
=== alcides is now known as Guest6800
tn2OK, plugging in the power supply didn't work either. Also tried from the LiveCD. Now suspecting the cable, but I've put in an order for a USB 2i2 rather than play this game for much longer.05:11
christian_E:The package linux-image-4.2.0-32-lowlatency needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.08:12
=== lucius is now known as render_minde
=== erick is now known as Guest92321
Guest92321I have a some easy questions about sound system in linux.17:47
Guest92321I know that for some people if they have high end video card, but they do not play game on linux.17:48
Guest92321They would install "compriz", so that they can use video card to the full potential.17:49
Guest92321While using the OS, that is.17:50
Guest92321Now, my question to you is, for the high end sound card, however, do we have something similar to "Compriz"?17:51
OvenWerksGuest92321: Jack?17:51
OvenWerks]It depends on what you are doing.17:51
OvenWerksArdour now can use LASA directly. The main thing is to not use pulse for low latency audio... or really anything where you want all the samples to show up on the output that got to the input.17:52
OvenWerksLow Latency is important for live use such as guitar(or other) effects and softsynth use. It is only important for recording if you are trying to get the DAW to provide monitoring of mic inputs or softsynths.17:54
OvenWerksIt is quite common to record at a lower latency and mixdown at a higher latency.17:55
Guest92321But, I heard "Jack" using PC resource very low.17:56
OvenWerkslow latency for desktop use (skype for example) is 30ms, for live use low latency is less than 10ms (round trip) streaming am mp3 in contrast is 300ms at least.17:57
OvenWerksI do not understand that last comment.17:57
OvenWerksGuest92321: I do not understand ""Jack" using PC resource very low"17:59
OvenWerksAlso, what do you mean by a "high end sound card"? ($500 or $5000)18:01
OvenWerksIn my opinion high end audio interfaces start around $1500 and go up.18:02
Guest92321Here is an example of my high end sound card -> https://jet.com/product/detail/41902726b2ad4b51ada8707ca265b2b5?jcmp=pla:ggl:gen_electronics_a1:electronics_accessories_cables_a1_other:na:na:na:na:na:2&code=PLA15&ds_c=gen_electronics_a1&ds_cid&ds_ag=electronics_accessories_cables_a1_other&product_id=41902726b2ad4b51ada8707ca265b2b5&product_partition_id=161710082700&gclid=CMSolfCRgswCFdgBgQodCtAGnA18:03
OvenWerks(the same thing could be said for high end video controllers I guess)18:03
OvenWerksWhat makes that high end?18:04
Guest92321It used to be super expensive sound card compare to an old PCI ones.18:05
OvenWerksold PCI ones have been over $1000.18:05
OvenWerkscheck the original price for the delta 1010 (not LT)18:06
OvenWerkslook at any of the audio science or RME cards18:06
OvenWerksA sound blaster anything is a little better than internal HDA audio, but I wouldn't use it for recording.18:07
OvenWerkshttp://www.esi-audio.com/products/juliaxte/ is better for example.18:08
OvenWerksStill not high end though.18:08
OvenWerksFor desktop use, a sound card is a sound card. It depends on what you want to do with it as to tweaking will help.18:09
Guest92321I see.18:09
Guest92321The sound card that you have just showed. May I ask what it can do, beside gaming?18:10
OvenWerksIn general, I have found internal outputs are reasonable, internal inputs are not usable for more than phone work.18:10
OvenWerksThe julia? it can be used for multitrack recording. It has proper ballanced i/o at proper (+4dB) input and output levels.18:11
OvenWerksIt has connectors that can handle some use so far as connect and disconnect.18:12
Guest92321Would someone use it for gaming?18:12
OvenWerksIt is syncable to another card for expansion.18:12
Guest92321I see.18:12
OvenWerksI have no idea about game playing. Why would you ask this on a Multimedia creation distro support channel?18:14
Guest92321I just want to see if anyone would use one for gaming, and what would be the benefit of it.18:16
OvenWerksThe sound quality/handling will be determined in a game more by the games developer than any other factor.18:16
Guest92321I see.18:16
Guest92321That is true.18:16
OvenWerksIf the dev knows what they are doing it will work well otherwise not.18:16
OvenWerkslow latency for a game that runs 25fps is quite high anyway (~ 40ms) and so should not difficult for even a 10year old computer to deal with.18:18
Guest92321One more question, please. Does Jack use more resource than Pulse audio?18:21
Guest92321I also heard that alsa is better than pulse audio.18:28
Guest92321How, though?18:28
OvenWerkspulse audio is a layer on top of alsa (as is jack) that does mixing, saple rate change as required etc. Pulse does not really allow the user to do routing or set latency.18:30
Guest92321How do you change Ubuntu Studio to use "Jack" since I see pulse audio all over the place. It is defaulted in VLC too :)18:30
OvenWerksin a case using pulse running into jack where jack and pulse are forced to the latecy, I have found that pulse uses about double what jack uses at any particular latency.18:31
Guest92321If, for example, VLC uses Jack, it would sound better for movie right?18:31
OvenWerksit should make no difference.18:32
OvenWerkspulse will try to open the sound card at the SR of the media for the first client to connect.18:32
OvenWerksVLC videos are not looking at low latency because it is decoding a compressed file. All that matters is that the audio and picture are in sync... or close.18:33
OvenWerksmost compression does sample rate change internally of some sort anyway.18:34
OvenWerksIn general the external analog circuitry between the DAC and the speakers would make more difference in sound quality.18:35
Guest92321Let's say I am not a sound professional, but I want to make watching movie a better experience.18:37
Guest92321What should I do?18:37
Guest92321Like I said earlier, someone who doesn't play games, he/she uses Compriz to make OS looks much better.18:38
OvenWerksI good start might be to find out what things you don't need to worry about18:38
OvenWerksthere are a lot of things that are advertizing gimics. A good place to start is watching: https://xiph.org/video/vid2.shtml18:39
Guest92321If I am not a sound professional, what I can do to make my OS sounds much better for music and movie.18:39
Guest92321Do you have something similar to Compriz?18:40
OvenWerksprobably not much. With sound spend all the money you have on good speakers, buy an amp from the goodwill store for $30 or so.18:41
OvenWerksin general we do not want to colour the sound in the same way the Compriz colours video. The difference between video and audio is that all video is compressed in some way and is therefore lossy, we can easily have uncompressed audio and have been able to do so for many years now.18:42
studio-user058Ho un problema con l'installazione di US18:43
Guest92321I see.18:51
Guest92321Let's try one more example.18:52
Guest92321I bought a brand new sound card, and it came with a software called "PowerDVD".18:53
Guest92321My friend said without this "PowerDVD" software, you can't really benefit from this sound card when watching movie at all.18:54
OvenWerksIs that really true?18:55
Guest92321I think so.18:55
OvenWerksin others probably not18:55
OvenWerkshave you heard a difference?18:55
Guest92321Yes, I can hear the differences.18:56
OvenWerksI am trying to look it up to see what it is.18:57
Guest92321If you use VLC instead, VLC would sound a lot worse.18:57
Guest92321VLC will not use this sound card to the full potential.18:58
OvenWerksfull potential? in what way? fewer channels?18:58
Guest92321To make movies sound much better that is.18:59
OvenWerksI go to the Cyberlink website and they have powerdvd. I am not seeing anything on how it may make things better.19:00
Guest92321I think the developers from "PowereDVD" would care about sound more that VLC.19:01
OvenWerksIf that was true they would also be proud to tell us what they do to improve sound.19:01
OvenWerksThey do not.19:01
Guest92321The same example when you mentioned game developers earlier, maybe :)19:02
OvenWerkswhen I see statements like "Next-generation smart TrueTheater enhancements provide a truer-to-life media audio-visual experience" I want to know more details, but there are none. That line is just advertizing copy.19:03
OvenWerksI wonder if these enhansments are anything more than changing the eq.19:03
Guest92321I know.19:05
OvenWerksso far as I can tell all it does is decode the sournd already on the DVD nothing more.19:05
Guest92321They must have change the eq for you.19:05
Guest92321Right. Right.19:06
OvenWerksIt may be that VLC, mplayer, etal just need the right codec to do the same thing. It may even be available.19:06
Guest92321I see.19:07
OvenWerksI see the term H.264 encoding and decoding for example.19:07
Guest92321I see.19:08
Guest92321They use something like encoding and decoding.19:09
OvenWerkscomercial DVDs all use proprietary encoding any more. Not because it is better quality, but so they can control who plays it on what.19:10
OvenWerksanyway, I am away for a while. Talk to you later.19:14
Guest92321Thank you.19:14
Guest92321One more question for anyone who is around.19:17
Guest92321Let's say I bought this new sound card, which has these technologies on the front of the box.19:18
Guest92321THX, 3D Surround Sound, and DTS.19:22
Guest92321How do I use such technologies in Ubuntu Studio?19:23
Guest92321Or what I have to do in order to not forget to use ones.19:24
Guest92321Do you think Ubuntu Studio would use everything on this sound card?19:25
Guest92321without missing anything?19:25
Guest92321I found this sound enhancer in Linux, just now -> http://soundpimp.com/guidelines/computer-audio-enhancer-linux/20:11
Guest92321It is for system wide (OS) too.20:13
Guest92321Hi guys.21:54
sudosuminushi guys23:13
sudosuminusi'm trying to add kde neon to my ubuntu-studio23:14
sudosuminusfirst step would be this23:14
sudosuminus 123:14
sudosuminus 223:14
sudosuminus 323:14
sudosuminus 423:14
sudosuminus 523:14
sudosuminus 623:14
sudosuminus 723:14
sudosuminus 823:14
sudosuminus 923:14
sudosuminusroot@ubuntu-studio:~# apt-add-repository ppa:sunab/kdenlive-release23:14
sudosuminusTraceback (most recent call last):23:15
sudosuminus  File "/usr/bin/apt-add-repository", line 95, in <module>23:15
sudosuminus    sp = SoftwareProperties(options=options)23:15
sudosuminus  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwareproperties/SoftwareProperties.py", line 109, in __init__23:15
sudosuminus    self.reload_sourceslist()23:15
sudosuminus  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwareproperties/SoftwareProperties.py", line 599, in reload_sourceslist23:15
sudosuminus    self.distro.get_sources(self.sourceslist)23:15
sudosuminus  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/aptsources/distro.py", line 89, in get_sources23:15
sudosuminus    (self.id, self.codename))23:15
sudosuminusaptsources.distro.NoDistroTemplateException: Error: could not find a distribution template for neon/wily23:15
sudosuminuslooks like apt-add-repository is corrupted, right?23:15

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