
=== scott is now known as Guest23962
omeniusXorg is using 99% of my quite good processor02:49
omeniuswhen watching videos on youtube02:49
omeniusplaese halp02:49
omeniushtml5 player02:50
omeniusswitched to flash and it helped. Feels dirty to purposely use flash02:59
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PinchiukasAm I the only person to have problems with an external monitor? Every reboot I have to reconfigure the resolution and rearrange the screens. Also, the notification popups and menus constantly show up on the wrong screen.11:09
BluesKajHiyas all12:11
=== lance_ is now known as puppyman
puppymanCan anybody help me?12:16
=== soul is now known as Guest27207
=== syadmin_ is now known as VLanX
hyperboriaHello, Can you please help me?16:02
hyperboriaHow to bind a hotkey to screenshot of area to clipboard in Kubuntu 15.10 ?16:03
yotuxis there a method of finding out whom updates a package?16:18
hyperboriaHow to bind a hotkey to screenshot of area to clipboard in Kubuntu 15.10 ?16:28
=== dilfridge is now known as \usr\bin\dilfrid
jonathan_zzhyperboria: if anything it is going to be in kde system settings.16:41
jonathan_zzhyperboria: but you'd have to use ksnapshot or something else I'd guess.16:41
jonathan_zzhyperboria: it's not all that easy, but also not all that hard.16:41
hyperboriaksnapshot is opening menu16:42
hyperboriai need just one hotkey and then paste image to telegram16:42
hyperborialike it was in xfce4-screenshooter -c -r16:42
hyperboriai tried to install it, it shoots but not appear in clipboard16:43
jonathan_zzI'm not sure but ksnapshot has command line options too16:43
hyperboriai tried to google them, but no success16:44
jonathan_zzhowever it might always open the dialog....16:44
jonathan_zzsuch a simple feature right16:44
hyperboriacant believe there is no way16:46
=== \usr\bin\dilfrid is now known as dilfridge
chloromy laptop monitor is blank after updating. external monitor is OK although the primary display is still the laptop screen I can't see. any ideas for resetting display settings from terminal?17:19
chloro(on 14.04)17:20
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest80143
=== soul is now known as Guest43912
newReleaseHello, do we know something about the final release KUBUNTU16.04 on 12th of April? Is the development going well?19:37
newReleaseHello, do we know something about the final release KUBUNTU16.04 on 12th of April? Is the development going well?19:49
soee_newRelease: hi19:51
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases19:51
soee_it will be released pril 21st19:52
amundsendoes anybody know which will be de plasma version in 16.04 lts?21:33
soeesoon after 5.6 will land in backports21:34
soeeamundsen: ^21:34
amundseni've read somewhere that 5.6.2 is the most stable21:35
soeeit is lates one21:36
soeebut due to Ubuntu Feature Freeze policy we cant ship it in 16.04 by default21:36
soeeas Plasma 5.6 was released to late21:36
ericcarontoday i have seen the dragon... have you?21:40
IcoI have a problem with starting Kubuntu 15.10 from my ASUS Laptop. Can someone help ?23:09

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