything wrong with *not* specifying an explicity blocksize (i.e., just omitting the `bs=` option)?01:07
SuperBOPhey guys acer aspire s3 notebook ubuntu 14.04lts randomly shutting off. not overheating. no consistent cause. wondering if there are any log files or anything i could check to try to diagnose? any ideas on where I could start?01:09
pfifoconsolejazz: not an issue01:09
consolejazz*an explicit01:09
pfifoubuntubuild: is this a wired or wireless network?01:09
RhorseSuperBOP: all your log files are in /var/log. I would grep around that dir01:10
SuperBOPRhorse: thx01:11
ubuntubuild@pfifo wireless. I can see the adapter with cat if_inet6 -> "wifi1". But ifconfig wifi1 up did not do anything01:17
poliHello all! In a VG with 2 LVs, identical, why would only one of them be activated under initramfs? And why would a lvm vgchange -a y hang right after a "resuming"  for the other one?01:18
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SuperBOPRhorse: any ideas on what i could grep or...01:20
SuperBOPnothings showing unusual in /syslog ......checking time stamps in others01:21
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pfifo!highlight > ubuntubuild01:27
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tooryasnmconsolejazz, sometimes u can have corrupt data by not setting blocksize01:29
crobertshas anyone got vcenter client to work with ubuntu 15.10 and wine01:37
crobertsthat webui is awful01:38
SuperBOPI heard the hard drive click when it shut itself off if that helps at all?01:44
hk-1919anyone here01:51
hk-1919asking for indonesia users01:51
RhorseSuperBOP: I'm kind of a non-expert in this stuff, but could be acpi related. Have you tried to disable acpi on the kernel command line?01:52
hk-1919@bayangan indo?01:52
Bayanganiya kaka01:52
Bayangansalah room kaka kalau mau cari user indonesia :)01:53
hk-1919pake ubuntu versi berapa?01:53
hk-1919emang sengaja01:53
pfifoSuperBOP: that was likely normal for an unexpected power off01:53
SuperBOPRhorse:  no i have not thanks for the suggestion :) thx also pfifo02:03
RhorseSuperBOP: add 'acpi=off' to kernel command line.02:07
SuperBOPacpi can cause random poweroffs? it boots fine just seems to be if its left on for too long or wake suspends too often. i can try it i just wasnt sure how they are related02:14
trevor_sanyone know why cryptsetup luksAddKey and luksRemoveKey dont make you confirm the passphrase.... i only had to type once02:18
trevor_sthats terrible02:18
xokeanybody familiar with backbox02:26
xokehaving issues updating02:26
xokeUnofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here.02:26
Sputinik33Hey Hey Guys02:32
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Zachary_DuBoisHi, I am having issues with installing Ubuntu 14.04.4 server 32bit on one of (old) super micro's02:36
poliHello all! What can I do if lvm and udev don't activate and map all my lvm lv's and I need one of the unmapped devices to boot? On the initramfs prompt, if I get udev up and vgchange -a y, then I have all the maps I need.02:36
Zachary_DuBoisThe issue being when I first boot to the USB (full) install image, it asks for language, I select English of course, and then select install (It hangs for 10min and than continues). Then it asks for language again, but this time, all keyboard input is ignored it appears to have not activity as the system isn't getting warm and my flash drive that normally runs hot is cool to the touch. I will take a picture in a second.02:38
Zachary_DuBoisI have also tried the net boot image where it just claimed us.archive was down when I could load it fine from the command line02:39
Zachary_DuBois(over the same ethernet cable)02:39
mfdljust want to pop in and say that's the best website address ever02:42
Zachary_DuBoisFor reference, it is a single core intel pentium 4, 2GB DDR333, VGA graphics, 2USB ports, and 2 gigabit lans02:42
Zachary_DuBoismfdl: Thanks :)02:43
Zachary_DuBois*4  USB 2 ports02:43
Zachary_DuBoisThis is what I get for attempting an install on Friday .-.02:45
Sputinik33How its can be, my connection hasnt ssl scurity02:47
Zachary_DuBoisSo far, hardware is all passing checks... Hmmm02:52
Zachary_DuBoisI'm trying a net boot again. Hopefully it works03:04
Zachary_DuBoisSo, it failed to fetch a package according to the error message but the syslog says it was a seg fault03:14
capocat./msg NickServ INFO capocat03:14
Zachary_DuBoishttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eglibc/+bug/1546459/comments/10 Going to try this03:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1546459 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "segfault at b774bd9d ip b7352a0d sp bfda8f30 error 7 in libresolv-2.19.so[b7349000+13000]" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:17
ash_workzcan one list installed packages with the date they were installed?03:19
ash_workz(I know I asked that earlier, but I wasn't sure if I was connected or not)03:19
Zachary_DuBoisIt got further than it did last time :)03:38
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Zachary_DuBoisIT WORKED03:46
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wsirccc__can anybody help with preseed scenarios are possible. Managed install with local preseed.cfg and remote networking stall. Do not know if preseeding is possible with local iso and in front of a physical computer.04:24
wsirccc__using virt-install04:25
Zachary_DuBoiswtf... it can't authenticate packages on the official ubuntu US mirror....04:31
Zachary_DuBoisAnyone know a way to run apt-key update from the install image?04:37
Zachary_DuBoisI am in the shell right now04:37
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SayonaHi :(05:25
xMopxShellhi, i'm having a strange issue with cron. I have this crontab entry on the root user: http://hastebin.com/eyositoges.mel05:28
xMopxShellIf i copy paste the command into a shell, it's fine. But when cron runs it, the service command returns 'unknown service'05:29
bash_turtle hi05:36
bash_turtle anyone ther05:36
bash_turtle there05:36
bash_turtle i wanated some guidenace on how to start leearning the way ubuntu eorks form scratch05:36
bash_turtle ie the kernel level05:36
bash_turtle actually i wanted to start contributing to the same05:36
lotuspsychje!contribute | bash_turtle05:36
ubottubash_turtle: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu05:36
xMopxShellhmm it works if i use /sbin/initctl restart <service> in cron. weird. I'll just use that but i'm still curious why the former doesn't work05:37
bashanyine there05:38
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Guest89068i wanted someones help plaese05:38
Guest89068actually i wanted to help develop ubuntu05:38
Guest89068i am insure fro m where to starat05:38
Guest89068can someone please giode me to the appropriate resources05:39
Guest89068please reply05:39
Guest89068i am waiting05:39
bash_turtlei too have the same doubt05:39
bash_turtlesomeone please guide me05:39
networkhelphello, my intent is to emulate virtual hops to induce delay for a network simulation05:42
networkhelpthe machine has 1 nic eth005:42
networkhelpnot knowing what to do, i added multiple virtual nics eth0:0 through 5 for addresses 192.168.{1..5}.1005:42
networkhelpfor instance, ifconfig eth0:0         ifconfig eth0:1 etc.05:42
networkhelpmy destination ip is and i used the route command to add virtual hops as posted here http://paste.ubuntu.com/15703807/05:43
networkhelpwhen i do a traceroute to the destination ip the request times out. any help or alternative technique is appreciated. thanks05:44
lotuspsychjenetworkhelp: something for  ##networking?05:52
networkhelpthank you lotuspsychje05:55
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DroWnI can't join offtopic06:17
BlankSpacey cant i send msg to freenode06:18
lotuspsychjeBlankSpace: what can we do for you?06:18
lotuspsychje!ot | DroWn06:18
ubottuDroWn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:18
BlankSpacemsg not getting sent on freenode :\06:18
lotuspsychje!freenode | BlankSpace06:18
ubottuBlankSpace: freenode is the IRC network that you're on! - See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml - freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml - The Ubuntu channels on freenode also have their own !Guidelines06:18
BlankSpacei meant the channeel #freenode06:19
BlankSpacemy msgs are not gettingsent thr when am msgin there06:19
BlankSpaceit shows cannot send to channel06:20
lotuspsychjeBlankSpace: try to register06:20
BlankSpacei have my nick regitered06:20
ShibeHow can I safely upgrade to mesa 11? Not with the oibaf ppa because that's bleeding edge and breaks nvidia card (with switchable graphics)06:21
BlankSpaceand am logged in with that nick only06:21
Myrttitry speaking now06:21
lotuspsychjeShibe: ubuntu version? graphics card chipset?06:22
BlankSpaceyea now its getting sent.06:22
Myrttiyou need to be voiced as the channel is moderated.06:22
BlankSpacethanks Myrtti.what did you do?06:22
BlankSpaceYea but how could i have asked for voice when my msgs were not gettin sent06:23
Ben64i think the admins are cool with getting PMs now06:23
Myrttinot really but I'm on mobile and full explanation is a bit difficult06:24
[Saint]They'ed better be, with a moderated channel.06:24
Ben64oh, thought i saw that in #freenode06:24
Myrttithey are06:24
Myrtti(we are)06:24
BlankSpacethanks for the magic magician. xD06:25
[Saint]TL;DR: +m allows for moderators to still see your posts, while everyone else can't until you get +v06:25
[Saint]it is pretty much the one legitimate use case for voice.06:25
Myrttinot quite correct06:26
[Saint]yeah - there was a fair bit of hand-wavey oversimplification there.06:26
Myrttino, it's not just over simplification06:27
Myrttiyou'd need chanmode +z for ops to see the messages06:27
Myrttiand #freenode is not +z, and no human is opped06:28
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Myrttiso people are actually getting a message that their messages aren't getting through when they're not voiced06:29
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ubuntu022Trying to apt update xenial is throwing a lot of errors. Any pointers on how to fix this? (Behind a proxy btw)06:31
daxubuntu022: /join #ubuntu+1 for pre-release ubuntu discussion/support06:31
elGALL0any recommended apps /tweaks for a 14.04 server?06:32
elGALL0also any tuts on being able to remotely log in to my server . not VNC exactly.. more of www.stupidwebnamebuntuserver.net:8081 to view my sickbear setup from outside my wifi network06:34
ubuntu022@dax thanks.06:34
Ben64elGALL0: ssh to log in remotely06:36
cooroFor a better experience, switch to Arch! http://archlinux.org06:38
Ben64well that was weird06:38
Redbeardthey all.. anyone know what might be causing these in my /var/log/syslog? http://pastebin.com/UJjTRF7T06:50
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Redbeardtits spamming them every few seconds06:50
guest_peepSo, my friend is on the Ubuntu CD helper right now, we were trying to do this, since we didn't have a actual disk to burn.07:10
guest_peepThere seems to be a commandline, but it07:11
guest_peepcannot execute "ifconfig"07:11
Redbeardtwhat you tryin to do? :307:12
guest_peepinstall Ubuntu07:12
Redbeardtjust a command line eh?07:12
guest_peepwithout Disk. This dude has really crappy internet, and it cuts off a lot. He currently has Windows XP desktop.07:13
auronandaceguest_peep: you don't need a cd, you can put it on a usb07:13
Redbeardtoh hah07:13
guest_peepauronandace, IF your motherboard can do othat07:13
guest_peepwhich it can't07:13
Redbeardtif he has windows xp it might be a bit old school07:13
auronandaceguest_peep: i think you can use the plop bootloader on a cd to boot from the usb if the bios doesn't support it07:14
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guest_peepyes, I'm trying to look for a good solution to put on this piece of crap07:15
sadhow can i unpak a tar.gz file?07:16
guest_peepsad, can you use Google?07:16
guest_peepauronandace, is there a command for pulling Ubuntu files off of the hard drive, and contuing installation?07:17
guest_peepthe "shutdown" command works.07:17
guest_peepsorry, "poweroff"07:17
guest_peepsad, "tar -xzf <example_file_name>.tar.gz"07:18
elGALL0another issue, created user1 made /etc/fstab/ using UUID  which mounted all my internal drives07:19
elGALL0created user2 and deleted user1 and now my drives wont mount07:19
elGALL0when i run $fdisk -l07:19
elGALL0i get "WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted. Disk Identifier: 0x00000000"07:20
Ben64fdisk -l doesn't mount anything07:20
elGALL0I but blkid gives me the correct UUID07:20
elGALL0that i have set up in /etc/fstab07:20
Ben64elGALL0: try "sudo mount -a"07:21
elGALL0i can "manually" mount with $sudo mount /dev/sdc1 etc for07:21
elGALL0anyway i can get that to run while starting up and bypass fstab?07:21
Ben64that command reads fstab and mounts everything there07:21
elGALL0or ignore fstab, and run $sudo mount -a07:21
elGALL0once i log in?07:21
Ben64it's like you didn't see what i just wrote07:22
elGALL0my ubuntu box is server that i want to login withou07:22
elGALL0ah yes07:22
elGALL0i just saw when you pinged me.07:22
RedbeardtI swear every time I run apt-get update theres more stuff07:23
elGALL0when i restart though i have to type S to skip mounting all the drives07:23
guest_peepRedbeardt, do you have a solution for my problem?07:23
Ben64elGALL0: then maybe the drives aren't ready yet?07:23
Redbeardtsorry i had to reboot07:23
Redbeardtmay have msised some details07:23
elGALL0they were working before i created the new user07:23
guest_peepcan I get Ubuntu installation running by any commands?07:23
elGALL0acutally this problem started after i deleted user107:24
guest_peepLike, pulling files from the hard drive?07:24
Redbeardtcan't you install from windows using wufi?07:24
Redbeardtor whatever its called07:24
Ben64elGALL0: can you pastebin your fstab07:24
auronandacewubi is not supported and very much not recommended07:24
elGALL0yes, standby07:24
Redbeardtah ok auro07:24
Redbeardti haven't tried it07:24
Redbeardtmy system has eufi so i just formatted a fat32 partition about 2gb, copied the contents of the iso onto it and booted from it then installed from there07:25
guest_peepRedbeardt, bad internet. Disconnects a lot, so you have to COMPLETELY restart downloads OFTEN before they finish07:25
Redbeardtbut im guessing your friend's compy with winxo has bios, not uefi07:25
Redbeardtthat sounds painful07:25
guest_peepBad_Dream, this is an old piece of crap. eufi is too new07:25
Redbeardtyou ought to find some sort of download app that auto resumes07:25
Redbeardtor something07:25
Ben64elGALL0: really strange options you have there07:26
guest_peepRedbeardt, what commands are executable in the CD boot helper?07:27
elGALL0i was going off a askubuntu thing for 12.XX07:27
Redbeardttbh im a bit perplexed as to why you only have a command line!07:27
elGALL0couldnt find anything that served what isseus i was having07:27
Ben64elGALL0: and those UUIDs don't seem long enough07:27
elGALL0https://gist.github.com/elgallo/ccd6de3dc9673126c705e36bc03906e0 theres my blkid if07:27
Redbeardti'd imaigne a whole host of commands would be usable though07:28
guest_peepRedbeardt, there's other things shown, just I can only get vocal description of the screen from this friend.07:28
* elGALL0 shrug07:28
Redbeardtoh man07:28
Redbeardtwhat a tough situation lol07:28
elGALL0just going off blkid output07:28
* elGALL0 facepalm07:29
elGALL0i think the uid might be the issue07:29
elGALL0as thats the user i deleted07:29
elGALL0and i am now "nasgallo"07:29
Ben64or any of the other weird options07:29
elGALL0what would one normaly use for a ntfs mount?07:30
Redbeardtsorry guest_peep but i'm not sure about your friend's situation.. I just went thru a tonne of install issues myself but your friend's soudsvery different07:30
elGALL0i need it to be visibile/writable by OS X07:30
elGALL0thats it?07:30
Ben64this is ubuntu07:30
elGALL0i'm only about a month into ubuntu coming from over a decade of OS X and ocassionaly terminal usage07:30
guest_peepRedbeardt, can I install Grub, boot to XP then put all the files extracted from the ISO to the hard drive C:\ ??07:31
guest_peepThen, reboot and select "Ubuntu" on Grub?07:31
Ben64guest_peep: you need to boot the ubuntu iso, either from a written cd/dvd or from a usb drive07:32
elGALL0ok and one last thing, how do i get my box to automatically login without a password? theres only one user and no guests07:33
guest_peepBen64, no CD/DVD, motherboard can't boot from flash drive. It boots from: "hard drive" "CD ROM" "floppy disk"07:33
Ben64i guess you could write the iso to a 2nd hard drive and install from that07:34
guest_peepThere isn't a 2nd hard drive. There is a flash drive, thought, but the motherboard...07:35
guest_peepBen64, is there a command for executing a ISO file?07:39
Ben64iso files aren't executable07:40
guest_peepBen64, how about establishing wireless connection to Wi-Fi and downloading from Archive server?07:41
Ben64to accomplish what07:41
guest_peepinstalling Ubuntu desktop07:41
Jordan_Uguest_peep: I'm still unclear on your friends current situation. What are they booted into currently? Why aren't they in this channel themselves to avoid the game of telephone?07:41
Ben64i've already explained how to install ubuntu. you need to write the iso to something, and boot from that something07:41
guest_peepJordan_U, they are booted from CD boot helper07:42
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Jordan_Uguest_peep: Ok, so you're at a command line. What is the prompt?07:44
Jordan_Uguest_peep: And again, why isn't your friend in the channel themselves? (possibly with their phone or another computer).07:44
guest_peepusing...Daemon tools07:44
devslashis there an easy way to share files between 2 Ubuntu desktops07:45
guest_peepand Team Viewer, I executed the Ubuntu installer from XP, installed CD Boot Helper, rebooted computer.07:45
guest_peepdevslash, "wget" and "apache".07:46
guest_peepdevslash, using the HTTP protocol.07:46
devslashapache ? i dont want to set up a server07:46
Jordan_Udevslash: scp and sshfs are also easy to setup (but require that openssh-server be installed on at least one machine).07:47
Ben64devslash: sshfs, samba, nfs, flash drive07:47
BlackRainbow_*** Help me please *** I've tried asking on askubuntu.com and didn't get any answers: I'm trying to install NVIDIA driver to my Asus laptop, which has i3 4005u and GT840M. I've installed Ubuntu 14.04.04 and tried all available drivers in "Additional Drivers", but when I restart, I get black screen. If I start it in NOMODESET, I get a low resolution graphical login screen, but if I enter my password and log in, the screen blinks and07:47
BlackRainbow_I'm back to the login screen. I've included the Xorg.log here: http://pastebin.com/sTHZsZqG Please help, I've been searching for weeks now, and I cannot use my laptop.07:47
guest_peepJordan_U, "What is the prompt?" What do you mean?07:48
auronandaceguest_peep: thee prompt is where you input commands. are you looking at a terminal with a rompt ending in #07:50
pflanzeWhy is the Ubuntu file manager unmounting filesystems lazily?07:50
pflanzeI click on the unmount button, it goes away immediately, I check on the command line and df doesn't show the filesystem anymore.07:51
MonkeyDustpflanze  define 'lazily' and which file manager07:51
pflanzeBut it's still writing.07:51
pflanzeThe default one.07:51
Ben64how can you tell it's still writing07:51
pflanzeSo I unplugged the drive because even though it was still blinking (not my drive, didn't know if that really meant it was unfinished), because normally when you don't see the filesystem in df then it's flushed.07:52
pflanzeBen64, it was blinking, and unplugging it made the kernel issue I/O errors.07:52
guest_peepauronandace, no, it does not end in "#"07:52
guest_peepor "$" or ">", apparently07:53
pflanzeAnother odd issue was, that I couldn't copy a file using drag& drop to the disk, the file manager said it was read only.07:53
Jordan_Uguest_peep: The prompt is whatever is to the left of whatever commands you would enter. Possible prompts include "username@host:~$ ", "root@host:~#", "grub> ", "rescue> ", "busybox$ ".07:53
pflanzeBut I could open a terminal as normal user and "cp" the file there with no problem.07:53
pflanzeI'm a Debian user normally, just using this shared Ubuntu station when necessary.07:54
Jordan_Uguest_peep: You still haven't answered why your friend can't join the channel directly. It seems like there is a lot of delay getting answers to what should be quick questions.07:55
pflanzeMonkeyDust, re definition of what I mean with lazily, what the "-l" option to the "umount" does. (man umount)07:55
guest_peepJordan_U, "busybox"07:55
guest_peep"busybox" without dollar ("$")07:56
pflanzeor, "man 2 umount": MNT_DETACH07:56
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Jordan_Uguest_peep: Great. That means that you've successfully booted the kernel (probably because "CD boot helper" copied the kernel to your Windows partition). This means that if you use unetbootin or a similar tool to get Ubuntu's installer onto a LiveUSB, the kernel and initramfs (which are loaded from your internal drive) should be able to find and boot from the squashfs image on the USB, because by that tim07:58
Jordan_Ue the linux kernel will be using its own drivers to access the USB drive, so it doesn't matter that your BIOS doesn't support USB.07:58
Jordan_Uguest_peep: And while it seems like this may work out for you this time, I strongly recommend against using "CD boot helper" in the future. It's a relic from the ugly hack that was Wubi, and hardly anyone is familiar with it.08:00
guest_peepWhat's the next move?08:00
guest_peepJordan_U, thank you for that info.08:01
Jordan_Uguest_peep: You're welcome. Do you understand what the "next move" is now?08:02
guest_peepJordan_U, no.08:02
=== Guest1362 is now known as Petroo
pflanzeMonkeyDust,  about says "Files", in Unity, Ubuntu 14.0408:03
Jordan_Uguest_peep: Follow this guide to properly put the Ubuntu installer onto a USB drive: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows then try the entry that "CD boot helper" created again. This time the entry will likely work. (Again, I know your BIOS doesn't support USB, it doesn't need to for this)08:04
guest_peepJordan_U, that's already done. Now, the part where I use both boot helper and the stick...?08:05
Jordan_Uguest_peep: You already have a USB drive which has been prepared with "Universal USB installer"?08:06
guest_peepJordan_U, yes.08:06
Jordan_Uguest_peep: Was it plugged in when your friend booted and was dropped to a busybox shell?08:06
guest_peepaw crap!!!08:07
guest_peepI put Puppy Linux on it, then I put Linux CD boot helper.08:07
guest_peepNo, Ubuntu's CD boot helper, sorry.08:08
Jordan_Uguest_peep: It needs to be exactly the same version of Ubuntu from which you installed "CD boot helper".08:08
BlackRainbow_*** Help me please *** I've tried asking on askubuntu.com and didn't get any answers: I'm trying to install NVIDIA driver to my Asus laptop, which has i3 4005u and GT840M. I've installed Ubuntu 14.04.04 and tried all available drivers in "Additional Drivers", but when I restart, I get black screen. If I start it in NOMODESET, I get a low resolution graphical login screen, but if I enter my password and log in, the screen blinks and08:08
BlackRainbow_I'm back to the login screen. I've included the Xorg.log here: http://pastebin.com/sTHZsZqG Please help, I've been searching for weeks now, and I cannot use my laptop. Currently the NVIDIA 352 is installed.08:08
alkisgBlackRainbow_: in the login screen, type alt+ctrl+f1, login, then run sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bad08:10
alkisgThen reboot, you should then be able to go to the additional drivers dialog again...08:10
BlackRainbow_But the nouveau enabled?08:11
alkisgTo reach the login screen, put nomodeset, while after removing xorg.con than yes nouveau will get loaded08:11
alkisg (by rebooting without nomodeset)08:12
BlackRainbow_If I open the NVIDIA X Settings after driver install but before reboot and I try to enable the nvidia card I get a blank notification with a red sign on it and an OK button08:12
BlackRainbow_so I guess it cannot switch08:12
BlackRainbow_if I remove the nvidia driver in tty1 I get the desktop loaded with nouveau08:12
alkisgOK, yes I was talking about that part only08:13
alkisgI don't know which drivers will work for you08:13
BlackRainbow_apparently none of them, I also tried xorg-edgers ppa and tried all of them08:13
BlackRainbow_only 304 "works" but it's identified as nouveau and the performance shows it's the intel graphics working08:13
Jordan_Uguest_peep: So are you currently setting up an Ubuntu USB?08:13
guest_peepJordan_U, in the process... He's got to wait for it to load.08:14
BlackRainbow_alkisg: thank you anyways :)08:21
zambai have a X session running on a machine.. how can i connect to the session remotely?08:25
MonkeyDustzamba  with ssh08:25
zambaMonkeyDust: the whole desktop session08:25
zambawindows has rdp, which is a pretty decent remote desktop experience08:25
MonkeyDustzamba  try remmina08:27
zambaMonkeyDust: remmina is a client08:28
dczhello guys08:32
dczi am trying to use vte terminal while learning vala. i created a window and vte inside of it , but i cant type anything, here is my code http://hastebin.com/erogihiros.avrasm08:32
sadHi huys08:32
sadI am trying about 300 years to unpack a tar.gz file but...help me please!08:33
MonkeyDustdcz  if you don't get an answer here, try in #ubuntu-app-devel08:34
Jordan_Usad: Why are you trying to unpack a tar.gz file? What is your end goal?08:35
sadto install and use a new theme from gnome look08:36
uebera||Hi! There's no mariadb-galera-server package for Xenial (it's said that only starting with v10.1 the server package includes this functionality, but Xenial only has v10.0) and "/usr/sbin/mysqld: unknown variable 'wsrep_provider=/usr/lib/galera/libgalera_smm.so'" tells me something is missing. What to install? Wily packages?08:37
MonkeyDustuebera||  #ubuntu+1 for xenial support08:38
Jordan_Usad: Is this a theme intended for use with Gnome Shell or Unity?08:38
RedbeardtUbuntu is so hard. I seem to constantly stuff up my system, have to find  my way to a terminal, and then google fixes. D:08:39
Redbeardtsure is educational though08:39
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Redbeardtnewest hurdle is why doesnt my touchpad scrolling work08:40
Jordan_Uguest_peep: Still waiting for Universal USB Installer to complete?08:40
MonkeyDustRedbeardt  learning something new can be frustrating08:40
guest_peepJordan_U, he wants to play minesweeper in the middle of it. xD one core processing RIP08:40
Redbeardtwell to be honest, it's a little disheartening too. I understand Ubuntu is supposed ot be the best 'out of the box' free linux distro08:42
Redbeardtbut man.. problems abound08:42
Jordan_Usad: How have you tried unpacking the tar.gz? "tar -xf /path/to/file.tar.gz" should do it.08:42
sadThanks I go do it08:43
Redbeardtalso I just noticed that the guys I bought the laptop off must have forced the base of it back on when they put in the SSD because the base is warped..08:44
Redbeardtdoesn't sit flat08:44
Redbeardtbit annoying08:44
Jordan_URedbeardt: Make sure that's not the battery expanding because if it is that could become dangerous.08:45
Redbeardtbattery.. expanding?08:46
Redbeardt.. i better go find a screwdriver08:46
ratraceHello. Alt-tab between windows. Which program/package is responsible for that behavior? Unity or Compiz?08:46
MonkeyDustratrace  unity is a compiz plugin for gnome308:47
ratraceMonkeyDust: so which of the three is controling what happens when you alt-tab?08:48
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MonkeyDustratrace  had to switch to unity here ... in ccsm, there's Ubuntu unity plugin > Switcher08:53
MonkeyDustccsm is compiz config settings manager08:53
ijulwhat should I ask about sorting?08:54
guest_peepIt's too Early in the morning (as in so late, it's early); good night!08:57
Redbeardtbloody hell!08:57
Redbeardtcant even install synaptics D:08:57
Ben64install synaptics?08:58
Jordan_Uguest_peep: 45 minutes later. Still waiting on Universal USB Installer?08:59
Redbeardtah im trying to get my touchpad going08:59
Redbeardtubuntu is detecting it as a plain old mouse08:59
guest_peepJordan_U, I don't want to intrude my sleep any more. Kinda, yeah still waiting.09:00
Ben64well it is, pretty much09:00
Redbeardtwell it is in the sense that's a device that supports clicking and moving a cursor yes :p09:00
Redbeardtbut then there's multitouch functionality09:00
Redbeardti'm mostly trying to get the two-finger scrolling going09:01
Jordan_Uguest_peep: OK. I'm going to sleep soon myself, but I'm curious to see if this works. Please keep me updated (I'll look at the messages tomorrow).09:01
Guest18509Is it a good idea to initialize a new disk with GPT?09:01
dczMonkeyDust : thank you i will try there09:01
Guest18509I'm seeing confusing content on the net09:01
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MonkeyDustdcz  there's even a #vala channel, but it looks inactive   <-- FWIW09:02
DirtyCajuncan someone look at this smartctl reading and tell me how bad it is? http://termbin.com/egxn09:03
DirtyCajunit looks like just the 1 drive is bad09:03
DirtyCajunit says that it passed but there a lot of flags...09:05
dczyeah its inactive09:05
RedbeardtCan I turn off all the join messages in the freenode web client? :p09:05
GamesbydoTVHow are you???09:06
Jordan_UGuest18509: I can't think of any reason not to use GPT unless you want to install BIOS based Windows on it (BIOS Based GNU/Linux will be fine on GPT), and if it's larger than 2 TiB then it should have come with a GPT label to begin with.09:06
GamesbydoTVis here trevor???09:07
full_throttlewhat is the mint support channel09:07
SayonaHi :(09:07
Jordan_U!mint | full_throttle09:07
ubottufull_throttle: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:07
Sayonais anyone here how have problems with nvidia driver?09:07
Jordan_UGamesbydoTV: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?09:08
full_throttlegreat that channel has like 2 people09:08
MonkeyDustRedbeardt  http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages09:08
Guest18509Jordan, I'm also going to use this drive among 3 others; one of which already contains windows 10 (the os I'm using currently)09:09
Jordan_UGamesbydoTV: This channel is only for Ubuntu support discussion, so please take any other messages elsewhere (like #ubuntu-offtopic ).09:09
Guest18509Is it still a good idea?09:09
GamesbydoTVI have slow internet09:09
Redbeardtily monkeydust09:09
Redbeardtnice link too :o09:09
GamesbydoTVcan i fix it???09:09
Guest18509If I want to do anything else with the GPT initialized drive, will I be up a creek?09:09
Redbeardtthat little button in the topleft was very inconscpicuous09:10
Redbeardthuh I just noticed I can 'dock' windows in ubuntu by mashing them up against the far right of the screen09:10
Redbeardtwould be nice if I could super+right for this like in windows 7+09:10
Jordan_UGuest18509: Yes, Windows can read from GPT drives just fine, and on UEFI machines Windows can even boot from GPT drives.09:10
GamesbydoTVThis is not a normal chat???09:11
Guest18509Why do I see articles of people having trouble?09:11
MonkeyDustGamesbydoTV  type /topic09:11
Jordan_UGamesbydoTV: What version of Ubuntu are you using? Are you expecting your internet connection to be faster?09:11
Guest18509I'm getting so many conflicting standpoints that i want to be sure I won't regret this later.09:11
GamesbydoTVi dont know09:12
SayonaHi, I install nvidia driver and give me blackscreen where is login screen...09:12
Jordan_UGuest18509: Give me any of the arguments against GPT (other than what I've already said) and I'll probably be able to refute them.09:12
GamesbydoTVtype /topic09:12
GamesbydoTVI have maximum wifi09:13
Guest18509I'm happy I got some feedback from you Jordan. I don't think I want to link that here. Perhaps we can PM09:13
RedbeardtI have that problem too, Sayona09:14
Jordan_UGuest18509: I prefer to keep discussion in-channel and I'm not sure why you'd not want to post the links in the channel, but if you feel that's neccessary then OK.09:14
RedbeardtStill looking for a resolution09:14
SayonaRedbeardt: and how whe fix it?09:14
Guest18509No, I don't think that, but you asked me to show you. I don't mind that, since I'm merely looking for clarification. If everything should be okay, then I won't mind the other articles09:15
RedbeardtI've been reverting it with 'sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia*' and then 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-common'09:16
Redbeardtbut no idea how to actually make the driver work yet09:16
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guest1110101I'm going to try and stay in touch while I do a fresh install of Ubuntu 15.1009:21
guest1110101thanks jordan09:21
guest1110101hmm it's saying reboot and select proper boot device09:23
guest1110101I thought this would work09:23
SayonaI want to personalize my desktop, is a way to see a tutorial?09:24
robattila256yeah look up i3wm and conky09:24
guest1110101How do I format a secondary disk on Windows 10 so that when I unplug the Sata cable and boot from cd, it would work?09:25
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guest1110101I'm having trouble finding the information I require to make this function..09:30
guest1110101I'm trying to install Linux on a blank hard drive.. any help?09:33
EriC^^guest1110101: make a live usb09:33
MonkeyDustguest1110101  create a live usb or dvd, boot from it and follow instructions09:34
guest1110101I'm using a cd I created by burning 15.10 on it. the DVD drive connects via USB and not sata09:34
guest1110101I disconnected all drives but the one I'm trying to load it on..09:35
guest1110101I have a current as rock mobo with all the right configurations..09:35
MonkeyDustguest1110101  can you boot from it?09:35
guest1110101I have win 10 on another ssd09:35
guest1110101when I try to boot09:36
guest1110101the blank ssd isn't recognized09:36
guest1110101I'm b09:36
guest1110101able to access it from disk management in Windows though09:36
guest1110101what am I missing?09:36
EriC^^guest1110101: so ubuntu boots but doesn't see the windows disk?09:37
guest1110101nah ubuntu won't even install09:37
guest1110101I disconnect the other sata cables so I don't accidentally overwrite09:38
EriC^^boot the live usb right now09:38
guest1110101my win 10 installation on another ssd that is09:38
guest1110101on what usb lol09:38
guest1110101that's why I'm going DVD route09:38
EriC^^and type sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda | nc termbin.com 999909:38
EriC^^ok live dvd then09:39
guest1110101that's great.. I wish I had a prompt to do that in :S09:39
EriC^^i wish you'd be more clear concise and coherent while speaking09:40
MonkeyDustguest1110101  are you now in ubuntu?09:40
guest1110101I don't get far enough to do anything because the output I get after my initial post is that I need to load a valid drive or something09:40
EriC^^maybe all our dreams will come true one day09:40
guest1110101I'm confused Eric.. I'd laid everything out..09:41
EriC^^guest1110101: i thought you said it booted but didn't show the windows install09:41
guest1110101I wish I could lay out my custom system and show you my disks09:41
guest1110101I have 4..09:41
EriC^^"when I try to boot, the blank ssd isn't recognized"09:41
guest1110101yeah.. essentially it says boo.. try again09:42
EriC^^how did you create the live dvd?09:42
dczi am trying to use vte terminal while learning vala. i created a window and vte inside of it , but i cant type anything, here is my code http://hastebin.com/erogihiros.avrasm09:42
guest1110101by burning 15.10 ubuntu to a dvd09:42
guest1110101I downloaded the .iso09:43
guest1110101I right xlicked09:43
guest1110101I selected burn to disc09:43
guest1110101it loaded a prompt and burned it to my disc in my DVD drive09:43
EriC^^guest1110101: is the dvd first in the boot order in the bios?09:43
guest1110101I even manually selected it..09:44
EriC^^what happens when you manually select it09:44
guest1110101nothing different09:44
EriC^^are you using uefi?09:45
guest1110101like I said.. if I can see it and format it in win 10 disk management, did I simply format it wrong? yes I am09:45
EriC^^secureboot enabled?09:45
guest1110101when I initialized it I used the09:45
EriC^^format what? the ssd is not important at this point09:45
EriC^^try to disable secureboot09:46
guest1110101shutting down.. going to boot into bios09:46
EriC^^try with csm legacy enabled as well if turning secure boot off doesn't work09:47
guest1110101hmm I'm in the boot tab on my nice as rock gui, but I can't see secure boot or legacy09:47
guest1110101are all bios' supposed to have jt?09:49
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SayonaCan anyone help me with something... I install Zukitwo theme and i want to put the bar from the left in bottom... how i do that?09:49
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mohanadvoxo<mohanadvoxo> hello09:50
mohanadvoxo<mohanadvoxo> i need some help on my system plz !!09:50
mohanadvoxo<mohanadvoxo> i have problem when i type on terminal $ sudo apt-get update say09:50
mohanadvoxo<mohanadvoxo> E: GPG error: http://deb.torproject.org trusty InRelease: Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NODATA' (does the network require authentication?)09:50
MonkeyDustSayona  gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom09:50
guest1110101found secure boot in security, and it's already disabled09:51
mohanadvoxook Thanks09:52
guest1110101csm is also enabled09:52
EriC^^guest1110101: ok, can you enable csm legacy or disable uefi?09:52
guest1110101now what?09:52
EriC^^guest1110101: was it already enabled?09:52
EriC^^disable it then09:53
EriC^^MonkeyDust: that a 16.04 feature?09:53
guest1110101it's now defaulting back to the bios settings page after I reboot09:54
bkleefanybody who knows what happend with php 5.6 in ubuntu 16.04, looks like only php 7 is available atm?09:54
guest1110101says same error message: no boot device detected09:55
guest1110101only now it's fancy gui09:55
EriC^^guest1110101: can you make a live usb?09:55
guest1110101if I had one09:55
guest1110101would it change things? my cd drive is usb09:55
guest1110101it's not sata at all09:55
EriC^^yeah it could09:56
guest1110101what are the chances I didn't format my drive correctly?09:57
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guest1110101it has to be able to write right?09:58
guest1110101and read09:58
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EriC^^guest1110101: the drive shouldn't matter10:13
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varaindemianCan we talk about something similar to Arch's AUR in the next ubuntu release (16.04)?10:38
MonkeyDustvaraindemian  #ubuntu+110:38
mintuxi face to strange thing i im in root user but i cant create directory or make file it said Permission denied why?10:41
DeathMDHey! Is it possible to install a Vivid package under Wily? If so, how? Thx10:42
Shibehow can I upgrade to mesa 11 on ubuntu 14.0410:43
Shibewithout using the oibaf ppa10:43
mintuxit's permission of parent directory: drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 4096 Mar 26 20:59 web18 then i cd to web18 and try to make directory: # mkdir test > Permission denied10:45
bekksmintux: Unless you are root, you dont have permissions to change content in that directory.10:56
mintuxbekks: how does it possible ? and where rule defined ?10:56
mintuxbekks: also im in root user10:56
bekksmintux: whats the output of "whoami"?10:57
UbuntuDudeDo I have to restart the machine for new keyboard shortcuts to take effect? I setup few key combinations on the keyboard navigation shortcuts but they never work!!11:00
bekksUbuntuDude: Because those keys are in use already, most likely.11:01
mintuxbekks: root11:03
bekksmintux: And whats the output of "cat /etc/issue"?11:03
mintuxUbuntu 14.04.4 LTS \n \l11:04
bekksmintux: And whats the full path of that "web18" directory?11:04
mintuxbekks: /var/www/clients/client3/web1811:05
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack11:05
bekksmintux: And whats the output of "mount"? Can you please pastebin it and provide the URL to your paste?11:08
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RedbeardtI've progressed from nvidia drivers giving me a black screen, to causing a login loop ;p11:22
Redbeardtsyslog says gnome-session has critical failure11:22
Redbeardtso bleh!11:23
bekksRedbeardt: And at the black screen, you used nomodeset?11:23
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Redbeardtdid i choose unwisely?11:23
bekksRedbeardt: So what did you do from that point?11:24
Redbeardtwell since i couldnt login I did the old ctrl alt f1 and purged the drivers again11:25
Redbeardtand here i am11:25
bekksHow did you install the drivers then?11:25
Redbeardtsudo apt-get install nvidia-current-updates11:25
SayonaI burn a dvd with photo and I want 2 hours and not finished11:25
bekksRedbeardt: And which version of that package? And which GPU do you have?11:26
Sayonabrasero burn11:26
bekksSayona: USe a sane dvd burning application instead of brasero.11:26
Redbeardtnvidia 940m is the gpu11:26
Redbeardtas for the version.. i uh.. dont know D:11:26
Sayonabekks: this problem with nvidia I have too11:26
bekksRedbeardt: That heavily sounds like a Optimus card, doesnt it?11:26
bekksRedbeardt: Which Ubuntu are you on?11:26
Redbeardti tried installing drivers via the aditional drivers gui thing earlier, that was my first attempt11:26
Redbeardt14.04 LTS11:26
RedbeardtI dont think its optimus? might be11:27
RedbeardtI only learnt that optimus existed about 2 hours ago11:27
Redbeardtapparnetly it has optimus support11:27
Redbeardtdoes this mena I should use that 'bumblebee' thing?11:28
sine0Ubuntu 15.10 apt-get updated, pc tower with lan cable on eth0. I have a problem with web browsing where the browser hangs upon requests to sites. it happens with any browser. if i close down the browser and restart another one it goes straight to the site. its not the internet or hardware as i dualboot and win7 is fine11:30
sine0it works for a minute or so then i have to restart it11:30
mufyhey all11:30
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sine0is there a way where i can watch whats going on with the traffic or the latency. I think its the dns somehow.... locall11:30
Sayonawhay burn app i need to install11:31
bekksRedbeardt: bumblebee is deprecated, nvidia-prime is the way to go.11:31
bekksSayona: so check the DNS. Watching traffic will not help you at all.11:32
bekksSayona: k3b11:32
dean_Hey I'm having a problem where my shift is being pressed randomly by itself. Anyone know what this is?11:33
Redbeardtroger that bekks!11:33
onatbasI'm developing a thrift application using openSSL, and the server I'm tryng to connect apparently has unrecognised certificates, I'M getting this expection : terminate called after throwing an instance of 'apache::thrift::transport::TSSLException'11:33
onatbas  what():  SSL_get_verify_result(), unable to get local issuer certificate.11:33
onatbasI don't know what kind of setup I have to do on an ubuntu machine to allow connections with that certificate.11:34
onatbasCAn you help me?11:34
onatbasI'm stanger to an ubuntu machine :)11:34
PETsoundsHi. How can i get the actual battery capacity ? i tried running upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT1 but the results is inconsistent, sometimes i get 94% and the other time i get 92%11:37
ShibePETsounds: acpi?11:38
Redbeardtbekks: people on google are saying that bumblebee offers much better battery life because it switches the device used contextually, whereas nvidia-prime always uses the discrete gpu11:38
Redbeardtmaybe not deprecated?11:38
PETsoundsShibe: Yes but acpi doesn't print details11:39
bekksRedbeardt: Using the nvidia GPU is what you actually want, isnt it?11:40
onatbasAny thoughts on my issue ?11:40
Redbeardtwell sure, when i'm doing 3D11:40
bekksRedbeardt: Why not always?11:40
Redbeardtanyway I just installed an nvidia driver, and at the very end it goes "** Message: PRIME: is it supported? no"11:40
Redbeardtpower usage11:41
bekksRedbeardt: For power usage, you want to either use nouveau or intel.11:41
bekksRedbeardt: Then why do you want to install nvidia, when you dont want to use nvidia?11:42
Redbeardtbut I do11:42
Redbeardtwhen it's needed11:42
bekksRedbeardt: then you have to use bumblebee.11:43
Redbeardtso it isn't deprecated?11:43
buuAt the risk of being stupid, how do I install https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/saucy/bsnes/ ?11:54
buuOh, it's called higan now11:55
BluesKajHey folks12:05
Guest88915I can't get the steam deb to work..12:11
Guest88915It's outputting a message12:12
Guest88915error contact tech support any one else have this problem?12:12
l0ll1p0pGuest88915: why dont you use the deb from repositories =12:12
Guest88915I'm not sure what you mean, however if you mean the software center.. the webpage redirected me to the software center12:13
Guest88915Before this I tried the normal "steam"12:13
Guest88915at least i could uninstall that12:14
Guest88915I can't purge or uninstall this one12:14
micaelhow to install .tgz in Ubuntu12:14
Guest88915It's giving me unable to load driver: swrast_dri.so errors12:14
Guest88915It looked like it installed just fine at first12:14
Guest88915So did the previous install though12:15
Guest88915Neither work, and this one won't be uninstalled12:15
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l0ll1p0pGuest88915: yeah You cant autoremove steam, if you have downloaded the dep-file from Steam's website. You have to manually remove it. Unfortunately I don't know how to help you with that one :(12:17
Guest88915argh :(12:17
Guest88915There has to be something i can do though..  your contribution has given me something to work with12:18
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Guest88915I know less than you though, so I still can't solve my problem12:18
l0ll1p0pGuest88915: you can check /usr/sbin/ directory12:18
l0ll1p0pGuest88915: there should be binary file named Steam12:19
l0ll1p0pGuest88915: you can remove that one but I dont think so that would be all the steam files12:19
Guest88915Unfortunately, there isn't one in the sbin :(12:20
l0ll1p0pGuest88915: okay.... how about /usr/bin ?12:20
=== fginther` is now known as fginther
Guest88915Does anyone know how to get steam working on 15.10?12:21
l0ll1p0pGuest88915: enable ubuntu extra software repositories from the settings -> Software and udates . And then I think the command should be: sudo apt-get -f install steam-client12:23
l0ll1p0pGuest88915: but you have the Steam deb file installed and that should be removed first12:24
Guest88915unable to locate package steam-client12:24
l0ll1p0pGuest88915: try to cmd: which Steam12:24
Guest88915command not found12:25
l0ll1p0pGuest88915: yeah u havent enable ubuntu-extra repos12:25
Guest88915where do I do that12:25
Guest88915yeah in software and settings there isn't "extra-w/e"12:27
l0ll1p0pSettings -> Software and Updates -> Other software -> Partners of Canonical12:27
l0ll1p0pGuest88915: sry for the brogen enlgish12:27
Guest88915in other software I do see repo.steampowered.com/steam/precise steam12:28
Guest88915and another12:28
Guest88915(source code)12:28
Guest88915Not at all, you're English is fine12:28
Guest88915mine on the other hand requires work :(12:29
Guest88915okay apparently my software is out of date and is redownloading12:29
l0ll1p0pGuest88915: try on cmd: which steam12:29
l0ll1p0pGuest88915: okay so there is the binary version12:30
l0ll1p0pGuest88915: u can remove that one (if you havent installed steam yet in right way)12:30
Guest88915I don't know how :)12:31
Guest88915purge won't work, neither will uninstall12:31
Al_trÏðèâåòèê. Òóò ïî ðóññêè ïèñàòü ìîæíî?:)12:31
l0ll1p0pGuest88915: yeah because you have installed it Manually not through software repositories12:32
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Guest88915What do I do about it?12:32
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l0ll1p0pGuest88915: like I said you have to find the steam files manually and then simply remove them12:33
Guest88915that's it?12:33
Al_trWho knows Russian ? .. :(12:33
l0ll1p0pGuest88915: one of them is your user/bin/steam12:34
Guest88915I can't find them12:34
Guest88915yes, but I don't recognize it12:34
DJones!ru | Al_tr12:34
ubottuAl_tr: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:34
Guest88915it's not named "steam"12:34
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Guest88915I don't want to just randomly delete files12:34
Al_trubottu ty12:34
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:34
l0ll1p0pGuest88915: well ... That's the best advice I can give it to you :(12:35
Guest88915Someone help meeeee T^T12:35
Guest88915I have a faulty steam.deb install..12:35
Guest88915I can't even remove it cause I don't even know where the files are..12:36
EriC^^dpkg -L12:36
EriC^^dpkg -L package12:36
Guest57584hello! I set my ubunt use server to auto update using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates, but now I can't download any updates any more. http://hastebin.com/kuxokotuze.sm <- error, http://hastebin.com/kuxokotuze.sm, start of config file that gives error: http://hastebin.com/uwatubejep.vhdl12:36
Guest88915We we're talking earlier about installing ubuntu12:36
hexedithow is it that ubuntu is installed on 60 million devices....where did all that user base come from...or is that a false statistic being reported12:36
Guest88915I finally installed it12:36
Guest88915Now I have another problem D:12:36
Guest88915everythings else installed fine12:36
Guest88915is that command for me?12:37
Guest88915dpkg -L package?12:37
Guest88915thank you <312:37
hexeditis this 60 million ubuntu installations a lie?12:37
Guest88915I've used it in the past12:37
Guest88915it most certainly is NOT12:37
Guest88915. . if anything else it's quite low in comparison to the millions that use Windows and Mac12:37
Guest88915hundreds of millions12:38
Guest88915They dominate the market12:38
ikoniadoes it really matter ?12:38
hexeditGuest...you must be out of your mind...60 million is nothing to sneeze at12:38
Guest88915To that other person12:38
ikoniaI suggest dropping this topic please12:38
ikoniathere is no real sane way to track install numbers, so it's a pointless discussion12:38
Guest88915I have nothing against Ubuntu nor do I Sneeze at it12:38
Guest88915Perhaps now though12:38
Guest88915I have the sniffles :312:38
Guest88915itchy nose12:39
EriC^^*cough* amazon lens *cough*12:39
hexeditikonia..well even considering a 20 % margin of error ..that is still a gigantic number12:39
EriC^^Guest88915: bless you12:39
ikoniaI don't think so12:39
Guest88915Eric, i can't seem to uninstall the package because I don't have it's name D:12:40
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Guest88915I thought it was steam but no packages found matching steam12:40
hexediti noticed ubuntu wants $15 per install now that it is the most popular distro....what do people get for $1512:41
Guest88915Oh noooo D: Not even the steam_latest can be found12:41
EriC^^Guest88915: how did you install it?12:41
Guest88915that's the file too12:41
Guest88915I got it directly from steam themselves12:41
Guest88915the download redirected me to the software center12:41
Guest88915The only option is to "reinstall"12:41
Guest88915not uninstall12:41
EriC^^hexedit: where did you notice that?12:41
hexeditwhat do people get for the $15 ubuntu12:41
ikoniahexedit: what $15 ?12:42
hexeditEriC..the 60 million users is posted on major slashdot news around the world...and the $15 price tag is on ubuntu's download website p12:42
Guest57584lol "the 15$ ubuntu"12:42
EriC^^Guest88915: download the .deb file to your pc12:42
Guest57584maybe a CD?12:42
ikoniahexedit: there is no price tag12:43
EriC^^Guest88915: type dpkg -l | grep steam | nc termbin.com 999912:43
ikoniahexedit: please don't give miss-information12:43
EriC^^hexedit: maybe you mean elementary?12:43
hexeditikonia it is not miss information...let me give you the link12:43
ikoniahexedit: this is miss information12:44
EriC^^hexedit: nothing here about $15, just download for free12:44
saunameesHey, where could I find information on OpenStack alternatives for Ubuntu? They only talk about OpenStack ... Or can you tell me alternatives ?12:44
EriC^^Guest88915: looks to be installed12:44
EriC^^Guest88915: did you try it?12:44
ikoniayou are offered the chance to make a donation - the suggested default ammount is $1512:44
hexeditEric...no ubuntu asks for a $15 donation....why would anyone deny them this? but what do people get for the $1512:44
LibertyWeNeedDoes anyone know of an IRC channel to discuss political issues regarding Racism and other forms of discrimination?12:44
ikoniayou don't have to pay anything12:44
LibertyWeNeedI have a friend who is studying this as part of their university course12:44
Guest88915@saunamees Try Arch12:44
Guest88915Yes, I did eric12:45
Guest88915I pasted the link12:45
Guest88915look up12:45
jonathan_zzhexedit: Canonical doesn't try to monetize on the desktop, and instead focusses on cloud and cloud services12:45
Guest88915@EriC^^ http://termbin.com/gfzy12:45
arminwow, people recommend arch in #ubuntu, not bad.12:45
jonathan_zzhexedit: for instance I believe they are the most popular distro on azure cloud and maybe amazon cloud too12:45
Guest88915I've used it12:45
saunameesWhy would I try arch ?12:45
EriC^^Guest88915: i know, i said it looks installed fine, did you try launching it?12:45
arminsaunamees: too much spare time, for example12:45
Guest88915I have :(12:45
ikoniahexedit: you don't have to donate, and you can donate as much or as little as you want12:45
ikoniahexedit: the fact that it's a donation says what you get12:46
ikoniaI suspect you're trying to troll here - unless you don't understand the meaning of the word donation12:46
Guest88915I don't even have an icon and can't search for it12:46
saunameesWe are getting offtopic, not what I asked at all.12:46
Guest88915Eric, why is it hanging like this :(12:46
Guest88915It won't even launch.. I'm so confuzzled12:46
hexeditjonathan...well i don't know anything about cloud stuff...nor do i care about cloud stuff....but uh i was just wondering what people get for $15.12:46
jonathan_zzLibertyWeNeed: no clue if irc is used by non-tech-people. But apart from IRC, I would in that sense recommend Quora12:46
jonathan_zzhexedit: they get a few beers and pizza.12:46
EriC^^Guest88915: open the terminal and type steam12:46
saunameesI am writing a thesis and I use Openstack with Ubuntu to build a private cloud. I have to write about alternatives. What would be these alternatives ?12:46
wodimGuest88249: Denunciado lince, despedite de tu cuenta maquinola12:47
ikoniasaunamees: that is not what this channel is for12:47
Guest88915I got erros12:47
ikoniasaunamees: try ##linux12:47
EriC^^Guest88915: pastebin them12:47
saunameesWell they will just get angry that I use Ubuntu ... :D12:47
LibertyWeNeedjonathan_zz, Thanks for your reply :)12:47
jonathan_zzsaunamees: how can you write a thesis if you are not even aware of the landscape yet?12:47
Guest88915I don't remember how to output them12:47
EriC^^Guest88915: highlight them, then middle mouse button to paste in paste.ubuntu.com12:48
Guest88915got it12:48
age43afternoon chaps12:48
Guest88915hello there12:48
ikoniasaunamees: they don't care what you use12:49
age43is there a command i can use to update the whois server list or do i have to manually edit the config file?12:49
saunameesWell openstack is quite popular and so is Ubuntu. These were obvious choices for me. Now doing some research into some alternatives.12:49
saunameesWanted to try openstack, taht is basically it12:49
hexeditdoes ubuntu have liborcus for example12:49
hexediti am just wondering if $15 gets them liborcus12:51
Guest88915stop trolling12:51
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hexeditGues88915..it is not a troll it is a question...do you even know what liborcus is used primarily for?12:51
EriC^^Guest85072: try rm ~/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/{libstdc++.so.6, libgcc_s.so.1}12:51
Guest88915I said stop.12:51
Guest88915*slaps you on nose*12:52
Guest88915bad scruffy12:52
EriC^^Guest85072: try rm ~/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/{libstdc++.so.6,libgcc_s.so.1}12:52
Guest88915they're both the same eric12:52
Guest88915Any reason you posted it twice?12:52
General_Sle1nwhat I?12:53
EriC^^yeah there was a typo in the first12:53
=== root is now known as Guest43852
KlasserGonna throw a question out here ; What if you have a user with a "-" in the name, how do you add this user to the Sudoers group?12:54
KlasserSudoers file does not like a - in the username12:54
Guest88915no such file or directory12:54
hexeditGuest88915..you mean you don't have liborcus on your system12:55
EriC^^Guest88915: type find ~/.local/share/Steam -type f -iname "lib*" | nc termbin.com 999912:56
Myrttihexedit: probably not by default, but it is one command away to install, with 0 cost.12:57
hexeditMyrtti..oh i see...with that apt-get stuff and dpkg-reconfigure stuff12:57
jonathan_zzKlasser: you don't have to put direct users in sudoers file. I'm sorry it is this way, but the sudoers GROUP (sudo) is used to easily add people without changing that file.13:00
EriC^^Guest88915: rm /home/anthony/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.1813:00
hexeditjonathan...what if the sudo group doesn't exist by default..can you just let wheel users use sudo13:00
EriC^^Guest88915: rm /home/anthony/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.113:01
Klasserjonathan_zz: What if I wish to restrict a certain user to only being able to restart a certain service. Do I not need to specify this in the Sudoers file?13:01
Guest88915@EriC^^  it did nothing but repeate that back to me13:01
jonathan_zzKlasser: oh probably yes, you asked about the sudoers group though. But you could equally create a group for that person to get around it, put the group in the file, and add the user the group.13:02
hexeditjonathan...what if you uncomment allowing wheel users to use sudo if they have the password13:03
EriC^^Guest88915: what do you mean?13:03
EriC^^it should just return an empty command line after each one13:03
Guest88915@EriC^^ The terminal outputted what I typed in13:03
hexeditjonathan..so you don't have to create all kinds of extra groups13:03
EriC^^Guest88915: try type find ~/.local/share/Steam -type f -iname "lib*" | nc termbin.com 999913:03
jonathan_zzhexedit: then you'll have to edit the hex of two ascii characters and still fail.13:04
jonathan_zznow shoo :p.13:04
hexeditjonathan...wouldn't visudo easily let you allow wheel users to use sudo13:04
Guest88915@EriC^^  http://termbin.com/uk1g13:05
EriC^^Guest88915: try launching steam again13:05
hexeditjonathan...so you don't have to keep track of all kinds of groups13:05
Guest88915it's downloading an update, but it's done this before and still hasnt' launched13:05
Guest88915I'll just wait and see i guess13:05
sam__hi all13:06
Guest88915The update is  already 1/2 done13:06
jonathan_zzhexedit: and what is so special about wheel Might I ask?13:06
hexeditjonathan...wheel is used for lots of other things so it is a basic group..so why add all kinds of extra groups and then have to keep track of all that mess13:07
jonathan_zzthat's not what I asked. You are avoiding the question.13:07
hexeditjonathan..do you have visudo on ubuntu13:07
jonathan_zzThe question is not on me, it is on you. And that's the end of it for now.13:07
Guest88915@EriC^^ I'm recieving an error13:08
EriC^^what's the error13:08
Guest88915@EriC^^ http://pastebin.com/a3UVmr0y13:09
Guest88915the same libGL error as before13:09
RedbeardtI think my GPU has vanished from device listing since I installed bumblebee D:13:10
Redbeardtoh.. looks like that's what it's supposed to do.13:12
jonathan_zzhexedit: fyi, "wheel" has the exact same function as "sudo", it is not used for "lots of other things" and therefore, being a basic "sudo" group, cannot be used to restrict access to users based on specific use cases. But you knew that.13:12
hexeditjonathan..it doesn't really matter to me whether you have visudo or not....i am trying to work on free software not the $15 ubuntu13:13
hexeditjonathan...ok fine13:13
Guest88915@EriC^^ http://pastebin.com/a3UVmr0y13:14
Guest88915Please don't leave me Eric :(13:14
EriC^^Guest88915: try lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA | nc termbin.com 999913:15
hexeditjonathan...and it also doesn't matter if ubuntu lets you use groupadd sudo or whatever whenever you want13:16
hexeditjonathan...and it doesn't matter if they let you user usermod -a -g stuff either13:16
Guest88915@EriC^^  http://termbin.com/467n13:16
EriC^^hexedit: usermod -a -G *13:17
Redbeardtwhoa I actually got dota 2 to load up using m GPU D:13:17
Redbeardtcrashed 5 seconds later  though ._.13:17
Guest88915@EriC^^  http://termbin.com/467n13:17
Guest88915@EriC^^  http://termbin.com/467n13:17
Guest88915@EriC^^  http://termbin.com/467n13:17
Guest88915@EriC^^  http://termbin.com/467n13:17
Guest88915@EriC^^  http://termbin.com/467n13:17
RedbeardtI saw the logo and everything!13:17
EriC^^just fyi, cause -G erases the main group13:17
EriC^^i mean -g13:18
EriC^^Guest88915: try sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall13:18
hexeditEriC..you mean ubuntu doesn't supply the man pages like "man usermod" fyi13:18
EriC^^hexedit: it does13:19
hexeditEriC..oh ok13:19
jonathan_zzRedbeardt: runs fine here it seems :p.13:20
Guest88915@EriC^^ install is done13:20
EriC^^Guest88915: try to reboot13:20
Guest88915But then I'll miss you terribly :(13:20
EriC^^Guest88915: first type apt-cache policy linux-generic13:21
Guest88915Promise me you're love me tomorrow?13:21
Guest88915apt-cache policy linux-generic13:21
Guest88915  Installed:
Guest88915  Candidate:
Guest88915  Version table:13:21
Guest88915 *** 013:21
wodimthis guy is a gold mine13:21
EriC^^Guest88915: try rebooting13:22
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Guest25007@EriC^^ I'm back13:24
Guest25007Did yew miss meh13:24
Guest25007D: Steam works!!!!13:25
Guest25007Eric, i owe you something13:25
Guest25007Whattya want13:25
EriC^^i'm good13:25
EriC^^have fun13:25
Guest25007Are you telling me to "beat it"13:25
Guest25007@EriC^^ i have one more question. Since I have Windows on another SSD, what should I expect when I plug the sata cables back in?13:27
Guest25007@Eric^^ When I boot up again, will I be given the option to choose which I boot into or does that require more work?13:28
arunsHi there.13:28
hexeditEric...if you think wheel is the same as sudo...try taking someone out of sudo group but leave them in wheel...and then comment out allowing wheel users to use sudo....and then just try to use sudo with that user13:28
hexeditEriC...just fyi13:28
arunsI have Ubuntu 14.04 LTS running on a Dell Latitude D610.13:29
arunsMy dad wants me to install Ubuntu on a spare Dell Latitude E5400 running Windows 7 Professional.13:29
arunsI am looking to dual boot this: Ubuntu ignores the file system the partition is formatted in, is what I've heard. Is that true?13:30
arunsSo even if I have exFAT or FAT formatted partition, Ubuntu installer ignores it?13:30
Fuchsaruns: I wouldn't recommend installing Ubuntu on (ex)FAT. Make sure you have an unformatted empty space on the hard disk to create the 2-3 partitions for Ubuntu in file systems it likes13:31
Fuchsshrink the Windows NTFS (backup first)13:31
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akikaruns: ubuntu installation in incompatible with the fat/exfat/ntfs partitions13:35
arunsakik: I realise that, but I thought that any Linux distribution in general would overwrite the existing file systems and replace it with their own?13:35
baizonaruns: no, only if you set it to do that13:36
LTCDHey.  I have a motion detector, when it detects movement I want to turn off screen saver.  What command in Linux would do this?13:36
hexeditEriC...after you have done that little exercise with a extra user...then see if you have learned anything...and be sure to use visudo to comment out wheel users13:37
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hexeditEriC..and to simple create an extra user for testing...just use useradd or adduser...i forget which one13:42
hexeditEriC...and passwd extra_user_name13:43
RolleyPoleyI'm unable to get back into Windows on my other SSD.. how do I change this?13:45
hexeditEriC..but i really don't have time to discuss whether ubuntu can do this or that....i am trying to work on free software...so that everyone can use it if they want13:46
RolleyPoleyCan someone help me set up something so I can boot into my other OS on another Disk?13:47
BluesKajRolleyPoley, sudo os-prober, then sudo update-grub13:47
RolleyPoleySo if I reset I should be find BlueKaj?13:48
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Redbeardtim just about stumped on this login loop problem .__.13:50
arunsIs it better to use a USB disk formatter to format a new volume as ext4 on Windows than to use a live installation disc for a Linux distro?13:51
BluesKajRondom, those commands should find grub and add windows to it13:52
Redbeardtif you have uefi you can just shove it on a fat32 partition in a usb drive and uefi might detect it13:53
Redbeardtand then boot from that13:53
BluesKajthoght gri=ub would be seen in th euefi boot if the OS was installed with the uefi boot methos13:54
BluesKajscuse the typos13:54
Redbeardtshould be13:55
arunsRedbeardt: No, I think it's BIOS Revision A18.13:55
arunsRedbeardt: It's a Dell Latitude E5400, about 120 GB of free space.13:56
Redbeardtoh butts13:56
ManicPanici want to install Ubuntu 14.04 on USB drive from Windows. I got "ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-i386.iso" and a 8GB USB drive. How do i install it and persist the data written to the OS. ?13:56
darkblue330You need to use a program called pen drive linux13:57
darkblue330I believe windows has got some inbuilt ISO burning software, I doubt if it'll create the persistence you need13:58
darkblue330or want rather13:58
ManicPanicdarkblue330: but i dont want the data to disappear when the USB OS reboots13:59
akikManicPanic: you can install ubuntu to an usb stick but then you would need another usb stick to hold the installation13:59
ManicPanicakik: no idea what that means13:59
akikManicPanic: writing the iso file on the usb stick doesn't count as installation14:00
RedbeardtDoes anyone have any idea how to fix this? After installing nvidia drivers and rebooting, logging in just kicks me back out to the login screen. syslog shows that gnome-session is crashing so that might have something to do with it?14:00
FManTropyxwhy do I have files that do not exist?14:00
akikManicPanic: you could put the iso file on stick 1 and then install it to stick 214:01
ManicPanicakik: but the OS is installed on the USB drive. Why can not save files on it too ?14:01
darkblue330ManicPanic pen drive linux allows you to define how much disk space is reserved for your apps data etc14:01
ManicPanicdarkblue330: okay i will read more if its really possible to persist data with installed OS on USB drive14:02
ManicPanicakik: thats just not gonna happen14:03
akikManicPanic: when you write the iso file on the usb stick you will get the options for live session and ubuntu installation14:03
ManicPanicakik: no, i want the OS extracted/installed onto the USB drive. And use it like a normal harddrive14:04
tonytyou can put ubuntu onto a usb stick and make it persistant using unetbootin14:04
akikManicPanic: yes you can do it but just writing the iso image to the usb stick does not count as "installation"14:04
FManTropyxis it possible to get a message about a file not existing, because a library it needs does not exist?14:05
ManicPanicakik: i know, thats why i want the right program to extract/install the OS onto the USB drive from windows14:05
tonytManicPanic use unetbootin14:06
auronandaceManicPanic: you don't install ubuntu from windows, you boot the media to install ubuntu onto whatever you choose (be it a harddrive or a usb stick)14:06
pc-admin_Hi i have a question i have this problem just installed ubuntu mate and installed all drivers + updates but i can only uncrypt my drive when i boot with ´nomodeset´ is this bad or is tis a problem and if so how can i fix it?14:06
tonytauronandace not entirely true. older versions ubuntu could be installed from with in windows14:07
ManicPanicauronandace: install i said install ubuntu from windows onto the USB drive14:07
tonytusing wubi14:08
auronandacetonyt: wubi is a hack at best and no longer supported14:08
ManicPanictonyt: i dont want it as LIVE CD14:08
auronandaceManicPanic: i know you don't want it as a livecd, but you need to use a livecd/liveusb to make a proper installation to another usb14:09
ManicPanici want to use the USB drive when there is no harddrive. The USB drive has to have data saved on it14:10
ManicPanicauronandace: i got the iso "ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-i386.iso"14:10
tonytManicPanic you need 2 usb sticks. put the iso onto one then boot off that, and have the other usb stick in and install to it14:11
tonytits simple14:11
auronandaceManicPanic: not sure how much simpler i can put it, make a livecd/liveusb and boot from that, THEN you can install a proper insstall to a different usb stick14:11
tonytand what auronandace said. basicaly what i just said14:12
ManicPanictonyt: what ? NO, i want to use ONE USB drive14:12
ManicPanicthis makes no sense at all14:12
tonytManicPanic not possible14:12
akikManicPanic: i've heard that you can use the live usb with persistent data. haven't used it myself14:12
tonytyou need to usb sticks to do what you want to do14:12
FManTropyxwhy do I have stuff in /etc/alternatives that is linked to from /usr/bin?14:13
tonytor a dvd/cd and a usb stick14:13
tonytyou have to have 1 instalation media wether it be a dvd or a usb stick14:13
ManicPanicthat sucks14:13
tonytthen you can install it to your other usb stick14:13
ManicPanicakik: how ? thats the only way i guess14:13
akikManicPanic: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:14
Harishello all14:14
tonytakik he said he doesnt want to boot off the livecd and use that14:14
Hariscan php 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.9 communicate with mysql 5.0.95 ?14:14
tonyti already mentioned he could make a livecd persistant using unetbootin14:15
akiktonyt: but he also said he only has one usb stick and wants to store data on it for persistent usage14:15
ManicPanictonyt: i alreay have a running OS on the pc. It can install the OS to the USB drive. Thats how its supposed to work14:15
tonytok as i said, he can use unetbootin to do that14:15
tonytits simple14:15
ManicPanicakik: okay, will try that option14:15
akikManicPanic: do as tonyt suggested if he says it's the best way14:15
tonytim not saying its the best way but its pretty simple14:16
akiki have only tested the full ubuntu installation on an usb stick and know that it works14:16
tonytwhats best is relitive to ones opinion :)14:16
akikthat LiveUsbPendrivePersistent doc is huge14:17
ManicPanicokay will try unetbootin too. So frustrating!14:17
akiktonyt: does unetbootin let you create the persistent data partition at the same time?14:19
hicoleriI'm trying to use a wifi dongle on my desktop: 148f:7601 Ralink Technology, Corp. MT7601U Wireless Adapter. I have the 4.2 kernel which supposedly has MT7601U drivers. I can detect the dongle from lsusb. Now how do I use the dongle to connect to wifi networks?14:19
tonytakik yes. there is a check box to tick and place to put in how much space to use for persistance14:19
tonytin the unetbootin app14:20
akikthat's handy if you only have one usb stick14:20
tonytit always worked for me when using ubuntu. im not sure for any other distro14:20
akikyes it says ubuntu only14:20
=== crobello is now known as croben
phaze75i use ubuntu 15.10 and have issues to start my sabnzbd service via systemctl.14:22
phaze75i used the sabnzbd@.service file and copied it to /lib/systemd/system and tried to start it with systemctl start sabnzbd@user.service.14:24
phaze75i also tried to enable it, but nothing14:25
phaze75there is no error message, syslog tells me the service is started14:26
FiveDoes anyone know how to host a remote mcpi server through console?14:26
Redbeardt_this goddamn login loop14:26
Redbeardt_at this rate ill have to switch distro, or even retreat back to windows14:27
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jameslWhen I start my live USB of ubuntu 12.04, created from an ISO image, the screen hangs at the splash screen, dispalying "ubuntu" and a progress bar that is frozen, several seconds into lading. It does this regardless whether I select tyr ubuntu live, or install ubuntu.14:36
jameslhow to fix?14:36
EriC^^jamesl: try pressing esc and see what happens14:39
jameslEriC^^: when it's on the option select screen or when it freezes when loading? Does ESC activate a debug mode, allowing me to see the console output? That would be nice.14:40
zol1Heya, my LAN stopped receiving IP addresses from my local router running dnsmasq. I've been trying to debug/troubleshoot this for a few hours now and I'm stuck. I think it might be the firewall rules that is messing things up.14:40
EriC^^jamesl: yeah, while it's loading esc shows the console output14:41
EriC^^jamesl: you could also press e over try ubuntu14:41
EriC^^and remove quiet splash in the linux /vmlinuz ....line and press ctrl+x14:42
EriC^^might give more info14:42
octo8hello, i run this into a connected aws server, ..... sudo yum install -y httpd24 php56 mysql55-server php56-mysqlnd ... but it gives  .... No package x available. .... where x is all the package names... help ?14:42
EriC^^yum install14:42
EriC^^wrong channel?14:43
arunsHi, I have installed MiniTool Partition Wizard and have an unformatted 100GB partition, do I need to format the partition or would a live Ubuntu install write the relevant file systems onto the partition?14:44
arunsI am running Windows 7 Professional on a Dell Latitude E5400.14:44
jameslEriC^^: how to edit the kernel command line parameters?14:44
FManTropyxocto8, did you do apt-get update?14:44
jameslto remove quiet and splash?14:44
EriC^^jamesl: as usual14:45
jameslEriC^^: I don't know how.14:45
akikaruns: you don't need to format the partition. the installation will take care of it14:45
octo8FManTropyx: so i do [ sudo yum apt-get update] ????14:45
EriC^^press e over try ubuntu then edit14:45
FManTropyxno yum, that's on CentOS14:45
EriC^^ctrl+x to boot14:45
FManTropyxnot sure if it will help, but "apg-get update" will update the package informations14:46
arunsakik: Ah OK, thanks. Are there any good tutorials or documentation I can look at if I want to learn more about Linux file systems?14:46
octo8FManTropyx: update apt-get ..... apt-get update ..... both are unkown commands14:46
FManTropyxwait, what? what OS are you using?14:47
EriC^^aruns: file systems or file system hierarchy?14:47
EriC^^aruns: oh, nevermind14:47
arunsEriC^^: Both, to be honest.14:47
wamoyoMy system crashed : ( and I'd love some help getting up and running again.14:47
wamoyoI'm on this chat with a different laptop, painfully adjusting to old keyboard...14:48
EriC^^aruns: in a nutshell ubuntu uses ext4, and the efi partition if you're using uefi uses fat3214:48
EriC^^!hier | aruns this has info about the file system hierarchy14:48
ubottuaruns this has info about the file system hierarchy: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier14:48
sailendrahello there14:51
sailendrai am trying to open port 53 on my ubuntu server so i tried ufw allow 5314:51
sailendrabut port 53 is still closed14:52
sailendraany help14:52
wamoyonot sure. I'm here for help too, my laptop crashed : (14:52
FManTropyxnot sure what you are trying to do, but you need something to listen to the port14:52
sailendraFManTropyx: i am trying to install bind server using webozu control panel14:53
sailendraproblem is i cannot install bind14:54
FManTropyxsorry, can't help you with that, possibly someone else knows14:54
wamoyoAnyone out there willing to help me recover from crashing?14:55
arunsubottu: Thank you, I am going through it now :D14:55
ubottuaruns: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:55
arunsOh, I assumed this was a real person :P14:55
sailendrawamoyo: what happened to your laptop :)14:57
FManTropyxhi, ubottu14:57
wamoyosailendra: I dropped it in a campfire... haa, I jest. So, I just done 'apt-get autoremove' after installing docker, and stepped away from my laptop...14:58
sailendrawamoyo: lol14:58
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wamoyosailendra: When I got back, and tried to resume, the machine was rapidly pressing 'enter' and trying to submit my password on it's own, then it crashed.14:59
wamoyoWhen I boot up I get stuck on this screen:14:59
guest1110101I'm unable to boot into Ubuntu.. it's saying "Welcome to emergency mode!"14:59
guest1110101I'm staring at that prompt right now14:59
wamoyosailendra: http://askubuntu.com/questions/755415/help-stuck-on-boot-on-ubuntu-gnome14:59
nomicuse life disk as rescue15:00
guest1110101before this happened it booted but only showed files on my desktop..15:00
bjornarHow do I reload apparmor profile after dropping a file in /etc/apparmor.d ?15:00
nomicyou can boot from the live cd / usb , then gain access to files on a  borked system15:00
nomicpossibly fix it15:00
guest1110101I don't need to gain access to files.. it's a new installation I didn't expect to fail so quickly15:01
sailendrawamoyo: did you tried to use advanced recoverymod and drop to root and revert back the changes15:01
nomicis it on what -- micro usb?  usb?15:01
nomicwhat did you do15:01
guest1110101a hard drive15:01
nomicdoes the hard  drive have a nything elsee on it15:01
nomicwas the hard drive reliable before15:02
guest1110101I did nothing but force power it off when it showed nothing but the desktop files upon login15:02
wamoyosailendra: I dropped to root, but get stuck there as well....15:02
guest1110101it wouldn't respond.. I had no choice15:02
nomicyou should not "force poer it off215:02
nomicwhat specification system is it .. is it slow15:02
nomicspecification computer hardware15:02
nomicwhat linux are you installing15:02
guest1110101greeeeaaat.. I had fantastic fun installing steam, and a video driver15:03
nomichave you done this before15:03
wamoyosailendra: 'thinkpad-ec initial ec test failed' or something like that, is the last line in the terminal.15:03
guest1110101I was doing it for 6 houts15:03
guest1110101and installation? sure15:03
guest1110101linux, and windows15:03
guest1110101linux because it likes to fail and win blows be a use of virus15:03
sailendrawamoyo: hmm one way to recover is to boot from live cd then revert the changes15:04
nomicit does not "like to fail"15:04
wamoyosailendra: Hmmm.... how do I revert 'apt-get autoremove?'15:04
guest1110101well the cd is right next to me.. I haven't even had the chance to pit it away yet15:04
guest1110101yes nomic.. I've used Linux ubuntu off and on for the last 6 years15:05
guest1110101you have to tweak it..both it and windows suck.. so does Mac though.. oh well.. if I want it I have to make do15:06
guest1110101things break and don't play nice on all systems thiugh.. it's a nightmare when you have to get work done15:06
arunsEriC^^: Hi, sorry, another silly question...so, to confirm, if I have an unformatted partition on Windows, I can load the Ubuntu installer and choose it to use the unformatted partition?15:07
PazoozaJust wondering, why is there little black squares with numbers 1-9 and 0, on top of my icons in the menu bar?15:07
PazoozaSomething new?15:07
sailendrawhy do you want to do auto remove it will just remove the un necessary package which system think you can remove, try to remove the docker file and repair file system15:09
hggdhPazooza: not new. You can use Super/Shift/[1-9] to directly start them15:09
PazoozaNever saw that before today.15:10
PazoozaI have many more than 10 icons.15:10
hggdhand the first nine can be used this way15:10
wamoyosailendra: okay, I can remove docker.15:10
tripelbenchi: are you in Australia?15:11
wamoyosailendra: How do I 'repair the file system?'15:11
sailendrausing fsck15:11
PazoozaIf it's not new why am I seeing it for the first time today, hggdh.15:11
EriC^^aruns: yeah, from the Something else option you can choose it and select the mountpoint it'll use and filesystem15:12
hggdhPazooza: I do not know. I have seen them around since (I am guessing) 12.04. Anyway, a long time15:12
sailendraenchi: just a question how is easy is it to find open source or linux related job in australia15:12
enchisailendra: I have no idea, sorry :(15:12
hggdhPazooza: if you press Super (and keep it pressed) you will see all the shortcuts15:12
sailendraenchi: no problem15:12
PazoozaWhat is super, windows key?15:12
sailendrawamoyo: using fsck tool to repair the file system15:13
wamoyosailendra: I can run that from advanced boot options, (recovery mode) but it seems to stall.15:14
sailendrayou need to unmount the file system if you need to check file system15:15
sailendrawamoyo: you do not want to run fsck tool while file system is mounted it can cause severe damage ( as per documentation). please unmount your file system15:16
sailendrawamoyo: i will suggest you to use live usb to maintain and repair15:17
wamoyoI'm making a bootable usb now.15:18
willington /join #vim15:18
snowcatmanproblem http://pastebin.com/kHRFPrK3  system http://pastebin.com/BSnvf08c ubuntu willy 15 any help would be appreciated. thank you.15:18
=== Charlotte is now known as Guest65063
nareshnkhi i am trying to install cakephp3 on ubuntu . but issue coming  " Cannot create cache directory /home/naresh/.composer/cache/repo/https---packagist.org/, or directory is not writable. Proceeding without cache"15:24
homahi my friends15:27
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wamoyosailendra: Okay! So, it says, "the disk drive for /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is not ready yet or not present.15:29
wamoyosailendra: Does that mean..... something?15:30
sailendrawamoyo: it just says you have not enabled swap15:31
sailendrawamoyo: doesnot matter much if you dont care about performance much15:31
wamoyoWell, when it says press s to skip15:31
wamoyoit doesn't skip15:32
wamoyosailendra: Well, it won't let me continue : ( Oh, sweet, bootable USB is ready.15:33
drose379Hey guys, I am running Ubuntu MATE, and I installed the cinnamon DE, now when I try to boot into mate it gets stuck and tons and tons of windows keep opening up15:34
drose379Not sure whats wrong, but I think I need to remove the MATE DE, is there a way I can do that from cinnamon15:34
sailendrawamoyo: its because you have choosen to encrypt your home directory15:34
wamoyosailendra: right, that makes sense.15:35
wamoyosailendra: booting from bootable usb, hmmm... never done this before....15:37
sailendrawamoyo: good luck :)15:37
wamoyosailendra: Hey, don't bail on my now! : )15:38
sailendrawamoyo: lol15:38
wamoyosailendra: Alright, I picked 'try ubuntu' but what the hell do I do now?15:43
xilusTry ubuntu15:43
sailendrawamoyo: wait it will load ubuntu from there you can acces your physcially installed ubuntu and remove docker file from there15:44
sailendrawamoyo: then reboot your ubuntu and get back your system (if everything goes alright)15:44
wamoyosailendra: I'm in a terminal, but it seems I only have access to the bootable USB15:45
sailendraare you using server edition wamoyo15:45
wamoyoUbuntu Gnome15:45
sailendrawamoyo: then wait it will load desktion in any minute15:46
wamoyosailendra: I am in the desktop, I just don't know what to do : )15:46
sailendraok go to file manager and locate the your drive where you installed ubuntu physically15:47
wamoyosailendra: Yeah, according to Disks it's at /dev/sda but I'm not seeing that in the terminal or file manager15:50
sailendrause file manger gui to access not from terminal15:50
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mekhami_anyone know why i can't disable suspending? i change the settings but it still suspends when i leave it for a few minutes15:53
mekhami_i changed it in the power settings15:53
wamoyosailendra: okay, got the file system...15:55
wamoyosailendra: So, do I just poke around and delete docker files, that seems reckless. I normally enjoy being reckless, but somehow I feel I should restrain myself in this instance.15:56
sailendrawamoyo: if you go to /var/lib you will find docker  i guess15:56
sailendrawamoyo: choice is yours15:56
wamoyosailendra: nope, it's not there.15:57
wamoyoHow do I run apt-get for that file system?15:57
sailendrayou cant15:57
sailendrawamoyo: search for docker file it should be some where there15:58
wamoyosailendra: Strange, it's not letting me do things. I used chroot to get in to the disk on the terminal, so I could run apt-get, but it fails most commands.16:03
sailendrawamoyo: you are running with live usb so whenever you do apt-get command it will install on you usb disk not to your hard disk it wont change your hard disk, what i am trying to do here is wipe off your docker folder then boot into normal ubunu then use apt-get remove to remove docker and its configuration file16:04
rakmaqHi. I face a problem with a deb package. If I install the deb package foo with dpkg it works fine, but the next time I try to install an application using "apt-get install" it complains that I have to run "apt-get install -f". If I do this it will get the latest version of foo from debian's repositories. I tried pinning the version of foo by using "apt-mark hold foo", but that didn't seem to fix th16:05
rakmaqe problem. Does anyone have an idea how I might fix this?16:05
wamoyosailendra: I followed some instructions online, I had to mount the disk first, and then I could easily cd into it. I'll try your approach : )16:05
sailendraif you use gui file manger on your left hand side you can see your disk and access to it which you will mount automatically when you click on them16:06
voltbothelp ....whats opened files.run?16:09
adamsmdWhere do I report the following bug?  In the kernel for 16.04, code to support "Lenovo y700" was backported from the upstream kernel version 4.6, but similar code for "Lenovo y700 touch" was not.  I'd like to get the "Lenovo y700 touch" code backported into the kernel Ubuntu uses.16:12
wamoyosailendra: There's no docker file in the var directory16:18
sailendrawamoyo: which docker did you install can you look at their documentation, mine was in /var/lib directory16:18
NotMargaretThatchi, will unity 8 be included with the 16.04?16:22
elhe_hello is there a chance i can dual boot win8.1 with ubuntu next to it, the windows bootloader is a pain in the ass16:25
KlasserSo heres a question.16:25
KlasserI've added a new user, which is my user for running wordpress16:25
Klasserit is a part of the www-data group, nothing else16:26
KlasserBut for some reason, I am refused access to grant this user anything in the Sudoers file16:26
KlasserIt is greyed out and will not apply.16:26
Klasser' <Username> ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL ' will not apply on the user.16:27
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KlasserEven when running a command as sudoers, i get the message "user is not apart of the sudoers"16:27
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KlasserAny takers on why this is?16:28
ratraceKlasser: well, is the user part of the sudoers group?16:29
jonathan_zzwhat do you mean greyed out?16:29
Klasser(I am using VIM, so when I edit the sudoers file it shows me as grey instead of red)16:30
Klasserratrace : I ran "groups" and the only one listen is www-data16:30
jonathan_zzso you think your syntax is wrong?16:30
rakmaqI would not recommend running wordpress with a user that can easily acquire root access16:30
ratracewhat rakmaq  said16:31
rakmaqIf you use "visudo" to edit your sudoers file it will alert you if you have any syntax errors16:31
KlasserI am running this purely as a experiement locally, but I will be restricting the access to only being able to restart one service.16:31
KlasserI am running Visudo (using VIM)16:32
blablahi guys, having some problems with termite. could anyone help?16:32
ratraceKlasser: btw that syntax seems wrong. You need   user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /path/to/bin/or/ALL16:33
link0802Hello. I am using ubuntu 15.10 on my laptop. Recently my usb mouse stop response (but it has power becouse mouse light is on). I try boot to another karnel version but it didn't help. Somebody have clue how I can solve this? (I try different usb ports, usb hub and mouse on other pc work perfect)16:33
rakmaqKlasser, you might want to try to run "sudo -l" to see what sudo permissions the user has.16:33
Klasser( I have changed the line in sudoers to : ' Commandman ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service ts3 * ')16:35
jonathan_zzI don't know I don't want to get into this syntax right now but just typing a user in visudo using vi, does not grey it out with me.16:37
jonathan_zzunless I add a dash to the name16:37
link0802any help please? I run out of ideas :(16:37
jonathan_zzvi is not checking your actual users or anything, it is just syntax.16:37
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jonathan_zzalso changing the syntax as ratrace indicated gave me save error16:38
mguyhow much longer is 12.04 lts supported16:38
ratracelink0802: anything in dmesg when it stops working?16:38
KlasserAlright jonathan, thanks for clarifying that.16:38
ratracemguy: until this time next year16:39
ratracejonathan_zz: what do you mean save error? that's a valid syntax. user host=(user:group) NOPASSWD: /path/or/ALL16:40
mguyAnd when does 16.04 officialy release16:40
mguy12.04 version of php is ancient I wish my apps could magically fix themselves16:40
link0802retrace > pastebin.com/YgGinyCz16:40
MonkeyDustmguy  april 2116:40
ratracemguy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases16:41
wamoyoWould love some help recovering my system (Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 laptop)16:42
wamoyoI've got a live CD booted, but I running apt update just yields a stream of errors.16:42
wamoyoAny help would rock!!! : )16:42
jonathan_zzratrace: oh yeah it works now.16:42
link0802but this errors only after boot. If I clear dmesg and then disconnect and then connect mouse - dmesg still clear.16:43
MonkeyDustwamoyo  why run an update of a live cd? when you shutdown it will all be gone16:43
ratracelink0802: well frankly, I don't know what causes it, but I've had bad luck with some cheap chinese mice. I fixed it by buying quality genius or logitech mice.16:44
wamoyoMonkeyDust: I'm using chroot to run the update inside the proper install, not the live cd, unless I think I'm doing something I'm really not.16:44
jonathan_zzratrace: it still asks me for my password though, even though sudo -l gives me the new permission16:44
ratracelink0802: and those cheap chinese mice would act just that, suddenly just stop working16:44
link0802ratrace understand :(. But the most weired thing - on other pc it works fine16:45
ratracelink0802: those other PCs are also Ubuntus? or an other Linux distro?16:45
link0802ubuntu 15.10 too16:45
ratracelink0802: that means your USB hub is fried.16:46
KlasserI'm having the same issue right now Jonathan. It has the new permission, but still wants sudo password16:46
link0802<ratrace> one more weired thing :) just one second ago I take mouse from desktop, connect to same usb port and it work.......this situation just have no sense16:47
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ratracelink0802: it could be that both the mouse and your USB ports or hub have flaws that, only when combined, experience those errors.16:49
link0802maybe I can completely remove all usb ports (in software level) and reinstall it drivers or etc?16:49
ratracelink0802: I doubt that would help.16:50
link0802but it appear even when I connect direct to laptop port. But I understand this through...Maybe my usb ports and this mouse can't work fine together :)16:51
ratracelink0802: from what I gather from what you said, this mouse X stops working on computer x, but mouse Y from computer Y works fine on computer x, and mouse X works fine on computer y. Correct?16:52
jonathan_zzKlasser: it appears you cannot have passwd and nopasswd at the same time for the same user and expect different results based on the command you run16:52
link0802yes, correct16:52
jonathan_zzKlasser: but I don't know why that would apply to you16:52
ratracelink0802: so the only logical solution is to change the mouse.16:52
link0802you are definitely right :) big thank you for help! just for curiosity I will boot in safe mode and try this mouse :) will write in few minutes ) once more thnx :)16:53
gustav___Hi, why's there no lowlatency kernel for Trusty?16:56
KlasserUgh.. I hate looking for the reason behind this. This user should only have that one permission.. so.. yeah.16:57
jonathan_zzstill doesn't work for me16:58
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gustav___Found an old version.17:00
jonathan_zzKlasser: it works the moment all my entires have NOPASSWD17:03
skinuxHow do we turn off Ubuntu's Spyware functionalities?17:03
skinuxLIke tieing internet search into Dash17:03
jonathan_zzKlasser: I cannot specify a single NOPASSWD because apparently it keeps credentials for everything indiscriminately17:03
MonkeyDustskinux  there is no spyware, what option are you talking about17:03
jonathan_zzKlasser: that would mean I would get NOPASSWD for my single command, but after I would be able to run anything since I would have been authenticated17:04
jonathan_zzKlasser: so it really sucks.17:04
MonkeyDustskinux  system settings > privacy17:04
jonathan_zzKlasser: but it should work if your user only has that one permission when you run sudo -l ?17:04
jonathan_zzKlasser: yes, the moment I remove sudo group priviledges, it works17:07
jonathan_zzKlasser: so I don't know why it shoudln't work for you17:08
jonathan_zzKlasser: my own user is now capable of executing "sudo su" but nothing else.17:08
buharinsome c++ developers here?17:09
MonkeyDustbuharin  ##c++17:09
darkblue330buharin: ask you question, see if I could answer it for you17:12
buharinI am intresting how many euros earn russian developers?17:12
MonkeyDustbuharin  also not for thisz channel, try #ubuntu-offtopic17:13
darkblue330buharin: who knows, I'm  sure it depends on many factors17:13
darkblue330try #programming17:13
darkblue330try ##programming *17:14
jsw_I need to build an upstream kernel.  It's been about 15 years since I've done this, and initrd / initramfs is a new thing since then.  Where can I read up on how to produce the initrd.img file so things like udev won't break when I try to boot my new kernel?17:17
wamoyoHi, anyone willing to help me recover my system.17:17
wamoyoBooting up stalls here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/755415/help-stuck-on-boot-on-ubuntu-gnome17:18
wamoyoI've got a live cd running, but I don't really know what to do from here.17:18
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tonytgood luck guest. english is spoken here17:20
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw17:21
maimsterGood Day all.17:21
mintuxbekks: sorry . mount is: http://codepad.org/OuBkCDYF17:22
pxnsomeone here who has an  idea how to change screen color on ubuntu mate ?17:22
akikjsw_: i'm not 100% sure but look into dracut17:22
akik!info dracut17:23
ubottudracut (source: dracut): Low-level tool for generating an initramfs image. In component universe, is optional. Version 043-2 (wily), package size 205 kB, installed size 1013 kB17:23
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jsw_akik: google has some interesting hits for that; thanks17:24
Bubble_GumWhy is steam struggling to download software at 100 kilobytes per second when I have literally 30 times that in speed test.net17:24
ratraceBubble_Gum: because that particular server you're downloading from dictates the speed?17:24
Bubble_GumDoes it really?17:24
ratraceBubble_Gum: aparently.17:24
Bubble_GumI've downloaded from the same on windows.. it's not this slow17:24
Bubble_GumWhy do you think I'm here17:25
ratraceBubble_Gum: each connection is separate and may go to different server. Steam is not behind ONE single machine.17:25
FManTropyxbecause it is Ubuntu's fault?17:25
ratracealso offtopic.17:25
guest1110101I'd appreciate you not dosing me.. I have my routers console open..17:29
ratraceso you had to mention it and basically invite every troll to dos you. sigh....17:30
guest1110101I need money17:30
ratracedo you need help with ubuntu?17:30
guest1110101I do.. but I can't do much about it with my router down17:30
guest1110101I can log the i.p. though and trace through to source.. I doubt it'll come to much depending on who it is..17:31
ratraceshoot the question when you're ready. ;)17:31
guest1110101I already asked as bubble gum17:31
guest1110101scroll up17:31
ratraceguest1110101: so the same answer applies. if your test.net shows 30x greater speed, then something's up with that particular connection to Steam.17:32
ratracealso check Steam settings, maybe you imposed download limits.17:32
guest1110101I can't figure out why steams servers run 10 times more slowly than on windows.. I figure it's a configuration somewhre17:32
wamoyoRecovery status: incomplete. Time on Task: much too much. Alert Level: Redish Orange. Hope: all but lost..... help? Is anyone out there?17:32
guest1110101I don't see It though17:32
ratraceguest1110101: there's download rate limiting section. How is that configured?17:33
guest1110101sure go ahead wamoyo..17:33
wamoyoguest1110101: installed docker, did apt-get autoremove, locked screen, returned, couldn't enter password, it seemed like the machine was hitting enter rapidly on it's own. system crashed....17:34
guest1110101there isn't a limit specified in my do res17:34
guest1110101download restrictions17:34
guest1110101it's blank17:34
wamoyoWent into recovery mode, can't seem to mount filesystem, booted live cd (usb) and tried running apt update through chroot, but failed.17:35
suvrat_i need help17:36
kitsosdoes ubuntu support the ARM CPUs used in Raspberry Pi?17:40
kitsosor any ARM for that matter?17:40
Bubble_GumI think so17:40
reisiokitsos: the newer raspberry pis17:40
reisiokitsos: >=217:40
Bubble_Gumthe 3rd17:40
reisiofor <2, you need 3rd party builds of Ubuntu17:41
Bubble_GumI'd go for 3rd depending on whether or not you want it on ethernet17:41
Bubble_GumIt's slightly more powerful too17:41
kitsosI see.17:41
reisiosjh: /msg alis list *ubunt*cn17:41
reisiokitsos: you got an rpi?17:41
Bubble_GumWould you like me to link you to install files?17:42
reisioit should actually already be harder to find the <2 rpi models than the newer ones, supply & demand, etc.17:42
Bubble_Gumhmm.. I think that might be against the rules17:42
kitsosreisio Not yet. I'm just wondering.17:42
reisioBubble_Gum: I think thinking about whether things might be against the rules might be against the rules :p17:42
Bubble_Gum._. . .17:42
kitsosAnother qustion: how can you install ubuntu with a minimal terminal-like interface? Do you need the entire Xorg and related packages? Are there any builds for this?17:42
reisiokitsos: well, if you want to be part of the rpi community, obviously you'd want an rpi; but if you just want what the rpi provides, there are better alternatives17:43
reisiocheaper/more efficient/more open17:43
Bubble_GumI'm in someone elses house reisio.. I respect their rules17:43
reisioBubble_Gum: nope, you respect the possibility of the idea of there possibly being a rule :p17:43
reisiothat's different17:43
reisiokitsos: Debian keeps a nice list: https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/TargetedHardware17:43
reisiokitsos: and you might also keep in mind that at this point, x86 single-board computers are /really/ close in price, much closer than they were a year ago17:44
Bubble_GumI only believe in absolutes unless I'm deliberately trying to break the rules.17:44
reisiothere are even some amd64 boards listed at that link I gave, the price is _very_ close17:44
Bubble_GumYou have to know them thoroughly to exploit them17:44
reisioand going with x86 over arm avoids lots of /potential/ issues you might encounter17:44
Bubble_GumI have nothing to gain exploiting them though so :\17:44
reisioall the hardware guys tell me ARM is a lovely arch, and I believe them, but I'm not sure it's lovely enough to deal with things not being made for it :p17:45
reisioBubble_Gum: I guess I just meant there's not point conjecturing17:45
reisiothe rules are listed someplace17:45
Bubble_Gumthat's true.. I wouldn't put anything other than what the manufactures recommend17:45
Bubble_GumIt's possible though to put ubuntu onto the raspberry pi 317:45
reisioand you /can be sure/ if you actually approached breaking one that anybody cared about, some clown op would harass you for it :p17:45
Bubble_Gumoh.. now you're making fun of me :(17:46
Bubble_Gumwait.. you said OP17:46
reisiono, not at all :)17:46
reisioI said clown op17:46
reisiowhich is distinct from op :)17:46
reisio(sometimes :p)17:46
mintux it's permession of directory drwxr-xr-x and im in root user but i cant create directory inside it said  Permission denied17:46
reisiomintux: what's the command you ran?17:47
mintuxmkdir test17:47
reisiomintux: inside the dir in question?17:47
reisiois it a network share?17:47
reisioor a FUSE mount?17:47
reisio(hint: it is)17:47
reisiosuch things by default operate only via the user you've configured for them, excluding even root (though obviously root can always gain access, if it wants)17:48
kitsosreisio yeah debian has a surprisingly long list supported ARM chips. And while I like the idea of small x86 computers AFAIK they're all make by intel. Which is partially good because I guess they're more stable than RPi, and partially bad because you're supporting a monopoly..17:48
mintuxreisio: how can i ensure it?17:48
reisiomintux: 'mount' will tell you what's mounted17:49
reisiomintux: if your dir is inside a mounted path for something like FUSE or NFS, that's probably the reason17:49
mintuxreisio: it's mount output: http://codepad.org/OuBkCDYF17:49
reisiokitsos: mmmm, well, the arch is all controlled by intel17:49
ratraceBubble_Gum: so did your connection pick up speed?17:49
reisiokitsos: which isn't the same, but is close to the same problem17:50
reisiokitsos: Intel actually owns an ARM manufacturer now17:50
reisioI'm all for supporting the superior underdog17:50
reisiobut only if it's actually superior :p17:50
mintuxreisio: and it's my path /var/www/clients/client3/web1817:50
reisiomy applications for SBCs tend to be media centers... where things like Netflix working out of the box is much preferred17:50
zyixc_Hello, what happened to the meizu pro 5 ubuntu edition? Should have been released halfway through march?17:50
reisioI'm willing to pay an extra measly $40 for an x86 box so I can give someone a box that does Netflix simply17:51
Bubble_Gum@ratrace that's a good question.. i'm not paying attention17:51
reisioif I were making a battery powered widget, I might well use a stripped down ARM17:51
kitsosreisio wow, I didn't know that17:51
reisiokitsos: yeah... it's hard to fight intel, they are enormous17:51
reisiokitsos: I mean, even without buying an existing ARM manufacturer, they're so rich, and so enormous, at any moment they could've made their own fabrication facilities from scratch, and still beat out almost all the competition17:51
ratracereisio: Netflix on Linux requires DRM stuffs present only in the Google Chrome browser which is not availale on Ubuntu "out of the box", you have to manually install it, preferably by configuring the official google repo.17:52
reisioprobably the only people who can really compete with them easily ATM is Samsung :p17:52
reisioratrace: google chrome isn't in the ubuntu repos?17:52
nauticalnexushi, how come I can mount my Mac's partition(HFS+ I believe) but I can't read my users folder on Ubuntu GNOME 14.0417:52
ratracereisio: nope. Chromium, the open source upstream of Chrome, is though.17:52
reisionauticalnexus: ...from Mac OS, you mean?17:53
nauticalnexusI can read it if I'm root17:53
reisioratrace: that's an odd choice17:53
Exagone313firefox has a drm player, no?17:53
ratracereisio: it isn't. Chrome is not open source.17:53
reisiogoogle chrome is in most distro's repos, anyway, I dare say17:53
ratracereisio: chromium or chrome?17:53
reisioratrace: both17:53
nauticalnexusI'm dual booting OS X 10.11 and Ubuntu GNOME 14.04, I want to read my Users folder on the OS X partition because it has all my music on it17:53
Exagone313large part of chrome is chromium17:53
ratraceexcept the proprietary drm part17:54
reisiowhether or not the software you're using to access your DRM'd media is open or closed is sorta academic17:55
reisioyou are given the access the provider wants and nothing more17:55
reisiothe software's kinda secondary17:55
reisiopoor internet :/17:55
ratraceAnyway, Netflix requires the closed source code that's in Chrome but not in Chromium.17:55
reisioluckily Netflix isn't real great anyway :p17:55
reisioyou can use chrome's drm stuff with chromium, of course17:56
Exagone313on http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/watch-netflix-natively-linux-easy-way/ it is said it runs on chromium now17:56
reisioit's just less straightforward17:56
Exagone313not sure17:56
reisioExagone313: yes it has for some time I'm sure17:56
link0802so I manage how back to life my mouse)1. reinstall & purge compiz. It's first thing and this can bring back you mouse to work (but I don't know why it happen). 2. Try remove or install irqbalance. (if mouse keep freeze when you pc have big CPU %). 3. And last possible solution paulphilippov.com/articles/how-to-fix-device-not-accepting-address-error.17:56
reisioI wouldn't call it easier than using chrome17:56
reisiobut preferable17:56
reisioas chromium > chrome17:56
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ratraceExagone313: nope, read again.17:56
Guest89324hows it going17:56
reisiono really, you can use chrome's binary drm nonsense with chromium17:57
reisioon Gentoo it's as simple as toggling a USE flag (sometimes :p)17:57
ratracereisio: are you referring to pepperflash?17:58
reisioGuest89324: super good, but send this for me: /nick kyleguy17:58
reisioratrace: nope17:58
link0802<ratrace> but I think it's happen (and I need do all this pain) because my mouse have some weired chines staff inside)17:59
reisioboy that's hard to parse17:59
nauticalnexusreisio: I just checked, I can read my users folder, go to my OS X username, but I can't access my Music folder at all, which is the folder I want to access.17:59
ratracereisio: oh you mean widevine18:00
nauticalnexussays I don't have the permissions necessary to view the contents18:00
reisioratrace: I mean what we were talking about, yup18:01
ratracereisio: yes. the widevine thing and widevine use flag on Gentoo's chromium package.18:01
mintuxreisio: any problem with my mount ?18:01
reisionauticalnexus: so 'mount' says what about your Mac OS partition/s?18:01
ratracereisio: so I guess chromium on ubuntu could be recompiled with that to allow Netflix.18:01
reisioratrace: yeah on Gentoo that's the USE flag, at least sometimes18:01
reisioratrace: oh I imagine it's already enabled for Ubuntu18:02
nauticalnexusreisio "ro,nosuid,nodev uhelper=udisks2"18:02
ratracereisio: frankly, I don't know, but I tried Netflix few weeks ago with Chromium, didn't work. Works only with Chrome.18:03
reisioratrace: it's not fun playing with netflix regardless :p18:03
nauticalnexusreisio: I can read them as root, but I'd rather not18:04
reisionauticalnexus: no there should be more output than that18:04
nauticalnexusreisio: you want the whole mount output? Anywhere I can paste that?18:04
reisionauticalnexus: dpaste.com18:05
reisionauticalnexus: but just the lines dealing with the partition/s in question would suffice18:05
Guest89324<how did you get chrome?18:05
nauticalnexusreisio: http://dpaste.com/12TG4GT18:06
reisioit's weird there's such a chrome blockade18:06
nauticalnexusreisio: like I said, I can read everything on the root of it, but I can't read my Music folder at all18:07
reisiothere's still a wiki item on installing Skype, after all18:07
reisionauticalnexus: as user 'absynthesyne'?18:07
reisionauticalnexus: what does trying to read Music say? (ls, file, etc.)18:07
riqjhello everyone, I'm installing 15.10. and the progress of install is not shown at the bottom of the install window, as it used to be. is it something that has changed with 15.10?18:07
ratraceGuest28258: https://dpaste.de/wWdi18:07
nauticalnexusreisio: yes that's my username on Ubuntu. It's different on OS X but the partition is mounted as read only so I should be able to read everything on it shouldn't I?18:08
ratraceGuest28258: oh and prefix apt-get with sudo, of course18:08
reisionauticalnexus: what does trying to read Music say? (ls, file, etc.)18:08
reisioriqj: dunno, but might I suggest instead at this point to install 16.04 beta 218:08
nauticalnexusreisio: how do I get to the partition in terminal? I've no idea18:08
reisionauticalnexus: I want the output of a command similar to this: ls /media/absynthesyne/Seagate/path/to/Music/18:09
reisionauticalnexus: with the error18:09
riqjreisio, in all respect, no, you may not :) it is 'beta' and there are 12 more days to go..and even then, often it is recommended to wait until first upgrade for changes, fixes etc..18:09
reisiowaiting is silly18:10
nauticalnexusreisio: http://dpaste.com/3AD5N6P18:10
reisionauticalnexus: how about 'file' instead of 'ls'18:11
reisionauticalnexus: might be some silly HFS+ specific symlink on Mac OS, and your actual music is in another dir18:11
nauticalnexusreisio: if I run my file manager as root I can read it18:11
riqjhurrying might be sillier18:12
reisionauticalnexus: okay, then it's just a permission issue after all18:12
newdimensionQuick question: I dual boot Windows 10 and Ubuntu. I started my PC and selected Ubuntu at the boot loader. However, it turned out that I forgot that it wasn't off. It was hibernating from windows. So now I have Ubuntu running but Windows 10 hibernating. How do I "turn off" ubuntu to go back to Windows 10 ? If I simply turn off the PC wouldn't that damage the windows image ?18:12
reisioriqj: being less silly _might_ be sillier :p18:12
nauticalnexusreisio: yeah I don't know how to fix it. Probably something I have to do in OS X?18:12
reisionauticalnexus: no18:12
reisionauticalnexus: you could add the specific permissions options you'd want/need into /etc/fstab18:12
reisionauticalnexus: and that'd fix it for future mounts18:12
reisionauticalnexus: might need to seek out a mac os + /etc/fstab writeup for GNU/Linux to get the permissions you'd want18:13
riqjanyway..does anyone have any information on my question?18:13
reisioriqj: I doubt that has changed, but I don't recall clearly18:14
reisioprobably your progress is b0rked18:14
reisiothe minimalcd image installer is probably more reliable, fwiw; it's just uglier18:14
riqjno, the install has just been completed18:15
reisioah, then what's it matter? :)18:15
reisioif you perceive a bug, file a bug report18:15
riqjI asked before it was complete18:15
reisioif it's not actually a bug, no big deal18:15
ratracenewdimension: it wouldn't as long as you do not mount or touch windows' partitions18:15
riqjok, thanks..ciao18:16
nauticalnexusreisio: where would I find that? I don't exactly know what to google18:16
newdimensionratrace: So I can just restart my PC and select windows ?18:16
ratracenewdimension: yes.18:17
reisionauticalnexus: probably something like this: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22mac%20os%22%20%22%2Fetc%2Ffstab%22%20%22permissions%22%20%22hfsplus%2218:17
reisiosorry, gtg :D g'luck18:17
newdimensionratrace: thank you18:17
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escobarI wonder if you can use zfs ootb on ubuntu on windows 10 ;p18:26
OnkelTemHi all18:26
escobarhi O18:26
OnkelTemI wonder where can I get Cairo Composite Manager for 14.04?18:26
escobarmight check launchpad for a ppa18:26
OnkelTemI can't find it18:27
escobarmight just upgrade, if a newer version has it18:27
escobarseeya, Fleuv!18:27
Ben645 secs googling. keep in mind ppas are unsupported18:27
ratraceescobar: as long as installing zfsutils-linux is sufficiently ootb :)18:28
escobarratrace: heh18:28
OnkelTemBen64: is it for 14.04?18:28
ratraceescobar: and uhm... I'm assuming you mean running ubuntu under a VM :)18:28
ratracenot this latest ubuntu under windows natively bash thingy.18:28
Ben64ooh, google said it was, but apparently not18:28
OnkelTemthat's the thing18:28
escobarratrace: oh, no; Microsoft and Canonical have partnered to have Ubuntu userland on Windows 1018:29
OnkelTemI always feel sick when something good just go away in history18:29
Ben64thats up to the devs18:29
ratraceescobar: Yes, I know.18:29
escobarah, you're assuming for your response, gotcha18:30
escobarOnkelTem: tends to suggest it has superior alternatives18:30
escobarthough obviously not _always_18:30
eelstreboranyone know of a way to import databases from keepassx 0.9 to keepass2? i haven't been successful so far - maybe i'll have to manually recreate the database for keepass2?18:31
* escobar would check keepass2 site18:31
ratraceeelstrebor: import, don't open directly?18:32
eelstreborratrace, yeah - import gives an incompatibility error message18:33
eelstreborit opens in keepassx but won't import into keepass218:34
eelstreborgot a lotta username/password combinations to keep track of18:35
jason__I used a tool to delete some temporary files and I think I deleted my search index for the launcher. Is there a way to rebuild it?18:36
ratraceeelstrebor: well, I don't know then, sorry. When upgrading from 15.10 to 16.04, I just used the import function of keepassx2 and it worked.18:36
jiffeis it possible to be able to pull up the main graphical display fron a running ubuntu desktop on multiple remote computers simultaneously?18:37
eelstreborno help at keepassx.org18:37
Jordan_Ujiffe: Yes. And I think most VNC servers also have a "view only" option that you would probably want to use along with that.18:40
nauticalnexusthis is probably a dumb question but how do I upgrade to 15.10 from 14.0418:40
Ben64nauticalnexus: honestly, you should wait for 16.04 to come out, then you can upgrade directly to 16.0418:41
ratracenauticalnexus: I don't think you can.18:42
nauticalnexusBen64: I know but this is killing me. GNOME 3.10 doesn't have a lot of support for themes(such as arc, which I love and want to use)18:43
\ninauticalnexus, I wold wait for 16.04. You can check this link as well: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade18:43
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tokerim new to linux so wondered if anyone can help19:02
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tokeranyone there19:05
\9!ask |toker19:06
ubottutoker: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:06
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:06
[yas]cool! :-)19:06
BlankSpace!patience |[yas]19:08
ubottu[yas]: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:08
jiffeso I've got tightvnc server running and I can connect to it, it looks like it is creating its own display as opposed to displaying the real display as if I was looking at a connected monitor19:11
jonathan_zztoker: what can I help you with, toker?19:11
jiffeis there a way to do the latter?19:11
Jordan_U!vnc | jiffe19:13
ubottujiffe: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX19:13
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jiffe:0 is probably what I am looking to view19:13
Jordan_Ujiffe: Vino is installed by default and is very easy to configure.19:14
tokerwell i need to make it more secure19:14
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jiffewith vino if someone wants to connect to this thing, every time I'm going to have to pull it up and enable remote desktop?19:16
noobOnehi..my ubuntu freezes after some time.. what is the solution?19:17
jiffeit sounds like what I want except for this manual nonsense19:17
ioriajiffe, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers#tightvncserver      tight creates a new session  and vino can be set to confirm or not each session19:18
jiffeioria: I want to be able to allow anyone to connect to the existing session at any time19:18
ioriajiffe, so type vino in Dash and go Security19:19
noobOnehi..my ubuntu freezes after some time.. what is the solution?19:19
jiffecool, I don't have a monitor on this machine, I'm going to have to pull this one to play with it19:19
Nairwolfhi, do you know how I can type chinese character on Ubuntu ?19:21
hilxNairwolf, https://askubuntu.com/questions/59356/how-do-i-get-chinese-input-to-work19:22
Nairwolfthanks ;)19:22
jonathan_zztoker: if you reply to someone, perhaps type their name first, this way a person will be notified you have talked to them.19:22
jonathan_zztoker: I don't think "making it more secure" is going to happen unless you know a lot about a system.19:22
jonathan_zztoker: in terms of data security, and encryption, there is not much choice in Linux.19:23
BlankSpacewhat can i do with ubuntu.I have got it19:23
jonathan_zztoker: both options - encrypt the entire system using LUKS - and encrypting your home directory with eCryptFS, were already presented to you when you installed.19:24
BlankSpacei mean how do i start learning ubuntu19:24
Bashing-omBlankSpace: What ever your imgigination will allow .. It is wide open .19:25
jonathan_zzBlankSpace: read a general book on Linux commands. Everything else that is in the GUI is going to be self-evident.19:25
Bashing-om!manual | BlankSpace19:26
ubottuBlankSpace: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:26
jonathan_zzBlankSpace: you want to learn more about linux right?19:26
BlankSpaceI know basic commands19:26
BlankSpaceWhat now?19:26
BlankSpacewhat do i learn now19:26
jonathan_zzwhat do you want to know?19:26
BlankSpaceI just want to learn something interesting in computing19:27
jonathan_zzlike what?19:27
jonathan_zzbuilding a rocket navigation system, or building a web page?19:27
BlankSpacelike doing ddos attacks.19:27
\niBlankSpace, find something you want to automate. and learn bash scripting19:27
jonathan_zzlearning how to use GIMP ...... aha.19:27
_RadioHeadwhat is the best to use in linux for backup?19:28
hilx.oO( muha )19:28
nauticalnexushow can one person do a ddos attack?19:28
nauticalnexusthat'd be a dos attack19:28
jonathan_zzthat is no general linux knowledge I will say19:28
consolejazznauticalnexus: botnet?19:28
_RadioHeadbackup example data folder19:28
jonathan_zzand it has nothing to do with Ubuntu.19:28
BlankSpaceyes automation.automate of like what?19:28
BlankSpaceYes I know.I want to learn to intrude into someone;s system.19:29
BlankSpaceso what actually do i need to learn to do that?19:29
jonathan_zzyou know.... that's really a kind of facepalm statement you konw.19:29
nauticalnexusBlankSpace: you won't find any info here. This is Ubuntu support IRC. Not "how to hack someone IRC"19:29
BlankSpacefrom where do i begin?19:29
hilxwe don't support crime :)19:29
akabegin with HelloWorld19:30
\niBlankSpace,  well. I use simple bash scripts to mass crop images/ put a water mark19:30
BlankSpacein whichc language?19:30
jonathan_zzthat's like going to an architect's office and saying "how can I create a skyscraper?"19:30
ioria_RadioHead, i use tar + ssh to transfer a folder to another pc19:30
BlankSpacehow do you do that?19:30
BlankSpaceI guess i'l learn bash script.19:31
BlankSpacecan you share your script?19:31
BlankSpaceI know helloworld19:31
akaso why you ask?19:31
jonathan_zzIf you want to hack.... first just start reading about exploits. Learn about stack overflow exploits, code injection exploits, and those kinds of things.19:31
_RadioHeadioria, and something that sync two folders automaticly on file/folder change?19:32
jonathan_zzI would suggest you spent at least 20 hours just READING before you go and do ANYTHING.19:33
BlankSpacedo i have to be good at programming..........for doing stackoverflow exploits.19:33
consolejazzBlankSpace: try #r_netsec19:33
BlankSpaceconsole whats that for?19:33
akajonathan_zz: i guess he should learn network basics like tcp protocolls before exploits ;)19:33
Jordan_UBlankSpace: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide is a great guide to learning to use bash *properly* (there are a lot of guides that encourage bad practices).19:33
consolejazzBlankSpace: also, irc://irc.snoonet.org/#PenTesting19:33
jonathan_zzfor creating them, yes. For using them, maybe not, but I'm not going to say much else.19:33
robb_nlanother bashguide: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html19:33
consolejazzBlankSpace: i.e., you're in the wrong channel. These are other places to learn more about what you're asking about19:33
jonathan_zzaka: that will be a too long roundabout before he finds something interesting.19:34
jonathan_zzaka: you can better start with what catches your attention, and then learn how to do it.19:34
BlankSpacejoin #r_netsec19:34
ioria_RadioHead, well, i did my own script ... maybe give a look and adjust to your own use (but bear in mind that is home-made)  http://paste.ubuntu.com/15721774/19:34
_RadioHeadioria, thank you19:36
robb_nljonathan_zz, ... I disagree.... knowing networking/subnetting etc is a must before doing anything.... I can recommend http://www.ipprimer.com/19:36
ioria_RadioHead, have fun19:36
BlankSpaceconsolejazz y you gave me ircchannel link where no one is present.19:36
jonathan_zzrobb_nl: I never said he could start doing anything. If you start with exploits, you will quickly bumb into protocols, so your learning takes you there. If you start the other way around, you will never get anywhere until you have finished university.19:37
consolejazzBlankSpace: which channel?19:37
consolejazzI provided you with two.19:37
robb_nlif you _start_ with exploits, you will never grow over 'script-kiddy' stage...19:37
akajonathan_zz: tell someone how to hack without basics maybe can produce a little or big disaster ;)19:38
EriC^^if he really likes computers he'll get over it19:38
jonathan_zzthat's what he is right now, not even that. And I was not talking about ready made exploits, but the general knowledge about them. LIke what they call 101 in the states.19:38
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jonathan_zzaka: reading up on general exploits is not being taught how to hack.19:39
BlankSpacewhat did you say jonathan what sd i begin reading first?19:39
BlankSpacei mean from where?19:39
jonathan_zzgeneral concepts about hacking19:39
EriC^^ssh level1@io.smashthestack.org is fun19:39
jonathan_zzif you want to become a car mechanic, you first need to know what an engine is right? So read up on engines first.19:39
akajonathan_zz: ...what an engine is? thats my way. ;)19:40
robb_nlEriC^^, try Telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl :)19:41
EriC^^the starwars?19:41
jonathan_zzBlankSpace: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploit_(computer_security) is an easy start, although it is a bad article and becomes very practical very soon.19:41
EriC^^robb_nl: it's pretty awesome19:42
jonathan_zzaka: no if you take the analogy, you wanted thim to learn about designing engines first ;-).19:42
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Jordan_Ujonathan_zz: BlankSpace: aka: This channel is not for helping people become crackers. Please take such discussion elsewhere.19:42
vervetrobb_nl: I remember that, good stuff :D19:43
BlankSpaceJOrdan they were just being helpful19:43
nauticalnexusrobb_nl: That's still up? Awesome19:43
* EriC^^ stops watching now19:43
robb_nlyes it's still up....19:43
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o19:43
EriC^^i plan to watch all the episodes some day and then watch the latest one19:43
BlankSpaceI always wished to know and didnt know whom to ask.19:43
jonathan_zzdon't even respond to the jealous people man ;-).19:44
robb_nlwould blinkelights be considered pirated video?19:44
EriC^^robb_nl: lo19:44
EriC^^i dont think so19:44
verveti wish this still worked http://boingboing.net/2013/02/09/star-wars-easter-egg-hidden-in.html19:44
jonathan_zzjust start reading wikipedia, not much else you can do. Good luck.19:44
vervetyou'd think with ipv4 addresses running out... lol19:45
robb_nlhere is another oldie: www.digitpress.com/videos/pongmovie.swf19:45
nauticalnexusI never watched the whole blinkenlights thing19:45
EriC^^robb_nl: lol it's hilarious19:47
akaJordan_V: sorry bout that, it was more philosophical. I didnt really want to help him to hack19:48
jiffealright so I'm connect via vnc through vino and I can see the desktop, nothing seems to change when I do things with the mouse/keyboard, but if I kill the connection and reopen I can see that those changes actually were made, the screen just isn't updating19:48
jiffeI tried 2 different viewers19:48
Jordan_Ujiffe: What version of Ubuntu are you using?19:50
jiffeJordan_U: 14.0419:54
alkisgjiffe: in my experience, vino is slow and not very well maintained; I prefer x11vnc19:57
jiffealkisg: will that let me share the main display :0 ?19:58
ioriajiffe, vino is working good for me with tightvncviewer19:59
James123_Any good problem solvers for nagios?19:59
jiffewell its not for me19:59
jiffeseemed like a good solution20:00
jiffeI see similar problems but they're for 12.04- and the solutions don't seem to apply20:00
* alkisg is using x11vnc over ssh + xvnc4viewer for forward connections, and xvnc4viewer -listen + x11vnc for reverse connections20:01
James123_I have several versions of contacts.cfg and i think its causing issues?20:01
James123_because i get "Error: Could not read object configuration data!"20:01
ioriajiffe, fw, encryption ... stuff like that ?20:01
jiffeioria: I turned encryption off and no fw, it connects, I can see the screen, it just doesn't update20:02
jiffeI see the mouse move, I don't know if that's client or server side20:02
ioriajiffe, both20:03
FManTropyxI finally did dist-upgrade to apply the new kernel packages and I got no message about rebooting, but should I do that anyway?20:03
ioriajiffe, it's mirroring20:03
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Bashing-omFManTropyx: Yes, rebbot to load the new kernel image .20:04
FManTropyxok, tnx20:05
ioriajiffe, but you can try x11vnc like alkisg said, iy experienced issues20:06
jiffeguess thats what I'll have to do20:06
* alkisg got vino working both with and without encryption, and it was 10 times slower than x11vnc, and never used vino again...20:07
alkisgBack in 10.04 it was ok though20:07
nauticalnexusIf I upgrade to 15.10(or 16.04 when it comes out), will stuff made specifically for 14.04 work? I have a few music related things that only work on 14.04 at the moment20:13
nomicyes it should work20:13
nomicabsolutely, so20:13
nauticalnexusThank you20:13
nomicnothing really changes -- it's not like windows20:14
nomicthings are built upon20:14
geenieWerewolf is cool though20:14
alkisgExcept for proprietary drivers built for specific kernel versions :)20:14
MyrttiI wouldn't trust it to work20:14
nauticalnexusnomic, I thought you had to have a specific version of Ubuntu to use the stuff. That's what I've been told at least. Like that a package that could install on 14.04 can't be installed on 15.10 or so on20:15
nomicwell there will be extreme points of incompatibility, if developers are trying to use the latest or "beta" drivers etc20:15
Myrttifor example Python upgrading to a higher version might cause issues.20:15
alkisgAnd .deb dependencies etc :)20:15
Jordan_Unauticalnexus: What "music related things" are you talking about specifically?20:15
nomicwas going to ask that20:15
nomicthere is python 2 vs python 3, although both are present on any recent ubuntu20:16
nauticalnexusJordan_U, anything on kxstudio's repository. I have Cadence from there. KxStudio is based on 14.04 iirc20:16
geenie16.02 beta is out ryt? Anyone tried?20:17
Jordan_Ugeenie: #ubuntu+1 for 16.04.20:17
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nauticalnexusI also have Ardour from there as well20:18
Mitchell92Hello... I'm having an issue with docky. I add things to it, but then when I reboot they disappear.20:19
Mitchell92or example I dragged in XChat and something else, and I also tried opening it and right clicking and addking to dock. I reboot, it's gone20:20
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Jordan_Unauticalnexus: http://kxstudio.linuxaudio.org/Repositories claims to support "14.04 and above" but you'd need to ask them to be sure.20:22
nauticalnexusJordan_U: thank you20:22
dczhello guys , i accidently run dd command to /dev/sdb drive, i want to recover files from there, how can i do that ?20:23
n-iCeyou can't :D20:24
ioria!info testdisk | dcz20:25
ubottudcz: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-3build2 (wily), package size 343 kB, installed size 1382 kB20:25
BlegHi guys, can anyone tell me how to mount/access a .vmdk file mounted in VMware on a Ubuntu vm? I've mounted the .vmdk as a second hard disk in VSphere but I don't know how to actually browse its contents20:26
AHemlocksLieIs there a way I can get a list of packages installed post-installation? Or maybe all those installed by a given user? I've seen a couple ways, but they include all the system packages, I think, since I know I didn't install most.20:27
AHemlocksLieI'm trying to plan a migration and basically want a list of packages I've added myself so I can reinstall them on the new system.20:27
jiffeso the gpu load on one of my amd 7970's shoots up to 66% when I connect vnc20:28
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hggdhAHemlocksLie: perhaps dpkg--get-selection would help?20:28
alkisgjiffe: gpu load? do you mean cpu load?20:28
hggdhAHemlocksLie: uh.  dpkg --get-selection20:29
ioria!info aptoncd | AHemlocksLie20:29
ubottuAHemlocksLie: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.4 (wily), package size 213 kB, installed size 1561 kB20:29
jiffealkisg: no gpu load20:29
alkisgjiffe: and how are you monitoring that? with what command?20:29
nauticalnexusI'm curious too20:29
jiffealkisg: aticonfig --odgc --adapter=all20:29
alkisgThanks, I didn't know ati had such a tool20:30
nauticalnexusneither did I20:30
alkisgWhat bandwidth are we talking about? localhost? gigabit? fast ethernet?20:30
AHemlocksLiehggdh: That still seems to include a lot of the extras and dependencies. I can go through it, I just figure there's probably an easy way to generate the list I don't know about20:30
jiffeyeah gigabit lan20:31
hggdhAHemlocksLie: get-selections (with no pattern) will write out all packages installed20:32
hggdhAHemlocksLie: that means what you (or an user) asked for install plus all dependencies20:32
mlvmhncan someone plz help me with my OpenVPN?20:32
AHemlocksLiehggdh: Right, I just hoped there was a way to get the list without all the extras20:33
alkisgjiffe: it doesn't sound surprising that reading the screen contents to decide the .diff to send in a gigabit connection would occupy the gpu a lot...20:33
hggdhAHemlocksLie: then, perhaps, aptoncd as suggested earlier20:33
mlvmhnOpenVPN experts?20:33
jiffethe connection is quite slow actually, it takes about 5 seconds for anything I do to actually happen20:34
alkisgjiffe: which viewer are you using?20:34
AHemlocksLiehggdh: yeah, now that I'm looking at it, it looks more helpful than I expected. Thanks for the suggestion, ioria20:35
jiffealkisg: both tightvnc and realvnc viewers are about the same20:35
* alkisg is using xvnc4viewer20:35
alkisgI can almost watch youtube video in gigabit with those20:36
AHemlocksLieFound a rather complex but effective command to get the list20:38
bst1Im having a little problem chating in a irc channel i had already registered it returns the message "cannot send message to channel"20:38
AHemlocksLie( zcat $( ls -tr /var/log/apt/history.log*.gz ) ; cat /var/log/apt/history.log ) | egrep '^(Start-Date:|Commandline:)' | grep -v aptdaemon | egrep '^Commandline:'20:38
AHemlocksLieLists all instances of apt-get install/remove/etc.20:38
bst1Im having a little problem chating in a irc channel i had already registered it returns the message "cannot send message to channel"20:39
bst1any help20:39
alkisgAHemlocksLie: you can also dpkg -l in both the systems, and subtract them to see the ones you installed20:39
jiffeI guess another question would be, this machine has an onboard graphics chip + 2 gpus, and when I hook up a monitor I have to use one of the gpus, is there a way to set the default display on the integrated graphics chip?20:40
jiffeI suppose that's not really an OS thing20:41
AHemlocksLiealkisg: That's a good idea, definitely would have worked without much trouble. I thought about that, but I'm still waiting on the installation, so I figured I'd get ahead of the curve20:42
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JazzBotif I wanted to use the list command using two wildcards how do I do that?20:48
JazzBotneed to use *sample* and *.csv20:48
alkisgJazzBot: ls *sample* *.csv20:50
JazzBotthat yields the results for either or20:50
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JazzBotI need results for both yeilding true20:50
alkisgI don't understand what you mean by that20:51
alkisgIt will list all the files that match any of those patterns20:51
JazzBotThat would list all TEXT files OR all files that contains SAMPLE20:51
alkisgJazzBot: did you run it to see?20:51
JazzBotI need list all files that CONTAINS SAMPLE AND is TEXT20:52
JazzBotyes I tried that, your suggestion is what I thought at first too20:52
alkisgAh, *sample*.csv?20:52
alkisgThat's what you need?20:52
alkisg`ls *sample*.csv` then20:52
alkisgNote that if no such files exist, it will complain. You might want to use find instead of ls.20:53
JazzBotthat didn't work either20:53
JazzBotand I can't use find command unfortunately20:53
alkisgfind . -iname '*sample*.csv'20:53
alkisgI'm not sure I understand both what you're asking and your constrains...20:54
JazzBotHow would you use the ls command to display all of the files/directories in your current directory that contain the word ‘sample’ somewhere in the name and end with ‘.csv’?20:54
alkisgls *sample*.csv20:54
\9ls *sample*.csv20:54
JazzBotyea I'm trying that and it's not matching20:55
alkisgIs the case of your files correct? E.g. .csv instead of .CSV?20:55
JazzBotInteresting I thought file names were not case sensitive20:56
thakyZHey does anyone know for sure if the Xpad driver works with a Xbox One controller on Ubuntu 16.04?20:56
alkisgIn Linux, they are20:56
\9the linux shell is case sensitive20:56
\9well bash shell rather20:56
\9if you want a case-insenstive match you'll need to use find20:56
alkisgThat's what find -iname above was addressing, i = insensitive20:56
JazzBotThis is for my unix class20:56
JazzBotOK cool thank you very much!21:01
mitchell92Hey all... I got a nice laptop I installed ubuntu on. It has a touch pad similar to those macbooks. I would really love it that instead of left clicking on the left and right clicking on the left, to right click I just click regularly but with two fingers. Any way to set that up?21:01
AHemlocksLieI'm in the process of formatting my external hard drive, but there's no window for it, it seems. Is there some way I can check the progress?21:02
AHemlocksLieAh, I managed to find it in gnome-disks21:04
securemeHello, I want to secure my Ubuntu laptop before I connect to public WiFi. What must I do to make sure other users on the same network can't compromise me?21:05
securemeI have GUFW set to Incoming:Deny and Desktop Sharing is disabled, anything else?21:05
YcareneI'm trying to run a wine program using an updated version of gnutls in my /usr/local/lib folder, 64 bit is in x86_64-linux-gnu and 32 in i386-linux-gnu, when I use LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/$LIB/gnutls.so.28 (or LD_PRELOAD=/usr/loal/lib/$PLATFORM/gnutls.so.28) it's not expanding the variable at all, leaving it empty so it tries to load /usr/local/lib//gnutls.so.28.21:08
Lusosecwhats new?21:10
Jordan_UYcarene: Where are you settting $LIB and $PLATFORM? Is this all being done in a bash script?21:10
atom_Hi there21:11
YcareneJordan_U - ld.so is supposed to expand these variables on it's own.21:12
octavian_why I don't have green colors in the terminal (user@laptop:~$)?21:13
wodimYcarene: try with \$LIB21:13
k1loctavian_: enable it in .bashrc21:13
l0ll1p0poctavian_: you have to uncomment #forcecolours from .bashrc file21:13
l0ll1p0poctavian_: yes21:14
l0ll1p0poctavian_: and then restart your terminal emulator21:14
Jordan_UYcarene: But if you are making that assignment via bash, as you've posted it, then it's bash that will first try to interpret the $LIB, and if it hasn't been set in bash's environment then it will be replaced with nothing.21:14
octavian_yeah, that worked. ty21:14
jiffeok, so I switched my primary graphics device from my amd gpus to the onboard graphics, the ubuntu desktop doesn't want to come up anymore now, just sits in the ubuntu splash screen21:19
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Lusosecubuntu runs like shit on my dell21:21
jiffelooking at dmesg I'm seeing a bunch of vgaarb: this pci device is not a vga device at the end21:21
Elektrociao a tutti21:22
stacy-if it is a salted password encription in phpmyadmin..how do i change it?21:23
ubottuElektro: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:23
Lusosecwhen are ubuntu phones and tablets coming out, its about time21:23
k1lLusosec: this channel is for real ubuntu technical support. for your rantings please use your own blog.21:24
varaindemianDoes ubuntu have anything other site for searching packages than http://packages.ubuntu.com ?21:24
minitruevaraindemian: I use apt-cache search21:26
k1lvaraindemian: or launchpad.net21:26
k1lvaraindemian: what do you need?21:26
varaindemiansomething related to 8086 assembler21:27
dn5is there a way to replace unity "Ubuntu Dekstop" with an image or icon?21:27
varaindemiank1l, an emulator/compiler for 8086 microprocessor21:29
varaindemiank1l, but it looks like there is nothing..21:30
dbarroshi. I started to work on a educational LAN with 20 computers. All Win7. There is an issue that I always see - the kids turn off the computer directly from the power/reset button. Then you get that message "Start Windows Normally", in black. We are changing this, implementing Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on all machines - but I'm thinking on something here... how to handle that kind of behaviour in Ubuntu?21:30
seeithi guys when i push up on a putty sessions in ubuntu 14.04 i get ^[[A what config is incorrect that is causing this?21:31
akikseeit: if you run bash and try it again, does it work?21:32
jiffeso in /etc/X11 I see a number of xorg.conf.* files, how can I tell what is being used?  there's no file just called xorg.conf21:32
seeityeah, ty21:32
akikseeit: sh = dash which works that way for some reason21:33
k1lvaraindemian: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8555094/8086-88-emulator-for-ubuntu21:33
NegativeFlaredbarros: not sure how off the top of my head, but I know there is ways of telling acpi to shut down when the power button is pressed21:34
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willsup niggas21:39
willwhats diggin my main bitches21:39
nicomachus!language | will21:40
ubottuwill: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:40
UbuntuDu1eI downloaded and install wily, started using firefox then I found out that it's using system proxy settings ... is this normal and default setting or could something else I've installed has altered the browser's settings?21:41
dbarrosNegativeFlare, I see... what I really want to achieve is that the power off button has no effect in turning off the machine --- only through the Unity interface.21:41
NegativeFlaredbarros: yeahh, see that's a problem. If you hold the button down, no matter what the machine. Its going to shut down.21:42
SmashcatHi, anyone here had a problem installing Ubuntu on an M.2 drive alongside Windows 10? Just done an install of 15.10, and it doesn't seem to have installed to the disk (no option to boot it from efibootmgr). If Ubuntu can't be installed to an M.2 drive, then I'll get a slower SSD to put it on.21:43
dbarrosNegativeFlare, no matter what you set on the bios or Uefi bios?21:43
SmashcatHaven't used Linux on desktop for around 10 years (use it on servers every day) and seems like the Linux/Windows booting issues are still as bad as ever :)21:45
sine0I am having problems with dns requests from my ubuntu installation, when i restart the browser it works immediatly21:45
NegativeFlaredbarros: as far as I know, yes. Its a hardware thing that's literally a standard. The only thing I can tell you to do, is tell the little kids to not hold the power button down.21:48
marconyhello, i have a problem.in my country some of betting sites like bet365.com is blocking.maybe somebody can help me? how i can to enter in? maybe there is something like pirat browsers?21:53
sine0marcony: it could be many reasons. maybe there are laws in your country for betting which they have to adhere to. maybe you are using an ip from a block they dont like21:56
nicomachus!vpn | marcony21:56
ubottumarcony: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN21:56
nicomachusbut also, gambling is bad mmmkay?21:56
freajnicomachus: nicogarrison21:57
freajis that you!?21:57
marconysine0, yes it hapens few days ago21:57
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marcony there are laws in your country for betting21:57
jiffealright getting closer, so my xorg.conf is setup with default information so I can boot up and display from the onboard graphics21:57
jiffebut now amdconfig complains that there's no devices in xorg.conf21:58
marconysine0, so it`s not posible to enter with something like pirate browser?21:58
sine0whats a pirate browser. you need a vpn like nicomachus suggested21:59
freajnicomachus: omg sorry, it's mackey.. not garrison :(21:59
sine0virtual private network. you have to pay a small amount but i guess if your gambling that might not be an issue21:59
freajnicomachus: (the one who says mmmkay in southpark..)21:59
nicomachusyep, that's the reference...22:00
k1lmarcony: use a proxy, vpn or tor. but if its against the law in your country you should take that into account.22:00
nicomachusmarcony: your question is not related to Ubuntu. perhaps try #security.22:00
aman2071So I was wondering if someone could help me with a secondary monitor problem. When I plug in a second monitor to my laptop, my main display just flickers on and off and nothing is displayed on the 2nd monitor. I have a dedicated and a discrete graphics card in my system. I do have the nvidia display driver installed. Anybody got any tips on how to troubleshoot?22:00
sine0k1l: i disagree. as long as your not hurting anyone, f8@k the government. its not like they are law abiding themselves22:01
bipulaman2071, Just check at display setting option.22:02
k1lsine0: that is your personal opinion.22:03
aman2071bipul: I can't see anything on either screen when I plug in the second monitor though.22:03
bipulaman2071, I see, try detecting your device.22:07
mrrobot_In this world nothing is solved22:26
nauticalnexusHi, I'm about to upgrade to 15.10 from 14.04 and I have a few questions. Is there a low latency kernel for 15.10? I use it on 14.04 and I really need it as I produce music and it's a huge help. Also is there going to be one on 16.04 when it releases?22:35
nicomachusnauticalnexus: why upgrade to 15.10? why not just wait for 16.04?22:36
ubottuUbuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.10 - Read the release notes at http://ubottu.com/y/wily22:37
nauticalnexusnicomachus: because I'm impatient.22:37
nicomachusit'll be released in like 2 weeks...22:37
nicomachusYou've waited almost 2 years already.22:37
ratraceCan you even upgrade to 15.10 from 14.04? Aren't you missing unsupported 14.10 and 15.04 steps?22:37
nauticalnexusnicomachus: actually I recently got Ubuntu. Like a month ago.22:38
nicomachusratrace: it's possible, but not as easy as normal.22:38
nauticalnexusratrace: as far as I know yes you can.22:38
k1lnauticalnexus: then reinstall a 15.1022:38
badpif you HAVE to upgrade, upgrade straight to 16.04. I and my coworkers have been experiencing hard system freezes involving Chrome. Upgrading to 16.04 fixed it for me22:38
nicomachusyes, you can upgrade to 16.04 beta now.22:39
badp(the freezes involed 15.10)22:39
nauticalnexusIs it stable?22:39
k1lnauticalnexus: you need to upgrade to 14.10, then 15.04 then 15.10. and since 14.10 and 15.04 are dead you need to change the repos manually first like explained in !eolupgrade22:39
nicomachusruns smoothly here, but it's not officially stable.22:39
ratraceruns smoothly here too.22:39
ratraceafter a few initial bumps that is :)22:39
nauticalnexusI'll install that then. How do I do that, in that case22:39
k1lif you need a working system dont use alpha/betas22:39
badpthe upgrade TO 16.04 was not smooth for me, so I had to pull some wires22:39
nicomachusthere have been a few repos (Chrome....) that have been troublesome. and some PPAs that don't have support yet.22:39
nauticalnexusAlso is there a low latency kernel for it because that's kinda necessary22:39
badpbut I upgraded pretty early in order to stop the pain, so eh22:40
badpI'd rather mess about with aptitude than have chrome freeze my computer to death every couple of hours22:40
nicomachus!releases | nauticalnexus check for low-latency kernels on the official release page:22:40
ubottunauticalnexus check for low-latency kernels on the official release page:: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases22:40
arunsHi, quick question. Does Ubuntu 15.04 need to be installed on a pre-formatted partition?22:54
nicomachus15.04 shouldn't be installed at all anymore.22:54
NegativeFlarearuns: not really22:54
arunsWhy not?22:54
k1laruns: dont install 15.04. that is already dead22:54
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) was the 22nd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on February 4, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/vivid22:54
k1laruns: install 14.04 or 15.1022:54
arunsDammit I just installed it xD22:54
arunsI mean, burned it to disc.22:54
nicomachustime to burn a supported release instead.22:55
arunsSo Ubuntu 14.04 is the way to go?22:55
nicomachusor 15.10, yes22:55
arunsOh wait, I mean Ubuntu 15.10.22:55
arunsSorry, it's because I already have Ubuntu 14.04 :P22:55
arunsBut 15.10 can automatically detect an unformatted partition?22:56
k1laruns: the ubuntu live-desktop has a partitioning tool. and the installer can make partiitons too22:56
arunsAh, OK.22:56
arunsk1l: So on Windows, you don't particularly need to shrink an existing volume for the new partition?22:57
arunsAs I am intending on using this as a dual boot.22:57
arunsWindows 7 & Ubuntu 15.10.22:57
k1li suggest to use the windows build in shrinking tool to do the shrinking of windows. but the ubunt partitioning tool can do that too22:57
arunsAh, OK.22:58
EriC^^aruns: boot into windows a couple times after shrinking so it registers the changes22:59
arunsEriC^^: Ah OK, so it will then detect the unformatted partition?22:59
EriC^^yeah it will add the changes to it's stuff23:00
EriC^^dont know the specifics to be honest, it's in the wiki though23:00
nicomachusjust do like me: install ubuntu alongside Windows and then never boot Windows again...23:01
arunsEriC^^: Still a lot I need to know, wish I'd done more IT-wise when I was at school :P23:05
sudosuminusroot@ubuntu-studio:~# apt-add-repository ppa:sunab/kdenlive-release23:10
sudosuminusTraceback (most recent call last):23:10
sudosuminus  File "/usr/bin/apt-add-repository", line 95, in <module>23:10
sudosuminus    sp = SoftwareProperties(options=options)23:10
sudosuminus  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwareproperties/SoftwareProperties.py", line 109, in __init__23:10
sudosuminus    self.reload_sourceslist()23:10
calamariI'd like my system to boot up and run a console program in the foreground, without having to log in. Is this possible with systemd? note that this is console, X is removed23:11
EriC^^sudosuminus: does sudo apt-get update work?23:11
alkisgcalamari: if you put it to /etc/rc.local, I don't think you'd care about the init system then...23:12
calamarialkisg: I put it in rc.local, but nothing happened. I guess that doesn't show up on the terminal23:12
alkisgcalamari: did you put it before "exit 0"?23:13
calamariit only showed me the login prompt23:13
EriC^^it would run in the background with rc.local23:13
alkisgOK, then how about `openvt program` from rc.local...23:13
calamariI want it to run in the foreground. if possible, I would like to have the other vt's still work23:13
calamarialkisg: I'll try it, thanks!23:14
EriC^^calamari: maybe you can autologin root or another user in a tty using systemd and have it in ~/.profile if that doesn't work https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/automatic_login_to_virtual_console23:15
EriC^^something like if [ "$(tty)" == "/dev/tty1" ]; then <program>; fi23:16
calamariit didn't work, I will try your suggestion, thanks!23:16
alkisgcalamari: openvt doesn't automatically switch vt unless you also specify -s or something, are you sure it's not running now on vt9?23:17
calamariah, maybe I was too hasty23:17
calamariI will verify that23:17
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calamarialkisg: it doesn't show up in ps ax, I guess it exited23:18
alkisgIts output should still be in the vt it ran23:19
alkisgTry `openvt -s bash -l &` in rc.local23:19
calamarihmm, something else may be happening, the mount didn't happen either23:20
calamariand that needs no terminal23:20
calamarialkisg: thansk for your help. looks like I need to figure out my rc.local problem then I can resume working on this terminal issue23:21
braderhartIn Ubuntu 16.04 Beta 2 my external display shows as disconnected. Doesn't happen in earlier versions... can someone please help me gather the necessary information for a bug report?23:22
bazhang#ubuntu+1 braderhart for that23:25
braderhartbazhang: thanks23:26
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cyberBoa Noite23:32
cyberalguém tem informações sobre o Back Box23:33
k1lcyber: backbox is not a support linux in the ubuntu channels. ask in ##linux or the backbox support23:34
ubottuBackbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.23:35
ubuntulgnafter doing 'sudo passwd root' and changing password . I can't log to user root, how to solve it?23:39
ZrenIs there a cron.hourly/ etc in the users home dir that automatically runs all scripts inside?23:42
EriC^^Zren: no23:43
EriC^^cron for users is in /var/spool23:43
Jordan_U!noroot | ubuntulgn23:47
ubottuubuntulgn: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.23:47
\9ubuntulgn: don't set a root password, you're better off using sudo23:49
\9you can use 'sudo su' if you need an actual root shell23:49
wodimsudo -i23:50
whitebeardIs anyone there ?23:53
whitebeardhello ?23:53
seeitno, no one is home23:54
whitebeardRight , so you are here23:54
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whitebeardEHhhm Iam new On Backbox , I want to learn this distribution23:54
seeitI maybe, was around23:55
whitebeardhow can do some tests23:55
=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect
whitebeardi tried to make a test , but nothing is working v_v23:57
whitebeardAnyone for help ?23:57
bazhangwhitebeard, backbox support i s not here23:57
bazhang!backbox | whitebeard23:58
ubottuwhitebeard: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.23:58
whitebeardOKay i will try23:59
whitebeardthanks for your reply !23:59
newmemberuuugh, I cant get ubuntu 15.x to start on a HS22 blade23:59
newmemberwhen it goes to boot, the screen is just black23:59

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